With West Bank and Jordan Valley annexation on the horizon, Jazz and James build on the concept of "Finkel Think" as a method for controlling, managing, and manipulating political destinies of white European countries for Israeli interests. The rise of Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, and fake nationalists across Europe and Latin America all share a few common threads: Chabad-Lubavitch, Arthur Finkelstein, and a cadre of other notable players. The WNTSB also gets some serious vindication. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Annexation Nation
00:25:00 - Ancient Themes
01:00:00 - Shine a Light
01:22:00 - BREAK
01:24:00 - New Js Same as the Old Js
02:04:00 - 2012 Israeli Collusion Flop
02:24:00 - BREAK
02:56:00 - Outro
Let’s make it 110.
Late to the party but…being a professional athlete, there is no possibility that Bryant hadn’t already encountered risk liability contracts. Even playing basketball in the park, you are doing so at your own risk.
I’m not sure if NBA players are technically contractors or not, but regardless there is no chance that the NBA hasn’t accounted for injury liability in their contracts. These guys insure themselves for large sums. It’s ridiculous to think Bryant didn’t understand the limits even as he was pushing them.
This is a fascinating reportfrom JTA:
The first part mocks the whole Flynn story as a bad Hollywood production.
Then it briefly tells the story of UN resolution 2334, and it notes that a Jewish Republican politician (Zeldin) is blabbing about it
And THEN, it offers all sorts of other possible cover stories to keep everyone from thinking Israel: Maybe it was all about conversations with UAE or with Turkey or with…. JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT ISRAEL!!!!
Jazz, now that you’ve blown the door open on the global electoral politics gay op; it’s time for a deep dive on the financialization of the courts and how they monetize all court cases as bonds traded on the market. Social engineering 101. If you understand that all charges are converted into bundled assets (Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab are huge in prison bonds), it stands to reason that courts have incentives beyond kosher sandwich ideology.
Jazz and James, you’ve got my radar buzzing so fast that whenever I see a headline that hints at “Russian” involvement in US politics I can’t keep myself from looking into it. For instance, recall the “Uranium One scandal,” in which the Obama administration supposedly sold half [or whatever] of our uranium reserves to a “Russian company,” Rosatom. WEEEELLLLLL… I looked that company up, and the chairman is one Sergey Kiriyenko. Here is what Wikipedia says about this “Russian”: “Sergei Kiriyenko’s grandfather, Yakov Israitel, made his name as a devoted communist and member of the Cheka, and Vladimir Lenin awarded… Read more »
I thinking I’m probably typing into the void, but the more I look into this, the more dots that connect: Back in the “Russia Collusion” days of 2016-17, one of the allegations against the Trump campaign involved a computer in Trump Tower (as I recall) that was owned by (the “Russian”) Alfa Bank. Well… who is the founder and chairman of the board of of Alfa Group (the umbrella company that owns Alfa Bank)? None other than Mikhail Fridman! Jazz and James likely have already made this connection, but it amazes me now how often the old Trump-“Russia” connections are… Read more »
I would like to present Jazzhands McFeels with a ‘Baltic Butthurt award for excellent exposure of Russian state shittyness’.
I’m sure Polish comrades will give you ‘Kurwa medal’, for Russia posting too.
We told’ ya
Putin signed dual-cutizenship inside Russia into law last week. RIP le Russia
“Mena Chim Begin”