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The Death Panel admire the marble work.
- Seeing Through Politics Like Bollard Fencing
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- The Novelty Nazi
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- The Daily Shot
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
All of the TDS episodes are malfunctioned and have that grey error box face over the links to “Hour 1” and “Hour 2”
Hey guys (Sven & Mike}, how about easing up on the cross talking and joking, as the constant interruptions and verbal mayhem really are distracting, and it garbles important conversations.
Make your own show then, don’t tell them what to do.
Spin City.
All of that was in the Leuchter report, along with the fact that hydrogen cyanide permanently stains surfaces blue or the fact that everything that came into contact with the “gas” would be toxic for a very long time. Prussian blue (edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_blue), would have permanently stained the walls and floor. The only way to remove the staining would be to remove the stained layer of wood/concrete. Anyway,you couldn’t just “air the room out” and then go in without a full chem suit. Did Gabbai mention putting on metal 1940’s era diving helmet and suit every time he went in?… Read more »
Haha McNabb calling out repeating “the shot”. “So you mean to tell me…?” or “Can I have…? Someone should put together a compilation of McNabb’s philosophical questions.
YO. Anyone seen this shit????
Yep. Gilbert Gottfried bragged about his tribe controlling the world on 4/20/2020 as well.
I just watched The Nice Guys a couple weeks ago. Decent flick and funny as shit
Subarus rarely actually BLOW head gaskets. The problem is they begin to leak oil like a sieve because horizontally opposed engines are fucking stupid.
It’s been great having Moike back in the studio. The energy is totally different.
Coffee dehydrates you. You need to drink a cup of water for every cup of coffee.
The reason the Van Halens look that way is because their mother was half Indonesian. Apparently Alex just got more of it than Eddie did.
“We came here with approximately $50 and a piano, and we didn’t speak the language. Now look where we are. If that’s not the American dream, what is?”
Well… At least they still had the $50!
Always wondered how his father got hooked up with their mother. Her maiden name is actually Dutch (van Beers)…which means her mother was also Indonesian.
Damn, that yellow fever.
Stouffer’s Lasagna???!!! HELL YEAH! EVERY Friday night!!!
I cant believe you guys on this head gasket deal. One of the easiest things to do.
I think “you know who else was just following orders… Hitler” joke is from Norm Macdonald. He’s got a ton of based jokes on Hitler and Is woke on the smokestacks and the 6 million.
The Daily Shot Brought to you by Bill Gates. We put extra arsenic in, which interacts with the mercury and the lead in a really good way, you’ll see. And the microchip, it’s actually REALLY convenient, you’ll see. Sometimes I just like to anger Libertarians. They NEED to microchip us! What if another pandemic breaks out, kills billions? I said millions. It WOULDA been billions without strong government action like in China. Our government is a joke! Stalin would’ve known what to do. And Mao. And Hitler. Do you know money isn’t even real?! Technically no one owns anything, you’re… Read more »
Don’t forget the aborted nig fetus stem cells they inject in the blood stream with their vaccines. Mmmm yum, gotta get me some dead nig baby cells injected in my blood stream to protect me from the current koof.
Shomrin – the guardian demons
RE: Carbon Monoxide If it ever comes up in a debate on the subject, the biggest, fastest, and most relatable BTFO of what occurs at the cellular level with CO is — supermarket tuna. Fresh tuna has a dark purple red, sometimes deep brown hue, and that is what gets sent to high end restaurants and fish markets. But for the stuff destined to the freezer section of a grocery store, it gets special treatment. Commercial fishermen literally gas the fish to lock in that extremely bright red/pink color, because the average consumer associates the brightness with freshness. However the… Read more »
Jewish phone tracking app : “octopus” In a faraway corner of Europe, a Jewish man in a kippah is walking down the street when he is accosted by a group of aggressive young men who start to jeer and mock him, knocking the skullcap from his head. In recent years the man has grown more used to this kind of behaviour, but fearing things might take a more serious and violent turn, he slides his finger across his smartphone and operates a virtual panic-button. The phone app is called ‘Octopus’ and it can instantly send an alert to control in… Read more »
Mike: I didn’t finish my point.
Sven: I can never tell with you.
Dude I’ve been saying Trump is going to win this whole time even before Biden was the presumed candidate. The Jews have everything they want with Trump. with the added bonus that Trump being in the White House pacifies the majority of the white population. They literally have Hillary Clinton policies that are being supported by Trump’s base simply because Trump the Avatar is doing them. the Jews would never give that up
The problem is that half the jews hate, loathe and despise Trump and think that his jews blew the jewish conspiracy wide open in service to their own selfish ambition. And they’re not wrong. I’m a perfect example of that. So many people were red-pilled by 2016 and that process is continuing. The optics k!k3$ desperately want to put the lid on this. I’m personally leaning towards Trump losing but who knows the jignats could pull it off again. Especially if Joe Alzheimer has some disastrous melt-down during the election!
You get a wall, but it’s bollard fencing that a jewish contractor gets federal government money to build, but, it’s easy for the cunts to get in through… classic Kosher… they do this everywhere with ‘safety barriers’ on roads etc
Mail gibs son
Here’s the thing: If you accepted money from Shlomo and didn’t pay it back with interest, Shlomo would simply agitate your rivals against you and finance them. Shlomo would sometimes also do the same thing to make sure you took his Shekels, and he would appeal to your vanity, putting grandiose ideas in your head. You also had to allow Shlomo to be in some kind of privileged and protected position as your advisor, as a tax collector, or operating some kind of monopoly. That was the shot.
I am happy and surprised that I contributed to some content, I felt this was a big thing in dismantling Gabbai. Also Mike is perfectly right about NS economy, he basically mirrored what I stated in Bang. Now I don’t much about economics and am not really interested in it, but I was always aware that the NS state practiced a basic supply and demand, market economy model which was observed by the NS state. Nicht der Kapitalismus!
still my favorite Ford-ism is Fuckin Okies Really Diggem
That’s a different gab ai!
Gotta be the best Merchant Minute in the last 12 months.
Alex, are you or of your HECKEN mind? The Shot” is the best thing to ever happen to this show! I literally use this in my vocabulary daily. I couldn’t think of a more convenient term to express myself. Also, I highly recommend a name change to “The Daily Shot”.
I hope we get a Carol of the Things remix, Carol of the Shots, 2020 Christmas.
Sven and his ham-and-eggers.
Now I’m fuckin’ starvin’.
Sorry Borz, Trump is winning this one. I’m not happy about it but Joe Biden is not going to win.
The reason Eddie and Alex Van Halen “look Chinese” is because their mother was Indonesian. ; )
Those Karl drops in Hour One were fkn’ PERFECT!!!
Immediately post-911 there was a lot of fake and gay bipartisan media ops. Similar to Hannity and Colmes, on talk radio there was Batchelor and Alexander. Batchelor is a neo-con and is still on the air. Alexander was the liberal and he dropped out after a few years, I am assuming because he got tired of the constant shilling for Israeli jignat neocon foreign policy. Batchelor sounds like a WASP and Alexander sounded gay. Reading the wiki apparently Batchelor is only half WASP, the other half is Assyrian, I am assuming Christian. Middle Eastern Christian Americans who become neocons are… Read more »
Everything about aviation is white. Think Charles Lindbergh (first flight over the Atlantic and avid critic of bikes), Howard Hughes (commercial aviation pioneer), Werner Von Braun (jet and rocket scientist), Chuck Yeager (first human to break the speed of sound), Sully Sullenberger, etc. How could Sven and Mike bash literally the whitest thing on earth? Get a window seat and watch the takeoff. Get an aisle seat and have a couple beers as you listen to a podcast with noise canceling Bose headphones. (LIKE ME!) Sure, security checkpoints suck balls and lots of airports are filled with brown people. But… Read more »
Also what was the greatest airforce of all time? The Luftwaffe, built and lead by literal nazi Herman Georring.
Would have been beautiful if they’d managed to get the ME262 onto the battlefield two years earlier and in numbers similar to the Me109 and focke-wulf 190.
Yes. Even production ME262s had wooden instrument panels to compensate for the lack of steel at the end of the war.
“Would have been beautiful if they’d managed to get the ME262 onto the battlefield two years earlier…”
And the AR234:
Also the Amerikabomber:
You’ve triggered my ’tism…I look at the Amerikabomber as History Channel “Ov Vey…See? Hitler wanted to CONQUER THE WORLD!” propaganda. Could it make the round-trip Occupied France to NYC mission based in its advertised range alone? Yes…but probably under ideal weather and operational conditions. An aerial concept of operations of that distance, in a propeller-driven aircraft especially, over and over again would have been incredibly inefficient and expensive to sustain. It only becomes realistic once you have bases somewhat close which for NYC, would have to be in a place like Greenland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, or Canada…places Germany was nowhere… Read more »
EDIT: Add Hermann Göring to my list.
I haven’t even listened yet but im guessing theyre not bashing flight itself.
“Everything about aviation is white. Think…”
Kurt Dietz!
That’s a joke son!
If you need it explained I’m afraid you’ll have to email Jazz!
Otto Lilienthal? Wright Brothers?
Go to an airshow. Our air forces’ pilot force is 93% White Male, 5% White Female, and 2% everything else. Of that 2%…I’ve encountered maybe 2 or 3 Basketball-American aviators, and they were all mulatto to some degree.
Talk about White flight!
“Coffee has water in it.”
Words to live by, my frens
I used to love taking public transportation in the big cities. I’d look at all the cute girls with sun-dresses and sandals on. I’d flirt with as many as possible. Then. One day. The JOGGERS showed up, and they ruined all the fun, frivolity and freedom. Those JOGGERS have to pay.
Can’t compete in the racial free market, white boy?!
•Remember What They Took From Us•
Childhood memories
Hes going to give up politics and start a trout farm
Did you see how the new Bill And Ted has smart and hilarious girls in it? They are B+Ts daughters. B+T have to save humanity from slavery by putting themselves in slave stocks and humming those soulful slave numbers and looking all sad.
The excuse is always they have set up the system to prevent another H, but we know the H has been largely invented so that they can say they want to prevent it by doing x, y or z. The far more interesting question about the H is not whether it’s true or false, but rather how is it being used. Today. We know how it’s being used and why.
Re. this, it actually probably came in in a big way in the 1970s mainly to cover for their Palestinian shenanigans. I think originally it wasn’t even a Jewish gay op so much as an Allied gay op to quickly de-Nazify the Germans and take atrocity heat off the Soviets. Obviously Jews took advantage of it, but more for reparations initially. (The reason there were Jewish eyewitnesses is because the atrocity propaganda had been floating around during the war – that’s why lots of Jews sincerely believed they would be killled when they arrived at the camps.) But by the… Read more »
I hope (((they))) look back at 2014-2016 fifty years from now the way we look back at 1963-65.
Poop does not dissolve in water, solid waste disposal is a massive problem for any municipality, why would Mike lie about this?
let a brown one mellow and know thy truth.
Literally J walking. I cannot believe this pun opportunity was missed
Its “Newsradio” 1999 with Joe Rogan, who is very short. Some part-jew, comedian actually measures people in terms of how many Rogans tall. Its kinda funny, but we did go to the moon. Fight me Johnny. On second thought, don’t fight me, I love you Johnny. No homo. But, we definitely went to the moon and the Nazi scientists were based af.
Michael J. Fox wasn’t in News Radio. He was in Spin City though. Both were pretty terrible.
Shit, you’re right.
I know the best reason to be pro-Palestine. Because the directions on the back say: Apply directly to the forehead
Drive in is open again. Went to see Sonic. Expected blue hedgehog running and jumping on robots. Got some of that, but also sweet loving wise brown chocolate lady with hapless hero who liek him some of dat.
The last sentence disturbs me greatly.
Mike, the private vs public distinction may seem like a sperging distraction but is important to understand how the international banking system controls nations. The Bolsheviks accessed the same international credit system as the “capitalists” in the west and we’re bound by the same law to enforce these contracts. With the bankruptcy of nations the requirement to service the private debt supersedes the public rights of nation’s citizens. Nations are required to pledge the property and labor of the people as collateral to access the private credit system. The public oathed based system places the rights of citizens above the… Read more »
‘You know who else was following orders? Hitler.’
Fucking hack Hollywood writers. That’s a Norm MacDonald joke. Not as funny as him being worried about going back in time to kill Hitler only to be hypnotized by his ‘beautiful fucking eyes’ but still.
Nitrogen gas asphyxiation is so painless that you need special safety tickets to work in situations where nitrogen gas asphyxiation is a risk. You feel the urge to breath based on the CO2 concentration in your lungs, not the lack of oxygen. With nitrogen you feel a little silly then you lose consciousness and die. An untrained person not expecting it will die without ever feeling fear. Nitrogen gas is routinely used to slaughter farm animals and many organizations that provide people with safe and painless means to commit suicide recommend nitrogen inhalation. Unlike cyanide, nitrogen is completely nontoxic and… Read more »
Err, how do you know all this? Never mind, carry on – I have to walk away quickly
Yes you DO!
Howard Stern doesn’t hate Trump because he knows he’s a Jewish gay-op. He hates his supporters because they voted for his 2016 rhetoric.
If Europeans are cucks for joining a currency union (United States of Europe aka EU) then are we cucks for joining a currency union (USA)?
We were cucked after the civil war by accepting US citizenship and the debts of the “UNITED STATES” a private Puerto Rico corporation. This was the spoil of war. A 2013 series 10 dollar note has the signature of the Treasurer of the United States: Rosa Gumataotao Rios. Her predecessor: Anna Escobedo Cabral. Succeeded by in 2016:. Jovita Carranza. Why do you suppose most people don’t know the difference between Treasurer and Treasury Secretary?
25×150 mm pneumatic retractable bolt would do the job humanely in an institutional setting for a lot less money.
>when you read the comments before you watch
i don’t like the idea of damaging the brain. a guillotine is the best way. the blood leaves the brain in a uniform manner, and the brain is not damaged. the guillotine is very humane, but also gruesome, if you’re into proving a point to a crowd. the guillotine is by far the best way.
Love, love, love the Denial.
Seriously there should be like 30 minutes set aside EVERY EPISODE for Denial. Who knows when someone new will come along and hear it.
We HAVE to normalize this, so it’s easier to just laugh it off, instead of being the fringe of the fringe in conspiracy theories.
“conspiracy theories.”
The hauloco$t is the ULTIMATE conspiracy theory!
lol yeah, I really like that take, and thought about it when I wrote it, but you know what I mean.
I don’t think there’s anything more important to talk about.
^^^ And this is coming from a Flat Earther, proving The Holocaust truly is the Mother Of All Conspiracy Theories!!!
Did you ever doubt your Uncle Spam???