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I find it fascinating that Molyneux is fighting the good fight on the jogger event while Dawson is pumping the anti-White narrative.
Ry is sound on anything to do with Israel, ZOG, Zionism and Neocons/Neoliberals, but he tends to wander all over the map with everything else, especially race.
Well if he’s not right on race that will tend to undermine the other stuff. Because the jewish issue is at heart a RACIAL issue.
100% I’ve got this ancap buddy who is cool with lethal force to protect property yet he attempts to shoehorn any theory he can about how wrong mcmichaels were. He tells me it doesn’t matter if GA law allows citizen arrest because the feds supersede. I say the feds don’t prosecute murder and he just flops around like dying fish.
I don’t think he’s a jew but sometimes….
True. But Dawson says he is Native American living in Japan. He is not on your side on the race issue because it does not apply to him. Give the guy space to do his work and poke and prod Israel. Dawson will likely never be a white nationalist. He is a great ally and deserves all of our support and has literally done the groundwork for us to undermine Israel in terms of 9/11 and other foreign policy events. When we are walking down the same road, we can walk together, when it is time to split up at… Read more »
” we can walk together, when it is time to split up at the fork in the road we should do so peacefully.”
Well we’ve reached that fork. Telling him to fuck off ISN’T violence! His taking the side of people trying to LYNCH two White men IS!
You can always trust non-whites to fuck us when it really matters. Fuck Dawson.
Don’t we have enough enemies? Dawson is/has done so much in undermining Zionism, why would you lash out at him like that? Are you confused as to why the Native American living in Japan is not a white nationalist? Get your head out of your ass, dude!
“Don’t we have enough enemies? ”
He made HIMSELF our enemy when he took the side of the anti-White mob!
“why would you lash out at him like that?”
FUCK YOU DUDE! He’s taking the side of people trying to lynch two White men! Why would YOU take the side of someone like that???
i love ryry, his epstein map and dancing israelis research is irreplacable – plus zog fucking HATES him
but he has the luxury of living in japan so he retains an immature libertarian outlook on nogs
It’s because Moly is white and Ry isn’t.
Dawson claims all holohoax denial is funded by the FBI/CIA, lmfao
Then where is my money?????????
Now fuckin’ PAY me!
Molyneux isn’t the worst. I probably wouldn’t be here if not for him!
James Fields?
This jogger killing is the new “cause celebre” for hatred of whites.
I think they added “hate crimes” to the charges.
At least I read that.
These guys are going to get massively convicted.
I cant believe i only now realize that its Sven singing, not Alex.
Gabbai also says they stood dead (ridiculous in that alone) “black and blue” . The skin color from cyanide poisoning should be pink red. I think Eric Hunt caught up on that in his Gabbai analysis.
The term is “perfidy” Moike
These “2nd Amendment Supporters” of the Oathkeepers ilk are worse than useless at this point.
Supposedly, the “muh right to carry firearms” is there to give all the other rights (the 1st amendment in particular) their teeth, and that is of course a very good thing.
But what do all these freedom loving partriots that defend the “muh constitutional rights” do?
They CUCK on everything, and they cuck worse than most conservatives! These guys are not defending anybodies constitutional rights anymore, they are defending their own right to play with their toys!
“they are defending their own right to play with their toys!”
I don’t even think they’re defending that.
Certainly not in the long term.
Real gassed bodies are bright pink and red, these lying jews never mention that. In fact, nobody has any stories of bodies of any color en masse, as there surely would be had there been that many people killed that way. It’d be consistent across all accounts, the horror of these brightly colored bodies. But hollyweird itself even forgets these details. In season one of Man In The High Castle, where the jew Frank Frink’s sister and children are gassed by the japanese with “Zyklon D” (yes, “D” as in “dog”, a supposed newer and more lethal version of Zyklon… Read more »
but i saw a picture of him in a tuxedo
he’s got a good point
Mike is right. Their ‘narrative’ is the weakest link. Keep hammering on it.
Inflicting this war propaganda on the J-kids is psychological (((child abuse))) just like circumcision.
One of the saddest things in a revisionist documentary is in the one done by a revisionist on Majdanek (the whole thing is in-depth about Majdanek and that only, so it should be easy to find). The film-maker has just painstakingly explained the bs, and then he shows some Jewish kids from Israel on a school trip, being shown around the camp and fed the lies. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for those kids. Jews really are the victims of the mental and emotional abuse of their ruling class too. (You can see it going right the way back to… Read more »
Fallacies are just talmudic
“You made the pee pee poo poo fallacy therefore I win”
I think Moike has gone a little overboard on this one. Fallacies are based on logic and logic is just about the whitest thing there is.
Talmudry is the exact opposite of that. Talmudry is COMMITING fallacies disguised as logic, and muddying the waters by injecting emotional propaganda into an argument.
The point that because somebody commited a logical fallacy doesn’t nescessarily mean they are wrong is well taken. The point that a fallacious argument is a bad argument still stands.
By giving you that bag. Zog will be freeing up a huge portion of the population to become politically active not in shlomos interest. Wage cucking keeps so many from being politically active in many ways
I wish you guys spent more time on ARMED ROBBERY (Ahmaud Arbery). I am so tired of bikes, I want to talk about joggers again!!!
Don’t listen to him guys! Spend [much] more time on hauloco$t fact checking!!!
I have a bad feeling these guys will get convicted on state charges. It won’t be murder but maybe involuntary manslaughter or some such. In an election yr the media is out for blood even more than usual. Don’t get me wrong, they obviously need to walk but just saying don’t bet too hard on it.
I hope we’re both wrong and the terrible irony is that the joggaboos might riot anyway if it’s not a murder conviction.
They probably won’t understand that nuance. But they will understand a walk then for sure it will be burn baby burn.
Excellent show, guys. Thanks.
I propose a new moniker for a basketball American. How does “joggaboo” strike you?
joggaboo is RACIST! They are jogger-AMERICANS!!!
Will the horror of White racism NEVER cease???!!!
10 minutes ago:
Molyneux says there is new video of the jogger:
Heil Hitler
Funny you should say that. I just received my Hitler bust in the mail!
Say “Sieg Heil!” to your bust from me!
I say Heil Hitler to it every morning!
I also bought a Reichsadler desk ornament, a fasces bundle desk ornament as well as a Mussolini bust!!!
Welp, that’s it, we’re done. Someone just Hale Hortlered. The white race is cancelled.
Oh wow.
Thanks a lot man.
You scared away two normies. You will be the death of this movement.
Since Chabad Lubavitch are kabbalahists that follow the Zohar therefore practice a form of sorcery, are Chabad’s political enablers apprentices or mere minions?
You’re gonna find me hanging by my bootstraps.
If you don’t like the Lord Of The Rings movies, you’re anti-white.
Love Svenpai parodies.
Alex was positively beaming. ?
Mike, your Federal Reserve analysis was huge today. Keep digging at this. The key point is the fed is the model for privatized global government. The private international bank is administering the bankruptcy of public nation states using private debt currency. When the citizens of nation’s accept the debt as legal tender, in commercial law they are accepting that they are unable to pay their debts but are only differing payment into the future. This is what a fed note is, an obligation of future payment. Since the only notes available are more future payment deferment notes; the critical understanding… Read more »
Leave it to TDS to crack me up with the background still before I even listen to the show.
The last topic is the perfect blend of holocaust fact checking of academic knowledge and comedy
Irony of ironies… He was on Hogan”s Heroes also.
Imagine that. ANOTHER jew who survived the hauloco$t!
Deathcamps are made for survivin’.
Gabai claimed he saw the gassed bodies were blue after opening the gas chamber. Zyklon B victims would be pink, same for CO victims. I’ve posted this comment under that video before.
Yup because CO binds almost irreversibly to hemoglobin and doesn’t even show up on SPO2 monitors. So the victim wouldn’t even look cyanotic.
I think one of the other 4 “Sonderkommando” also mentioned in passing that the skins were darkened, or blue-black, can’t quite remember. Anyway, for this reason, that’s 2 out of the 4 we can say with absolute certainty are lying. I think anyone who mentioned seeing Zyklon-B gassing victim corpses but didn’t mention lobster pink colouring can also be dismissed as lying. It’s quite a striking colour (not the same as a healthy pink flush) and would certainly have been mentioned if seen. There’s an obscure denialist website that goes into this in some detail, but I can’t remember who… Read more »
Hey Mike, if you want to look for potential jewish shenanigans in Vietnam take a look at the State Department. The Vietnam War was criminally mismanaged on that level the same way Iraq was. They went out of their way to make more enemies for us to fight and drove the Vietcong people into the hands of the North Vietnamese communists. The whole thing could have been diffused or handled differently.
I am now excited for TDS deep dive into Vietnam. FTN can team up on that one, too.
Everyones talking about joggers we’re just talking about bikes.
At that exact moment i drive by a billboard with 3 people pictured, blonde woman has subtext musician, guy in blue suit says senator, last a hideous looking man with a shit scraggle beard… RABBI.
I laughh uncontrollabley and make a u turn, I’ve gotta see that again.
Regarding fallacies and the fedora-wielding skeptics who started popularizing that stuff. Mike is right here. What are today referred to as fallacies when it comes to argumentation are of the type called informal fallacies (As opposed to formal logical fallacies). In practice the case is that a statement that is an informal fallacy can be true, but a formal fallacy is always false. To connect this with the part of philosophy called formal argumentative analysis (I am not strictly sure about the English translation) this means roughly that when a speaker uses a informal fallacy the main thesis MIGHT not… Read more »
Another word that’s often used incorrectly is misnomer. It has a specific meaning and I’ve heard it used several times by sportsball announcers in situations to which it didn’t apply
Great comment! Accusations of “logical fallacies” are often wielded by midwit liberals in my experience. They do this just so they can disregard your argument and any evidence you provided without actually engaging with it.
I’ve encountered accusations of the “slippery slope” fallacy several times. This one annoys me to no end. One can observe the cause and effect of a situation, and then accurately infer potential outcomes/consequences without committing some kind of argumentative heresy.
Here on this episode of SvenLies™
That kid who got eaten by a shark wasn’t in southern california. It was at a beach a couple miles from my house, in northern california
Gook, I’m near you. Really close.
Best parody song idea: Clarence Carter – Stroking, but its Armed Robbery – Jogging
Ryan Dawson on stream right now condemning the two guys for shooting Arbery.
Fuck Ryan Dawson
I don’t pay any attention to him unless he’s talking about Israel.
I will be listening to that stream however.
Yes, exactly. Dawson is great at exposing Israel and global Jewish power, but I don’t need any of his anti-racist libertarian takes on other issues
True. I don’t understand how Ryan Dawson hits the JQ right on the head, flawlessly..yet still insists race isn’t a big deal and there’s some Libertarian and electoral path out of this ZOG mess we’re in. His takes are like a perfect ribeye steak smothered in..well…KETCHUP!
Ryan Dawson doesn’t really look white.
Dawson talking about non-israel shit > I sleep
Imagine the nightmares you’d have sleeping on a jew hair stuffed MeinPillow…
Yeah, you’d relive the agony of the guy who choked away the winning penalty kick in the Auschwitz soccer intramurals final.
“Oy, thaut teeerrrible dayh the pool vas closed fohr maintenance…?! Such a sharp rememory it izs, I can still hear the screams…oahoooahh”
I think you guys might be leaving money on the table not looking into the mass of stuff that’s come out along with the Flynn exoneration. A fair amount of Q stuff is turning out as predicted, and I’m pretty sure there will be indictments at some point, even if only of some of the FBI people, etc. Even the WAPO is starting to sit up and take notice. It probably will be a scandal bigger than Watergate, at the normie level. The only question is whether that’s good or bad for us – whether it’s a sign of jignat… Read more »
Just like the wall I’ll believe it when I see it!
I only believe the J Q stuff myself. You can see those predictions coming true in real time! Lol
I think Trump is right. Its worse than Watergate.
In a war that resulted in the death of 50 million people why do the special 6 million get an elaborate set up and send off? The extra resources needed and the time and effort would be an enormous waste in a 2 front war. The exceptional efforts this requires have a very Jewish feel to it. Between their fevered imaginations, the Stalag novels and tale spinners like Billy Wilder to script it..the temptation for them to spin a yarn must have been overwhelming.
A quick redpill to Gen-Xers and Boomers is to ask “How many Jews died in WW2?” …when they immediately reply “6 gorillion” ask them “How many Americans died in WW2?”..and only 2% will know the correct answer (405,000k). If somebody says “Muh1 million Americans” they’re including the wounded…in the Pacific AND Europe.
How many people did our ally Stalin kill in the 30’s?
Beach patrol is code for the infamous white on white crime.
Three day train trip from the my ghetto to summer camp. Three days in a boxed car to the death camp. Three whole days cooped up in a tight box with little fresh air circulating. Upon arrival at camp under the cover of darkness, the left side and right side doors of each boxed car open in order to allow adequate amounts of fresh air to replace the cyanide gas which have been lingering for three days and three nights.
Remind me again, what was the NAZI alternative to shooting in place as did the Soviets without getting caught?
Uniform Code of Military Justice provides punishment for desertion by death and such punishment was administered regularly during World War II.
Eddie Slovik comes to mind..but was he the exception, or the rule?
Double checked and Eddie Slovik appears to be the only American sentenced to death for desertion as directed by a courts martial during World War II. Wouldn’t be surprised if summary punishment was administered out of court during the war for desertion, mutiny, insubordination and the like, but this would be difficult for me to prove. Commissioned officers did carry sidearms and Vietnam vets tell stories about fresh butter bars meeting untimely deaths.
Thanks for calling me out.
No worries, borther…but with “Jew Vision” goggles on…I wonder if his Commander was a Jew or if Slovik was a hard Anti-Semite. At the very least, he had the misfortune of being in a unit with a very sadistic O-6 or above. I also think our soldiers’ widespread cowardice in the face of the REAL German Army at the Battle of the Bulge may have influenced the execution order (as opposed to our battles with the under-equipped and very old and very young multi-national ‘National Guard’ they encountered at Normandy)
Slovik was a cowardly bum who was telling his fellow draftees that he wasn’t going to fight no matter what. Soldiers were lining up to volunteer for his firing squad. They made a movie about it in the mid-seventies starring Martin Sheen as Slovik. It’s bullshit of course.
The US is a central bank with a country true. Great commentary on that. One thing I want to spitball for a sec about was the ‘movement’ stuff Mike said was irrelevant. Brexit and Trump happened and are retail political operations in progress, which are – in turn – subverted by the international AmeriBritcuck-Israeli [increasingly irrelevant] consumer corporate bank/media superstructure, which is being displaced by DIY/P2P digital communications and commerce (social media and social banking). We are in the midst of a transformation to microeconomic autarky (household economics based self-sufficiency) in the context of a globally subversive oligarchy with its… Read more »
Allied whites and PoC that don’t live near black people need to start offering to trade houses with racist whites that live near black people. It’s the only way to protect hunter-gatherer Americans from being gunned down when they’re defenceless after dropping their special jogging hammers.
Exactly. It is 19/20 times the whites who grew up in 90%+ white communities who are the shittiest of shitlibs when it comes to race.
I also think to myself too; “If Whites are so harmful to POC…shouldn’t they be shunted off into their own communities, away from POC?…with their own police, government, and currency..a “nation” you might say??
This also explains why the greatest anti-Semitic podcast in the world is produced by New Yorkers. My own antisemitism is the product of familiarity with the jew.
The more you know them…the more you find yourself thunderstruck by your own observations and experience. Meanwhile, the propaganda says “Racism is TAUGHT!” …No..It’s LEARNED.
It’s not cool or ironic to say, but the right to keep and bear arms is dear to me. I love it, I treasure it. I can’t imagine living without it. White Americans are the largest armed force on the planet, that’s a fact. You can make fun of the vocal 2A social media goofballs, and the dumb boomer ones are easy pickings, but you must understand that this is real for us. I’ve lived in hellish places with strict gun control and been a victim of vicious street gangs that don’t fear anything. I’ve killed vicious predators on my… Read more »
You know what? The era of being able to kill black people with impunity, I don’t wanna black pill anybody, but that’s fucking over. It’s over. And it’s never coming back. We’re never gonna get back to that place again.
I just hope I get reincarnated as blood anemia. That’s the one thing I hope.
I’m studying to be an electrician. Ive never seen a black guy in the program. Theyre all white and Mexican .
Did you ever stop and think, that maybe it’s your fucking RACISM that created a hostile work atmosphere. And THAT’S why there are not any black electricians?
…and Johnny
He already said Mexicans
Only blacks I’ve ever seen on a jobsite were hired by staffing agencies as clean up workers. They don’t do shit and are allways in my way
Go to the YouTube EXPLORE/TRENDING icon on the bottom of the app. Out of 25 videos, atleast 18 of them are tatted iced out rappers holding giants bundles of cash surrounded by big booties and guns. The rest are clickbate teen shit or black people “reacting” to videos by making loud noises.
This culture sets these people up for jogger crimes. It is an artificial fake way of life which is dangled like a carrot for them and results in crime
I agree. Country joggers never gave me any trouble. When they are heavily outnumbered (hundreds to one) and surrounded by armed white people, they behave themselves perfectly.
Same goes for communities where they’re a <10% minority. They oddly behave in a domesticated fashion for some reason when they're outnumbered 10 to 1. I even learned that principle at work–when you build teams of 4 or 5…don't EVER let it be 100% Basketball American…or 100% Female.
Mike, regarding FED and a possible national bank, a question to answer next time.
I believe the FED basically creates money to loan out that has to be paid back.
How would a national bank work differently? Because I really don’t want more credit.
If you are buying a house, that’s different. A national bank could offer mortgage loans with no interest.
Black people been jogging around here
Someone who can do animation should clip out all of the most outrageous bits of these “surivivor” testimonies, and use them as the audio for cartoons satirizing all of this bs. Not only would it be good propaganda, it would be fookin hilarious.
This is a great idea
When we win we can host these on adult swim
>Alex: Let’s audit the Holocaust.
Black Sunny Day Real Estate?
Mashup of “Black Sun” (sonnenrad) and “Sunny Day Real Estate”, yes. Ethnostate homage of sorts.
Hahaha ahmaud has been watching” the terminal”
Do some work and get hired, love it.
People all over Facebook and twitter saying Ahmaud Arbery was hunted by white rednecks. Maybe this is just what happens when life becomes too easy? When we’re so removed from death that seeing a video of someone being shot makes them feel bad and people want to punish the person that made them feel bad.
It’s all astroturffed dude. This is what happens when you have a population that isn’t allowed to care about themselves or their people and the elites give them a permission slip to hate someone.
Its also the result of a coddled civilization thats never been exposed to or experienced in themselves the propensity for real suffering at the hands of “the other”
It’s a combination of J3wish subversion via every ‘black struggle’ film since “Roots” and the decline of the church to where even secular Normies gravitate toward anti-racism as the next best thing, where you can acquire religion-like energy by hating upon Southern White Trash Rednecks. “Those ebil rayciss!!” I have seen it many times on my Normie Book since this all began.
It’s because every single “race” movie and TV show has that plot without deviation. It is our modern mythos. They can’t imagine another story line.
I think it’s amplified trauma-based mind control to demoralize both joggers and humans. The heckerinas are just responding to their pre-planted triggers. I can’t see anything good coming from this case. The jew sits and watches us tear each other apart either way.
I spoke with some retired law enforcement and was mind blown. 1. These are just racist Georgia rednecks excited to shoot a jogger. 2. Haven’t they ever heard of calling the cops, let the pros handle it. 3. Well they never should have stopped him what right do they have? 4. If you shoot someone burglarizing a home I’ll own you! Etc. These guys understand how the system works so i respect their opinion, i feel very nervous for these two men, but everything was a hypothetical. They told me the response needed to be measured by that days events… Read more »
“this is just what happens when…”
@Part 2/21:00 I can say the vast majority of Boomer-tier 2A zealots I’ve encountered loosely imagine some Waco-style standoff where they win against actual Feds wanting their guns…followed by everybody from every state marching on Capitol Hill with their AR-15s..and ending like the movie Road House (1988) against the head of the FBI, ATF, Nancy Pelosi, or some other Anti-2A LIBRUL!…and then everybody meets at Texas Roadhouse or some biker bar for some huge victory dinner.