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The Death Panel are interested in construction.
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PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
It hasn’t gone anywhere, it still exists. And the US is not a democracy.
45 Communist Goals by Dr. Cleon Skousen (1958)
Ok, I legit LOL’d when I saw the green screen…
Who is your avatar?
Hate Joggers
Send Trey Gowdy down to Georgia to run the prosecution.
Relevant to the propaganda discussion:
Last night I went through all the major news networks to see what they were showing in the video. Every single one deliberately clipped out second 0:20-0:24 of the shooting video, i.e. the moment Armed Robbery charges McMichaels.
That is clearly the most germane portion with regards to a self defense claim. Everything Goebbels said about the jewish press is borne out on a daily basis in Amerizog.
I want to thank you guys for curing me of getting excited for next political product. I really thought Trump was going to do something. I think I stopped when you pointed out Trey Gowdy was nothing but talk. Now I just laugh at others’ excitement.
My dad thinks Biden won’t be the nominee and they’re gonna our Hillary in last minute. I made a $5 bet with him that Biden will be the nominee.
Yup, with Obama tacked on as VP, iv heard this outta the Alex Jones sphere
It’s possible (((they))) want a senile Biden as POTUS ala (((they))) enjoyed a drunken Yeltsin in Russia 1992-1999
You just done got yourself $5 poorer, mon frer. That seems like the worst kept secret that Biden is no longer the DNC’s pony.
I’ve also heard ‘Michelle’ Obama will got the DNC nod in a late introduction ‘upset’, but that is Q-tier speculation.
I honestly doubt HRC’s health is any much better than Biden’s (despite all those adrenochrome infusions and black magick). She really doesn’t seem like a viable candidate anymore, either, but I suppose any attempted hijinks is possible regarding the 2020 election, though…
The kick Alex gets out of hearing himself sing has made my day
Hearing Alex sing seems like it would be as rare as a Space Marine in full body armor breaking out into song.
I meant Power Armor. That was some good Johnny Cash coverage, Alex! I like Cash. He was a Christcuck and probably wouldn’t have been part of /thisthing/, but maybe in another time or place, you never know.
>I know who it is but dont remember the username
Heh, simp gets name cucked. Sucks to be that guy lmfao
Maybe he was framed by The Wet Bandits
All the ads on my YouTube app since Friday have been track pants, running shoes and Fit Bits, etc…
Honest to God, it’s all jogging and jogging accessories! And most of the models are black too! Metadata reading my memes.
If there’s ANYTHING a dindu owns, besides weed, illegal guns & ammunition, stolen goods, etc…is comfortable jogging attire such as basketball shorts. His attire is just one flaw in the propaganda narrative.
Hey yer right…in that one CCTV clip he has literally only a pair of shorts!
Dress for the jog you want…
Ching Chong
Not only was he clearly stealing. The video of the chase there are a number of items that are tailing behind the jogger. And it must br noted that the reason the vertical cell phone camera guy specifically pans away from the jogger towards the ground is to document the materials the jogger is throwing away as he fled.
He’s the wet bandit!
This is the first time I’ve seen a construction sight since mid-March…
Sheeit, yer just reminding me that I gotta go back to work next week when the train into town starts running again.
the jogger’s ideological superstructure is to blame for all this and more
Pedophiles Ecstatic As Twitter Changes Terms of Service to Permit ‘Artistic’ Depictions of Naked Children
Why are you guys in a jogging rest stop?
I was about to make a jogging joke about the background, but there’s no way I can top this.
Jogging in sneakers, on roads, are oppressive cultural norms imposed by a white supremacist system. By jogging in construction boots across private property, Ahmaud bravely defied mechanisms of oppression and struck a necessary blow against the legacy of slavery.
@49:25 In other news: “COVID-19 be rayciss” as 600+ dindus gather illegally in DFW.
Disney+ has unveiled a first look at The Right Stuff, a star-studded astronaut drama series from Leonardo DiCaprio. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a32428131/disney-plus-the-right-stuff-astronaut-drama-leonardo-dicaprio/
Even though the 1983 original may have been slightly dramatized and not totally accurate, it captured the essence of what White men could accomplish during the era of exponential advancement in aviation. I’m bracing for the diversity ret-con, ie the frizzy-hair mulatto wahmen who saves one of the Mercury Seven during launch/re-entry followed by gratuitous racism of their white supervisor. I would be totally pleased to see a film without an anti-white ‘snip’..but it’s also fun to pretend.
They’ll work in a romantic race-mixing subplot to attract female viewers.
“…John Glenn gon’ wanna KEEP that retrorocket pack durn’ re-entry! I don’t care what no flite plan say!”
Trump investigating let alone locking anybody up, “draining the swamp” etc. Let’s just say I’m not holding my breath.
The US were the ones who did “de-Nazification”, basically dicatated the new german constitution and pushed for laws in Germany oppressing free speech, so who exactly deserves to be protested here?
Sure, the US Government and Military did it at the behest of world jewry.
He liked jogging and rap music and was turning his life around as an aspiring building inspector.
That’s funny
OSHA à la OSHeeeeeeit
Sven has a Jewmidor? LOL
LMAOOO, that fucking background… my sides…
I said “carbolic acid” instead of “carbonic acid”. This is my inb4
Carbs are made out of lies
A lie is a lie. too late Alex.
Colonic lies
carbonzo beans go in my garborator.
The funniest thing is that the, “He was just marveling at the crown molding, we all do it bro” narrative came in when the video of him inside something that looks under construction came out. But if you look at the building from the outside, it actually looks like a finished house – the only thing that would tell you it’s still under construction is there’s no glass in the windows.
We Wuz J̶o̶g̶g̶a̶s̶ Buildin’ Inspectas.
@0:18:00 Valid assumption. A few years ago at work, at night I thought I saw an electrical fire burning outside around the building’s electrical junction box (100+ yards away from my vantage point). I ran back into the building for the biggest fire extinguisher I could find. I’m running towards the ‘fire’ with this heavy-ass fire extinguisher and as I got closer, I could finally see it was some contractor dude cutting away some derelict piping with a torch, at 10:00pm! Other than highway maintenance/construction, NOBODY is fixing or building a damn thing after dark!
I miss the pre-greenscreen days, Sven’s mancave was comfy
Stacey Abrams 2020
This country is dumb and gay and I’m writing in Uncle A for President.
I’m gonna write in HP lovecraft’s cats name
Just like you did in 2008?
The original Wet Bandit
Noggers joggin’ at armed white men gone bad. In HD.
Nice set! Laughing before smashing that play button, I think it’s going to be a fun show.
I’m envisioning a meme with Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klaven, Matt Walsh, Cernovich……somehow utilizing the TV show Home Improvement’s logo.
wE wUz jOgGin N sHeIT
dindu shieet
Big fan of the background.
I’m starting to wonder if this is some gay op excuse to hype a Stacy Abrams VP pick. She is from Georgia and a jogger thus Biden will choose her to “show solidarity”.
I would approve that, for the accelerationism
Left the water running? What is he the 3rd member of the Wet Bandits.
Alex steel studs cost more than wood.
Love the visual gag. Just a couple of aspiring electricians wanting to install the electric floors in the house.
A very spacious looking cuck shed for TDS!
Anyone got a jig saw or a jig hammer?
eyyyy just listening to the peoples square recording but i cant wait
Trump DOJ considering hate crime charges in Armed Robbery case. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-hate-crime-arbery
Fucks sake
That will lose him more white votes.
The media controlled state… and who owns the media?
By the time the election rolls around, it will be decided by five elderly people who don’t watch the news and so haven’t been utterly demoralized. Dems and Reps alike have literally nothing to vote for.
Sono il primo!