Jazz and James unpack Chuck Singer's China blitz GOP talking points memo and the planned bait and switch on U.S. aggression with China, before settling, once and for all, the question of 2016 election meddling, confirming what should have been so obvious from the very beginning. In the 2nd half, it's chuppah wedding crashers, Bannon's 2020 LMAO base election, and the nascent sammich effort to swap shit puppets for the Dem nomination, as internal/external battleground polling seems to indicate that Biden could actually win this thing. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Bernie's Boomer Big Box Emporium
00:10:00 - GOP China Memo
00:30:00 - China Bait and Switch
00:50:00 - Trump-Israeli Collusion
01:14:00 - Never Again
01:44:00 - BREAK
01:46:00 - Chuppah Wedding Crashers
02:00:00 - 2020 Base Election
02:25:00 - Shit Puppet Swap
02:46:00 - Outro
If you’re drinking vodka, it’s all about the Zyr.
Zyr’s not bad. IMO Polish Bison Grass vodka is best wodka
debowa polska wodki is best
you try
Will gonsume
Spam Houston is the 5th Beatle of FTN.
The cat loving homosexual is my favorite FTN gag outside of the Stella Umbrella references.
Hi guys. I’ve had something I’ve been thinking about for a while. You guys called it back in Nov/Dec that the economy was going to be crashed in the spring to shatter Trumps’s chances for re-election. I took that to heart and felt like that was accurate. I’m not saying Corona isn’t real, but doesn’t this all fit with the narrative you laid out months ago. I don’t love Trump but I haven’t heard you guys address this. I thought the economy would tank but not at this level obviously. Am I off on this?
Jews divesting from US? I like it. I am delaying pushing updates to my encyclopedia Mediawiki site until later this week. I have a whole bunch of context about ADL I am adding to the pages to make players in JFK assassination tie in with other happenings. I’ll rejoin F5 gang once I get the site where I want it this week. Also. Looking for people to help write down the red pills from FTN to add to the encyclopedia site once a week. Will publish an email where any of you goyim can forward TRS show red pills for… Read more »
Bannon the drunken mick sounds like he has an alcohol-induced brain injury the way he repeats “Chinese Communist Party.”
Are the Irish injured by the alcohol??? I thought they were just born that way.
LOL, the Irish have extra special Aryan genes just to handle abnormal alchohol levels
A gentile could not cuck as hard as Fred Trump.
Jew or not a Jew?
Verdict: Jew.
“…they become the radicals”
“This guy is old.”
I’m telling you the Biden campaign is elder abuse.
That private ambulance service is—Hatzalah stuff. ?
I’d like to know if those are privately or publicly funded
Why not both? ?
I will dispute your assertion that PFEs, testing, etc should have been available sooner.
I will believe what the people involved said was a great effort to come up with this stuff. The numbers of items is staggering. It just doesn’t come out of a magic spigot. I am going to turn it around and say white people for the win. It was a great effort by white people.
So all that stuff ending up in Israel was a win for White people???
How much was that? Have a link?
It looks like that stuff is coming from the Chiiinah rather than the US. I was referring to the US effort. I don’t think it was possible to do much better than they did.
“I was referring to the US effort”
If the US effort was so great then WE would have gotten the 20 tons of stuff from China! Not to mention the one million masks!
Like the guys said in a previous episode, the US government was told about this virus back in october last year. The fact that it was left until the virus already had a foothold in the US for the government to start taking any action whatsoever is not a great effort by anyone’s metric.
I watched a press conference with a WHO official (about 3 hours) after a delegation got back from Wuhan a couple months ago. Were they lied to? He didn’t think so. But what he said was that since SARS the country has been closely monitoring and sampling the sick people in the population. He said they had a lot of flu samples and the covid 19 virus did not show up in any samples until late December (as I recall). While there was flu, the more contagious covid 19 virus did not show up in Chinese samples as early as… Read more »
That’s a really good show name.
Maybe you guys can work this into some art work, LOL.
Canards? How do they work?
Just tell the truth on some random jew and then VOILA! You’ve committed an anti-semitic Canawd goy!
If you can predict behavior, that is a canard.
“Hugging the bun.” Hilarious!
Outstanding show guys, thanks for all the hard work each week. Stay safe fam.
Holy Fuck. re israeli meddling. You can’t make this up. You guys are a national treasure. I hope some day you are added to mount rushmore.
Gotta stay whitepilled broder. That day will come for our children.
Rly makes u think ?
Thanks, nnn-guys, for this Trump deep dive, just days after I threw out my newly received absentee ballot. I made the right decision. I was already well off the Trump train. Just didn’t know how much. til today. Oh Gaaawwwdd
Can we turn the statue of liberty into a remote-sentry border defense system?
I prefer to melt it down into plumbing fixtures.
Between 62,000 and 200,000 pounds of copper was used in the creation of the statue.
Copper price is currently $2.31 a pound, so:
$143,220 to $462,000.
Or, we retrofit it with an infrared spotlight, pop-up turrets, and a communications apparatus that tells incoming vessels to return to their country of origin.
I just prefer the US Navy to shoot a round beneath the waterline. Fuck having them return. That’ll just mean they’ll find another way in!
Someone stole all the copper piping out of the fountains at my work. I had a pretty good laugh about that.
I guess I should wait a few months before I try and sell it back to them.
It will be the very immigrants that tear it down and trade it in for copper scrap
“the op had to work itself out.”
Well that’s certainly how I came to my conclusion about Trump being a scam from the beginning. I voted for him in 2016. And then I waited. I watched who he appointed and what he did and by January 2019 I’d seen enough. I didn’t predict any of this. I just observed.
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”
“Bang a gong.”
Man, does that take me back to the Eighties!
Yesss. The power station cover. Robert Palmer was Based
It’s that place between boomer rock and 90’s grunge ……the music of my childhood.
“Churchill quote”
“…what this can lead to.”
James: “I’m more of a gin guy”
Absolutely, bro. My choice for a decade now has been Gilbey”s London Dry Gin. Old London recipe now distilled in KY and about $10 for a fifth. Chilled, drop in an olive, stirred not shaken and you have quarantine bliss.
Sorry I just can’t resist making this comment… your tastes have to be pretty deranged to like straight gin. Have no idea how you acquire a taste for that (my parents used to drink martinis every night for years – I understand the need to numb oneself), but that shit doesn’t taste good, not to mention what it does to your liver! Now something I would try but haven’t had any need for (and heard it works great to knock out the “flu” or similar illness in less than 24 hrs) is drinking a 1/2 – 1 pint of expensive… Read more »
Well lad……its an Irish thing
Martinis are tasty. I prefer New Amsterdam gin. It’s worth the extra 5 bucks imo.
To each his own, lad
Gilbey’s with Schweppes diet tonic and lime juice is one of my favorites. I can’t do the cheap gin straight (I actually prefer the cheap stuff in a G&T), but a martini I go with the pricier stuff, which means a lot more G&T’s than martinis. ?
I also have tried to cut back with age. Drinking will catch up with you.
“downtown on a Sunday”
“weird fucked-up weather.”
That was us LAST year. This year we’re almost completely free of snow and it’s only May 3rd! Last year was a freakin’ BLIZZARD!
For the blacksmiths and farmers out there: Strike while the iron is hot. Make hay while the sun shines.
I’ve given up, they’re having too much fun mangling phrases and pronunciations. Strike while Chuck shines.
This is a great breakdown on Trump’s rabid philo-semitism guys, its really incredible how devoted he is to Judaism and yet still the vast majority of Jews still hate him and think he is Hitler incarnate. After everything he has done for Israel his entire life he still could only get a very marginal Jignat support in America when he was running and even those supporters pretty much only supported insofar as he was pro zionist and didn’t approve of any of his other campaign rhetoric.He got more of the neo con support like Shapiro only after they saw that… Read more »
James has an MGB? I knew I liked the guy
This is unrelated, but has anyone noticed the uptick in the shitlib posts about the whole “Africa is powerful and the future meme”?
This one says, “Africa doesn’t need the world, the world needs Africa” contains a map of Africa highlighting its resources.
This one is double triple gay, “Why the world needs African eco feminism”.
If they don’t need us then remove foreign aid. Hell remove western technology in agriculture and industrialization. This would fix the population bomb real quick.
is there a single Non Koscher Certified brand beside Mighty White Soap Co.? I like Mighty White a lot but wtf, where are all the other brands and categories of product
You could go in the full reverse direction and wash yourself with Jish soap: Dr. Bronner’s. Now there was a h33b with weird optics.
Use the koshcertified app. There aren’t a lot of non-K products, but there are some. Bundaberg ginger beer is one, IIRC.
Jazzhands, you need to grow some beans and squash with your corn, corn is pretty punishing on soil, sucks so much out of it but the beans and the squash put back in.
Yep, I’m planning to rotate
h/t to Spam Houston
Very gratifying.
It’s just the flu bro and China orchestrated it to trash the Trump economy because they couldn’t stand America being made great again. I’m glad Jazzhands gets it. The cold war never ended. The struggle to defeat communism is part of our destiny, because we believe in democricy and freedam. Americans aren’t Communists. We don’t want communism (that’s what Bernie wants). THEY WILL EAT YOUR DOG!
As for Charlottesville, Americans believe in freedom of speech, but Americans know hate speech is not free speech. And we know that.
James will love this commercial! Great, very useful product!
Jazz and James, you HAVE to see this..
Whitney Webb, please get her on your show. Make her marry whoever is not married yet. Ahem, Morrakiu or Borzoi. She is a powerhouse of knowledge. That being said, I will download this episode and watch it tomorrow, while finishing the greenhouse. Cheers fam.
Agreed. Did you read her article “TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISION?” It’s long, but packed with crucial info.
“Like major crises of the past, the national security state appears to be using the chaos and fear to promote and implement initiatives that would be normally rejected by Americans and, if history is any indicator, these new changes will remain long after the coronavirus crisis fades from the news cycle.”
Why is Rip Torn at the table, Kyle? (Just kidding…great job!)
Kyle’s artwork is truly great. I could imagine a whole film/animation from that guy.
Glad this is up. In a bad mood because I was trying to do a good thing by giving my boomercon patriotard dad, who intends on leaving his home state to do his annual trip to NY, some perspective on the wisdom of doing that as it pertains to avoiding corona and it spiralled out of control into him yelling the Sean Hannity show at me.
You are not alone in your frustration. The narratives being shown are reaching levels of Jew that I didn’t even think were possible.
Probably one of the better show titles in a while.
Early FTN, boom!
All my plants just came up squash,tomato,zuccini,strawberry,corn,potato,carrot,watermelon, and peppers. I planted a god damn crazy garden in cheap ass pots all above ground. Not hard or expensive and all of us should do it to some extent just to know how to if everything boogaloos. Keep on keepin on and enjoy your vacas with no pay.
Chuck Allsup and Jazzhands McCharlie are a couple of Mighty Whites!
They need to get Phil Enoch on the show again to complete the set.
I like to Tuvix them into Jameshands McAllsup.
next guest appearance by Chuck Bausman when?
Chazzhands McFeels
Woohoo! Never too early for new FTN!!