For what it’s worth, I love the levels of nuence that come out of TDS. I think you do a fabulous job of getting to the heart of things instead of just picking a pre-made option. If people are trying to push a settled standpoint in a massively uncertain and to some extent unknowable situation, that just says they’re dumb, which is fine but they need to learn to resist the urge to lash out at people they know are top level leaders of the team that exists *for them*. (I still have a long way to go with this… Read more »
Bob Ross
April 27, 2020 1:40 pm
Just come to NHTB, it’s much more cozy than bang. I’m guilty of “it’s just a podcast bro” posting over there in the past, but white knight for you guys too. No light switch takes here!
The Irishman on netflix was pretty funny, not a good movie at all but funny if you enjoy everyone of Scorscesse’s cliche’s being shoehorned into one movie. You’re right though, nearly all new movies especially after 2010 just suck
Whitetail Nationalist
April 27, 2020 1:32 pm
Dealing with midwit conspiritards is like herding cats. Unfortunately I don’t think ignoring these retards is working. Someone is going to need to do a podcast on duginism and why we’re not fuckin duginists
April 27, 2020 1:20 pm
Look who fucking Jimmy Dore had on his show! The Breakfast Club. They’re mainstream, on YouTube with over 4.5 million subscribers and they’re basically the black version of TRS. They’re the black version of us. And they’re mainstream and popular as shit. And Jimmy would never talk to us yet he talks to them and he wasn’t even REMOTELY ratioed. His audience….seems perfectly fine having those anti-white fiends on. The FUCK WHITE PEOPLE crew comes on, and Jimmy’s audience doesn’t have anything to say! These people are LESS than hopeless!
It is obvious if you’ve watched enough of Jimmy Dore’s shows – he and his fellow lefty comedians have white boomer/Xer blind spot where they think it is 1965 forever with a permanent 90% white supermajority and therefore whites can never be oppressed and if nonwhites are displeased for any reason it must be YT’s fault, because, well, YT is in charge, right? The idea of whites being an oppressed group literally does not compute to them.
But what disturbs me is his young left wing white followers. His audience is pretty young and like all white. What kind of music do you think his audience listens to. You know? Who do they date?
I know nothing about his fan base unfortunately. All I see are his guests and cohosts and they are all middle aged.
Bill Carson
April 27, 2020 1:15 pm
Sven: “It’s all so tiresome”
April 27, 2020 1:13 pm
Brass is copper and zinc. Bronze is copper and tin. I’m very angry you don’t know this. Imagine if you showed up to the Siege of Troy will a copper sword. You would look like a complete asshole. This is very important to everything.
Heat is a great movie, I have to rewatch that one myself sometime. I saw it in a theater when it came out in the nineties, and never again since. The shootout scene is certainly one of the best ever made. I was kind of a cineast back in the day and had watched lots of action movies in my time, and I remember that this scene was so vivid and intense it actually felt kind of intimidating.
What was really cool about that shoot-out scene was the lack of music. Just the rifle blasts echoing through the crowded streets beneath the skyscrapers. “Intimidating” is the right word. Makes you want to duck for cover.
P little
April 27, 2020 12:52 pm
I used to disagree with Spam Houston regarding BANG. Now I agree with him. Forums, in general, can be huge time sinks and energy drains. If you open BANG again, I will try to stick to comment sections on your shows. Also, Sven, Zulu is a great move about whites outnumbered 400 to 1 who survive Bantu waves of bodies at a remote outpost in Africa (hat tip TruthToPowerNews)
Well, whatever happened, don’t let it get to you too bad, Sven. These things come and go so rapidly.
Logical Methodical
April 27, 2020 12:40 pm
I wish I could interact with y’all folks on Twitter but my account got banned because my first tweet had tranny in it. I need to do the process to get back on but have been too lazy
April 27, 2020 12:40 pm
The funniest bit is when the “you only do podcasts” people only do streams. It’s like, nguy, glass houses.
April 27, 2020 12:40 pm
I felt like most of BANG was pretty aligned with “The TDS Message” on corona-chan, a few people were doing gayops, and a few others were honest guys who are just a bit too much on the conspiracy-train by default who may have been colletaral damage on the counter-gayop counterattack, but that was really a smal minority who mostly were targeted with rocks.
Trolls came in the cave, we threw rocks at troll faces, flying rocks can hit cave-brothers, but we still throw rocks !
April 27, 2020 12:36 pm
Can’t you just get the solder hot and remove it Sven? What the hell did you do? LOL
Not gonna get my hopes up. Liberals and conservatives talk a lot of shit without having the balls to act on it. Dissolving the union would be fantastic, but it’s not going to happen without a serious fight. The Jewish elites do not have a replacement for the US as the blunt instrument of their power, and they also do not have a new host ready for habitation once the West finally crumbles. They need this decrepit ship to keep going a little longer.
April 27, 2020 12:18 pm
Life hack: Those who want the true prep experience without paying for it can always just take a free episode and abruptly end it after 20 minutes.
I have no qualms about being a dvd sperg. I’m getting the movies I want, plus bonus content for a fair price I only pay once. ust watched, ‘Spartacus’ (1960) the other day- awesome effin movie! Say what you will about Kirk Douglas, he is a phenomenal actor.
Also ordered ‘The Birth of a Nation’ and Grace Kelly collection from Amazon. Can’t get that on any streaming service I know.
I was thinking the other day how much I missed DVD special features.
April 27, 2020 12:11 pm
Hey Sven sorry you are feeling a bit down, the gay infighting isn’t fun but you guys do make these shitty days a lot better. I’d be very down if it wasn’t for you guys.
April 27, 2020 12:08 pm
Hey man I try to but I get banned all the time lol
April 27, 2020 12:03 pm
The Sven/Jazz exasperation with “our” petty, squabbling, cognitively sclerotic midwit contingent is deserved and leaves me inclined to remain subscribed despite having recently lost my job. Don’t hold back on the uncomfortable reality-checks please. I do think there are many of us with a meta-perspective who can clearly perceive these futile & counter-productive interactions, and consequently don’t engage since our time is better spent otherwise.
How about the pozumentary called “Circus of Books” on Netflix that is pure confirmation bias that jews are the biggest distributors of gay shit in the world.
Careful, Django Unchained can be considered a “Western”.
Alb and Stole
April 27, 2020 11:33 am
The move to link Confederate symbols with metaphysical evil in the public consciousness is actually a sign of Late Stage Capitalism where this system is creating a “Boogieman Effect” in order to create an invisible public enemy that the masses can focus their hate on, in this case “hate itself”. I’m sure during the late Roman Empire there was a similar phenomenon.
April 27, 2020 11:30 am
See you guys in the second hour.
H.P. Hovercraft
April 27, 2020 11:25 am
I wasn’t bored by the end of Brazil but I was pretty damned depressed.
mr svenpai: nah, Mike, BANG is nice, it’s good
Casino inferno
April 27, 2020 11:22 am
The concern troll he’s talking about is Everyone in the dissident right is being accused of being a secret dugnist Somali pirate put out some article on his thuletide wordpress
Yeah there seems to be a lot of infighting over this really fake and gay distinction I don’t even know what dugaist is and yet I see a lot of sniping between people I really like on twitter. Maybe it’s just what that platform does for discourse
I think we have a tendency for conspiracy and subversion that we automatically think we’re being gayopped when in fact we’re not ALWAYS being gayopped.
Look on Bitchute for Cultured Thug’s video outlining what Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory” is to get the basics of it, then check out the debate between Zero Schizo and Ricardo Duchense on Thamster Witnat’s channel on YouTube about what Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory” is (titled EBL 18: Aleksandr Dugin “The Fourth Political Theory” ). In a couple hours you’ll come away understanding a lot more… Dugin doesn’t call his philosophy/ideology “Duginism” its just the label people opposed to him slapped on it. Its essentially supposed to be a synthesis of Liberalism, Communism (Marxism) and Fascism, but I encourage anyone with… Read more »
April 27, 2020 11:21 am
Our man Keith did a HECK of a good job on this documentary. Keith did a mini documentary on Yugoslavia, and what happened there in the 90s. REALLY well done!
Keith does a pretty much weekly show on NPI with Richard Spencer and Dr. Dutton these days btw in case you wanna see more of him.
Sven’s not wrong, we do disagree like assholes sometimes. The problem is that the autistic self-motivated contrarian who can resist the social stream so hard he literally denies the fundamental religion of our society can be a bit stubborn.
For sure, how did striker put it when everyone is locked in a cage together you bite the dog next to you, or maybe that was borz I cant remember. But its 100% true
Great analogy, I think in the grand scheme we should as a larger collective keep a few ideological goals in mind is it. I mean we need to leave the I got a better take than you, or here’s where my Christian/Religious perspective is better etc type arguments and counterpoints to your more immediate non red pilled circles for the more concise debates. Wishful thinking though.
Damn right borther. Big picture is what we need. Be better is good advice. I think arguing amongst’dve ourselves is one of our biggest pratfalls indeed. Let’s all get on the same team for the big win.
Biff McUltra
April 27, 2020 11:04 am
Early Halloween Festivities?
Erect a Homestead and Farm?
Emergency Healthcare Facility?
Economic Hysteria Follows?
Enoch’s Hidden Finesse?
Enticing Horological Features?
Egregious Holistic Fails?
Exceptional Hyperborean Folk?
The contempt was hot and heavy and began almost immediately: The Episode
“You can never tell one from another.”
SOMETIMES you can!
“Bang was bad too.”
Welp, you heard straight from the horses mouth guys!
“It just becomes spam and flame fests.”
HEY! I was NEVER in BANG*!
And you’re WELCOME!
*OK just enough to find out if ? ? Question ? ? was lying to everybody that
Strike and Mike was cancelled. But that isn’t what Sven is referring to!
Sven is correct. The only content worth watching is old. Sven needs to watch John Carpenter’s “The Thing” (1982).
“The Thing” (1982).
The original is still the best:
He hasn’t seen it!?
Remember, goy, you only exist to SERVE the Jew.
For what it’s worth, I love the levels of nuence that come out of TDS. I think you do a fabulous job of getting to the heart of things instead of just picking a pre-made option. If people are trying to push a settled standpoint in a massively uncertain and to some extent unknowable situation, that just says they’re dumb, which is fine but they need to learn to resist the urge to lash out at people they know are top level leaders of the team that exists *for them*. (I still have a long way to go with this… Read more »
Just come to NHTB, it’s much more cozy than bang. I’m guilty of “it’s just a podcast bro” posting over there in the past, but white knight for you guys too. No light switch takes here!
Does it still smell like catnip there?
The Irishman on netflix was pretty funny, not a good movie at all but funny if you enjoy everyone of Scorscesse’s cliche’s being shoehorned into one movie. You’re right though, nearly all new movies especially after 2010 just suck
Dealing with midwit conspiritards is like herding cats. Unfortunately I don’t think ignoring these retards is working. Someone is going to need to do a podcast on duginism and why we’re not fuckin duginists
Look who fucking Jimmy Dore had on his show! The Breakfast Club. They’re mainstream, on YouTube with over 4.5 million subscribers and they’re basically the black version of TRS. They’re the black version of us. And they’re mainstream and popular as shit. And Jimmy would never talk to us yet he talks to them and he wasn’t even REMOTELY ratioed. His audience….seems perfectly fine having those anti-white fiends on. The FUCK WHITE PEOPLE crew comes on, and Jimmy’s audience doesn’t have anything to say! These people are LESS than hopeless!
It is obvious if you’ve watched enough of Jimmy Dore’s shows – he and his fellow lefty comedians have white boomer/Xer blind spot where they think it is 1965 forever with a permanent 90% white supermajority and therefore whites can never be oppressed and if nonwhites are displeased for any reason it must be YT’s fault, because, well, YT is in charge, right? The idea of whites being an oppressed group literally does not compute to them.
But what disturbs me is his young left wing white followers. His audience is pretty young and like all white. What kind of music do you think his audience listens to. You know? Who do they date?
I know nothing about his fan base unfortunately. All I see are his guests and cohosts and they are all middle aged.
Sven: “It’s all so tiresome”
Brass is copper and zinc. Bronze is copper and tin. I’m very angry you don’t know this. Imagine if you showed up to the Siege of Troy will a copper sword. You would look like a complete asshole. This is very important to everything.
I’m starting to think mike slept through metallurgy: 101…
wait but the copper sword was a thing in the original NES Dragon Warrior wasn’t it? How could JRPGs be wrong?
All my RuneScape homies know bronze is copper and tin
Totally well ackshuallied with facts and logic.
Once again Moike disappoints BAP with his lack of metallurgical nous.
Anyone have a link to the Treblinka book Moike mentioned?
Is this it:
Yes, I think that is it.
Hail Caesar!
By the way, Mike… you just can’t stop lying… bronze isn’t an alloy of brass and tin. Lying liar…
Bronze *IS an alloy of brass and tin… now I’m fuckin lying. God dammit…
When you point a finger at Moike, your other fingers are pointing back at you!
Heat is a great movie, I have to rewatch that one myself sometime. I saw it in a theater when it came out in the nineties, and never again since. The shootout scene is certainly one of the best ever made. I was kind of a cineast back in the day and had watched lots of action movies in my time, and I remember that this scene was so vivid and intense it actually felt kind of intimidating.
What was really cool about that shoot-out scene was the lack of music. Just the rifle blasts echoing through the crowded streets beneath the skyscrapers. “Intimidating” is the right word. Makes you want to duck for cover.
I used to disagree with Spam Houston regarding BANG. Now I agree with him. Forums, in general, can be huge time sinks and energy drains. If you open BANG again, I will try to stick to comment sections on your shows. Also, Sven, Zulu is a great move about whites outnumbered 400 to 1 who survive Bantu waves of bodies at a remote outpost in Africa (hat tip TruthToPowerNews)
It also had a great remake, it was called Aliens.
This is now a Mike and Sven appreciation thread.
Thank you guys for the amazing content. It’s the only thing that’s keeping me sane in this Jewish world
fu2 JK
It’s interesting being in the only authoritarian movement where no one wants to shut the fuck up and fall in line.
lol let me introduce you to communism
this is by far the hottest take
PJW is a handsome gay jew fed
Cantankerous grampa Sven is a good character.
Well, whatever happened, don’t let it get to you too bad, Sven. These things come and go so rapidly.
I wish I could interact with y’all folks on Twitter but my account got banned because my first tweet had tranny in it. I need to do the process to get back on but have been too lazy
The funniest bit is when the “you only do podcasts” people only do streams. It’s like, nguy, glass houses.
I felt like most of BANG was pretty aligned with “The TDS Message” on corona-chan, a few people were doing gayops, and a few others were honest guys who are just a bit too much on the conspiracy-train by default who may have been colletaral damage on the counter-gayop counterattack, but that was really a smal minority who mostly were targeted with rocks.
Trolls came in the cave, we threw rocks at troll faces, flying rocks can hit cave-brothers, but we still throw rocks !
Can’t you just get the solder hot and remove it Sven? What the hell did you do? LOL
I was only able to get it hot…and smear it.
Do you have a solder sucker or ribbon? You’ll need one of those tools to remove it clean.
How many levels of disdain are you on bröther
Oh I dont know maybe one or two
You are like babby watch this
Blackpill Sven
Cheer up Sven, we believe in you!
I still love you Sven. Manly hugs.
Slipping into my America First uniform…
If true and comes to fruition, GOP would be 2 for 2.
Not gonna get my hopes up. Liberals and conservatives talk a lot of shit without having the balls to act on it. Dissolving the union would be fantastic, but it’s not going to happen without a serious fight. The Jewish elites do not have a replacement for the US as the blunt instrument of their power, and they also do not have a new host ready for habitation once the West finally crumbles. They need this decrepit ship to keep going a little longer.
Life hack: Those who want the true prep experience without paying for it can always just take a free episode and abruptly end it after 20 minutes.
Lol. Trailer hack.
I have no qualms about being a dvd sperg. I’m getting the movies I want, plus bonus content for a fair price I only pay once. ust watched, ‘Spartacus’ (1960) the other day- awesome effin movie! Say what you will about Kirk Douglas, he is a phenomenal actor.
Also ordered ‘The Birth of a Nation’ and Grace Kelly collection from Amazon. Can’t get that on any streaming service I know.
I was thinking the other day how much I missed DVD special features.
Hey Sven sorry you are feeling a bit down, the gay infighting isn’t fun but you guys do make these shitty days a lot better. I’d be very down if it wasn’t for you guys.
Hey man I try to but I get banned all the time lol
The Sven/Jazz exasperation with “our” petty, squabbling, cognitively sclerotic midwit contingent is deserved and leaves me inclined to remain subscribed despite having recently lost my job. Don’t hold back on the uncomfortable reality-checks please. I do think there are many of us with a meta-perspective who can clearly perceive these futile & counter-productive interactions, and consequently don’t engage since our time is better spent otherwise.
Perfectly stated. I think we’re all getting pretty exasperated in general.
How about the pozumentary called “Circus of Books” on Netflix that is pure confirmation bias that jews are the biggest distributors of gay shit in the world.
They operated a gay book store openly but their gentile acquaintances didn’t know their secret.
Get an EZ-Flow elbow installed (like Bruce Willis)
Don’t burn out. You’re doing your part.
My favorite kind of oldshit movies are Westerns. No ridiculous special effects, no forced modernism, no contrived plotlines.
Careful, Django Unchained can be considered a “Western”.
The move to link Confederate symbols with metaphysical evil in the public consciousness is actually a sign of Late Stage Capitalism where this system is creating a “Boogieman Effect” in order to create an invisible public enemy that the masses can focus their hate on, in this case “hate itself”. I’m sure during the late Roman Empire there was a similar phenomenon.
See you guys in the second hour.
I wasn’t bored by the end of Brazil but I was pretty damned depressed.
Same. I was not ready for that ending.
Just want to chime in and agree with everything you guys say
A most excellent strategy.
mr svenpai: nah, Mike, BANG is nice, it’s good
The concern troll he’s talking about is Everyone in the dissident right is being accused of being a secret dugnist Somali pirate put out some article on his thuletide wordpress
Yeah there seems to be a lot of infighting over this really fake and gay distinction I don’t even know what dugaist is and yet I see a lot of sniping between people I really like on twitter. Maybe it’s just what that platform does for discourse
Duganism is dumb but infighting over Duganism is even dumber.
I think we have a tendency for conspiracy and subversion that we automatically think we’re being gayopped when in fact we’re not ALWAYS being gayopped.
Don’t know if it’s an op but it is certainly gay
Infighting over Duginism is Duginist.
Look on Bitchute for Cultured Thug’s video outlining what Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory” is to get the basics of it, then check out the debate between Zero Schizo and Ricardo Duchense on Thamster Witnat’s channel on YouTube about what Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory” is (titled EBL 18: Aleksandr Dugin “The Fourth Political Theory” ). In a couple hours you’ll come away understanding a lot more… Dugin doesn’t call his philosophy/ideology “Duginism” its just the label people opposed to him slapped on it. Its essentially supposed to be a synthesis of Liberalism, Communism (Marxism) and Fascism, but I encourage anyone with… Read more »
Our man Keith did a HECK of a good job on this documentary. Keith did a mini documentary on Yugoslavia, and what happened there in the 90s. REALLY well done!
Keith does a pretty much weekly show on NPI with Richard Spencer and Dr. Dutton these days btw in case you wanna see more of him.
This is some music Keith used from the former Yugoslavia from the 1980s. I think it would make good Bond music…
Sven’s not wrong, we do disagree like assholes sometimes. The problem is that the autistic self-motivated contrarian who can resist the social stream so hard he literally denies the fundamental religion of our society can be a bit stubborn.
We can all be better. Be better!
For sure, how did striker put it when everyone is locked in a cage together you bite the dog next to you, or maybe that was borz I cant remember. But its 100% true
Great analogy, I think in the grand scheme we should as a larger collective keep a few ideological goals in mind is it. I mean we need to leave the I got a better take than you, or here’s where my Christian/Religious perspective is better etc type arguments and counterpoints to your more immediate non red pilled circles for the more concise debates. Wishful thinking though.
I don’t care what class your racist online LARP character is, if you’re pro white, you’re alright and we can politely hash out details from there.
Damn right borther. Big picture is what we need. Be better is good advice. I think arguing amongst’dve ourselves is one of our biggest pratfalls indeed. Let’s all get on the same team for the big win.
Early Halloween Festivities?
Erect a Homestead and Farm?
Emergency Healthcare Facility?
Economic Hysteria Follows?
Enoch’s Hidden Finesse?
Enticing Horological Features?
Egregious Holistic Fails?
Exceptional Hyperborean Folk?
Enoch Hates Feds
Enoch’s Holy Feast
(Sven’s) Ever Heightening Fury
Escape, Heimbach’s Family!
Eat, Hike, Fash.
Everyone Hates Faqqits
Emergent Holographic Fraternity