Jazz and James flatten the astroturf of sputtering back to work chump protests that seem more like the disintegrating husk of a 2010 Glenn Beck rally than the energized base of an incumbent POTUS. Meanwhile Mr. Phil can't into math or medicine, Tucker hides behind a J-shield, impotent conservatives demand war with China, Sessions gets burned, and Lindsay Graham just might lose his Senate seat. In the second half, we flood the ballast tanks and dive deep into J leverage in China, from opium wars to Mao's inner circle, and into the transition from communism to capitalism, how China has been compromised, by whom, and the kosher dialectic that's been constructed to confuse everyone. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
RSS: http://fash-the-nation.libsyn.com/rss
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Surfing the Kali Death Plateau
00:28:00 - Tacticool Constitutionalism
00:43:00 - Mr. Phil Does Maths
00:50:00 - Tucker Goes to Temple
01:05:00 - 11th Hour Copes
01:15:00 - BREAK
01:17:00 - Angry at Everyone But Them
01:27:00 - Talmudic East India Company
01:42:00 - Mao's Untouchables
02:02:00 - Beginning of the End
02:20:00 - Throwing Down Tentacles
02:28:00 - BlackPlanet
02:42:00 - Outro
Nickers don’t understand they’re living in a fallen state. They’re getting dosed with their own medicine and it’s ruining their political view. They’re mostly young kids and they’ll continue to be stupid and they’ll continue doing the work for the establishment until it personally affects them. These people will always exist and they should always be bullied.
The most productive route IMO is to attack the figureheads, not the followers- the followers need to be shown the light, while their leaders know everything we do and are pretending not to.
You’re right. Godspeed. These “conservatives” may be the dumbest people on earth.
James, don’t you have some history with Nick?
What’s that matter? Some people seek truth, others seek optics
These AmNats remind me of that kid who would latch onto your clique in school and tell people he was part of your crew when no one could stand him. You would use the kid by making him your gopher or putting him up to pranks, which he would happily do to prove he was your mmmbud while you made fun of him behind his back and ditched him whenever possible.
That’s the role these suckers are playing for Trump’s Keep America Gay movement.
James, yes its possible for the state gov to violate the bill of rights. The 14th amendment was the death of states rights as was the Northern War of Aggression and the 1871 Reconstruction Act. Lawsuits are mounting The 14th amendment reads in part; No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Is it me or… Read more »
Not sure how this cOnStItUtIoNaLiSm is relevant to what we said. States have wide latitude to suspend public gatherings and close nonessential business when they have declared a state of emergency. Nice little jab at the end there though!
1776blues is just a fragile boomer who was in a statin withdrawal induced cold sweat a few weeks ago after he found out Obama has deported more illegals than Trump. Today it’s an incorrect interpretation of the constitution. LET FREEEEEEDOM RRRRRRRRING!
What exactly is your argument? The constitution is fake and gay. If you’re mad that no one cares about some obscure thing that you do? STAY MAD LOSER , THAT’S THE REAL WORLD
Welcome to the latest GayOp…
codename : ‘Shark Jump’
too many nigg3rs in the chat
Cause of death: a broken bank account.
Sprained Stonk
Fractured 401K
I think that’s what Ram Z Paul is suffering from.
“I think that’s what Ram Z Paul is suffering from.”
That’s what I thought.
“Sprained Stonk”
That’s what my older brother is suffering from.
Defaulted on the third mortgage taken out to purchase the bass boat, and RV permanently parked on the side of the house.
Jesus Christ, the china segment of the show was a immense Red Pill and, after stewing in my mind an immense black pill. They’re going to win. They’re going to exterminate us. Fuck. I’m not trying to black pill but this hit me way too fucking hard.
The alt right has already forseen this hence the qt azn gf meme
vehicles that emit sound higher than 88 decibels will be banned in the ethnostate and their owners flogged.
some asshole with an open exhaust has been idling in my neighborhood for the last 90 minutes and it is really pissing me off. Just an unending drone vvrrrrrrrrrrrr
A beaner driving an ice cream truck parks in front of the school on my street beginning in late March. The truck emits horrible exhaust. I’m glad I haven’t seen him this year.
-you can’t just idle here all day! don’t you realize you’re utter subhuman trash?!
-roach coach go vrrrrrrrrr
Terrible take fam. Yeeting around in beater cars with straight piped exhaust is how we win.
Rolling Coal > Yeeting Beaters
Sorry I have to just share this tweet:
Dr. Feelgood, Dr. House, Dr. Hawkeye Pierce, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Dr. Love, Dr. Frasier Crane, Dr. Huxtable, Dr. Hibbert, Dr. Nick Riviera, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Doogie Howser M.D., Dr. Zoidberg, Dr. Jeckyll, Dr. Teeth, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Dr. Joel Fleischman, Dr. Sam Beckett, Dr. Johnny Fever, Dr. Who
Dr. Acula
Can’t forget Dr. Rumer
I couldn’t forget if I tried…
Six months of memory-repression therapy down the drain. Thanks Walt.
?you were a man this time last week
?now you’re juuuuuust a dickless freak dr. Rumer
For those who don’t follow the left and what the MSNBC types are saying, I follow their narratives. So they’re of course going technocrat, they’re saying the right is irresponsible by playing this down, Trump is dangerously incompetent, and occasionally they’re complaining that blacks and people are disproportionately impacted.
Blacks are disproportionately impacted cause they’re still having block parties with literally hundreds, even thousands of people in attendance.
Watch this:
Hey wait I thought we were MSNBC!
I can’t tell the difference between Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow. I’ve been listening to FTN for like 4 years; I thought this was The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. Why didn’t anybody tell me?!!
The President thanks you for your service.
Great show guys! So, I was recently looking into the life of Howard Hughes, the utterly brilliant man who designed specialty airplanes, and who supposedly “went crazy”. I’m seriously questioning the story now, as he likely would have been seen as competition against Jewish controlled companies for military contracts. He was also a filmmaker in Hollywood in his younger days, and seemingly employed mostly goys. I suspect Hughes may have been run through the ringer by the Jews. Do you guys or anyone else here have any knowledge or information sources about this? Thank you for what you do, and… Read more »
Yes – as I made the joke, I immediately started to think the story we were told about Hughes was a lie. Haven’t had a chance to look into it yet, but I will
Great show. Great show art.
Made for a comfy morning in the backyard workshop.
Make sure and remember to celebrate Uncle Adolf’s Birthday tomorrow.
Just because we may be apart does not mean we can not also be together.
❤ Happy Early Birthday Uncle A. May you live in our hearts and minds forever. ❤
If only BANG was open for such an occasion
lol ok. FTN has really grown on me in the past 6 months, including the deep dives (my favourite one was on Kobe beef’s helo axe-ident, nigga.
who is the ph**got down voting every post about BANG? You piece of shit
Interesting! Is there a citation/ source on the Salvador character related to the Opium Trade in China?
ofc the wiki denies he was ever director of the company
However they do admit he was heavily involved in company operations and its politics. A distinction without much of a difference.
Fuck Wikipedia.
I built one for us:
There is a wikipedia page for Joseph Salvador
Might one of the contributing writers share his source.. seems the info in FTN’s excellent presentation is book-based, not just Wiki. Is there a full historical study on Jewish economic and cultural influence in China available that’s more palatable to an FTN listener?
I’m from Michigan and the reason some of the people around me went to protest wasn’t to go back to work. It was over the banning of seeds, gardening products, and few other items that make no sense. It fucks over the smaller businesses that specialize in those items while big businesses like Home Depot are able to stay open.
Not saying the protest wasn’t astroturfed or about big line. I’m just saying some people going had some genuine grievances.
In other words they were co-opted. Just like so many people in the tea party “movement”.
Excellent point
Craft beer gang
Did the Chinese arrest the Jews because of Stalin’s campaign against the “Rootless Cosmopolitans”? Did the Chinese release the Jews because they broke with the Soviet Union?
It’s been more than “a few days.” Mike lied again.
Mike’s revisionism posting on twitter is pretty great
It would be better if he were posting it on BANG
Yes, much better.
I don’t have it. Could you link a brother?
DMs aren’t open
Glad to see there’s no nautical nonsense going on with our submarine terminology here!
That’s as funny as a screendoor on a battleship
“Why don’t you make like a tree… and get out of here.”
Great show guys. Thanks.
Can Moike get 4,088 more followers before tomorrow?
I found the best redpill ww2/holocaust etc vid I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of em. Spread the redpill.
Is it made a Wuhan Lab by those filthy dog eaters? Or is it not real, just the flu? Or is it a bug worth chasing for herd immunity?
I can’t keep up with the Kosher Right Wing narrative.
Happy Birthday, big guy (few hours early)
I’ve heard RamzPaul has a podcast.
It’s hot garbage. He’s really gone downhill. I used to like him too
why my curve flat joke get kill? comment section shadow-banhammer cuts like a knife. Scrolling down google images of ‘jump the shark’ and the first pic that’s not Fonz or Homer on water skis is LITERALLY a graph curve not only flattening but dropping off at free fall speed. It was a perfect illustration of how some of the more light switch brained ‘get back to work’ers view the future stats of Covid19 deaths. “Peak mean it over, all down hill frum here” It was some kind of synchronicity and I just had to share it. Struggled through odd ‘moderation’… Read more »
Too many obscure links got it caught in spam. Repost.
sauce : neatorama + jump the shark
That graph is actually pretty funny. It’s a lognormal distribution curve made to look like a shark-fin with the surrounding peaks and troughs looking like waves.
Thanks for the timestamps. How much do we have to pay to get those for S&M??
Blasphemy to even suggest not listening to the entire S&M. Twice.
I listen at 1/2 speed
Fucking based. AND redpilled.
I too listen at 1/2 speed, but only to recreate shadow striker from the EMJ episode
It also turns the Storm King intro track into the new Oranssi Pazuzu
“How much do we have to pay to get those for S&M??”
$100.00 per timestamp. Striker has a political party to fund!
How much do we have to pay to get S&M to show up in Downcast?
Listening in my n’shed, surrounded by piss filled Mt. Dew bottles.
Why don’t you just go in the woods, nnnguy?
Piss filled Mt. Dew bottles. So basically Mt. Dew bottles full of Mt. Dew.
Awesome deep dive on China. That’s what makes FTN such a great show.
At 01:12: picturing Jeff Sessions T-posing outside the white house begging to be let in, lol.
its just ‘phil’, its not even mister
If Jazz is jumping the shark, he’s jumping over 50 of them. He’s wearing an Evel Knievel style-suit as precision-timed pyrotechnics explode behind him. And it’s awesome.
What in the hell happened to this show over the last year?! Not to mention the last month. I think Jazz has really jumped the shark.
If you don’t toke on GOP talking points or free base Trump’s trap house propaganda, your gonna love the show. Only President Kushner and his kosher retinue of “Right Wing Punditry” like Brietbart, Infowars and Blaze would be upset over these goy. Fash the Nation just keeps getting better and better. Unless you consume A LOT of Fox news and consider yourself a good goy, who loves sacrificing their future for jews. No one but Fash the Nation called out Black Rock in such a viscous manner and made it obvious that Trump did a corrupt deal when hiring them.… Read more »
Listen, nnnn….guy. I’ve listened to every episode of this show for 4 fucking years and have seen it go from the greatest thing in political podcasting to a “if Rachael Maddow were a Nazi” parody show. You can literally pickup all of Jazz’s talking points from 20 minutes of MSNBC. Don’t believe me, try it! Oh yeah and DON’T ATTACK CHINA, DON’T GO OUTSIDE, IT ONLY HELPS ZOG!
If you want Trump plan trusting, save big line posting, or shabbos saber rattling with China, go check out Nick Fuentes or Scott Greer. We’ve all evolved. 2016 is over fam.
You’ve listened to the show for 4 years but can’t understand or realize why they changed? Even though Fash the Nation explained it out in autistic detail? Damn man these alt-right goys helped talk me into wasting 20K$+ and become and National Trump Delegate at the RNC. I forgive them and myself and moved on. The Trump Train is Kushner and his tribe. Sitting at home and watching Big Line Die as fast as Chump’s base is ironically enjoyable. Arguing with a virus and cope rage posting won’t help you. Only adaptation and change will help. Sorry to be so… Read more »
Well, hey, guy who wants to survive, go get you a Walmart job. Oh wait that’s beneath you? You want a fake small business where you can pretend you and your family are going to weather White genocide while all the rest of us suffer? Yeah, I get that, and it’s why I don’t care about your impending suffering. I mean maybe you personally don’t feel that way, guy, but I’m seeing that a lot now that I’m stuck on the Gab with the Bang being down and it pisses me the fuck off. These were the same fucking people… Read more »
If you aren’t happy with the editorial content and show direction, you can go pretty much anywhere else. Outside of TRS, Hunter Wallace, and a handful of others, nobody is covering these issues the way it’s being discussed here. Your backhanded compliments aren’t going to shame anyone here into becoming a cheerleader for ZOG. And enough of the retard-strength strawmen, Jazz and James have clearly and concisely detailed their position. Either admit that you’re too dim to understand the message or are simply unhappy with a change in editorial content that doesnt confirm your existing worldview. Either way, you’d probably… Read more »
Why pay $4.99 for the first minute and $1.99 for each additional minute for FTN when you could just turn on MSNBC and listen to Mika Brzezinski read The International Jew?
Why spend precious energy manually turning the light switch on and off when you can install the fun and easy to use Clapper directly to your brain!
This dude must be Ceiling Gang…
“I can’t wait to go back to Applebee’s with my black girlfriend. I miss those 85% cooked boneless beaner wings and moldy keg lines.” —- The Last American
I think IIRC that FTN ripped the bandage off of its last lingering hope for the Trump admin doing anything positive for us some time in August of last year. If you really were paying attention than nothing that FTN has put out since then should surprise you.
That’s what made me start paying for a subscription again. I was one of the first to sign up for the paywall, mainly for FTN, dropped my sub for a few months and came back once they put the idea of Jarred’s orange puppet doing anything for us in the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Bait. Kick rocks Schlomo
I’m beginning to get pretty amazed at how far out on the “we can’t re-open anything yet” limb everyone seems to want to climb. The ramping up of indignant personal attacks on anyone that disagrees is twice as amusing. You may be just that scared or concerned, which is fine, you have every right to be based on the information as it originally rolled out. But as things have played out it’s gotten to the point where I can’t tell if your motivations are more because you guys have a general disdain for the country as now operated or because… Read more »
I don’t think you’re alone in that opinion in casually observing Corona Quarantine fallout from a variety of alternative sources and anons. It seems as if TRS is of the mind that White people ought not return to fake and gay economy and jewish capitalist construct that continues to bilk and marginalize/exclude Whites and White interests. Maybe let’s see how far we can push this falling knife metaphor before Shlomo’s got to make a decision whether to catch or let fall on his foot. That’s not so easy to say, though, when you’re more pressed for income and are having… Read more »
Lol. Inb4 ‘I have to go back‘.
A lot of parallel overlap of opinion from a medical expert (MD/psychiatrist) and a noted historian on two fairly disparate forums (Highside Chats and…
Hoover Institute).
Got through both of ’em trying to make an English breakfast (you can only post one hyperlink per comment post, unless you want to wait for moderator approval).
I get the idea of not returning to the system that exploits us, but some of us don’t have that option yet. I for one don’t have an off the grid compound I can retreat to. I still have to draw an income to be able to eat and take care of my family. People acknowledge that most of us are pay check to pay check and then tell us it’s in our interest to stay home. Whatever bag they’ll send me won’t cover it and I know I’m not alone. I think it’s dangerous to let the desire to… Read more »
To hell with that back to work crap. To repeat Sven’s question: why should we lift a finger for a system that utterly despises us and wants our race to be exterminated? What benefit is there in going back to the way things were? None. We have everything to gain in the long term from the US coming to an end as it is. The economy was already depressed for large numbers of whites. The bubble is already burst. Going back to work now means NOTHING. The economy cannot be saved; it is finished. It is now the government’s responsibility… Read more »
I agree Mike. That’s why I posted about the CFR. If the death rate is closer to 1% then wtf are we even doing? That’s close to influenza and we don’t shut the economy down every year for that. At some point you have to allow for new data and be willing to walk back projections just like everyone else has had to. This was not as bad as we thought it would be. Those models DID take into account shelter in place and way were over estimated. It’s time for realistic solutions to real world situations and for people… Read more »
yeah gonna need a citation on the flu being 1% mortality rate
Shut up faggot. The reason why fewer people are dying is because people are quarantining. I’m not sacrificing my boomer parents at the altar of mammon you fucking dweeb.
You’re wrong, all you have is speculation that the virus is not as bad as we think it may be, and we’re frustrated with all your gay copes, that’s why we are in the mocking stage
This is childish. There are antibody tests rolling out now, and it’s possible to acknowledge them without “taking a side.” I don’t want to help ZOG, I don’t want to everyone’s grandparents to die, I don’t really like RamzPaul and so on, but this is just fucking silly.
Mike, my original response was to 88 jud, not you. Show me the proof that the antibody tests show the magnitudes more infected, it is hopeful but in all honesty it is a dangerous cope. Antibody tests are important to reopen society, no doubt. But the roll-out of said tests isn’t going to be instant.
My perspective on the economy is I have nothing but hate for a system that ALREADY forces people like me to live under a totalizing economic depression. That’s the important thing to understand, most of us at TRS have already been screwed over by this economic paradigm for producing that “content” you’re currently commenting on. If you’re working a public job and even get caught listening to us you’d definitely get fired in the best of times, so yeah, people like us are justifiably fucking mad at this system and they don’t give a shit if it all burns down.… Read more »
Welcome to the casino economy! It’s not just whether you win or lose it’s whether you live or die!
this has to be a gutb alt
Is this the BANG forum?
H/t, Kyle! Elegant stuff…
I had a weird dream last night that I was with the TRS crew, plus Richard Spencer and we were trying to break into Cedar Point. I don’t why but it was really important we got in there. And that’s all I really remember.
Who could blame you all? Steel Vengenance and Millennium Force are hot stuff.
I got a few rollercoaster videos in my youtube recommends a few weeks back and then spent an unhealthy amount of my quarantine so far consuming coaster-shit. Now I think I’m one of those autists who counts “credits” and shit.
Maybe 5G is really about in-dream advertising
Better burn down the towers anyway, just to be safe.
The prophet has spoken!
You’re “dream” was actually a vision of the future. Praise the heavens for our future victory at Cedar Point. May there be ever more victories in our future struggle for survival!
Faaaaawk yeah! New FTN baby
I think we’re due for number two, Strike ze Nation
200 people showed up to a protest in Huntington Beach California. They better not fuck this up for me. I’m making more on unemployment than I’ve ever made before. I’ll have all my debt paid off in a month.
This whole thing is surreal. I’m getting state umemployment, “sub pay” from work, and an extra $600 from the federal govt. Plus we just got the stimulus money. So strange to be making more money being forced to stay at home (tbh, I’m so fucking bored and ready to go back to work still). I think if I were a NEET for very long my mental health would suffer terribly.
Then get a job at Walmart.
“Then get a job at Walmart.”
Talk about CRUELTY!
Just do some outside yard work, that’s what i’ve been doing when i get bored of being inside.
“I think if I were a NEET for very long my mental health would suffer terribly.”
Oh for god’s sake! Just GO with it! Sanity is HIGHLY overrated in this psychedelic clown world we live in!
Whoa, that’s spoopy- I just bought Sisters of Mercy’s first album yesterday, the opening song is Black Planet (honestly its something im surprised sben hasnt covered)
probably totally means something extremely significant
hard R
Until I can say this in public without any consequences, do we truly have freedom?
Not even then. Victory is when we have a country virtually without them like Poland.
Totally crazy times, mmbud.
“Surfing the Kali Death Plateau”
Cowabunga dudes! Armageddon here we come!
Hangin’ ten at the end of the world!
Hang ten in East Berlin!
“Lindsay Graham just might lose his Senate seat.”
Oh I HOPE so!
I want to say the Q people have a ‘trust the Graham’ leaning, but FTN has done a good job at hammering his record and character. Maybe Jazzhands will do a congested nasal impression of Graham filing for unemployment Trump bux in the near future.
You two have been killing it. Thanks for the regular deep dives, too, very good stuff. Hope to see Borzoi back soon!
You ain’t kidding. Great show guys, you got me taking notes. Jazzhands and James deserve their own statues. I will leave a note in the Party suggestion box tomorrow.
That’s a great cover art