Jazz and James flatten the astroturf of sputtering back to work chump protests that seem more like the disintegrating husk of a 2010 Glenn Beck rally than the energized base of an incumbent POTUS. Meanwhile Mr. Phil can't into math or medicine, Tucker hides behind a J-shield, impotent conservatives demand war with China, Sessions gets burned, and Lindsay Graham just might lose his Senate seat. In the second half, we flood the ballast tanks and dive deep into J leverage in China, from opium wars to Mao's inner circle, and into the transition from communism to capitalism, how China has been compromised, by whom, and the kosher dialectic that's been constructed to confuse everyone. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Surfing the Kali Death Plateau
00:28:00 - Tacticool Constitutionalism
00:43:00 - Mr. Phil Does Maths
00:50:00 - Tucker Goes to Temple
01:05:00 - 11th Hour Copes
01:15:00 - BREAK
01:17:00 - Angry at Everyone But Them
01:27:00 - Talmudic East India Company
01:42:00 - Mao's Untouchables
02:02:00 - Beginning of the End
02:20:00 - Throwing Down Tentacles
02:28:00 - BlackPlanet
02:42:00 - Outro
What is the code or link to subscribe to James VPN?
Where can I find the outro song? Been looking for a title or link to download it for months
we seem to be up against a huge tsunami of judaic destiny that has spent hundreds of years picking up momentum.
call me a black pilled coomer or wtv but how the fuck are we or any other peoples supposed to take back our own destinies when this is all already in place?
great, we’ve noticed there’s a fire. problem is the fire has already consumed the entire house. we were just asleep while it was happening.
I definitely feel “black pilled” or discouraged after listening to this one… The cunning of these people really does inspire awe. Even the Chinese… I had no idea.
Fortunately, thanks to this content, I’ve been empowered with valuable information which in turn can be shared with family and friends.
Great work.
The only silver lining i see in all of this is that their cunning is entirely focused on scheming and subversion. They do not create, only destroy. How can an empire built of chaos and destruction really be maintained over a long enough timeline? Maybe i’m just coping, who knows.
Jazzhands used the phrase, “Very anti-Semitic John Birch Society”.
Was that sarcasm or an unintentional misstatement?
My sarcasm detector didn’t go off, but it sometimes malfunctions.
James and Jazz usually do great work, but this is right out of the park! Deep dive and Regular FTN all in one! Outstanding!
Quon Shekelfarbstein
Really good stuff on CHIY-NA. Thanks.
Wanted to say that in the 1st half, your guys’ tone toward the protestors was really off putting. Really came off as elitist, better than thou. Not a good look IMO.
Love you guys, just giving some friendly feedback.
It’s flacid and astroturfed. I’m not sorry for mocking MAGA boomers and 3 percenters for being duped by a Jewish system. What really isn’t a good look is coming here to do some emotional appeal about our presentation of these facts instead of thinking more deeply about what we said. Nothing says off putting like having no substantive argument.
I love it Chuck. Keep it going.
jazzhands got some news for you from Worthington MN
Thanks man, added to the stack
No bueno
In listening to the second hour, I was reminded of the Showtime show Homeland and the role Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride and refugee resettlement fame) plays what I am assuming is an ostensibly jewish American CIA officer Saul Berenson (he is eventually the acting director). I read The Company by Robert Littell in the aughts, but I don’t recall too much jewish narrative in that fictional account of the CIA’s rise from the OSS post WWII. Along with other CIA biofilms, like The Good Shepherd, there seems to be this prevailing narrative that the CIA and… Read more »
Saul Berenson
Anglo-American Establishment
Homeland webm
The Company (Littell)
According to the CDC: From 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day.1 An additional 332 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.2 Good hatefact in the article as well: Between 1999-2010, the fatal unintentional drowning rate for African Americans was significantly higher than that of whites across all ages.5 The disparity is widest among children 5-18 years old. The disparity is most pronounced in swimming pools; African American children 5-19 drown in swimming pools at rates 5.5 times higher than those of… Read more »
Heil Hitler
Sieg Heil
Eisen is ‘iron’ in German. What is the jewish surname connection here? I understand the connections with silver, gold, etc, but were jews involved in iron working or something?
Am I the only who see’s admiral ackbar in the art work?
For you Anglos: another COVID-19 related loss.
Life, Death and the Monster…
I’m sorry but anyone and everyone who becomes an enemy of the yids is pretty honorary in my eyes.
You guys may not like me for this but ive been dissapointed at the ronavirus takes on this show.. It seems you guys are on the whole nazbol freezing cold takes “muh economy and jobs are fake only jooz need money why not free money and full communism now.. Seemingly totally ignoring the data that death projections by glorious dr fauci have been falling weekly and most of the experts say we are at peak now and italy has been falling in cases and deaths for a month straight.. Hospitals are more empty than ever.. Not sure where youre even… Read more »
Apparently you missed the first 10 minutes of the show
GayOp ‘Shark Jump’ still in effect…
aka ‘Snark Dump’ or ‘Stonk Hump’
Nurse, get this man a puppy and some ice-cream, STAT!
I hope FTN keeps it up.
Comments like this are a good sign we are getting rid of the right people.
The “projections” always overshoot what will actually happen- by design. It’s better to predict more deaths and be wrong than predict “lol nothingburger just the flu” and end up with twice as many dead as you predicted. This is a very BASIC premise that you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to understand.
We’ve talked at length about how this is hurting regular working people. Get your head out of your ass.
I saw “jooz” and stopped reading…
Kick rocks, Schlomo
War with China is the most pants on head retarded idea I have ever heard. These guys really think real life is the plot of Battlefield 4.
Schlomo will gin up Cletus’ anger toward yellow man to zap some zippers for fun. There’s so much truth to the Jewish idea to stoke racial animosity in grugs for kosher goals.
To continue the conversation about the Zman from last week, the Zman is now on record saying that the infrastructure in India is so bad that they can’t outsource from China to India and that some of those jobs are coming back to the USA because of the current crisis. When nothing like this happens this will be yet another dumb conservative cope that gets quietly forgotten. I’ve already seen some (((people))) floating the idea that critical medical manufacturing should be moved from China to Israel, for the sake of “having more secure supply lines”. That’s far more likely to… Read more »
Oh great, if my normie FB feed is to be believed it is Ted Cruz who is floating the idea of moving medical manufacturing from China to Israel. Of courrrssse!
Wait do people think we are in the middle east for any reason other than stopping the belt road from being in the middle east? You can “muh greater Israel” me all you want but Israel could do that tomorrow without any real repercussion.
The Belt and Road plans make very sure to avoid greater Israel despite a land route through Iraq and Egypt seeming like an obvious feature (link down below).
Also, we’ve been in the Middle East long before Belt and Road was even conceived.
Israel isn’t going to do anything that might cost them if they can get their dumb sh@bbos g0y1m to do it for them instead.
I understand it wasn’t the original reason (that was to destabilize the region) it is the reason we are still poking around (i’m sure China thought we would be gone by now). Where has this https://www.rt.com/business/248313-china-iran-pakistan-gas-pipeline/ gone since? https://en.mehrnews.com/news/148223/Iran-ready-to-export-gas-to-China-via-IP-gas-pipeline-Jahangiri happens then sanctions? Talks start back up then Suleimani death, then corona. It is crazy how something always comes up when Iran and China get cozy. You could be right though, maybe Irsael is willing to just double it’s size without getting parts of Iran and if China/Iran get cozy they won’t be getting that for a very long time (but… Read more »
I thought the Chinese were supposed to be smarter than we are.
That remains to be seen. If they are smart they should be listening to FTN and taking notes.
If that were true they wouldn’t need to steal intellectual properties.
Actually that part about Bloviating Orange Retard inciting the peasants to “vaguely do something about YoR FrDOms” while he does absolutely nothing made me think of a weird parallel. Being a Trump supporter back in 2016-18, was like being a low level employee in a company that paid absolute shit, and where you can see the factory manager doing coke in his office all day long, but then he comes out and starts bloviating about imaginary things that he’s doing for the company and how the companies success is your success. Then he makes sure to point out the things… Read more »
Getting a little stirfried without BANG to make this into a long post, but when you guys are talking at around 34 minutes about how “well it’s really pathetic how these wimpy protests are all the MAGA movement can come up with” (paraphrased of course), I really think you guys are if anything down playing the death of Trumpism. I am around a lot of white men between the ages of 20-35 all the time. These aren’t faggots either, not to dox, but these are guys involved in sports and with blue collar work. Not the internet meme of “chad”… Read more »
Should have made it clear. Expecting normies to START political projects is expecting a miracle. Expecting normies to JOIN a political project is what I meant.
This is all very well said and definitely bears out with what I’ve seen too. Nobody I knew that supported Trump circa 2016 is still on board, with the exception of those grifting from it.
The people who were anti-Trump 2016 are pro-Trump in 2020 and vice versa.
Nailed it.
Overheard a bunch of Bernie and DSA types at work saying how they’ll take 4 more years of Trump over Biden.
Imagine listening to this and still thinking Nicholas J Fuentes still has hot takes. This retard will condemn our milieu while pushing money narratives. He is a mouthpiece of gay libertarians. You have to work hard to manage such a gay product.
I don’t have Twitter and certainly don’t watch his show so I was actually thunderstruck when I saw the extent of his Trump plan-trusting and how gay, literally, it’s become.
Amazing second half gentlemen.
Fucking brilliantl takes on China. Inspiring stuff my guys. The story is unfolding like you have the inside running on Enigma
The Belt and Road goes straight through northern Iran, I don’t see how they even could dodge the Middle East unless they wanted to go through Siberia.
Very informative show.
I’ve given up on this guy but he knows who he is
Freudianism does have a lot of truth within it. I learned about the different stages of life from Freud. The oral stage, the anal stage, etc. My favorite was the 69 stage.
Amusing yes but serious post: Freud based his worldview on his patients who were literally mentally unstable Js suffering from early childhood sexual molestation or other forms of psychological abuse. So some of what he theorized was valid but only for a very specific demographic.
Two things Freud got right: 1) psychological projection is a thing (which Js engage in constantly) and 2) there is some kind of deep psychohistorical connection between the Js, Moses, Abrahamic monotheism and Egyptian Atenism and the Hyksos. See also Jan Assman “Moses the Egyptian”.
Well they’re an ethnicity.
BANG is kaput so I will post this link to a Breitbart article about a blegg yoot who through perservereance and walking a lot is making the world a better place. The story is bs, of course, but the comment thread under is truly
Boomers belong in camps, that’s all I have to say after reading that cancerous comment section.
Put the camps on cruise ships they’ll love it.
To the guys who think defending Trump is your hill to die on, remember, he hates everything you stand for. He is for product, not the development of your family. Imagine thinking he was pro European, he is big line go up, i.e mass immigration. You’re suckers for a political op. Enjoy the ride, kids…….
I dont think anyone reading this is doing much Trump defending these days, home slice.
You’d be surprised. They created their own pro trump echo chamber targeted at kids. They’re on dlive every day convincing kids and retarded adults that they should trust the plan. Literally, trust the plan, is their tag line with thousands watching them daily.
You’d be surprised friend o
Yeah but as I said above, this shit has no reach in the real world. Just like how most people have never seen the true depths of tranny reddit, most people have zero idea who TF Nick Fuentes is. People in the real world have moved beyond Trump, save for the silver haired Boomers who want to LARP like they have power. Trumpism has been dead amongst normies for years.
Land Lords