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Special white power outage episode with Mike, Alex and Borzoi.
- Helen Keller Confirmed Fake and Gay
- I'll Be Gassed in the Batchroom
- Replaced with Substitute Whites
- The Yarn Spinning of Ron Jones
- Based Transhumanist Lyle Burkhead
- The Brain Washing Lady
- Goyim Programming
- Believing in Folk Tales
- Jeff Bezos, Leader of Antifa
- Just in Time Dildo Delivery
- Untentable Narratives
No Sven? Refreshing break ?
I wonder if he’s got his electricity back? Could get kind of cold tonight.
Fuck you bitchass wannabe Sean
Vermont is very French.
Yeah. Maybe not in NY, but a lot of French-Canadians came to work in the factories in New England in the nineteenth century. The English were happy to be rid of them since they never quite fit in in Anglo Canada. Former ME governor Lepage was a recent prominent example of a Franco-American.
Arminius is a LARP. He was a Roman citizen who learned how to fight in the Roman legion and then betrayed them.
Arminius is NOT a LARP! He played the Romans for fools, learned THEIR way of warfare and taught them a lesson they never FORGOT! HAIL ARMIN! HAIL GERMANIA!
He was literately a refugee (Germanics fleeing the Huns) and he turned on the people who let him in and treated him as a citizen. Very Jewy if you ask me.
“He was literately a refugee”
No he wasn’t! He was a hostage being held by the Romans as a way to ensure his father’s cooperation in the Roman occupation. He just bided his time until he could pay the Romans back for murdering, raping and pillaging his people.
“Germanics fleeing the Huns.”
You’re about 300 years off there.
“Very Jewy if you ask me.”
Not Jewy in the least. Payback is a bitch!
No? The Huns pushed the Slavs west who pushed on the Germanic borders. This went on for centuries. You can still read Romans debating whether they should allow Germanics to settle on imperial lands or not. Some Romans were arguing muh refugees and saying that they would become Roman in due time (Jew much?) and others were saying that they were barbarians and not Rome’s problem. In the end they were let in and they betrayed Rome and sacked it when times got hard. Arminius was subsequently assassinated by other Germanics. Sorry but he’s a cope.
The Cherusci were not driven West by the Huns. They were in their homeland when the Romans moved East to conquer them. You’re just wrong. Your position on this question is the cope.
Here read about Arminius:
Here read about the Cherusci:
All the German tribes that fought under Arminius at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest were WESTERN Germans.
I can’t believe that you would actually post that comment without checking first.
I don’t see how this follows from anything that I wrote…? Western Germans invaded those lands from Scandinavia. All Germanics originate from Scandinavia. Continental Europe was mostly Celtic before the Germanic invasions.
1. You said that Arminius was a refugee. He wasn’t.
2. You said that the Cherusci were driven west by the Huns. They weren’t
Do you see how it follows now? Stop arguing like a jew.
Well idk about that. They had taken that homeland from the Celts a century or so before. They came from my homeland, southern Sweden. This is the urheimat of the Germanics. Even so my understanding is that the Germanics were pushing west because they were being pushed from the East. My understanding is also that the Germanics wars started with some Germanic tribes invading Gaul – the Germanics had driven Celtic tribes out of their homelands in Central Europe already. There’s no question about it. At the time of Rome the Germanics hadn’t yet achieved anything worth mentioning. That is… Read more »
“t the Germanics were pushing west because they were being pushed from the East.” You’re talking about periods that were HUNDREDS of years apart!. Yes the Germans migrated west out of their Scandinavian homeland hundreds of years before Arminius. They weren’t PUSHED west! Yes the Goths were pushed west by the Huns but that was 350 LATER! It didn’t have anything to do with Arminius or his tribe the Cherusci! “The Germanic tribes weren’t impressive back then.” They were impressive enough to hand Rome one of it’s worse defeats ever and the Romans never were able to conquer them like… Read more »
More F@9S!
Oh look ANOTHER F@9!
You are exactly right, Spam.
Hail Arminius!
Is BANG back yet?
Oh jeezuss god I HOPE so! I don’t think I take one more DAY of you panty-boy BANGers WHINING!!!
Truth hurts.
“-3” “-2”
“-5” “-4”
Even more so!
wat think best language to learn betwixt: Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish?
Danish: could read Kierkegaard
Swedish: could watch Ingmar Bergman movies
Norwegian: could correspond with Varg
Well speaking as one who has English ancestry and since the Angeln was part of Denmark before the Germans stole it in the 1860’s I’m going to say Danish! Hail Christian von Schalburg!
I far as I know the Danish stole Schleswig from Prussia in the First Schleswig War in 1848, Prussia with Austria’s help took it back in the second Schleswig War in 1864.
“As far as I know…”
The First Schleswig War started as an uprising of the of the nobility there and the intervention of Prussia in an attempt to steal Schleswig from Denmark. The ensuing war lasted 3 years until the intervention of other great powers of Europe who forced Prussia to mind it’s own business and get out of Denmark. In the peace treaty the Prussians recognized Schleswig as part of Denmark.
Seriously the Angeln has a MUCH longer history as part of Denmark than Germany.
I’m Swedish and I can understand all three languages just fine. If you learn one you learn them all. At least if by Norwegian you mean the more common dialect. There’s also an older variety, Bokmål, which I can’t really understand, it’s more like Icelandic.
As a rule of thumb we can all read and understand each other’s written languages. When it comes to spoken language Danish is somewhat divergent and both Swedes and Norwegians have a harder time understanding it.
“When it comes to spoken language Danish is somewhat divergent and both Swedes and Norwegians have a harder time understanding it.”
Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t Swedes and Norwegians think that Danes sound like they are talking with a golf ball in their mouths???
LOL! Apparently this is a f@9 and his long time companion!
In the meantime, peeps should go tell this White girl how retarded she is for being upset over her beautiful European genes. She doesn’t have any nigger/gook genes, the horror. Comment section/ratio is a whitepill though.
Board: Excited for Product Topic: King of the Hill S07E20 “Racist Dawg” Post: Synopsis – Hank’s dog attacks a blegh repairman fixing Hank’s water heater. The black repairman accuses Hank of being racist. Hank takes his dog to the vet to verify his dog his racist, and the vet tells Hank that dogs cannot be racist, they merely learn behavior from their owners, therefore Hank is racist. The vet then tells Hank he’s currently drilling the oil, and that Hank “makes him sick”. Next Sunday at Church, the pastor gives a sermon on Crayons and God “put all of the… Read more »
That’s one of my favorite episodes of all time. I relate because I don’t like other people working on my shit.
Never mind the inter-racial cuckolding that spans the entire series. ?
Dale’s wife stops the cheating thing in the earlier seasons of the show. I agree that it’s in poor taste.
sit on the toilet until you can’t feel your legs gang
Me rn
Either Mike lied again, or I’m a ni@@er. He said they were teaching this “blue eyes, brown eyes” bullshit in the 1970’s. Well, I graduated from high school in the late 70’s, and I have no memory of anything like this. if they taught this stuff in any of my classes, then I must have been the nog in the back of the room smirking and not paying attention!
Probably didn’t happen if you lived in the south unless it was a horrible shitlib teacher.
OK first off Swampy you ain’t no ni993r. Secondly I very clearly remember a segment of the ABC show 20/20 highlighting this bitch’s anti-White subversion being presented to school kids. This was like in ’78 or ’79.
So what am I supposed to do now, shitpost in the show comments like some kind of animal
Desperate problems need desperate solutions
We’ll all get through these hard times together
“shitpost in the show comments like some kind of animal”
We’re NOT animals! We’re BARBARIANS!
“You’ll find me gassed in the batchroom.”
Hey, I’ve gassed people in the batchroom. Especially after eating Mexican food!
As I’m sure many of the men in this comment section have!
try beans, cabbage and onions
I have been to see Jane Elliot speak twice. She really is intolerable and high on her own supply as both times she wore shirts with her name, picture and most profound quotes. There is one way to deal with her or any of these people. Go with friends AND LAUGH. Half fun. Enjoy the experience. Volunteer for segments and instead of getting angry, just make a mockery of the whole thing. She loses her shit as does the audience of older white women. I’m trying to go a third time when she hits Boston up again
one-eye witness
This is JQ 101, but it bears repeating: The Jew is a parasite. For all his pretensions to superiority he can’t exist without sucking the blood of hard-working productive races. Therefore he must keep his slaves in a stupefied state, lest his cattle realize they don’t need him. Nothing terrifies the Jew more than the threat of being told “raus!”
Without us, he’s nothing and he knows it. This is why massive amounts of propaganda must be perpetually churned out to demoralize the goyim to protect himself from that eventuality.
What the hell happened to bang
The server burst into flames and took cloudflare with it.
Spontaneous server combustion? I don’t believe it.
I blame the jews.
Definitely the Jews.
I had a take so hot that TRS’s servers just couldn’t take it anymore
Sven is the Hellen Keller of TDS
I can picture Sven holding someones throat as they repeat “jews” and Sven standing to the side phonetically saying “Joooooos, Jooooos”
We all miss Sven when he’s gone. Don’t tell him though, it will go to his head.
Speaking of fake and gay shit taught in school, did anyone else get taught that good wives guide? It’s this fake thing that was supposedly a guide for 1955 women on how to be a good waifu for their husbandos. (implying 3D whores could ever compare to 2D), which according to the guide involved getting the food ready for when your man comes home, shutting the fuck up and knowing your place.
I think what you are referring to was an old Readers Digest article. I don’t think that was fake. Society used to not be shitty.
Lol my roommate and I have that printed out and hung on our fridge
This not a hoax cause what the yids say. Houston we have a problem.
Keller was a fake & gay twinknat
“Due to my speech impediment, people around me don’t realize that my autistic screechings are actually dope ass redpills and antisemetic remarks. That’s right fags I’m woke AF.”
– Helen Keller
I’m surprised that Jane Elliot woman is still alive she sounded like an old lady in that clip from 40 years ago
She is the living embodiment of the word “harridan”.
‘You know what I’ve learned from having this water run over my hands? How much I hate Anti-Semitism.’
– Helen Keller
Seriously though remember the old Boomer conspiracy line about Keller that she must have been a devil worshiper because the ‘I love you’ sign is the devil horns?
Mike mentioned reading Hitler’s Revolution which was written by Richard Tedor. Anybody knows what that guy is doing? I heard he was the leader of the american National Socialist party.
Here’s an interview I just found with Tedor:
Nice. Apperantly the interviewer’s name is Kyle LOL. Tedor laid out a lot of the stuff in his book. You should still read it, if you haven’t. There’s a lot of highly interesting info in there, that they didn’t talk about in the interview.
Jane Elliott is the type of miserable scold that would have been thrown down a dry well by the village folk in the middle ages. That we have to put up with such people on a regular basis makes me think electricity and antibiotics weren’t worth it.
She is the type of sadistic crone that would have joined a nunnery back in the day and enjoyed beating the children.
A harridan.
A hagriding bitch!
Boris Johnson is praising the immigrant nurses who saved his life.
Well of COURSE!
I’m still smashing that F5 button every hour.
I read the title and was ready for some hot NASCAR takes on the half gook NASCAR driver that said N!gger during a video game race.
Great show! Shit, sometimes I feel like I should be taking notes. Seriously. Years ago, I found it relatively easy to red pill my friends and family on the basics, like racial differences, immigration, etc. People have a real mental block on the JQ and the holohoax though. I’ve debated the 6 gorillion irl and have had limited success. I know the basics to point out but damn, there’s so much to get into. I wish I could just call up Mike sometimes and let his big brain explain these topics for me. I agree that it is important to… Read more »
/shitposting/”Over 200 comments must be a really good or bad show.” Nope, we just want BANG back. I don’t blame Sven for not coming into work today. Must be hard to just sit there for 45minutes while Moike steamrolls without having bang to read.
Never forget what Moike took from us.
Also was he really advocating for being outraged by blatant lies? That’s a bold move Moike
I haven’t even watched the show yet. I just came for the BANG comments. I can only downvote and upvote D’Marcus’ comment so many times.
You just need to get mad at every time Moike talks shit about obvious lies.
Overall solid episode. A bit too serious without the resident grug. 3/5
He doesn’t mention Whoopie at all this episode he’s just said it a couple times and it grates on me.
True Alpine Supremacy!
They hijack the authoritarian personality with low level neo-liberal enforcer goys
I was born in Daytona woot woot
Say what you will about Helen Keller, but she sure plays a mean pinball.
There’s yet another story I remember. Two groups of boys at a summer camp we organized into tribes and things got out of hand and they got to be at each other’s throats. Finally the camp adults made them struggle together against nature and they came together again.
On the Holocaust: Everyone who went through reception at Fort Benning basic training has gone through the same shit that jews did in Treblinka 2. That’s all it was.
My brother went to basic there. Can confirm via stoories.
God, the audio on this show always sucks when Sven isn’t around. I am now a Sven supremacist.
Better late than never.
Hey you guys, the Wisconsin Supreme court election has been called… Jill Karofsky has won. A little smash early life shows she’s Jewish. All the comments on the news are from republicans saying it was leftist tricks that got her the vote. It’s a good time calling them out by saying things like ‘she’s Jewish, they don’t play tricks or cheat elections, what are you antisemetic?’ Heads are exploding all over the place. Because no one in Wisconsin knows she’s Jewish, time to change that…
A little context, Democrat governor Evers tryed to suspend the election because of corona Chan, republicans said ‘vote anyway”, then a leftist Jew wins the supreme court and republicans are saying ‘it’s all rigged, ‘leftists’ are doing this. And I’m saying, ‘wait a minute, are you saying the leftists are pushing a Jewish candidate by some form of trickery? That’s impossible.’ And the established right in Wi has no answer… It is a prime time to expose the Kosher sandwich.
Italians are the master race. non Italian subhumans such as the bald homunculus known as alex mcnabb have no right to criticize the Italian master race. his ancestors were the mere chattel of roman men. Every single society is predicated on roman ideals and culture and by extension italic people. We are the master race and it isn’t up for debate. Southern Europeans are the apex of humanity. Northern Europeans such as the subhumans on TDS are inferior in every way to the southern European master race.
We all know that us meds are superior to the nords, but you gotta keep your power level down since we all have to work together to beat zog
Looks like Eric Hunt (sorry about what they did to you Eric) wants to debate Mike on the Holocaust with Dawson as moderator. I saw a preview of Dawson’s interview with Hunt where he hints at that. Only do it if he agrees to parameters! I watched his debate with Fritz Berg and he was being very sneaky!
Borzoi should do Alien & Aliens next.
I like what Borzoi said “IQ isn’t a race”
People form tribes to advance the wellbeing of people with similar genes to them –their extended racial family– not people who are similarly intelligent to them.
We need to ally with our family –our racial family– not with people who’d be potential good neighbours but ultimately have no stake in our genetic future, and have an interest in us having the government take our home and give it to them.
Well said. I fell into the IQ nationalism trap briefly after getting redpilled on race and IQ a few years back. Team white or it ain’t right
So sick of Jared Taylor’s “Asians and Jews are smarter than huwhytes” crap. It’s like “hey, I’m not racist. See? I don’t even think we’re the smartest.” Even if that’s true (I’m not convinced—Jewish pilpul skills and Asian copying and cheating don’t impress me—if that’s IQ) it’s more arguing from a liberal frame. Defend Whites because you’re White. Who needs some autist’s chart? ?
I’m really glad you guys found Lifton. It was a big redpill for me early on learning about Maoist China and then reading that book.
Sven when you get your power back tell Mike to take the microphone out of his mouth. My ears are bleeding.