Jazz, James, and Borzoi dive deep into the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton, one of America's most astroturfed founding fathers. Little is known about Hamilton's early life, which is odd considering his prominent role as a framer of the U.S. Constitution, first Secretary of the Treasury, creator of the nation's first national bank, the architect of the inherently corrupt system of debt-financed capitalism we are saddled with today, chief author of The Federalist Papers, master of media manipulation, election meddler, and almost but never actually President of the United States. Rest assured, we thoroughly smash that early life in order to fully understand the identity of the man himself; who he is, where he comes from, what shaped his worldview, and ultimately, in turn, how he shaped the world itself. Only once one fully understands Hamilton from those perspectives, do the trajectory and context of subsequent historical events, from war to immigration, finance to foreign policy, and from consumerism to vulture capitalism, become crystal clear.
RSS: http://fash-the-nation.libsyn.com/rss
Art Cred: Frontierland
Episode Topics:
Part 1
00:00:00 - Smash That Early Life
00:25:00 - The Dutch Connection
00:33:00 - Boston Tea Party Op
00:50:00 - Revolutionary Ladder Climbing
01:00:00 - Birthing of American Globalism
01:20:00 - BREAK
01:21:00 - INB4s
01:36:00 - Hostile M and A
01:59:00 - Intermission
Part 2
02:00:00 - MMT Skid Greasing
02:25:00 - Hamilton's Financial Ideas and Influences
02:38:00 - Assumption vs. Discrimination
02:54:00 - Birth of a Debt Nation
03:08:00 - BREAK
03:10:00 - Bank Friends
03:40:00 - Reynolds Red Pills
03:55:00 - Death of a Merchant
04:08:00 - Hotstuff Lotto
04:28:00 - Salting the Earth
Hamilton really put the “Judeo” in Judeo-Christian values.
This sheds light on how this “nation” became a capitalist playground. Consistently impressed with the work coming out of FTN. Keep it up!
Maybe do a deep dive on the worker rebellions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries? The state came in consistently to enforce the will of the monopolists and strike breakers. Just more rage fuel for the fire.
I already heard this one. I also don’t have a place to shitpost. Can I post a Twitter link here of a black freaking out, destroying his TV, and other things in the room cause his b-ball team lost the game? It’s a weird week at TRS. I think I’m just gonna do it. Enjoy.
“Can I post a Twitter link here of a black freaking out…”
Sure, why not? This may be the VERY serious FTN but they like a chimp-out as much as the next guy!
Oy vey!
Just watched this video that was posted awhile ago, from the old ‘John Adams’ series, and I think we all can firmly agree with the title of the video – “Everybody Hates (((Hamilton))) John Adams miniseries”, along with all the rest of his ilk.
In keeping that economy expanding and keeping market confidence up… there isn’t much other place to go for it. So what’s the next play? It’s easier to import consumers than to take over their home lands through foreign intervention. Also more convenient. This in turn puts more demand on the fiat currency in the immediate affect. Cash being a good/product and all. Even in regard to mexico. Super poor nation with nothing financially going on. Can’t conquer them. Just import them.
I was able to find a copy of ‘The Presidents Of The United States and the Jews’, hardcover bound for $6.41 and free shipping. I can’t wait to receive it and read it!!! Thanks for mentioning the book!!?
I did too. I am getting the feeling that each and every president had a jewish handler.
IMO too much time is spent on pushing Hamilton being a Jew. At best he’s a mamzer, and there’s no hard evidence of that. He and Jr. went a private tutelage which was by a Jewish woman, not a “Jewish school” in the sense of a Jewish school only for Jews. This was only done because the church schools on the island wouldn’t accept them based on the parents’ marital status. He had pro-Jewish sentiments but you didn’t need to be Jewish for that.
Spiritual j00, ethnic j00, its a distinction whose only difference is spiritual foreskin thieves deserve the bullet first as per Codreanu.
We inb4ed every single one of those arguments. Also, not enough time has been spent discussing these aspects of Hamilton’s life. The fact that you say TOO MUCH time is being spent on them while doing context denial in order to whine about it is kinda weird tbh fam.
Also, heil Codreanu
You know Jazz, people will whine and deny and explain and cope until they just can’t anymore. The weight of the evidence will be too great. At least that’s what happened to me.
This feels like an exceedingly Jewish cope.
hey Jazzy Mac – do you have a bibliography or reading list that you and your boys were/are using? heard a couple of titles bandied about and would love to do a little reading myself — if ya got time — thanks – fantastic and well researched show – trying to figure out how to lay some easy-going “trisket” bites on some of my normie family members who tend to be adverse and myopic concerning the truth — HEE HAW
Speaking of which, with all the suggestions for deep dives; Codreanu, and the Iron Guard would be a good one on the formation of a counter-semetic political party in a fully occupied nation.
It would be a great STFU for the religion spergs who have been counter signaling NS ideology. I can send my copy of For My Legionnaires to the P.O. Box if it would help.
He posts colder takes than this on BANG, consistently.
“He posts colder takes than this on BANG, consistently.”
And people wonder why I’m not on BANG!
“J3w by osmosis” is a thing, especially if your mother was a convert and you were raised as a J3w.
It would be different if he had rejected his upbringing but he did not; at that point his paternal ancestry is moot.
Spam Houston can gargle these nuts. BANG for lyfe.
No thanks, unlike you I don’t have sex with men. But thanks for the warning.
These comment sections are the new BANG, F5 gang for life
Also: do upcummies on comments affect our BANG upcummie ratio? I’m sitting on nearly 5 upboats per post and would like to improve my number
A perfect statement on why we never needed BANG in the first place!
If it’s not all about the upcummies then what’s even the point nnnnguy
What upcummies?
Boomer confusion.
Not confused at all young man. I just get at least as many downboats as I get upcooms. So really if that was the reason I share my arrogant opinion with you all I’d be wasting my time. As the 19th U.S. Senator Thomas Hart Benton once said “I should dearly like to please you. But I prefer to save you!”.
No worries. But you’re in our house now.
Who is “OUR”???
Moike? Sven? Jazz? Alex? James? Borzoi?
The real ddos’ing was just the BANGing we did along the way.
We did it reddit ?
That quote by Washington at the end really rustles the ole jimmies
Great deep dive. There’s no doubt in my mind Hamilton was a Jew.
Bangcast Triple Threat still goin . Same link as the last couple times.
Isn’t ‘yeoman’ pronounced yo-man?
Fascinating talks. Radical changes in weltanschauung. Thank you
Yee Oldee Yayohmanee Shopee.
Thanks for clearing this up
We knew that then. It’s a hallmark of TRS content to intentionally mispronounce words.
Um, including Eric Striker?
It wouldn’t be a Striker effort post without the mispronunciations.
Damn straight!
Did you guys ever do a nnndeep-nnndive on Bill Gates? That would certainly be a relevant endeavor, especially now.
Sounds great, i thought myth of the 20th century guys did something like that but nope
Soros should come first.
Is this a reupload?
Only if you’re a pay chad. This is the first time it’s been released to freefags
Bang is dead and they release an episode I paid $500 for with my paywall. Happy fucking easter free fags!
We had to shoah the BANG in order to save it.
“Bang is dead”
Who else is spending every last second spamming F5 just out of spite?
Banned from 4chan, no BANG, I was forced to actually go outside! The nerve!
I did the same thing and a drone told me to go back inside. KILL ME
Don’t they make you solve captchas if you do that?
Yes I do solve 30 captchas for every single post I make, how could you tell?
Well we’re here with the unwashed peasants now.
You did this because the BANGcast was too spicy.
apologie for bad enlish
where were you when bang was kill?
i was in my room and jazzhands came in and he said
“Like, do you even know fahking njaaaish forums are, nnnguy?”
Like listen nnnnnguy we’ve been over this before, the forum needed more noooooonce so we had to shut it down mmmmbud
“i was in my room and Jazzhands came in and he said…”
Hey nnnguy, the BANG is BONED!
I’m going to make my own forum! With blackjack… And hookers! You know what, forget about the forum.
Reeeeeeee I have nowhere to shitpost
Guess the comment section is the new forum, sup guys
Who the hell needed the forum in the first place???
Ask Moike to add a manic turbosperg section and you’ll fit right in, bud!
No matter how much attention you pay me I’m NOT sucking your nuts!
Boo hoo hoo “I miss my BANG!” ?
If you don’t downvote that post 100 TIMES you’re just a bunch of H0M0s!
THAT’s the best you can do??? Sad!
“It’s back up!”
That’s right go running back to your circus!
Oh look ANOTHER pussy!
I always wanted to be a pussy magnet but not like THIS!
“-4” Downvoting because your downward spiral of posting every downvote is amusing. Nothing personal.
A tidal wave of F@990TRY!!!
[with the exception of Robert Smith]
Is there anything we learned in high school history that isn’t complete bullshit?
Salute to my fellow BANGers.
It’s back up! That was faster than I expected.
Whatsa matta??? You don’t like dad rock? LOL!
The founding fathers always came off as product to me. Even at the time they were product
Aaron’s dueling pistol go Burr
I can’t understand people who use Roman sounding pseudonyms
Except Augustus when he’s speaking very cultured Southron.
Although I just remembered it isn’t actually a pseudonym. Never mind.
Guys, my friend simulator is down. Plz advise
Play Euro truck or Forklift simulator because you’re probably not working anyway.
“Bang’s down”
And you’ve come crawling back!
BANG seems like it’d be your jam dude, why aren’t you there? Wait…..you must have an alt.
“seems like it’d be your jam dude”
GOD no!
“you must have an alt.”
SPAM HOUSTON is all the alt I need!
Again, this is the WRONG kind of pussy!
Bang’s down, back to comment trolling on shows.
Bang refugee gang rise up
Joke: mad about white genocide
Woke: mad about no BANG
bangers rise up
Sit the fuck back down.
Eyy where’s the regroup point at tho
I hate to even do this here but it’s the latest show. This is all Moike. He didn’t even use Bang. He just wanted to take it away from us. Don’t believe the stress on the site conspiracy this is just another lie.
I’m glad he took away from you and i hope it doesn’t come back!
The comment troll rubs his hands gleefully
STILL won’t suck your nuts!
I was going to complain about my Bang withdrawal but there’s no ngonsern addressing forum it’s down, there’s nobody to address my ndeeb ngonserns what do I lord
i hope my high upcummie ratio was preserved
Definitely well worth a second listen
Does someone have the link to the one on China please?
By the way, RamZPaul is now retweeting mainstream conservatives and distancing himself from explicitly pro-white advocacy. He’s co-hosting his show with a LoLbertarian weirdo in a hairdo and jacket Joan Jett would envy who denies that non-white immigration will make the electoral college a predetermined outcome.
When the optics crowd doesn’t hammer RamZ over this, it will prove their deeb gonzern over looking “normal,” appealing to wahmens etc… is just a cope. They just don’t want to tallk about the JQ or structural critiques of capifalism/the System and they’re really not even comfortable with race issues, particularly attacks on non-Blacks (the low hanging fruit of minorities).
Always had a bad feelin’ about that guy.
Both him and Zman. Couldn’t believe a j00 lover guest hosted an FTN show.
Well if you’ve been listening to the zman podcast recently it isn’t surprising – he shat all over 3rd position in his very polite and condescending way. He’s just a normie conservative who wants to complain about nibbas and SJWs while giving Israel and Js a pass. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but he’s not our guy.
“I’m sure he’s a nice guy”
If he knows about the jews but doesn’t speak up he’s definitely NOT a nice guy! He’s a race traitor!
I was being polite. The Zman engages in A LOT of protective stupidity – that is my charitable interpretation. If he isn’t doing that then he is definitely as you say he is.
I hadn’t listened to his podcasts until after the appearance, and immediately wondered why Ethnarch would have brought him on. I love Ethnarch but the judgment call on that one was egregious.
He’s a bit disappointing on a range of topics and often dead wrong (e.g. his take on how stupid people were to panic-buy milk overlooked the fact that it can be frozen) but nobody is perfect. I am not quite sold on UBI and I think he wins the argument with TRS guys on that one. He has good takes mostly even if he is overconfident in his declarations and self-contradictory at times.
“Couldn’t believe a j00 lover guest hosted an FTN show.”
Never again. Zman has been banned.
“j00 lover”
I’m just assuming that these people are being bribed.
I was offered money before the primary if I would stop saying Jew and just say Zionist instead
Thanks. I gave his podcast a chance after the appearance and it immediately went into a backhanded disavowal, and carrying water for them. I knew he wasn’t /ourguy/ during the appearance but figured I would at least listen to what he had to say and the takes were so cold Antarctica would be a tropical vacation.
I’ve honestly never listened to a single ZMan podcast, including the FTN fill-in ep (I honestly never had time and sleep very well without the need of sleep aids). Frigid takes are one thing, but the meltdown he had with Striker shilling for weinnats and the fact that I became aware of some things he’s said in the past were cause for outright ban. Good fucking riddance.
“sleep very well without the need of sleep aids”
Man! Do I envy that!
See for yourself. ZMan in his own words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6v2R5X9vsE&feature=youtu.be
I remember that striking me odd at the time, but didn’t really think on it too much further than that being a part of the con-servative “businessman” bit. An older boomer I was acquainted with (who ironically was a venture capitalist for 3m and facilitated their manufacturing moving to China in the 90’s) used to make comments in the same vein. He wasn’t particularly philosemetic, but accepted this was just what one expects at a certain level in business and law. I’m typically skeptical of anyone new who makes the rounds to multiple podcasts/networks of podcasts in a short period… Read more »
In his latest podcast Zman basically says our ruling class isn’t very smart, the current economic system was not deliberately planned, people just forgot the lessons about unregulated capitalism which the Great Depression taught us. Every time we come close to identifying the enemy and what he is doing and why, the Zman calls us conspiracy theorists and gives the enemy the benefit of the doubt and says the enemy is just greedy, short-sighted and stupid, not evil and they definitely didn’t plan all of this out carefully and deliberately over many decades. He’s running cover for them. I’m surprised… Read more »
Banned Hipster has some interesting things to say about the Zman in regards to economics. I’m on my phone so I’m not going to try to link it but it comes up in a simple google search.
What episode number did he appear on, if I may be so lazy
Sometime during the thanksgiving-Christmas period if I remember correctly.
“American Factory” – a movie (and a topic suggestion) I have seen discussed on Way of the World
Like, do you even know how Jewish this nnnguy was?
Mother of all Redpills
An Easter surprise.
Excluding the announcement beforehand on TDS it was a real surprise.
Didn’t listen to this deep nnndive the first time around, so this is a nice suprise. Good morning goys, and happy Easter to you and yours.
Can’t get enough of this episode, happy Easter to Jazz, James, Borzoi (well, Palm Sunday for the Byzantine snake) and family.
This is great.
Priceless four and half hours of research and commentary.
Non-paychads don’t even know FTN giving us commentariat class the Thomas Jefferson deep dive early, in lieu of the Easter BYE week Hamilton content for the plebs.
Alexander Hamilton is not an intellectual, he’s a fake and a fraud.
Looking forward to listening again. I anticpate it will be foundation for next deep dive, so I will listen again.
Deep dive on Michael Collins Pipers “Final Judgement” in future?
Definitely agree and AMPLIFY!
An excellent deep dive. Looking forward to listening to it again.