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The Death Panel are feeling ghoulish.
- Icy Brains
- The Least Shitty Health Care System
- Bad Trading Management
- Our Treaty of Versailles
- Cope Pay
- Cow Karen
- The Merchant Minute
- They Were Just Trying to End Typhus
- Bannon in Fake Dissident Comfy Land
- Absurd Claims
- Outward Slope
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
The enormous error committed by the scientism New York Times readership is the suggestion that scientific truth is determined by consensus. Nothing could be more wrong. The prime directive of the civilization scale project referred to as “Science” is an attempt to divorce truth from consensus.
Mike, in response to your point about the lack of pro-white religious organizations, there is a explicitly pro-white religious movement. It is Folkish Asatru, and the most active and effective group at the head of that is the Asatru Folk Assembly. I do understand that the point of your argument is that there is no institutional power behind any pro-white religious groups, however the group itself does exist.
Got my yang bucks today!
I almost forgot! Moike mentioned mentioned Thomas Dalton. So here are a three books that you all might want to consider purchasing:
You or I or Someone should send one or all of these to Linder, so he can read them out. Linder has a great audiobook voice over at the Learning College. Also, thanks for the info, as always Mein Bruder.
You’re welcome nnnguy! I was recently listening to Linder’s audiobook of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.
All black “grievances” seem to blame white people, yet the simplest and most logical explanation, that never requires any mental gymnastics or weird and counter-intuitive assumptions is always “n!993rs are dumb”.
Posted one hour ago on Sven’s twitter:
“Also for tomorrow: I have an exciting new facial hair configuration. I had to go out and wear my mask today.”
Ho-lee SHIT! Is he going to do it???
Please, oh please, make da gas mask spe-ci-fic facial hair that is, shall we say, preferable amongst artistic vegetarians of the greatest-country-on-earth-leaders-of-bygone-days, if you know what I mean, and such, etc.
Nobody really wants a hate chinese man pass. The racism against Asian pass is specifically being given to whites. But there was no longing for it. Chinese just don’t illicit a visceral anger from whites. It may be different in Australia.
Dude, Mike had a joke about Whoopi and the Yankees and he slide that shit by y’all and it was fucking hilarious!
Thanks for Sportsball, especially BASEBALL my favorite sport posting
Where do I buy Svens T-shirt ?
Good question!
You mentioned the opioid epidemic.
I’ve been telling you guys to watch The Pharmacist on Netflix for weeks. I’m not kidding. You need to see it. It’s a true story on the opioid crisis and how this one Pharmacist found the murderer of his son and busted one of the first big pill mill busts back in like 2000.
i dunno why but morrakiu saying benjamin netanyahu fucking slays me
Just reading your comment I heard it in his voice. Best jew voice ever.
Basically just living TRS content to content nowadays
Shit dude, I’ve been living like that for….MY GOD! YEARS!!!
Wow! That Merchant Minute was epic!
It’s too long. I love these lads, and don’t want to be a negative prick, but I almost always skip it.
“don’t want to be a negative prick”
Sorry. 🙁
was hour two cut off at the start of the merchant minute?
No, but I experienced a weird glitch where I was halfway through the second half and the player suddenly reverted back to the beginning. I just moved it forward again to where it left off and it continued without a problem.
“TNG magic Negro”
She’s in one of my favorite episodes. The two part time traveling episode with the great redneck character actor Jerry Hardin playing Mark Twain.
“I wonder what people are going to hate more…”
“Right now who is getting healthcare? Rich people and ni993rs!”
I’ve just been sitting here realizing that Moike is my political mentor!
RamZ just announced that Styxx is his new co-host… ??
those two have the hottest 2014 takes
That video with that broad with the speech impediment and Sven talking about the new leader of the Labour party banning counter-zionism reminded me of something:
The Gaslight Zone is one of the funniest bits ive ecer heard on this show; I was fuckin dying laughing
RamZ Paul is sad to watch lately, just a dissident right winger slowly reverting back to lolbertarianism and giving cold takes left and right.
Well his bank account was probably depleted.
Breadtube broke him.
keeping my mouth shut this time
Keep up the good work!
God, listening to Bannon disavowing – disgusting.
>Why do they have so many ventilators?
Hoarding air for price gouging
Why doesn’t Mike go on this Red Thots show that had Bannon on? Could be fun.
“Could be fun.”
In which case we know these broads won’t LET him on!!!
More baseball posting requested
Imagine still saying ‘African American’ in 2020
“All tribes were wicked “
Kinda like how all 1040 tribes as of 2014 that kicked out Jews were wicked
“i believe in the judeo-christian west”
STFU. Just STFU, retard
(((Sam Raimi))) put a geiser of blood in Army of Darkness. I just listened to Red Letter Media’s rifftrack of it:)
Thanks for the show guys!
Hour 2, 35:48
Steve: “I believe in the Judeo-Christian West, Israel and the Old Testament is the backbone of our civilisation”
Uh no Steve, European peoples are the backbone of our civilisation. And our backbones are starting to hurt with all the civilisationally incompetent people we’re carrying on our back.
Lmao the Greeks, Romans and Vikings were really Kangs, goy!
The classical understanding is that the Greek philosophy, Roman law, and Christian culture are the pillars of the European civilization. No judeo BS.
Revolutionary situation according to Lenin: “the bottoms don’t want and the tops cannot live in the old way”. (sorry to quote from Lenin but these are general truths) Longer version: Lenin describes the “revolutionary situation” as follows: “To the Marxist it is indisputable that a revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation; furthermore, it is not every revolutionary situation that leads to revolution. What, generally speaking, are the symptoms of a revolutionary situation? We shall certainly not be mistaken if we indicate the following three major symptoms: (1) when it is impossible for the ruling classes to maintain their rule… Read more »
That quote kind of highlights why both Hitler and Goebbels had a grudging respect for Lenin.
Where were you when based Mark McGuire hit 70 in 98′?
In denial that McGuire was on steroids and unaware that Sammy “bleach skin” Sosa was corking his bat!
Great shirt, Alex
Am I the only one who sensibly chuckled at Morrakius “one million dollars”?
I really enjoy the bit of you guys responding to the livestream or when you were responding to other videos like Bannon’s appearance on Red Scare. Its like a based version of those “Reacts to:” videos on YouTube.
If the Germans have such a low time preference, why were they in a hurry to contrive all these ridiculous machines to kill Jews, when they needed their entire industrial output to fight the war? They could have simply kept the Jews locked up, concentrated on ending the war on favorable terms, and then dealt with the Jews afterwards when they could free up the resources and the manpower. There was just no urgency to do it right away in the middle of the war.
OK al you want to stop with the logic there? It sounds kinda anti-semitic.
Jordan Peterson would tell you that Hitler was possessed of such great evil that he never wanted to win the war, but to spread as much evil and misery as possible.
Jordan Peterson is a fraud intellectual, even his commie peers in academia will admit to such a claim
40 year old co-worker died. Cause COVID-19. Leaves behind 2 children. Stay safe everyone.
is bullets really made out of wood, like oven doors.
YES! Unless you’re an anti-semite! Like ME!
I can’t believe you guys didn’t make a Bloomberg joke WRT the poisoned soft drinks
Is there anything else fake and gay about standard prenatal care? What are your thoughts on the TDAP shot Alex? I’m really on the fence about it… I declined the first STD test, but apparently they also ask for another one in the third trimester, and the doctor told us if I don’t take an STD test they will forcibly test the baby, so I went ahead and did it. One OB also nearly forced us to test for toxoplasmosis because we have an indoor cat, despite it being uncommon unless it’s a barn cat. The state of prenatal care… Read more »
Read The Vaccine Book. I have a 3 month old. The main concern with vaccines is high aluminum content. Our pediatrician has vaccines now without aluminum so we went with the full battery of them. At 2 months. Loading up an infant with aluminum, we don’t know the consequences. Could be bad. Also absolutely no reason for the hep b vaccine right after being born. Vitamin K shot ok. Just read the book and ask your pediatrician for aluminum free vaccines, and if possible, space them out by a month. Not necessary if they have no aluminum. Lots of fucked… Read more »
Oh and my girl got the tdap herself, no issues. I kind of misread your comment, but maybe if there’s a low or zero aluminum one available go for that.
Thanks for the input! Yeah there’s too much info out there and a lot of is Looney’s just not trusting ANYTHING medical, which is ridiculous. I heard random bad things about TDAP causing miscarriage? But it’s supposed to be administered in the third trimester so I didn’t really understand. Good to know about zero aluminum shots I will def look into that! And yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous that they can force hep shots on a baby despite me showing no symptoms or signs of it but what can I do except accept the test. They expect every pregnant woman to… Read more »
Yeah I’d say even though Ashkenazi Jews have white skin, they’re psychologically a different race to us because they see themselves as having a different interest to us for genetic reasons. Like, they have a separate racial/genetic strategy to us. And no, it doesn’t matter if they think of themselves white, because we know from the data that they’re the only group who support a policy more when it’s specifically stated that it will hurt whites.
Don’t know how you’d summarise that enough to explain it to a normie or a bantu like Tariq Nasheed though.
“it doesn’t matter if they think of themselves white”
Entirely right but don’t worry about convincing normies. It’s a complete waste of time. Your best bet is to gently guide high-quality, intellectual friends, but don’t force it. Let them figure it out with the clues you provide. Convincing normies to do racism or whatever is like trying to teach a retard math or science If you want to spread our ideology what every one of us should strive to do is raise fashy kids with a strong sense of ethnic cohesion, and then they raise even fashier kids, etc., and it increases exponentially. Then eventually there will be enough… Read more »
You may think I’m memeing but I assure I’m not. There is one other way to not necessarily redpill normies but get them sympathetic to our ideas: art. Propaganda was used for a reason. I’m not talking art that is super explicit like those A wyatt mann meems or whatever his name was. I’m talking art that makes white people seem honorable, badass, worthy of protecting, that sort of thing. Kind of like what fashwave did. Except fashwave was kind of gay. Anyway, my point is art has a way of etching ideas into people’s minds without actually saying anything… Read more »
Carlos Whitlock Porter also has a list of outrageous claims that were made by prosecutors at Nuremberg: https://www.cwporter.com/partone.htm Ignore the 90s boomer site design. Porter is an extremely smart revisionist who’s worth taking seriously. He’s a professional translator, and only David Irving has done more work with documents from the era. The print edition of his book “Made in Russia: The Holocaust” has hundreds of photos of documents and meticulous discussion of their contents and fishy provenance. There’s a free PDF version on his site, but the paper copy has more of this original-source content. You can find his books… Read more »
any you nigs see mikes shirt!? Gawd dam!!!!
it is a jewel of a shirt!
Yes, yes we have.
Yeah it was brutal.
Styx wearing a shirt? Truly, the world is coming to an end.
He doesn’t want to catch the zipper head lung aids !
press I to infect schummer
heil corona-chan o/ o/
I’m so sick of appeals to religion from these conservatives. You want Old Testament, Bannon? You want the death penalty for homosexuality and adultery? Where would that leave #MAGA? ?
“You want the death penalty for homosexuality and adultery? Where would that leave #MAGA?”
Kinda based tbh, let’s meme the old testament appeal in thay direction