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The Death Panel are feeling ghoulish.
- Icy Brains
- The Least Shitty Health Care System
- Bad Trading Management
- Our Treaty of Versailles
- Cope Pay
- Cow Karen
- The Merchant Minute
- They Were Just Trying to End Typhus
- Bannon in Fake Dissident Comfy Land
- Absurd Claims
- Outward Slope
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
The Bundies are back and up to something in Idaho wanting to have like a 1000 person Easter service
Join the AFA.
American Family Association?
Asatru Folk Assembly, presumably.
AmFamA Is on the SPLC’s list so I took a shot!
I had a real comment but Mike looks like Fred Flinstone up in this bitch.
Gonna have to go old school and play the mp3 for hour 2.
I was furloughed and given 2 weeks pay from the company. I signed up for unemployment as soon as I got off the phone with the boss. Fuck you, pay me.
Everybody’s a racist. The people who deny it are just LIARS!
I love this show
I couldn’t wait for hour 2 video, so I downloaded the mp3 and started the second hour!
Good for you! The content IS more important than the visuals.
Part of my casting off the Hollow Co$t yoke was hearing a “tongue cleaning toilets” story. I heard it on 60 Minutes. I said “yeah, never happened.”
My favorite story was of the prisoner whose anus was sealed and then was forced to drink castor oil. Only a Jew would think up something like that. More projection.
Oh please give us more ideas Mr Platinumstein.
Please hour 2 stop hiding
Me waiting for hour 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhy7dXWjpAA
…and here’s ME waiting:
Do you have the same pyramid-shaped head???
Yes but it can still fit a whole watermelon!
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask incorrectly
Sven looks so done this entire episode. Hang in there bud.
Heard the death panel discussing their copay beef and I got hungry
No more hour 2 videos?
They’ve been having tech issues the last couple of days. Not sure if it’s because of DDOS attacks or not.
I was wondering if that was the case myself
Sven’s “Meth-no-state Nationalist” made the whole audio listening experience worth it. @1:47:27
I will be stealing that one and calling some local’s it. It’s definately funnier than tweekers.
Thank goodness it’s up now. Thank you death panel cult leaders.
No hour 2 yet?
Rainbow Flag or Refugees Welcome… it’s true. I feel like I have nowhere to go. Thank you for understanding, Michael.
It’s funny how our leftist opposition says that the US is a Fascist government, with Trump as Hitler and Pence as Mussolini. That statement pisses me off to no end, mostly because it is not true
“That statement pisses me off to no end”
I just laugh at it. Because the fact that these people are even alive to say that is proof that it’s not true!
It’s more embarassing than anything tbh. Imagine being that historically illiterate. These people are pathetic, and they have more rights than us.
Styx-y notes
Boast-it notes
12 days to Our Uncles’ birthday.
And the anticipation builds for Sven to shave himself an Uncle mustache!
OK, now i need a STNG revamp with Svens perfect adaptation of the Picard character model! I’m thinking coronachan box set.Who can we fucking call for this! I hate to admit i am resorting to watching these due to lockdown, and only because of the hilarious takes TDS guys give this stuff. Thanks again guys and keep coof free.
If the jews severed goy fingers and inserted them on light switches, on Shabbat can they use the switches?
They’d sure as hell try.
Don’t be giving them ideas!
The west is Rome + New Testament and the New Testament is the anti Old Testament on purpose
a) mind blown
b) what?
The “west” is Indo-European culture.
As a social distancing quarantine respecting non mask wearer I completely respect Sven, Alex, and Mike’s decision to wear the mask.
Am I the only one that can’t wait until the virus dies down so the show can move on to other things? Talking about how the situation could be used politically is good….but man….the virus itself just isn’t that interesting.
I am though very pro baseball posting…especially late-80’s and 90’s.
Sell sportsball posting. Buy Trek Posting.
I feel ya. Only problem is that this is the world. Also all the shit getting done behind the scenes is also becoming more hidden behind corona stories. This whole thing makes normal life/ info gathering extremely difficult. Though kind of the point of a pandemic.
I want Sven to binge watch TNG so we can get a full show of Trek posting, tbh fam.
I agree. Time to crank up the Trek posting.
Honestly they should have like a seperate podcast /a few extra episodes orsormething during this quarantine just to Trek post or talk about other consoomer shit. Would be kinda fun, but I’d imagine people would probably reee
RIP Hour 2 video
It has risen!
I think hour 2 video is a coronavirus fatality…
Should I apply for unemployment even if I don’t meet the requirements?
Sure why not? As my mother once told me all they can do is say no.
I am so happy we are taking. the final step in identity politics: Realising the current liberal state is not our country and it’s about gaining sovereignty, not better conditions or winning an election.
18:00 Gavin Cato. Rabbi Sneerschemphleghmsheckelsomething….
Where does the: “He was Jewish and Mentally Retarded” drop come from? Thats my favorite
It sounds like Bill Curtis, but I have no idea where the drop is from. He used to do true crime documentaries but has done some humorous bits as well (NPR).
American Dad – Oscar Gold episode
>The Death Panel are feeling ghoulish.
Don’t say sike
gaba ghoul
Sike ?
Alex derails conversations. “Wait a minute! Are you saying….” That’s what he does.
Dept of labor sites are down in some states, and some are backlogged 4-8 weeks – from what I’ve been seeing.
F5 at work gang
I’ve had type 2 diabetes my entire life.
I don’t eat goy feed and never have.
Wrecked my eyes and skin.
Every person on moms side has it.
Isn’t that type I?
Nope I mean I realize that generally that’s how it goes but not for me.
I’ll chalk it up to a bad gene.
I can control it with lifestyle.
Sven’s new movie, directed by Mike Enoch.
I wish we could post pictures back on this thing again
I like Alex’s Crocodile Hunter shirt
Alex had hair…before the fires.
The fires.. the memories are coming back..
Poor Sven can’t get a word in
Don’t know how he deals with it constantly. It’s nice to hear Alex for once, though.
Riker’s beard – the opposites of jump the shark.
Peepee poopoo :))))))))
the lying man with shark eyes, like a doll’s eye, accusing the man (who is not lying) of lying, having weird eyes and being fat
chad Halsey: eyes darting around as he speaks to indicate neural activity (running parallel operations in his brain to fact check himself as he debates so he doesn’t lie, never lies)
virgin Mike: eyes unchanging, lies, accuses others of lying – correct him, and if you believe that this will take you at least one step forward, your amazement will be great the next day
Are you the Rabbi that sucked off Halseys foreskin?
Halsey “Shamrock” English is a proud irishman who adopted the name “English” because he just hates the English so much, no rebbe ever touched him and no jews are welcome in his bog
Yeah Halsey is a proud celt what are you talkin’ about
I see that TRS is now employing Denial of Service attack protection. That’s terrible that such measures are necessary. Counter Currents has been doing that for a while now. They can’t take credit card payments anymore either. I’m anticipating that things are going to get more challenging as time moves forward.
i blame F5 gangs unrestrained enthusiasm
I’m sure they’ve had it all along. You only notice when the site’s under a heavier attack.
Shlomo is notorious for ddos attacks against things that run counter to their agenda
For some reason I thought if I’d move to Georgia there’d be no beaners only blacks. WRONG
they’ve stuck to a few areas mostly but now they’re even spreading to the 50/50 black/white areas.
Beaners tend to stay away from areas/cities with large bleg populations. You can see that here:
But in the biggest cities, Atlanta, NYC, Chi town, etc., the beaners and blegs both invade. Note that they live virtually segregated from one another — evil whites make them do that.
(The beaners have more or less run the blegs out of southern California…)
Lol. “Mapping segregation” i.e. “mapping white people run away from browns”
Fuckin Bernie gone bye byeeeeee
We would all love some TRS neon summer merch. Maybe when Biden gets elected the payment processors will be able to sneak back in there?
PS I’m writing this while lying on my small pox blanket
2/3 of this podcast is comfy wood panel.
I saw ” I ordered my juice at…” on the shirt and thought Mike Ps Juice Squeeze finally got some merch…
Video preview image had me confused for a moment. What are the odds of Styx AND Ramz coming on TDS?
We looked at their stream for a sec
Good catch fixing the thumbnail tho
Pff, Ramz recent content sounds like he’s interviewing for a slot on Fox. Styx would marry Trump if he could.
I’ve been watching Styx’s coronachan update everyday, first thing in the morning, since his first one.
It’s the only Styx content I watch.
Initially, I thought he was actually being insightful and helpful…
I have witnessed his descent into the ice plane of Hell.
I begin every morning hate-watching Styx now, just to get the day’s corona-victim numbers.
Ramz does have an appearance on TDS if you dig into the archives it was about a year ago
Well it wasn’t as bad as Chase Rachels but that ain’t sayin’ much!