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The Death Panel rent a cheesecake.
- Get That Bag
- iCuckz
- Tiger Grooming Farm
- Rent Strike Gay Op
- Ze Profit Space
- One Fecking Dolluh
- Novelty Censorship
- Cool it With the Antisemitism, nnnGuy Richie
- Fluent in Hebrew
- Stimulus Check Be Racist
- Economy Need Worker
- Winston Churchill BTFO
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
I got shit on the other day for speaking well of Amazing Polly and the last TDS took Polly’s take from 3 weeks ago about event 201 and decided to talk about it.
Sven: “Everyone’s sheltering in place”
Meanwhile I think I’m in the only profession outside of the medical field that’s been working even more than before, but whatever. Line must go up, right? ?
Man, I love you guys , but you need to start listening to Johny more!!!
It’s not weed that keeps you from getting the coof, it’s meth. Maybe the Siege bros were onto something.
The Cheesecake Factory is where poor people think rich people eat.
You know who really likes cheesecake? Chuck Schumer.
Really? I would have sworn his cousin Amy must be the cheesecake devotee.
The thing about Molymeme is that he was a creepy cult leader for a while, when he was doing the defoo bit. You just never know what this guy really thinks, because he is always gives this dramatic performance.
I quite enjoy his current LeVayen Satanic Motif. All Black, Red Light, Commanding Authority. Very Theatrical.
Lame intellectual Jenga houses that are easily crushed with the slightest application of human instinct is what Stefan creates. You just name the Jew.
The higher ones IQ the bigger intellectual towers you can build. Then you think that everyone will follow and build the same tower.
Until an Alpha shows up and kicks the tower over.
you never finished the story at 1:25:00 about the dude making all the money with the ex models
Sven: I was told this was a conspiracy theory.
Moike: By who?
Sven: By people on the other side.
Me: Greg Johnson?
Prime Directives update 1488.
Get the Bag!
Wasn’t there a mossad agent who worked for The Greek in The Wire?
>2:37:51 – McNabb goes full circle
Grug Anti-Semitism is Best Anti-Semitism
The pop culture reference of “Tiger King” is associated with the current hyper reality timeline.
Jewtube updates from a Mr. French in the continuing court battle.
We need economies that work in the interest of ordinary people and society as a whole and reward individuals for contributing.
What we now have is the Casino/ Lottery system where a very small group of people are running a racket, bribing or blackmailing government for favorable treatment while most of the population is chasing a carrot on a stick.
Pewds is the real thing. It’s a bizarre blessing that we’ve all come to just take for granted that as the world has become more and more fake / gaeyyy, the #1 YouTuber has remained a blue eyed goy with an actual heart and soul.
Dude needs to be making blonde babies with his Italian qt a little more frequently than he is, but…I bet he’s working on it.
Only haters dislike Mr. Pewds.
Weed LoL.
A Anime Autist at work listen to my holocaust denial. With no real push and curiosity. He use to live in South Africa also so he is sympathetic to my racism.
That song was epic! Thank you Sven!
I am thankful a f TRS exists
I remember the bugman excitement when Scott Pilgrim came out. I had no idea it was so degenerate.
Thank god I joined the Alt-Right and stop listening to Stefan Molyneux. All it took was listening to Richard Spencer just once on Gavin Mcinnes old show he had on Compound Media.
kabbalah is just a rip off of neoplatonism and hermeticism
Ah yes I thought this Tiger King Netflix show sounded familiar; I have been following Big Cat Rescue in Tampa Florida on Facebook for years and that’s run by this Carole Baskin woman whose husband disappeared mysteriously. All kinds of interesting gossip about alleged goings-one at BCR on various local Tampa area FB groups.
It would be really swell if all the numerologist/kabbalist types were to take a 3/8″ drill bit to the skull, like in that movie “Pi.”
I miss the Norwegian on Third Rail.
One of the drawbacks of “this thing of ours” is that unless you’re part of the inner circle you never know what becomes of these people who drop out. You just hope they’re doing well.
Just finished “The Gentlemen”.
Not gonna give a long take/refview, but hat tip to Guy Ritchie for copying the final scene of “The Long Good Friday” where Bob Hoskins gets the driver switch pulled on him by a young Pierce Brosnan.
“The Long Good Friday” is one of the best British films ever made – but it never caught on in the US.
Kabbalah is a Hebrewized, Judaized version of Hellenic/Greek/Egyptian mysticism – i.e. Hermes Trismegistus, Plotinus, Porphry, Proclus, etc.
Jews would distrust Hellenic mysticism for the same reasons they distrust Christianity, which shares a lot of these Hellenic mystical influences.
Kabbalah was intended to allow Jews to partake of Hellenic mysticism without leaving the J3wish hive mind. It wasn’t intended for goys.
Obviously those Asian girls engaging in the Karen/speak to the manager shit are doing so at least in part because they hate white women for being their competition for white men
(Sorry Azn dudes but it’s true, let us put a big wall between men of our race and women of your race)
Ford was a big time porn gossip guy before he hitched his wagon to us. He was not jewish at the time. Also spiel is the german word for game as well iirc
Luke Ford was one of my gateways into White nationalism. He did the first interview of KMac I ever listened to.
Only reason I listened to Luke Ford was to hear Kevin Michael Grace. (I also tuned in once to hear Fedwell.) KMG is in that MPC sphere sadly though. Too philo-Semitic, too stuck in 1990’s paleocon priors.
Is my avatar too transgressive?
They’ll say we need brown foreigners to replace all the sick Americans, and conveniently it’s the hispanic farmer peasants who are the only ones who haven’t gotten corona, the exact opposite of that operation 207 thing.
Well they’re ramping up their rhetoric against Maduro. Claiming he’s connected to Narco Terrorists. It’s a matter of time, and Corona has actually set them back some. Maybe we might actually invade a country for it’s oil this time. ?
I love that “Corona Virus Antidode Kit” (break glass in case of emergency) with the Glonk inside. ?
2A spergs BTFO.
Here is a decent take. The kosher wrap will do everything in it’s power to get the big line back up and everything back to pre-Corona Chan levels on May 1st whilst pretending that this was a huge victory and everything can now go back to normal plus more non-white immigrants. It may even work temporarily, however, people are not going to forget this so get ready for massive amounts of pro globalist, anti protectionist, anti-strong borders pill pull.
Not a fan of financial race mixing porn? The you best prepare yourself for the Big Black Rock.
Sven, your musical talent is impressive . Great clean, rhythm and lead tones. You totally nailed “one”. Did you used the Mesa boogie for that song?
That song is so old I used Guitar Rig 3 to make it
I’ve been playing for holy shit 30 years now. I remember being a kid and going to Sam Ash and I was like, “I want an ESP rhythm guitar”. This was because of the Master of Puppets liner notes. I ended up with a purple BC Rich Warlock from Lou Rose or some other smaller NJ shop. At least I didn’t ask for a “Melody guitar” also listed in the MoP liner notes. Anyway, yeah Sven is really good. Really enjoying his youtube channel.
How you aren’t allowed to express normal feelings about race, sex or sexuality really tells you how unimportant it is to get a majority of people on your side.
Obviously I care how ordinary people feel, but as far as actually determining what happens politically? It doesn’t mean jack shit; the increase in cultural power you have for every increase in social class is so fucking exponential.
You need an absurd amount of solidarity in the lower classes to resist the upper crust, and to give a safety net for people in the higher classes who agree with you.
Wrong on almost all counts. Hitler elaborated in detail in the early part of Mein Kampf, that appealing (not appeasing) to the majority is essential to gain power. He compared two Christian “conservative” parties in which one absolutely failed by trying exclusively to appeal to the bourgeois, while the other party received overwhelming success by being actively engaged with the masses. This is not a love letter to the masses, since they actually are unable to think for themselves (cmp. Le Bon), but it is just a universal truth we have to deal with, that power lies in the masses.… Read more »
Watched the gay cat documentary. In later episodes you find out both husbands were straight the whole time. The younger one was a meth addict before being taken to the zoo and blew his brains out in the office in front of everyone.
Every single person in that doc was fucking nuts, and they ALL run cults
I recall there was a twist at the end of Making a Murderer. There was a “oh, yeah, it looks like he actually did murder a woman in the trailer,” but I haven’t seen it in a few years.
Mike lied about The Political Cesspool. It’s James Edwards’ show, not John Edwards. John Edwards was the shitbag NC Senator who was Kerry’s running mate.
Get a yuge bag of replacement key caps off Ebay and smash that cheap keyboard forever with no consequences
Kabalah is just another form of freemasonry in that it’s judaism for gentiles in the form of mysticism… it’s a yellow star for goys to put on and network with jews to show they are down with them.
Kabbalah is older than free masonry, but youre right that theyre both the same satanic jewish networking crap
solomon rajput
Dude Twitter is ripe Today with Non-JQ-IQ Grug Brains over this Drake (the rapper) whose kid is looking like Jew mom thing. So many blegs repeating the “Jewish is not a race it’s a religion” take – or they may be Jews acting like blacks handing out kosher sandwiches
Search “Drake Jewish”
Theil organized jew tone police in Twitter lately is astounding
Trek post non stop!
I paused my pastor on a live stream as he said” Now may I say to all of you—-” and then immediately unpaused TDS hour 1 and heard Mike say “fuck all of you”….hilarious
I’m willing to tolerate Trek posting (I secretly like it), but I don’t even know what Opie and Anthony is.
Honestly, neither do I
They were like Mike and Sven but not as funny or political
Thanks, fam! I appreciate the show.
They don’t actually portray Mosley that comically evil and/or cartoonish in Peaky Blinders. His most negative trait in the show is that he’s a womanizer/sex-chaser.
He is “the enemy” for the show’s perspective, however.
Svenview Brah giving us the goods on the Cheesecake Factory is top tier content.
Paraquote “Russia sent a shit ton of supplies to Italy. Who gives a shit if it was done for a cynical purpose or whatever.” Russia gave Italy 10% of it’s Ventilators. Critics (Jews) say, oh, you just did that to make yourself look good! ? Yes. Now, I would like to say it’s “From Russia with Love”. Jews who like to create IMPOSSIBLE STANDARDS for us to hold each other to, like to call it “From Russia for Good Optics”. I’m like, look, why not both? Let’s just sum up how this narrative effects us: Oh, don’t ever let anybody… Read more »
homosexuality is the antithesis of a man, and libertarians are the in-between! Homosexuals are also likely spiteful mutants, GET EDWARD DUTTON ON.
I don’t get the deal at the Cheesecake Factory where the waiters are for some reason not allowed to write down your order and end up forgetting stuff.