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The Death Panel are going to be busy isolating clips.
- Dream Ruiners
- Getting Behind Tulsi
- Interview With a Vocal Fryer (full, uninterrupted audio here)
- Alex Jones' Foreign Policy
- Plotting in Rooms
- The Merchant Minute
- Don't Put Yourself in a Sticky Situation
- Bari Ugly Weiss
- Canards Throughout History
- Exclusive ASMR Drops
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Wtf I love pit bulls now, I am now Brad pitt gang gang
Bar Weiss. father was fist mother was dildo
I feel like a sped for asking this but adrenochrome isn’t a real thing, is it? A friend’s curious as to how he could get some
Also, Morrakiu I think Jewish trap houses has a completely different meaning that
” A friend’s curious as to how he could get some”
That’s not something you OR your friend needs to know!
Rumor is you torture children and get it from their blood.
? @ Sven’s Alex Jones discussing Brazil
I usually have my earphones powered up when I hit play on the show end of workday. Obviously today would be the day when I fire it up expecting a fairly innocuous “If you don’t like …” Bush quote in my ear and instead “Archetypal cock sucker!” blasts from my phone in gravely Alex Jones voice with a coworker in earshot.
I’m grinning ear to ear, not gonna lie. Just shit disturber-y enough to be fun.
Now I’m worried Svenpai will notice this and read it as a complaint, which it’s not. It’s chefs fingers, no sarcasm.
it’s a lot less identifiable than the normal intro. But yea bluetooth headphone op sec is a concern
Try listening to ethnarch on FTN if you have trouble sleeping.
I just put Dune on tbh
The sleeper has awakened
I never even made it that far, I guess you could say I “slept” on that film amiright?
oof. undeserved!
where can I get these TRS stickers? I’m gonna start plastering them all over peoples bathrooms
i bought a printer for Hundred Hander material. It would be good to have TRS ads as well
Buy a old inkjet printer for cheap at thrift stores for printing. The new laser printers have yellow dot tracking and can print information about your computer and you in whatever you print.
I never got that – what could they possibly know about you? Maybe IP, is all.
Your PC name, IP, serial numbers etc… This is pretty recent. I first heard about these newer laser printers doing it. Just buy a old one for propaganda.
“We don’t want to destroy you, Goyim!”
He who buys from a Jew is a Traitor to the People lol
I cannot take Bari Weiss seriously, that beak is mesmerizing. It looks like it came with the glasses. Who thought it was a good idea to put that ghoul on camera?
caught her on Sam Harris’s podcast. It’s hilarious listening her describe what people actually mean by “jews will not replace us” like it was some sort of cryptic message. Also the realization of the chameleon meme. They get it, now the question is whether they will address it honestly.
“They get it, now the question is whether they will address it honestly.”
A question from WHO? Everybody knows the answer is: outside of a concentration camp …NEVER!
2nd hour, 57 minutes……imagine thinking Jews will give us reservations. Never gonna happen.
In the oven, the fiery oven. The journo screams toniiiiiiiiiight.
Lel Sven is right, he DOES sound like a jaahish richard
The girl from the News 3, when she signs off I thought she said “Bone Soup”.
Nana-Séntuo Bonsu, my nigga.
“On the top part of the sticker there is a website TheRightStuff.Biz it’s a white supremacist Neo-Nazi blog and podcast founded by a white nationalist. And below the URL is a QR code that takes you to the site.”
That guy was clearly a D student at the Yeshiva in the pilpul class
I hope they talk about Star Trek in this one. :^D
Bajoran hate mob represent!
Uh, does that mean the Bajorans are a hateful mob or the mob hates Bajorans???
If only we had a TRS fan in the state department
Or the Justice Department.
Er, um, we used to at least.
I fucking love The Merchant Minute
Spencer and Sven have the same Jew voice, it’s fucking great.
White noise fan is the trve principled Aryan sleep, as our ancestors would hear the howls of the winter winds upon our longhouse.
Only muds and boomers have TV’s in their bedroom.
I fall asleep to TRS content and it molds my dreams to some crazy shit. And by crazy i mean funny
hearing a late Autumn blast of wind rushing through the leafless trees in the distance seconds before it hits you…the ultimate in comfy ambience.
And it keeps the gooks away.
Mike talking on the phone with these people is always the funniest shit.
I’d be curious to know how many views you guys get a week
6 million.
Interviewer “im a jew”
10 mins later
Time for the DNA test Shlomo!
As long as you adhere to the hatch act. You cannot be fired from public sector for politics. This was established by scotus like 6 years ago
And when you try to apply that to White nationalists expect them to overturn the previous precedent.
getting behind Tulsi certainly sounds like something I’d be deeeply passionate about huhuhuhuh get it 😀
lol, Kate you goof!
This guy probably went on /pol and cited some sperg who thinks Mike’s friends with some state department fed
I could listen to Mike turn the tables on jewish journalists 24/7, fuckin epic man
I love how tenacious he is on the attack. He dominates that twerp.
Yeah, tenacity on the attack, THAT’S the ticket!
Please tell me that dumb mother fucker wrote an article about Mike Enoch being on welfare.
“Your tax payer dollars are funding the Nazi party in America”
‘The Thriving Underworld of Welfare Nazis: a day in the life of the EBT KKK’
There should be a episode that helps poor White people. Weather they are on disability or working class Whites struggling to pay their bills and feed their kids. Going to a food bank is good for if you’re low on groceries and food stamps if you really need them.
I have heard of Jews who make 6 figures going to food banks and being that cheap.
I think that was the TWP. ?
To be frank, I support milking the system anyway you can. Let’s drop the “I’m too proud to use welfare.” Screw it. Take what you can from ZOG. Put yourself down as Asian or Black on forms. What are we still working with the system in good faith for anymore?
What about disabled Nazis on SSI, does that count ? I got some health things here and there. We are a diverse group too. Except no homos.
“Please tell me that dumb mother fucker wrote an article about Mike Enoch being on welfare.”
I hope Mike IS on welfare! That would be burning the system down one EBT card at a time!!!
I would pay six gorillion shekels for an alex jones parody episode
Sven’s voice would be wrecked by the end and it would just become beetlejuiceposting.
That’s true, maybe it’s better in small doses
Free Matt Hale.
Birthday Cake Bash is underwhelming? You don’t say.
No McNabb? Psh. See you guys Friday.
Sven will share his Coffee-flavored Birthday Cake Bang with you if you stay.
NO he WON’T!
Whoever down-voted this is a pussy.
Does anybody even care about the impeachment anymore? I almost forgot that was still going on…
Unfortunately yes.
Fortunately none of US!
That phonecall is The Virgin Jew VS The Chad Aryan
“im on state assistance” needs to be a drop
Tip: you’re supposed to pour the coffee into the lid. Don’t drink it directly out of the thermos. It’s supposed to keep it scolding all day.
The coffee isn’t reprimanding you.
If you’re drinking cake flavored coffee drinks than you deserve to be reprimanded by you coffee.
I’ve always thought Sven’s Alex Jones impression starts sounding more like Hulk Hogan towards the end.
Get better Borzoi.
Weihan virus patient zero confirmed
Trump will win because the patriotards will be more on edge with a Democrat in power. They use Republicans to bring in Globohomo and take the most rights away. We lost way more rights under Republican presidents, just look at the Patriot act.
The whole thing with this sheboon Meghan bitch pretending to be a duchesses or what ever the fuck it is, BLACKS CANT BE ROYALTY they are biologically incapable of being anything other then a stupid bitch with a disgusting smile with a protruding bottom jaw with fucking teeth that could eat corncob through a picket fence.
I think TASOB has the best podcast intro, followed by Jazz and Jesse, then TDS. That Spencer drop TASOB uses gets me every time.
TASOB has a great intro but the intros that really pumps me up every time are FTN and Strike and Mike.
Strike & Mike 95 was friggen sobering.
I’m just talking about intro music/drops like the opening theme. Not the actual podcast as a whole.
I don’t think I was replying to your comment-maybe it just looked that way.
I have never listened to a TASOB podcast, but maybe I should listen to at least their intro, now. I don’t see how anything can top a Mike & the Mad Wop podcast intro music, tho.
Quick mention warhammer 40k and his internet will miraculously turn on.
F5 gang is here to consume content
Let’s do this!
The archetypal allergenic.
Bless you, my child.
Here we go
I like White folks, how ’bout you?