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The Death Panel are going to be busy isolating clips.
- Dream Ruiners
- Getting Behind Tulsi
- Interview With a Vocal Fryer (full, uninterrupted audio here)
- Alex Jones' Foreign Policy
- Plotting in Rooms
- The Merchant Minute
- Don't Put Yourself in a Sticky Situation
- Bari Ugly Weiss
- Canards Throughout History
- Exclusive ASMR Drops
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Death Panel is completely wrong. Catholic school kids always engage in anti semitic humor. Went to several Catholic Schools and most of my friends went to Catholic schools all across the US. It’s definitely a thing. Not saying they are serious about anti semitism, but it’s certainly a thing.
What is “white supremacy” if not the belief that white people are engaged in a conspiracy to advance white collective interests? Why is the media always observing commercial and state governing bodies and problematizing the ones they discover being “too white” or “mostly white”? This alone does not establish anything beyond that it’s perilous to allow concentrations of whites in governing bodies?
Fucking epic show, guys!!!!! Love it. want moar.
Sven would do so well in bloodsports.
Mr. Rodgers (and Hammerstein’s) neighbourhood lol.
The same NPCs who virtue signal against the American displacement of the violent flora who now guzzle said shampoo on shanty reservations are the trash who take glee in mocking poor deracinated Whites in trailer parks for the social upcummies. I’m just gonna stop here before……(redaction).
The end of that call was pretty rich. “I’m not talking to an anti-semite.” Motherfucker you called Mike Enoch- thats the best excuse you have to worm your was out of the conversation?
I fell like this guy would keep answering calls if you kept calling him. Like the stable of spergs all of the morning shock jocks from the 90s and 00s all had.
What’s with the Spencer bants?
Great show!!! Where can I get some of those TRS stickers? Also Mike do you really think the Jews have not examined the reasons why they have been expelled so many times and haven’t figured out it is their actions that cause it? Personally I think they know why, but their lust of power thru subversion drives them to do it anyways. I think all this feigning dumb, as they do, is just more Jewish trickery and subversion.
Jewish peon journalist: I’d like to interview you and make a film about you in order to destroy you and everyone associated with you. All in good faith goy!
Hercules used his divine strength to slay monsters and solve problems, Samson used his divine strength to slaughter men and destroy entire nations.
“Local outage with no ETA.”
I know how THAT goes! Mine lasted 19 HOURS! Thank providence that I live in a book bunker!
I don’t even think Barry White (weiss means white so i’m gonna call her barry white) is lying when she pretends we say Jews are “doing the bidding of brown people.” Same when Jews say “America is using Israel!” I just think racial biases are so strong in people naturally that it distorts their way of viewing the world so heavily because Jews are so much more allowed than whites to not resist pursuing their racial interest
Wrong. Their racial biases being so strong is what is driving them to lie. They know EXACTLY what the truth is and they know that if they conceded it that would do great damage to their cause.
Oy vey, comments arent kosher https://youtu.be/nbzei7qXvsA
Aaaand they’re gone.
That was quick
The Black guy who threw a stone at that Jew reminds me of Uncle Ruckus when he was shot putting those bricks at MLKang
Regarding 36 mins into hour 2
– I think the best way to put it is that Jews don’t need to agree on everything, but agree to maintain a certain range of acceptable views. The important thing is that they can control both sides of the conversation enough to make sure that a white racial interest isn’t prioritised, and the focus becomes on how to best preserve multi-culturalism liberalism.
All they have to agree on is that they should pursue what is best for the Jews, and what’s often best for the Jews is for Jews to disagree on other issues because that way Jews can control the conversation.
I fall asleep to WH40K lore every night, it’s awesome. Used to be exclusively Roscoe and Walrus on PST40K but lately I just put on any Luetin09 video on YouTube.
Check out the ratio on the Bari Weiss video
The ratio is one thing, but check the JRE Reddit thread on her.
I’ve never seen based comments anywhere on Reddit before, let alone the JRE reddit. Many upvoted comments are now conspicuously far-right. It would be easy for any normal person to watch the Youtube video, check the thread, and conclude that people don’t like this chick because she’s “one of the tribe”. Our views are clearly rising, and we can thank Bari Weiss for that.
Sven, this comment is in good faith and some keyword is tripping up the moderation feature :\
I choose dickhole parasites
Should have been the show title.
Sven, you are one talented mimic.
I can’t listen to that k*k*, sorry fellas. Tuned out because of her voice. Ryan Dawson did a good comment commentary on this. btw, that Morrakiu was pure fire. Hail Morrakiu, Hail TRS scan-code-bumper-stickers. Hail our Huwite people. Hail the baddies.
Let me give you my take on what she said: Is the great replacement a conspiracy theory? Or is white supremacy a bad and scary thing? Which is it? Weird how it’s both right? What she said is sort of like IF I SAID, “Oh no! I didn’t kill her that’s CRAZY! That’s a CONSPIRACY THEORY! But she was BITCH. Remember the time she did that problematic thing? Or said that other thing! She was a fucking bitch. And we need to deal with white sup, I mean fucking BITCHES like that, someone needs to do something about bitches like… Read more »
I just skipped ahead to where the guys replied to her bullshit.
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes himself
You guys should upload the segment with Barry Weiss to bitchute. Joe Rogan shit is good at going viral. Also like literally every Joe Rogan fan hates this bitch already because they are all about that Tulsi Gabbard Coconut Milk Mommy and she talks shit on Tulsi every time she goes on Rogan.
I’m from Allegheny county PA.
Squirrel hill is referred to as ki*** peak.
I think you mean. I’ve never been to Pittsbourgh, BUT my friends who like there call it that. Don’t dox yourself at all man. This ain’t a paywall show. J’s are watching.
I am not from the US anyways.
You do make a good point nonetheless and thank’s man.
It was a typo I have never been there.
I have friends at the local young Democrats meeting who told me that.
There’s absolutely no way the Catholic school bus would drive by every day calling her “k*ke.” That’s bullshit. I rode a Catholic school bus for years. It’s nothing like the public school bus, where you have apes screeching and flinging poo. Our ride to school was all civilized, quiet conversation. Occasionally the bus driver would buy us all Popeye’s. Nobody allowed to yell “k*ke” out the window. You could probably be thrown out of school for doing something like that.
best show in a while
Moike, it’s unseemly to play with your food before you eat it. That said, that was epic. I swear that k*ke had to be the one who tried to get the electric toothbrush for a penny. Shit tier k*ke… Hysterical that he cut you off by calling you an anti Semite. Did he not know who he called??!?!?
33:30 Tactical Agnosticism.
The show is fucking fire today. Alex you’re WROANG about the beetlejuice thing. And Sven is right that guy sounds like Richard when he calms down. I’m laughing now. Also the Brazil thing : Two Tickets To Paradise by DLR, “this river’s full of dick eatin paaarasites…”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4qh_9vH1Ww&list=RDI4qh_9vH1Ww&start_radio=1&t=0
I do love a clip of Mike talking to journos
Dickhole parasites.
The comments on this joe rogan episode are amazing
00:37 Re: scrubbing with the VLC player.
You can hover the mouse over the timeline and use the scroller on your mouse to get more exact rewind and fast forward. Sorry gen x here, whatever that shit is called now. Speaking of fast forward, damn I miss malls.
Does anybody have the clip of Ghoul going on the Jews show to discuss his Dave Ruben confrontation ?
These are my favorite episodes
The “MAGA” accounts are celebrating the 2nd Amendment Rally all over social media. “See all those Rainbow/Trans flags.. All the people of color!! It’s because Demonrats are the real racists and homophobes”
Really warms the ❤
“Really warms the ❤”
That’s just heartburn.
We should start calling jews ‘circles’ if you catch my drift
I prefer the tern ” You Know whos”
The joke’s on Mike here. America is owned and run by pacific islanders.
so i’ve been drinking again…it’s been a rough week.
i wamt to get behind Tulsi uhhdoyshh
Oh boy this is the meme, this is the lie. The Christianity as the origin of “anti semitism” meme is such bullshit. Ever heard of Manetho or Apion bitch? Ever heard of the Hyskos, cunt? The reason they say this is that Europeans are primarily Christian, if Europeans were Muslim or Buddhist or whatever the fuck than that religion would be the origin of “anti semitism”. They don’t give a fuck about muh “anti semitism” in Ethiopia, the oldest Christian community in the world (as far as I know) but whites are the big problem and Christianity is just a… Read more »
Couldn’t cope with your points, called you the usual epithet, and ran away butthurt.
??? Mike. Here’s to you ?
You can have good thermal coffee with one simple trick. Put milk or ice cream into an ice-cube tray, and then put that in the freezer. Drop those cubes into your coffee, it’ll balance the temp out and not make it a gross watery mess if you would of added an ice-cube.
Whenever I tried to freeze milk, it curdles.
If you ever need a good thermal mug, steal one from your local Starbucks. They’re stealing Italian culture, so whadyu want? Just put it in your track suit while no one is looking and walk out.
Bro spoiler tag the thumbnail of that disgusting harlot of Babylon
Why did we handicap ourselves by backing off by saying stuff like “Oh well I’m not saying they’re conspiring in dimly lit rooms or whatever”? I remember hearing this maybe once from Kevin McDonald. At least I’m guilty of doing this maybe once or twice. Why did I do that?
They do conspire in rooms they’re just not dimly lit, they’re well lit! lol
Where else are they going to conspire? Cracker Barrel? I remember watching the Lobby and they just do it at a local club where there’s music playing.
I know Dr. Duke has done that bit too—“I’m not saying they meet in a smoky room”—it’s an inb4, but of course they meet and discuss strategery.
“So you’re saying Jews sit around and scheme like in the Protocols of Zion? Crazy Nazi. They’re a forgery!”
There is a video of them doing it in 2012 voting on how to subvert Poland.
and really that one about poland wasnt very well lit
Reeeeeeeeeeee Beirry Weiss bit is coming up for me. Really makes you think, Joe had Jimmy Dore on and now he has had nothing but yids, spooks, and fags since then.
Bari is proof nepotism>intelligence/honesty/any other trait or attribute you can think off.
Rogan core.
I liked when Jimmy Dore spat on that fat shill Alex Jones.
Most mediocre and uninteresting person I think I’ve encountered which fills me with joy. They’re promoting their mid tier now which is a good sign.
Jews don’t sit around and plot schemes at secret meetings? That’s literally the whole documentary series The Lobby showcased. Meeting after meeting after meeting of Jews planning subversive shit in secret. That’s why I was so amazed by it, it shows Jews actually do that stuff.
“Jews don’t sit around and plot schemes at secret meetings?”
Well we know at least one case where a jew documents this:
I got your They Might Be Giants reference Mike
They Might Be Jews is a more apt name if you ask me
Mike messing with these shitty journalists = my favorite content.
The journalist bit was great Moike. Had to keep from bursting out laughing at my desk.