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Happy NLK Day!
- This is What We Do
- Don't Punch Down Syndrome
- Mexican Reverse Hitlers
- Leaf Lobby
- No Shame Alpha Schlomo
- Spicy Takes
- ICEy Ways
- Richmond Rally Live Cam
- This Protest is Gay Now
- Look at this Guest List
- Glow in the Dark Plant
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Carhartt coat gang
How did you know???
bee yourself
do a shot everytime you hear the trainhorn in the background
At least do a THREE hour Strike and Mike!
I’ve been running on FUMES lately!!!
The show started at 2:09:33 when Mike said, “F**k you!” to Sven.
“Neo-liberal globo-homo”
Laissez-faire cultural marxism
Sven, gotta say. ICY WAYS is a real rock song, Mike is right to say its better than the original.
Im literally putting on my playlist when able.
We live under tactical democracy. They just when they want to accept or reject democratic results
We live under what I’ve been calling tactical liberalism. Literally no one is an actual liberal who sticks to their “Liberal” beliefs. It’s all a charade. If our system was communist it would be tactical communism. At the end of the day jews are tactical and simply want power to crush the goy.
Mike lies again!
You CAN get suspended from Twitter for calling people retards.
I lost my last account after calling Charlie Kirk a retard.
I’ve been locked out since June for refusing to delete a tweet where I asked someone if they were retarded or a tactical liar in response to them claiming Whites have Institutional power and white SuprEEEEmacy exists without being led by gay-ops.
i got banned 2 months ago for calling someone a retarded fag
then i got banned a day before the iran shit popped off for nothing at all
Svens song and video was great , great pics used a classic !!!
Info on the Target part: 1) the $0.01 tag is a display tag, not a price on product. As an employee you can scan that tag to fetch the quantity/location/actual price info on the intranet system to see if you have more in stock, etc. 2) “per law” thing he’s talking about does actually exist; some places call it a “bounty” law, etc. Several midwest states have this. Basically, if Target (or w/e) has a sale or price tag on an item for $10, and Target sells it to you for $15 (most common reason being expired sale tag for… Read more »
In a white society, you can get away with being covert or feigning tolerance. Not when Jews control the narrative. They will push the boundaries until they get you to submit or reveal your true feelings. The world’s greatest liars know when you’re lying so it’s never gonna work. Example: if you say “I don’t have anything against gays”, Jews will put gays all around you and your children until you either accept domination or reveal that you don’t actually like gays
I fucking HATE sadistic people.
This episode started good and just ended up being a black pill
People don’t go from KMac to TRS. They go from TRS to KMac. A normie isn’t going to pick up culture of critique and go “ay these Jews are bad news”. They’re going to be redpilled on a visceral level by TRS, stormer or another source on twitter or something saying “Jews are exacting their pent up ancient hatred toward the white race by trying to destroy everything your ancestors built.”. Once I got an idea of what Jews look like and their names I knew everything these Twitter Nazis were saying was true.
Sven do you record guitar directly in or do you mic an amp? If so what plug in do you use for effects?
“I actually like stupid White people”
And WE like you TOO! Gott dang it! NO HOMO!
I’ll ask this question again: do jews and colored people even HAVE souls???
Personally I’m skeptical.
“how you are”
They say that people aln’t be what they do. But they IS!
…i remember…
A good representative sample of white people is really hard to find any more. The smart, successful whites wall themselves off everybody else, the poor dumb whites live in squalor with the brown people, and the normal whites play a never ending game of musical chairs trying to live in areas that are affordable but aren’t too brown yet. It’s rare you get everything all in one place. I think that may be behind some white people’s reluctance to embrace white nationalism. They don’t know what a representative sample of whites actually looks like.
Great post! Of course this fracturing of the White community is all part of the anti-White agenda of our enemies.
I remember vividly as a teen about 20 years ago these Conservatives would make fun of faggots, they said gays are disgusting, that gay marriage would never happen in America and now they wave the rainbow flag. They know that the LGBT movement is responsible for Tranny story hour and they still wave the fag flag. It is mind blowing, but next time remind Conservatives how they were just 20 years ago.
I grew up in a small town that was almost 100% white and it was really nice. You had the whole bell curve of white people in the same school, in elementary school, the same class even. Doctors kids and welfare kids ate at the same tables at lunch. And it was ok. The left hand of the bell curve was small enough the problems with them were manageable, and the right hand of the curve was small enough they couldn’t isolate themselves from everybody else.
In other words:
Volksgemeinschaft – is a German expression meaning “people’s community”. This expression originally became popular during World War I as Germans rallied in support of the war, and it appealed to the idea of breaking down elitism and uniting people across class divides to achieve a national purpose
I like normal white people. It’s nice to be around successful white people with high IQs but I’d rather hang out and live around normal whites, even dumb white people than any kind of brown or yellow people regardless of how smart or successful they are.
RIP Joe Rogan
Speaking of normie friendly content. Sven’s kinda dumbed down, normie friendly political videos on Youtube were great. The one I remember was on Islam or something, didn’t see it on Bitchute unless I overlooked it.
Do you know where they are? You have any links?
That target manager said no to a jew. And the jew won’t let it go
Sorry if this is retarded, because idk anything about weapons; is it true that knives are more effective than guns in some circumstances? Like if somebody with a gun breaks into your home and you have a knife do you generally have the upper hand?
Just something I heard somewhere. Something like attacks with knives are more likely to be lethal than attacks with guns
A lot of variables to take into consideration here (caliber, capacity, individual strength, skills, etc.) and I’m not a medical expert but I would take a firearm every time over a knife even if I was given a 22. I’ll trust my ability to get some halfway decent shot placement on someone as opposed to getting up close and personal with a stranger and hoping to land a vital knife strike. Sure, stab wounds can be nasty but with adrenaline people can keep rocking with like 20. Again, I’m no expert, just shoot regularly as a hobby and the idea… Read more »
depends on the gun but knives have an advantage at close range, you can grab a gun you can’t grab a knife
A metal baseball bat is better than a knife.
What’s best to defend yourself in your home is a shotgun.
Knives, actual combat knives not a 2 inch folder, will cause more damage than a pistol. The huge drawback being you need to be really close. Pistols are actually really bad at killing people, they are just very convenient to carry and use while being good enough to get the job done. But, knives do not compare favorably to guns generally because rifles and shotguns are absolutley devastating. The reasons for this are complicated, but people survive stabbings and pistol shootings at a fairly high rate, shotgun and rifle shootings not so much.
OK if you insist on a knife then here’s the one you want:
The Ontario SP10 Marine Raider Bowie
Where this Prager U parody with Mike?
It’s on BANG in the thread “Should TRS have normie friendly content ?”, but here’s the image: https://i.imgur.com/0iFbj0z.png
I got goosebumps listening to Icey Ways. Brings me back to the summer of 18 when we still had hope for Trump. Really sad what has transpired since…
Well let’s be frank about this. It was transpiring all along. It’s just that we had our hopes up and so we ignored the warnings.
Oh yeah for sure but that was a great summer
TP USA was the gay op. The homos were the gay op. Nuetralize the protest avoid boogaloo promote globohomo
It’s called The League now! Because it is not just about the North. That’s over. They’re trying to end that. The League of the North was a racialist movement of north Italians who are actually more Germanic, who ultimately wanted to possibly separate from the more mixed/Mediterranean European south. The League has ABANDONED that platform entirely for Italian Nationalism.
The League of the North is something we don’t want to be meming. We don’t want southern Italians to feel alienated right now. We need unity in Italy against immigration!
Absolutely right.
North Italians are just as med as Spain and Portugal. They wanted to separate from the south because they’re basically greeks.
Whats up with the dislikes? North Italians are western meds, they show up around the same cluster as Spanish, Portuguese and South French, same for Greeks and southern Italians. Why do you retards think north Italians are German?
Sorry, I had heard they were “basically German” in an interview I watched about The League. I guess they were wrong! Thanks for the links!
This article portrays the demonstration as a great success. So was it incredibly well organized or was it just that TPTB decided to let it happen because a clampdown/gay-op would have been bad optics? Or was it just because the demonstrators took the knee and disavowed racism morning, noon and night until the demonstration???
Yeah I’ve been doing some more research on what happened in Richmond and I think the logic of holding this “demonstration” on Kang day was that all these people were in favor of guns for the protection of colored people, gays, jews and the sjw anti-White consensus. That’s the reason there wasn’t any trouble. These people were no threat to the establishment. They were pledging to protect that establishment. So the “demonstration” was by controlled opposition and as a result fake and gay. Oh and by the way I think this pseudo-event will have NO effect on the passage of… Read more »
The pro-gun protestors spending so much effort trying to prove they aren’t racist for an issue that has no overt connection to race is example #6000000 of why race is more important to people than both social and economic politics.
Stryper is not a shitty band. Take it back!
I agree with Sven… Target Tori IS cute!
FYI on Target Tori, @CarpeDonktum found her and started a go fund me that raised over $18,600.00 for her to take a vacation.
It’s at $30,668 as of tonight.
What a massive flex.
She’s donating it all to charity apparently
Regardles its a flex on shlomo. I don’t think normies can avoid the fact that they guy was being his jew self. They can deny it. But the normie goyim know. And lets face it all the people who donated where white
“She’s donating it all to charity”
Wow great so now 80% of it can go to some jewish board of directors and the rest can go to Blayks in Africa. This is why Whites are losing.
@Kate Hikes
So true. We keep on being nice and principled towards non-whites, while there is no reciprocity. We are getting screwed again and again. In a way, giving the money to charity is a big eff you to the people who donated, because it’s basically embezzlement, especially if it goes to jews. She probably doesn’t realise it.
All charities are a scam pretty much and it all goes into the pockets of the jews who run the organization, plus maybe 5-20% that go to whatever non-human bipedal animal life
‘Some Kayaks’ is a great song to play in the car load af, windows down, driving really slow, through a metropolitan area. Gets really funny reactions from the sh1tlibs, because the lyrics are clearly discerned from far away. That’s my favorite trick when in the big city.
Regarding that stupid k*ke at Target, one thing to consider is that even if the story that k*kes are on average smart, the k*kes still have a left side to their bell curve. This looks to me like the k*ke version of stupid ni**er behavior. ( I really only posted this because I like to type k*ke and ni**er…)
This is exactly the gay bullshit I expect from normie cunthervatives. Yep. One of my favorite games, I play while I listen to this podcast is Fallout 4. There are 4 factions. The Institute which makes synthetic humans, robots under human skin, which they control, and which are secretly replacing people. The largest city in the game is controlled by a Synth. The Institute call themselves The Engineers. And their symbol is like a Star. There is also a faction which is not woke on the Engineer Question called The Minutemen. They just want to farm. They organize for their… Read more »
Remember that Martin Luther King used to like to beat prostitutes after he was done with them, and had a fetish for those hookers being white. He also was an accomplice in a rape. MLK and his guys had a few women up to their hotel room. When it became apparent that they were expected to fuck them, one of the girls said she had to go. One of MLK’s guys threw her on the bed and forcibly raped her in front of everyone, and told her that’s what she gets for saying no. MLK laughed and said she should… Read more »
Bretty much told that to my mom on the phone yesterday when she mentioned the “Holiday.” She said , and I shit you not, “Those dreamers need to wake up.” LOL
Sheila Jackson Lee:
bwahahaha! She looks like an outer space alien race ambassador from a video game.
What Mike said about Jews is fine, but I think it’s counterproductive for our people to be criticizing people like Colin Flaherty who are a pipeline to us. And someone needs to COVER what’s going on on that front. That needs to be documented. And if it wasn’t for people like him, I wouldn’t be here, a lot of people wouldn’t be here, and our movement would be crippled. This is the concept of compartmentalization. Only autists need everything and every single person to drill down into the exact narrative we’ve agreed on at any given time. We need to… Read more »
Colin Flaherty is aggressively against the original stated argument from the beginning of the show. He will hostilely call people morons who speak big picture and in his mind it is all coincidental, nothing to do with policy or a larger motive… It’s all a coincidence and bi product according to him of black folks being black, while ignoring immigration and governmental policy affected by those in power or pulling strings
Exactly wrong. You see, I watch his stuff. He does not really ever mention us. He maybe very occasionally needs to, because autistic retards try to make everyone be the exact same.
He’s not as hostile to us as you think. Don’t force him into a position where he either can do his show, or become like us.
He doesn’t ignore immigration at all. The purity spiraling around here is something I’m always gonna signal against. I had to do this with people condemning Putin yesterday. Putin has been more successful than Hitler ever was at preserving the White Race, but yes, sometimes he needs to SAY certain things to stay in power. Saying and doing are very different things. Especially for Putin. Example: he SAID some very accepting gay shit to the Tatars of Crimea. What ended up happening to them did not correspond to that rhetoric AT ALL. But I don’t expect autists to have any… Read more »
You are simply wrong. Anytime Colin Flaherty has been asked about certain folks conspiring to destabilize the West through media/finance/academia, he calls the person a moron and says he wants nothing to do with them. He is not only simply apathetic on the topic. He is HOSTILE. I mean I have seen atleast five different occasions where he calls people speaking on the matters “conspiratorial antisemetic nutjobs”. I’m not taking a position, claiming anything or another. Simply stating a FACT. If you agree with the statement at the beginning of the show, Colin Flaherty will condemn you. He is significantly… Read more »
Right but I actually watch Colin, and weeks go by without him ever even mentioning this stuff. He’s staying in his lane. And he only ever responds to people trying to pull him out into THIS lane. He’s doing a good thing in his lane, and it helps us. He’s not going out every day signaling against us. Not at all.
Unless some idiot forces him to. We are not as strong as you think, our numbers are not as great as you think.
What the hell are you talking about? “Unless some idiot brings it up”? Then you are calling everyone on this show, FTN, most of the so called alt-right, and 90% of the people in comments “IDIOTS”? So without me even stating my personal beliefs and appearing total amoral and neutral, if I asked Colin Flaherty about issues related to the so called “JQ” as Dr McDonald and the fellows like to use as an abbreviation, I would be an idiot? So your solution is to simply walk on eggshells when dealing with Mr Flaherty, and fearfully ignoring confrontation by pretending… Read more »
No I actually expect most people around here to have game and understand what game Colin is playing. I don’t expect 90% of the alt-right to be autistic. It’s only about 20% lol.
Yes if you asked Colin about that, you would be an idiot, yes.
No I Colin takes blacks as seriously as Mike takes Jews. This isn’t silly. These people are slaughtering us everyday. Remember 13 did 93. This narrative that blacks are just goofy is toxic and dangerous and wrong. Blacks are fucking dangerous.
Imagine multiple FRONTS of ethnic conflict. Then imagine Mike is leading one front. Colin is leading another. Imagine they’re more friendly than some people would think based on public statements. Imagine this is OUR little op, and I’ll leave it at that. Stop undermining our op guy.
I simply think free and open discussion should be always available and if someone calls me a moron because in a discussion i ask his opinion on media control, then they are neither my friend nor ally not a remotely intellectually honest person. I don’t need anyone to lead a “front” whatever that means, whether a podcaster or an old guy who writes a blog about crime. What i do require is open discussion on all topics that require them. Without violence and without tech censorship and deplatforming. Simply a rather moderate fellow who likes debate
Free and open discussion. That’s your problem right there. That’s very Anglo and gay. We should be doing RealPolitik. Read The Prince by Machiavelli.
Machiavelli wrote said “Prince” satirically for what’s it’s worth, in the style of Jonathan Swift. It isn’t meant to be taken seriously, more as a skewering, most likely of the Pope….
“Free and open discussion is gay”… I find you fascinating my friend. You’re an interesting young man who I would share a beer with
Thanks man… Just read the last part. Same here. I don’t think enough people have each other’s back or loyalty these days. Which is part of the reason i tend to be so milquetoast in my commentary online. I refuse to ever say something that will be dragged up five years from now and having people accuse me of anything. I keep it simple and avoid anything online that could remotely be considered a slur or of violent intent. I really just do enjoy speaking and getting everyone’s “hot takes”. Not trying to argue either. Sorry for coming across like… Read more »
And I’m trying to criticize the points you’re making, don’t take it too personally. I still have your back at the end of the day.
The story about the Best Buy theft prevention employee is ironic as there are two similar situations that have happened recently that are similar in my family. My little cousin works at a Dick’s Sporting Good and was also fired for a physical altercation he got into stopping a group of “teens” who were walking out stuffed to the gills with jerseys and hats. .. Another one is my Uncle who is facing a lawsuit when he stopped a robber, of all things seafood/lobsters, when the Domincan lady picked up four, and walked out. When he grabbed her, she claims… Read more »
Honk honk
I made a call, and realized I SCREWED UP BOTH STORIES. My cousin wasn’t “fired”, but his lady manager yelled at him for breaking policy… He told her to fuck off and called her a cunt. That was years ago…………. Zio Joe didn’t have lobsters stolen. It was imitation lobster meat people use in salad. Three cellophane pacakges, $6.99 each. He simply didn’t like watching someone steal right in his face, as he is already pissed the neighborhood has changed 99% from Italian and Irish over the past couple decades. The lawsuit part and criminal charges are legit though. Thankfully,… Read more »
People need to see both of these things happen more. The rampant criminality of blacks on one hand, and the consistent punishing of whitey by the bosses on the other if he tries to intervene.
And honestly, don’t try to physically stop anybody if you’re not security and this is a big corporate store. If they wouldn’t protect you, don’t protect them.
BUT FILM IT if you see Africans committing crimes or being feral. Film and upload on an anonymous account!
After the last couple weeks, I am certain there are more gayops than at least I had previously thought. There’s a person named Pavel on AmRen who has never missed an opportunity to take a swing at the Slavs. He literally says things like “Slavs can’t be trusted. I’m done with them.” Meanwhile I see him praising Ayn Rand. He’s criticizing people on the forum who don’t praise Ayn Rand ENOUGH. Saying he’s read and reread Ayn Rand. There was a person on Posidon’s channel who reckoned that Russia was not worth investing in whatsoever because any whites that might… Read more »
The funniest thing about the Thomas Sowell bit is
Thomas Sowell wouldn’t want anything to do with most of the faggots wanting to be near him
I would buy a Sven album. I would Also buy a Moriko album of his adventures with Shlomo. I would love to just hear them all at once anthology.
Icey Ways was great
Icey Ways is still the shit. And wow ‘Cuck Central’! That was from when I first started listening.
Wow, that shit is wicked!
Fucking dead at “mySQirreL”
Much preferable to calling it SeQueL.
But SQL is just a searching language, Oh oh I see what you did there.
I don’t give a shit about IQ or creativity or civility.
I take the side of Whites because I am White and they are my people.
Damn straight joe!
I’m a hardcore gun guy but the mainstream gun people suck ass. The people at that rally make me cringe.
I used to listen to Dana Loesch 3 years ago (because she is bretty hot for a black-haired wamyn) but tuned in today just to see what she had to say and turned it off after 10 minutes and went back to the Might is Right audiobook.