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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
As a California retail worker you guys nailed it. 90% of my customers are non-white. That’s the reason I’m here.
I’ve always been a staunch robbery-over-burglary advocate. Being a sneak thief is gay as fuck and not at all Faustian/Apollonian. Target Tori Perrotti is a cutie btw, I wanna meet her.
White people don’t commit those kinds of crimes. That’s n shit.
Sven’s Alex Jones impersonation > the Michael Caine impersonations.
It reminds me of a video that used to be on YouTube of wignats that were traveling to a couple states visiting other wignats. That parts irrelevant but there was a part with the best Alex Jones impression I’ve ever heard. Sounds just like Sven.
Agreed. Anthony Cumia has a solid impression but I think Sven’s is superior and captures the essence of Alex Jones. Bravo!
You remember the video I’m talking about?
I can’t say specifically but it may have been Anthony. O and A had a few conversations with Alex that were entertaining.
It wasn’t him. It took me a little bit to realize who you were talking about because I didn’t know his last name. These were unknown guys traveling to TN, OH & KY. Point being I like a good jones impression.
First of all, you’re wrong. This isn’t a legitimate opinion, and we need to get into a huge argument about it, because the Michael Caine impression IS this show. That’s what it’s all about.
Second, I’ve got to throw in a third contestant. James Allsup’s Rush Limbaugh impression. “The DEMONRATS”. That’s GOT to be in the running for best impression!
I swear if someone brought a Its OK to be White sign these morons would chimp out and yell ” Democrat “. This was a gay pride rally nothing more and nothing less. Conservative boypussy.
Copper wire was invented when two Leavitt’s found the same penny. When two of them found the same 1cent plastic toothbrush, dental floss was born !
European Volunteers: The 5. Ss Panzer Division “Wiking”:
I want a compilation of Jazzism.
I love when Moike and Sven bantz Jazz.
Guy, like, if you don’t give me my country back you’re gonna have a bad time. You can take that shit to the fuckin bank.
Jigaboo Boogaloo
Sven’s cover of Fire Woman is better than the original, it’s not perfect but the guitars just sound better.
Lyrics… Can’t a nibba like both? Never seen a fox on the dance floor just tearing it up, I thought that was what the song was about.
Also, Sven isn’t a prairie-n1bber, so that’s like 2 points in his favor. Plus, “Wig-Not-Optics” will always be heard when the ‘real’ song plays in the grocery store or wherever that plays now.
…just tryin’ to wave hi to my buddies!
I used to listen to Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk. One reason I quit listening was his fawning over the Pink Pistols (the fagela gun group). The gun rights movement has devolved into “gun rights so POC, Jews, and LGBTQ people can be safe from neo-Nazis!” Once I saw that I checked out.
“We’ve adopted nearly every belief of the elite, so please can we keep our guns?” Pathetic.
The Conservative Whites who were posting alt right memes in 2016 for Trump are such phonies that they have become anti White to please the establishment. They are going to be against White Supremacy to own the Left, even though they will still be called racists.
In order to keep the guns they will maybe allow you to have pistols if you chop your dick off.
555 was supposedly Hitler’s Membership number in the German Worker’s Party. They started all numbers from 500 to inflate the number of members so it sounded more popular early on. There’s meme potential here
Moike loogadis ^ Oh wait, Sven loogadis ^ Forgot who mentioned it first now.
i wish i had white friends to go bowling with… ;_;
Wish I had more than one white friend. Living as a minority is tough work, how I’ve become one in my own country is beyond me.
Great show.
That IS a great song and you’re a FABULOUS musician Sven. Whoever that fool was who did the ‘karaoke’ bit just has no soul. A factory-made copy of one thing, with a human voice doing something else over the top is never going to be as good as a human being crafting an entire aesthetic object from scratch.
To be able to get into a nuts and bolts of music AND audio while keeping a revolutionary mindset at the same time, that’s an EXTREME talent and we’re damn lucky to have you.
Karaoke tracks blow. The guitar in that was niice, how can anyone can complain about that?
This retarded rally might prove that the Jews might be on to something with this whole the goyim are dumb thing. Man just man…. it’s like 90 percent of people just receive the input and spew out the desired results. So many NPCs are so malleable that’s why I’m starting to think Richard might be on to something with just rejecting the outreach program to the working class consumerist automotans. Nepotism of minority groups enables social domination of masses. First we had white Sharia, then we had white maoism, but I’m thinking we might need some white hassidism or something… Read more »
Allright here’s my game plan.
1. Make one billion dollars.
2. Give a million dollars to every woke ass red pillled cracker
I find NPC behavior even worse in the upper middle class than in the working clasa though. Fucking suburban soccer moms.
Regardless of the approach we adopt we’re gonna be massively outnumbered globally in the future, the demographic projection concern is a waste of time and energy, we need to start focusing on how to achieve power as a global minority.
Tbh I would rather live as a minority where I know I can rely on the people that look like me than be a part of a majority made up of apathetic fags.
Smart jews are making billions and controlling the most powerful military force the world has ever seen to do their bidding.
David Levitt is wasting his jew powers on toothbrushes.
Every shekel is sacred.
The boypussy boomer waffen rise up.
What’s up with the big ass hole in the street? @17 minutes
I’ll go bowling with Gilad Atzmon.
If you’re feeling black pilled just say it and ask for some white pills, dont go around trying to discourage others.
Star Trek and Seinfeld. Lets just talk about Gilmore Girls also while were talking about shit shows.
I literally haven’t raked my leaves because of snow. I feel personally attacked.
My wife gets upset when you say retard. She works with people once considered r*******s.
I got dumped once in part because I wouldn’t cuck on the R word. Women are poopy heads.
An ex insisted I substitute “lame” for “gay”
Dumb cunt
As far as they are concerned if White people are advocating for values that Whites disproportionately hold then that is White nationalism. If a nation is a set of values then White values is White nationalism.
What about “Come, he Boomers”?
David Cole = one of the good ones
He did a good documentary about 30 years ago and that’s about it. Even his revisionism is because he thinks it’s whats best for the jews. I’ll take the documentary but all of his other views are big ghey.
Him being super jewey while while doing the revisionist doc was pretty funny though.
He’s backed off the revisionism somewhat too. I think out of fear for his physical safety.
The only thing useful about a “based” j like this or a Tommy Sotomayor type black is if you have a family member or someone who is important to you that you are trying to wake up and they need qualifiers. They are also used as Naxalts but that’s a different bridge to cross.
Gilad Atzmon has some good stuff especially for people with left wing priors. Kosher sandwich related and how the anti-racist left is used to advance the Zionist agenda.
Shamelessness is one of the most infuriating traits of the chosenites. Literally makes the veins on my forehead pop out.
Jesse is great at the Alex Jones impression.
Everybody absolutely loves the truth. You have cornered the market as it were. Add in the humor and you are unbeatable.
Everybody loves the truth….really? (((Everybody)))???
(((Well, it was true in my mind.)))
That version of (((everybody))) likes a certain kind of truth.
I am upset today because I’ve been copeposting for days about how great the gun rally will be. Gun politics have been important to me for a long time, and I was hoping today would demonstrate the gun culture’s relevance. I fooled myself into expecting a youthfully energetic gun march, and got a boomer waddle instead.
We wish you well in times of illness.
“I fooled myself into expecting …”
We White nationalists really have to stop letting our hopes cloud our judgment.
I would have lost my shit if TRS took MLK day off
They did mention something on Twitter about taking Blegh History Month off this year. You’ll have to ask Moike to confirm.
Dark Goblin-Don’t even JOKE about that!
Oh man, that toothbrush story pissed me off I just bristled
You a gud boi.
No way that smallhat is a troll. He has a verified checkah.
Also, if it was some goy pulling a stunt, you think he’d shame that lady by posting an unflattering photo of her?
The “effectively Jewish” goys would.
Rabbi the persecuted Lawbender.
True story: I once got a right wing jew to admit the truth on the Hollow-cost after repeatedly BTFOing his arguments, literally the next day he reverted back to basically the same position and said he didnt want to “go down the same rabbit hole”. There is no reasoning with them….
Did you stand there thunderstruck?
The funny part is I had not yet read the comfy chair and when I did I couldn’t believe how true and relatable his words actually are.
Gradually, I began…..
To hate them.
Don’t punch down? Geigh.
Oosh, RIP
“Punching Downs” made me laugh so goddamn hard that i had to comment about it
Henlo fellow chads
So I can’t have regular jew friends? I’m gonna miss out on meeting some really COOL people.
Thank you, sir. Clearly I need to work on my communication skills because this is all a big misunderstanding, so perhaps I should start with my writing abilities.
Timing has never been my thing.
not to simp, but I am a superfan of TRS and I was just offering suggestions to get more people to hear what I am hearing. that really was all I was going for.
Why are you rocking the greasy skid boat?
You can’t dwell on how or why something gets over with the people. Colgate got over. For whatever reason doesn’t matter but they built up enough trust to keep consumers coming back. TRS got over with the people. If you think you know how to improve it then go do it. Good Luck.
Borzoi on F5 patrol!
If you think TRS’s messaging isn’t working – look at all the people outside this milieu now using the echoes around Jews’ names!
I’ve seen left-wing irony bros using them. I see tons of prominent Jews trying to “reclaim” them. It’s completely mainstream!
So mainstream that Youtube live stream chat sometimes automatically deletes messages containing echoes. Speaking as a first generation chat message shoah survivor, I’ve lost some good bantz to the YT machine.
Theres plenty of memes forged in the depths of the internet occupied by the altright that make it into the mainstream, its pretty funny to see
The echoes are the best, but I also like like the Whoahs after a Jewish name.
Just call them Gems.
You can take my carbohydrates from my cold diabetic hands!
Bottom text!
TDS is normie friendly. Fash the Nation is totally fine.
FTN and Europa report are normie friendly. Paranormies and poz button are friendly to Alex Jones and Rense listeners. TDS is super advanced because of the meme references are impossible for normies and boomers to understand.
Just skip to DS9, you might actually want to watch it
How many LIES will Mike give us today?
gang gang
Good evening my fellow Eurof*gs