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James and Ethnarch sift through the wreckage of Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 before pivoting to broader takes on Iran, Israeli internet social conditioning, a dive into the absolute state of America's healthcare system, and a general news roundup. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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h/t to Kyle for this week's cover art:
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:06:00 - UIA 752
00:42:00 - Boomer Iran Psychosis
00:55:00 - Israeli Internet Invasion
01:30:00 - BREAK
01:32:00 - The Great ACA Exodus
02:05:00 - Healthcare Co-Ops Attacked by Usual Suspects
02:16:00 - Immigration Roundup
02:48:00 - Kansas Senate Race
02:54:00 - #Blaxit
03:07:00 - Outro
All the talk about the downed airline is too distract from the total fuck up America made throwing a punch and running away
I can’t find any info about the chimera(?) company that makes the secure goverment phones. Can anyone give me a link or source?
Maybe a bottom of the stack item for next time (link below), I saw this story the other day and it just goes to show how utterly useless the “religious right” is. I used to get worked up about these things for a whole different reason when I was a Reddit-tier atheist, but now it’s from a different perspective. I checked their site and while they do have campaigns against drag queen story hour and so forth, they’ll never even scratch the surface of why these things are happening and who is responsible. Not to mention, corporate America pushing these… Read more »
Holy shit, someone said the word ‘damn’?! Someone quick get a tourniquet for that hangnail, but go ahead and just ignore the leg that’s been ensnared in the bear trap…
Maybe this is a question best put forward to Paranormies, but I wonder what FTN thinks (since James and Ethnarch are promoting a more non-digital/technological child-rearing environ) about the technological climate and trend (which arguably is markedly increasing, if not exponentially so, in computing power and reach [5G, ‘internet-of-things’]) which we find ourselves in today (13 years after the release of the first gen iphone) and transhumanism, ‘H+‘ and the like. There’s certainly an interest from the conspiracy crowd in these areas, but it’s also increasingly mainstream movement oriented, and it has a following in the atheistic science crowd as… Read more »
Giving a kid a tablet or laptop at such a young age is a disaster. In the 90’s we had a family computer and video games like N64. But we still went outside played street hockey, basketball, catch and ride bikes. Now I see none of the kids playing sports, they are always looking at a screen, they have no muscle tone when they get older.
Most, if not all, of the Canadians on that plane were Iranian-Canadians. Not proper Leafs.
more information for kids? let the parents filter it
“Apparently this was a black stripper” lol ethnarch got right to the point.
Great show.
Ethnark good to hear from you.
Glad to hear Ethnarch on FTN again. Allsup always does a polished job as well. Thank you! Cover art guy Kyle did great!!!
It’s Mossad! They found Jazzhands at the timeshare!
Until 9/11, the Iran hostage crisis was the biggest foreign trauma we experienced. I still have lingering bad feelings — and it wasn’t just programming, it was every single day for over a year being reminded of our helplessness and humiliation. It didn’t help that that limp loser Jimmy Carter was President.
I joined a health sharing ministry in 2014- it saved me from triple the cost of my health insurance & ever getting into the ACA system which I believe has primarily been a tracking system. I learned about these from a Tom Woods show and it was promoted not only to Christians but to “liberty minded individuals” who wanted to preserve their privacy. I think it has. Overall, I hv been happy with the system but apparently in the last yr or two they have had a harder time to keep up with their growth as they have been slow… Read more »
@2:07:00ish – I know someone who did that this past year. They went to the ER for what turned out to just be a panic attack. The hospital did a blood test, used the EKG machine, and took an X-ray then sent them a bill for over $3,400. They just threw it away lol. Apparently they aren’t getting harassed and it’s been months.
Ultimately, unless you are admitted to hospital you don’t have to pay the ER bill. It is ‘free’ which I never knew till a friend who was an ER doc told me. They hv to provide their service. The amt of that bill however is insane, but probably precisely bc many do not pay. For those with Medicaid who are low income, emergency care is covered. The best thing we could have for ppl who choose to be proactive in their approach to health and wellness is to be able to get catastrophic coverage for accidents and smaller emergencies, leaving… Read more »
Imagine if we didn’t have to pay for these wars and giving money to Israel, we could have Nationalized health care.
real and hetero
I remember when schools would send home flyers every few months with books parents could purchase for their children. They were presented by reading level and age, great books, Newberry Award winning books. Priced very reasonably. I believe it was Scholastic Book Club.
I remember bringing those home and looking at all the cool books!
I loved those books.
I remember those too!
My kids bring those home now. They seem overpriced and the one time we ordered some, they charged us multiple times.
When the kids bring them home, we take the kids to a place called Ollie’s. They have good books cheap. We let them buy a handful.
Imagine if there was a single news outlet that would report the rank talmudry of the “legal” challenges against We Build The Wall with the same breathless anxiety that the MSM attacks everything good in society.
I’m imagining….
national tradiontalist socialist bolshevik???? is that the meaning of that cap?!?!?!
National Transportation Safety Board
“national tradiontalist socialist bolshevik????”
“Not spoon-feeding me novel ways to interpret jewish promotions is lame and lazy”
Choosing terms that better defend your position will make you appear less lame and lazy yourself.
The desire for nostalgia is hollow short the ability to conceive of the underlying themes that inform it.
“Laziness is to not spoon-feed me constant novel ways on how I should react to jewish promotions.”
Choosing more appropriate terminology to defend your position will negate your appearing both lame and lazy yourself.
The desire for nostalgia is hollow short the ability to conceive of the underlying themes that inform nostalgic desires.
“26 million dollars was in one county: Ventura County…”
I weep for my home county. And my home state for that matter!
These problems were part of my motivation for going into exile.
Ethnarch, Old children’s books are fantastic. I did my own deep study on the history of children’s’ books when I raised my kids. I became fascinated with the subject. There are a few academic books that will take you back to the 1800’s on their history. I raised my children on picture books from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. Some of the Newbury Prize winners are still in print. “Blueberries for Sal” I have seen, for one. If you go back to the 1940’s and 1950’s for books the wholesome factor is incredible. These are what you want your children… Read more »
Although the author of said……hmmmmmmm
Kosher Foie Gras
Healthcare Bund!
Ja, das ist gut!!!
Any chance of a deep dive into the ((((Opium Wars)))?
And the List of 500 continues to grow!
A majority found it reckless, but a plurality approved? The only rational takeaway, especially considering the other polling, is that people believe they are somewhat powerless to stop it anyway and the strike is preferable to the obvious alternatives.
The Boomercaust is a double edged sword, but the dearth of patrio-tardism when it’s over will be welcome.
I love telling those disgusting youtube accounts without any profile activity to google JIDF, ususally never fucking gets a response. Have you seen videos about the opiate crisis or changing demographics, read the comments, praising white genocide… Its foolish to be so active online, I was because of circumstance; I am convinced that many/most comments are people in israel/india/china, or people in the west who are mentally similar to ANTIFA. You have bots making sure the Q train chugs along, naming anyone who questions a “failure to us patriots”, you have bots on chinese news and russian news shaming “american… Read more »
I wouldn’t speculate on what the entire listening audience favors, either way. Some thoughts… I’m a paycuck and longtime listener of FTN not because of news roundups, but to gain knowledge and insight. The form it takes is irrelevant especially considering the entire news treadmill is stuffed with jewish promotions designed to keep the viewer reacting to it. As well, much like social media technology, being perpetually caught up in it speeds up time to a schizophrenic, unfocused pace, where the participants time is consumed by useless, transitory bullshit producing a constant feeling of lack only to be satiated with… Read more »
“Follow the N on a compass and you will eventually find N!GG€R$.”- Albert Einstein.
Hmph, south is swahili and east is ebola, west is wakanda, they’re everywhere…
No ñ0gz in hollow earth tho…
Every show is better than the last. Thank you gentlemen!
Can’t wait for this to be an episode of air disasters.
A Jazzhands keychain dongle is the FTN merch I didn’t know we needed until I saw it.
Getting into the weeds about kabuki theater political machinations has diminishing returns. We bring you the administration news that matters (see hour 2), but let’s be honest, there’s not a whole lot going on with Congress right now that warrants conversation.
btucker-Accusing Jazz, James and ethnarc of laziness is your lame cop-out for being dumb. Please stop.
Honestly I think in the future when Whites have control over our nations again we could and should use an amalgam of state power, church power and religious ferver, and technological power to undue the damage done to our People over the last hundred years, if not longer. For example, using a combination of all three to reduce rates of obesity through mandatory annual or bi-annual physicals, tines for being overweight and/or obese if there’s not an underlying medial issue, that’d be dealt with in other ways, and camps and programs to help people get healthy through strictly enforced diets,… Read more »
State power resulting from racial unity combined with revolutionary political fervor and armed with science is all we need. Why bring religion into it?
For the grug brains that can’t comprehend gigantic loads of information? Is that quote by Hitler fake, “I am convinced that I am working alongside the Almighty” or something along those lines, was he just playing towards the catholic Germans? I would love to keep religion out of it, but it binds now wholly ignorant people together. We have to stand for White-Identity, encourage it and such, perhaps we can talk about shared problems at first, without pushing for its regeneration, but noting the destruction of tradition and the church AND its faith! from jewish atheists “deconstructing faith and god”,… Read more »
“For the grug brains that can’t comprehend gigantic loads of information?”
No compromise with grug!
Ain’t. Gonna. Happen. Nor CAN it, nor even should it!
Whatever you say nihilist
Every nation is a theocracy, whether it’s openly like the Islamic world or secretly like the Western nations, and with that variance from exoteric theocracy and esoteric theocracy so too does the religion in question vary. In esoteric theocracies the religion is Jewry, which leads to the destruction of Whites. We may as well take it to the exoteric and make it a pro-White religion that works in tandem with the State
Fine here’s my suggestion:
That’s already on my list of must reads, my idea of a racial religion takes a lot from the Church of the Creator
Okay fine:
Religion doesn’t necessitate the belief in an external, ethereal God. Religion can also include the belief of racial Supremacy and the striving for ascension and constant improvement
“Religion can also include the belief of racial Supremacy”
Please see below.
sound like jungian philosophy to me, acknowledging the truth of race but also the problem of mental/spiritual corridors/bondage and how to “overcome” them. But can we not be racial supremacists, NO imperalism, no policies that imply racial supremacy; “we are whites for whites but we are not going to tell you, african in the congo, how to live” likewise the african american who isn’t an illegal or a DACA dreamer, they are americans!
Racial supremacy doesn’t automatically entail expansionism and genocide of the outsider, it simply acknowledges the interracial and intraracial hierarchies that exist and the preservation of Nature over some misplaced notion that all life is equally valuable regardless of the impact of said life on the environment. Is a microbe that causes the plague just as valuable as the strongest and most righteous of White men simply because it exists?
As far as my personal beliefs go I’m a big believer in Might Is Right and the Morality of Collective Survival. These two ideas are the foundations of what will one day lead to a universe spanning Imperium where every planet in every star system is brought to heel under the Swastika
Or in other words, mental/spiritual bondage? I agree, but what about he laymen, shouldn’t we just not bring up religion but at the same time stop the destruction of theirs, basically what i said?
I want their religion to be destroyed so it can be replaced with White supremacy.
I don’t disagree but it’s not true that just enforcing ‘diet’ and exercise will solve the problem of obesity. We hv a lot of sick, fat & mentally ill ppl bc the whole culture is sick and the environment is sick too. And I’m not talking about “climate chg” nonsense, I’m talking about all the bad food, bad air and water. People are sick with endocrine disorders bc of chemicals & other toxins. Those who are not avoiding (like the plague) genetically modified foods (corn, soy, wheat, canola etc. and things made from them like even salad dressings) are literally… Read more »
Environmentalism isn’t climate change like the Greta Thunbergs of the world would make it appear, it’s more than just sacrificing everything at the altar of global austerity and third world supremacy, it’s the preservation of Nature over life that would seek to destroy it, from the smallest microb to the largest and most complex of the species, other “people”
“We believe in omninationalism, nationalism for all people” Except Israel, Ethnarch. Never forget.
Time to move the Hebrews back to the Sinai desert where they belong and give Canaan back to it’s native people!
Isn’t there an isolated island somewhere they can be relocated to.
I care about my people first but I don’t want to subject anyone to their tricks.
The last Transfer agreement hasn’t worked out so good.
There isn’t an island that’s large enough that is uninhabited to put them on.
I’m not assuming that existing population numbers are going to matter much by the time this happens.
I absolutely, 100% mean because most will convert to Traditional Catholicism.
Great, just what we need, a bunch of converso jews.
It doesn’t matter what religion they are as this is a RACIAL matter.
Their religion is an expression of their soul, which, is an expression of your genetic makeup. Jews cannot be allowed positions of power in our nation, and if they rise to power in any other nation we should openly shout and warn them! we are not imperialists
“Their religion is an expression of their soul”
If jews have converted to some other religion it’s not an expression of their soul it’s a cover for their race!
The trad cath part was sarcasm
What about a country in Africa with mandatory miscegenation in perpetuity. Poetic justice.
Well OK if I could WISH!
I thought South Africa had Mandatory Miscegenation Laws in place for White women already?
21 should be the min age to join the military too. However, no White person should ever consider joining the army of one of the most anti-White nations to begin with.
I agree. The fewer White military personnel fighting us in the up-and-coming Civil/Racial war, the lower our Casualties…
“$10.00 a month gets you the privilege of commenting…at least for awhile”
Is there something I should know???
Hey, TRS wouldn’t be the FIRST!
It’s not about the news roundup, but rather the jewz roundup.
Before I start to listen I just have to say that Kyle really knocked it out of the park with the artwork this week!
SEE KYLE, we respect your art! (hurhurhur I had too)
James I am trying to find the cowboy book you mentioned…more details?
Here you go- it’s our go-to book. All of the stories have good moral lessons about hard work, family, etc. They’re classic stories any kid will love, too.
Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009IR7Y96/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_lZ7gEb0N4YZGV
I wanted to look this up, too-thanks for the reminder, tlessly. The hard copy James linked to might be preferable for some, though. Sounds like a quality, Americana children’s lit. Play some James Taylor with it.
News roundups are only as good as the deep dives that provide essential, historically accurate context. Purely one or the other, or worse, trying to jam superficial reactions to 100 stories in two hours gets a bit tiresome.
News roundups are only as useful as they can give an entry point into deeper discussions. If you can’t go back and listen to a show from a year ago and get something from it, how useful was it at the time for anything but entertainment. The mix of both is the best, especially when Ethnarch is on regular rotation along with Jazz and James. We get the hot takes and talking points of current events so we can relate to and red pill nor use on the truth, and we get the true history in deep dives so we… Read more »
Considering that our narrative is steadily evolving, hearing takes on topical stories provides two benefits; I am able to adjust my own thinking, and I am able to use some of the more clever takes to red-pill normies.
I agree that the bullshit going on in government right now is just repeating stories and not worthy of much discussion. I do feel a bit let down on the Iran stuff though. Dont think Jazzhands has said the word “Soulemani” (sp) on air yet, and the time has passed.
Mike’s takes were good but I was more interested in FTN’s takes. All good though. Always be paychad gang. Thanks for the deep dives.
“Don’t think Jazzhands has said the word ‘Sulemani’ on air yet and the time has passed.”
Lol that’s because Sulemani was only killed 9 days ago and I haven’t been on a show to discuss it (Hamilton Part 2 was pre-recorded). I’ll be back in the saddle for the midweek.
Hey, just saying but UA 752 is a United Airlines flight number, not Ukrainian Airlines
I am hoping FTN touches on (Nobel prize recipient) Paul Krugman’s [redacted] pornography tweet last week. Could have been a good saygew with the internet conversation (including security and the Israel connection) leading up to the first hour mark.
Did weekend FTN get newscucked? I thought Iran admitted to human error on the downed airliner… It must suck to do a bunch a prep on this story, though, and then have Iran do a 180 on their initial pronouncement.
Iran admitted the downing on their Saturday morning – our Friday night. News cucked 36-48 hours before release of this episode. Hmmm…
Also – Boeing doesn’t make jet engines. Pratt & Whitney made the -100 and -200 engines, and CFM has made every other since.
Yeah, that totally slipped my mind. The engine I was referring to was a CFM. Didn’t they use Rolls Royce engines for a while, too?
Nah, Rolls only makes engines for the bigger commercial jets. They aren’t in that 737/320 niche. They do power Gulfstreams, but then it jumps to 757/767/777/747/787.
Oh man, I’ve been championing at the bit for this episode.
Seeing the direct download link made me remember the days before I got behind the paywall, when I would wait for the weekend free show to drop. If I could go back I would join up sooner than I did so as not to miss anything. Thanks in advance, gents… will enjoy this in the morning!
Try some butter in your coffee tomorrow and let me know how it tastes. I’m brewing up a half a pot right now (I think I’ll just stick to regular half-and-half) to try and catch a good half-hour of the show, at least, tonight…
Nice plug for the paywall, tho.
Nice artwork, Kyle. Looks like FTN managed to hack the Ukrainian airliner’s black box where Iran has yet been unable to (I didn’t know they kept spare house keys and a miniature Jazzhands keychain in those…).
Love butter coffee. Blend it up. Delicious.
Raw butter if you can find/afford it. Throw some MCT in there too for an added energy boost. https://www.gardenoflife.com/content/product/keto-organic-mct-powder/
Keto af