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This nonsense actually helps us and ourside. My boomer dad literally told me “if trump starts a war, it’ll be hard to give him my vote in November”. I told him to watch tucker
Tucker and all these news media pundits are whores.
Tucker gets his paycheck from our enemies. He does some good stuff, but I wouldn’t trust him.
The real 6million-D chess is “no, Jared, we’re done in the Middle East. It’s what the American people, and my voter base, wants”
it feels like Bush jr era right now
Regarding Iran and the Shah, the Shah was no longer being a puppet of the US you can see this in the mid and late 70s when the Shah began to refuse to reduce oil prices and began to act independently in regional politics. If you watch his interviews with Western journalists you can see the Western journalists clearly attacking him over his policies especially with increasing the price of oil e.g when a British reporter said “Many poor British families will be struggling to get by in the winter if you increase the price”. Iran was starting to become… Read more »
Showing a member of my fam this show today because the takes on iran are just that good. Great job dudes.
Why would anyone think being a willing servant to hooke nosed perverted manlets makes you look tough?
Volts x amps = watts
It’s a safe bet. East coast fisting Jews vs. West coast dildo jewa
Is Chuck Schumer a fisting jew or a dildo jew?
Depends on the situation.
>I could go on about this for hours
I could listen to a 5 hour podcast of nothing but Middle East hot takes and tangents.
Star Trek, eh, not so much.
Mike’s discussion with James regarding Gulf War Syndrome and suicide, battle fatigue/PTSD, etc. reminded me of a guy I did outpatient groups with for a while through the VA, and who was mentioned in this 1995 article in the LA Times. He had a son who had some developmental issues that they (he and his wife) were claiming were a result of Gulf War Syndrome effects that he (the veteran) claimed he suffered with, and was obviously fearful that there was genetic cause passed down to his son via the vaccination regimen Gulf War vets were subjected to in the… Read more »
Oh, man, I meant to post this in the FTN 277 comments.
You’ve now entered the world of Spam Houston!
Abandon all hope ye who enter here!!!
There are some entertaining fight scenes in the 2018 movie Upgrade.
The protagonist has an implant thingy that basically takes over his body for combat scenes (except his face, which is his to react with), so he finds himself looking on in bemusement and horror as his body murders people in creative ways.
The movie also has a twist that isn’t quite what you think it’s going to be, and its general outlook on hi tech is quite dark. A decent low-budget flick.
“There are so many funny quotes from the series, like ‘Boomer’s tearing up the whole restaurant, it’s killing people!'”
tfw whites are encouraged to see brown people countries as importable ethnic food restaurants but boomers still want to blow them up
It’s more of a dilation stick than a dildo, slowly widening us in preparation for Shlomo’s globohomo cock.
You know it would be nice if I could get through the comments of just one podcast without having to post the Archie Bunker “Aw Geez” face pic. But, hey, this IS clown hell we’re living in soooo:
Anyone else having problems with the players?
Legitimately enjoy the Star Trek takes.
Sven fucking rocks. I legit blast his shit every day in my car on max volume. Seventh Son is the real “punk rock!!”
Rancid parody songs is what we need.
bob lady needs a lifting bra. also, the EST fags need to stay up later to interact with us other time zone fags
Thanks for the Star Trek bit. I started rewatching the 1st season. I think I actually skipped most of it because TNG doesn’t get good til season 3. Jesse, keep doing your 1st look takes!
I watched NG in college bc it was on late nite, and I would fall asleep to it. never liked the show. So glad that TRS is going back and btfo’ing it bc, I assumed it was deeply intellectual, simply bc of the sets, cinematography, and 15 compressors that the sound was run through. It isn’t.
ironically bought a $15 floor model fireplace a few years ago; do not regret it
One minute in and I’m wondering if I want free fags to be able to express anything at all…
JigNat smashes the Extended Release Jew.
Warren Zevon?
His fashy, 100% aryan alter ego.
I literally just smashed that early life button. NOT pretty!
Ain’t that pretty at all. I read I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead years ago, and my recollection is that Warren’s father was a jewish gangster, and that he told his son: >After his mother left, Warren’s father sat him down on the piano bench, and they had their first ever father-to-son talk. He said, “Son, you know I gotta go. She’s your mother, so I guess you gotta stay. But, there’s something you better know. Your mother and your grandmother have been telling you you’re the pope of Rome, right? Well, you ain’t never going to be no pope, you… Read more »
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
That’s like smashing wedd cookies… youre gonna regret it in about 45 mins
OK I’m patiently waiting for the correction on “wedd cookies”.
intentional misspelling. not sure if I could type “weed”
anyway, the point is; they’ve already downed the fast-acting jews, now they are smashing the one’s they wanted in the first place. it feels good for a moment, but they will regret smashing it all so rapidly
fucking normie cons tried to tell me that those people were forced top attend the funeral, trying to say it was a North Korea situation.
If it’s good to kill bad people then why hasn’t anyone redacted Western leaders?
What about JigNat vs MarxNat
You mean Striker?
I mean in the context of cultural Marxism
Mike, the ructions in Venezuela weren’t just about oil and money. The Jews there were NOT happy with Chavez and Madura:
Every. Single. Time.
I enjoy the Star Trek posting. I like when the show is balanced with the hard hitting stuff and the lighter fare.
I meant: agreed
Thanks! Because “chode” was confusing ENOUGH!
Carter did nothing wrong. My favorite modern President. I mean, its not saying much, since I’m keeping it to moderns- but he was great!
Think of him as…..the Anti-Trump. He was, in just about every way
Dude I was there when he was president. Just because he’d be the anti-Trump doesn’t stop him being ANOTHER kind of shitty!
lol. Me too. There, that is. He’s the reason I joined the Army – just before the failed rescue of the hostages
Israel was not a fan. Carter the most Israeli-hated President, until Obama came along
Come on dude you can do better than the American “Thinker”.
Just because Israel was not a fan doesn’t relieve him of shittyness. George H.W. Bush was not liked by Israel either but he was just another shitty globalist.
nope, he was a chode. naval nuke officer. fuck him
In case, like me, you don’t know what “chode” means….
How old are you? Do you remember the Carter admin? It sucked.
It sucked “chode”.
I get the feeling that news anchor broads tits wouldn’t be as nice as they seem. They seem like they’re the egg on the wall kind of tits
It’s not a cope it’s an honest assessment.
Those CBC reporters weren’t confused. They’re just Leafs.
So essentially, we are also under sanction. Thus perhaps the idea of sporting the Eyeranian flag in the handle is indeed apropos.
But IMO “the better plan” can’t work either because it just doesn’t have the glue it really needs and, programming aside, (in our case) none of the people regurgitating globohomo talking points on identity in fact believe they are American. Not even the ones that are technically American do – or they’re fighting it – and this is one reason why they are so nuts.
Just a thought….what if this weasel move killing the general was to entrench Kim Jung Un, Assad, and Taliban to not ever come to any formal peace talk meetings in fear of a drone strike?
Then we can have a reason to have permanent presence in these regions?
Can’t trust the USA…reminds me of the king of the hill episode when Bobby wins a fight by kicking a dude in the balls…
Andrews Jackson would have challenged the general to a dual…And the general would have accepted
Trusting the intelligence services for information is problematic.
We remember how they along with Jews in the white house (Office of Special Plans) manipulated W. Bush.
I would like to know about the source for “attack” this guy was planning. Was it another dossier from Christopher Steele? Was it mossad message intercepts? Was it Iraqi double agents?
“Fake and Gay” is a good default evaluation for whatever Luminescent African American Intelligence Operatives say.
It’s interesting how anhero hedge is beating the war drums now. If nothing else, this event is sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Those are natural tits you virgins. They’re too low on her chest to be fake.
Unless they were done In Gung Zou on special for $29.99
“They’re too low on her chest to be fake.”
I’ve seen older women with fake tits that sagged.
I mean I personally enjoy Sven showcasin talent but ya, this whole situation is pretty tiresome. I voted for the exact opposite of what has occurred. I showed up at my boomer fathers house two days after this occurred and he was so excited to discuss the assassination and I was so nonplussed and he couldn’t understand why.
I am kinda wondering if all the sanctions could help Iran in the long run.
South Africa went thru that in the 80’s and had to develop a lot of organic businesses since they had little imports.
For instance if there isn’t a domestic soap business then there is an opportunity for an enterprising man to start one.
I wish the world put sanctions on us so we can get rid of multi national companies.
Except South Africa ended up giving in to Globohomo.
I have a friend who’s a freefag. Yeah, he missed product.
Rush made a point today that tipped his hand. Said the method used to kill Sulamanei was perfected by the Israelis. They are known to use Apache helicopters with hellfire middles who acquire their target via special forces operators on the ground using lasers to paint it. The drone above was running surveillance for the whole op.
I think that general approach has been around a long time, laser designator not being on launch vehicle.
Was Ian Curtis a based doomer? I think I remember that he was a tory that hatred immigrants.
Coach Red Pill said on JF’s stream he is of Amerindian descent mixed in with a little European.
I don’t get how Ann Coulter has the takes she has, yet also burns coal, and probably fucked dinesh d’souza.
Isn’t that Civic Nationalism though, hating illegal immigrants but loving blacks.
Yes, but what’s weird is that the vast majority of CivNats aren’t true believers, and are just grifters. I don’t quite know quite how it explain it, but she doesn’t seem to be grifting since she was already popular as a pro Trumper and has lost support by going critical of Trump. She’s retweeted our guys, plenty of times, even Jazz Hands when he was on twitter (more than once if I’m not mistaken). So she seems to be right of CivNats, but the coal burning is cause she just has issues, or hates herself or something. That or she’s… Read more »
Maybe she’s like alt skull and was deep in the miscegenation game before she actually figured stuff out.
When you try to point out that Iran has elected representatives the shills say that it’s a farce and the “mullahs” just overrule the parliament, so it’s not a true democracy. This of course leads to justifying destroying Iran so it can have “American democracy.”
Please explain to me how America’s bureaucrats and Supreme Sanhedrin are any different. There’s an entire apparatus set up to nullify any law or referendum the people get passed if it conflicts with Globohomo. “Our democracy” is as big a sham as anyone’s.
That is all true but also their entire premise is false to begin with. The assumption is that democracy is universally the best, most legitimate government for all peoples and cultures. That is demonstrably wrong and it’s even debatable if democracy is the best for anyone at all.
Kolbadar for the win!
The difference is that Iran’s democracy is supported by the majority of the people and doesn’t tolerate degeneracy. (((Our))) democracy is reviled by the majority and not only tolerates every
form of degeneracy under the sun but actually PROMOTES it and if anyone objects they crush
them under their iron heel! Hope this helps. 😉
RE: Asian bobs: why are they so far down her chest? It’s like they were implanted 6 inches too low.
What and from where is your avatar?
Ninja magic
Lead Zepplins
Is Alex growing his mustache and soul patch, I’ve been doing that lately!
Big BooB Nationalism
Jews and Jewish organisations keep referring to everything that the majority of them don’t like as “undemocratic.” For being so smart, Jews seem to not understand that “demos” means the people, not just Jewish people. Like we call black people “democrats” as a joke, we could call Jews “Dems” since they talk about themselves like they’re the demos.
The goyim are cattle so obviously “Demos” just means Jews.
35:00 Alex (quick rant on Boomers)….you’re my man!
Destiny knows race isn’t a social construction. The jews understand this. Hence Israel engages in genetic testing to determine Jewish lineage and IMMIGRATION STATUS. Also, 23&Me was founded by (((Anne Wojcicki))) who was literally married to Google’s Sergey Brin. They’re still business partners. Her sister Susan Wojcicki is the censorious bitch in charge of Youtube. Literally she has race realist videos taken down while her sister profits from that science! Almost like the power structures of globo-homo Destiny supports aren’t on her supposed side. Either that or she should stop debating “nazis” on race-realism and go after Jews for being… Read more »