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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Oof, those racially ambiguous thumbnail milkers. Honey, get the bologna and the hot dogs, because daddy wants some mystery meat.
“daddy wants some mystery meat”
I never knew curry milkers came in this size. Fatah father is a big marxist, who got kicked out of Pakistan, so there could be some Khazar in there – but I digress.
Low time preference jews? More like Slowmo
Isn’t that a pokemon or something
Slowmo used dildo, it was very effective!
Moike getting into Red Letter Media really warms my heart for some reason… the man who hates everything found some other ppl who hate everything
Jimmy Carter – History’s greatest monster
Where’s the lie?
I’d unironically love to motorboat those bobs. Forgive me, Adolf.
That CANNOT be forgiven!
I like star trek posting
Politics and current events are like being the back end of a human centipede. Trekposting is like a breath of fresh air in a way that other media wouldn’t be, its pozzed but not in the outrageous way that modern media is.
STILL waiting for Fascists in Space!
Oh good another episode of The Hot Stuff.
Destiny argues like a jew; by now we all know the tricks. Lightning round questions he has no intention of defending or hearing an answer on (baffle them with bullshit), pretends to be an expert and quotes platitudes or junk statistics trying to relate them to completely different things, takes “edge cases” and acts like they should be the basis of policy, pretends to not understand when cornered (and/or strawmans or goes ad hominem), and when he’s absolutely trounced will walk away claiming victory.
Mike, be sure to wash your hands of the jelly-like slime when you’re done.
When is it anyway? Can I watch it here so I’m not giving those fags traffic?
Friday night I think. On Ralph Retort wherever that is nowadays, I don’t watch it.
friday at 930. dlive.tv/theralphretort
Ralph does a great show btw
Does he release mp3 downloads after the stream
Does anyone really believes Mike’s claim to abstain from current products
Destiny has whatever opinion Twitch allows him to have. He doesnt cross the line that would get him banned and he knows it. Ultimately he is a statist who progressive democrat. Hes left of Joe Biden and right of Sanders whitch makes him just a shitlib centrist ultimately.
It’s not just the retarded boomers repeating the, “America Fuck yeah”, stuff. I spent the weekend listening to twenty-somethings talking about how awesome the assassination was. I just shook my head. I don’t have the energy to argue with these people anymore.
What is that sound bit “give shlomo whatever he wants” from?
The Sopranos
Sopranos Season 1 episode 3
She says to brown man, “My eyes are up here”
And Conan O’Brien:
“Focus”. WTF
Why doesn’t she where a turtleneck?
Because women are manipulative attention whores.
Those breast implants were a better investment than her journalism degree.
Allen West: Her refusal to have sex with me is not to be respected because she is pro-not being raped.
(he is a rapey one, fyi, thats the backstory)
A jew only tells the truth to serve a bigger lie. Other than that every word that comes out of every jew mouth is a lie
See Sven you look much more awake now
A bit strange to see Suck Chumer give out about the drone strike publicly. Given his previous public statements about his support for Israel, I was expecting him to start dancing the Shekel Shuffle in public.
“That’s Called a Pride Parade”
That broad looks like she has the chests of two different women.
I think ‘shade’ comes from drag queen TV shows, adopted by shaniquas. Avoid.
Numb Diggers
The boomer is fully aware of how the media and government lie. But try to have them apply that sentiment to the holohoax and woah boy
The US boomer has 0 true experience with the Jews. The most resistant people are those who have known Jews for millenia, like Egypt has known them for 3500 years (since “exodus”) and the least number of Jews live there and in countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran. These countries are the most resistant. The boomer has only a hundred years of seemingly positive experience with the Jews (winning WW1-2, winning the Cold War, becoming the most powerful nation on earth). They’re just 100% deluded.
Lmao, our greatest ally
Israeli PM Netanyahu releases statement distancing Israel from US-Iran conflict: “The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”
The Iranians should launch their own drone strike at the Israeli chief of staff.
Compare the american and the iranian governments: which one enjoys more support amongst its own people?
Well, which government supports it’s own people and not racial competitors?
Mmt = jews printing money to give themselves
White mmt today, White mmt Tomorrow, White mmt FOREVER!
Mike, you have recounted the story of how the Israeli lobby submarined Bush Senior’s reelection bid over his position on West Bank settlements. According to this article, Jimmy Carter thought, with good reason apparently, that the same thing happened to him:
Non binding legislation is just a way to not let the population get representation. How did such a concept even begin
I ran out of fuel oil during a cold streak a few years ago fuck that sucked. I have a woodstove so it wasn’t too bad. I set up automated delivery since.
I seem to remember I only needed to get my 100 gal tank filled once per year in Fall.
You niggas need to up your game, getting beat by a female bobble head https://freebeacon.com/issues/ilhan-omar-named-2019-anti-semite-of-the-year/
So much for the supreme white race.
Antifa posting
Adolf Hitler is NOT happy!
Alex got the AIDS hat on
Es tut uns leid
Mike just implied Persians are Arab…. Maximum cringe overload
time stamp please
All Mike does is lie!
“All Mike does is lie!”
So THAT is the reason he didn’t get the anti-Semite of the year award!
Speaking of Persians I just received a political biography of Mohammad Mossadegh that I bought.
Yeah there’s nothing genetically similar about Iranians and Iraqis, cold take on moike’s behalf. One are Arab Semites the other are Aryans from central asia.
” the other are Aryans from central asia.”
Who’ve unfortunately mixed with other non-Whites over the centuries.
“Their own people hate them!” Find me one “liberal western democracy” where a giant chunk of the population doesn’t absolutely despise their globohomo government.
I’d like to see one of them where the MAJORITY doesn’t hate their gov’t.
Is that Woman even asian?
Them Hooters ain’t
Oh please, I bet those saline bags were made in China.
She’s asian alright, the southern variety.
Daikon would be proud of those melons.
This morning my boomercon mother texted me, “We’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way!”
I’m going to the batchroom.
I hope your mother doesn’t wear army boots.
My uncles’ Hispanic girlfriend keeps posting boomer Trumptard talking points on my Faceberg TL.
She’s ingratiating herself with him and he’s convincing himself that being a race traitor is OK because she loves ‘Murica.
The early gen x alcoholic retard at my work came in the other night (probably) literally cooming over having just watched the missile vidya. The asm and I had spent our entire ten hour shift talking about how fake and gay this shit is and how nobody believes it.
This is the first week in years that I’m not irritated by my mother being a boomer shit lib.
She’s pretty much woke on the jews at this point.
I came here to say one thing.. HELL YEAH
It’s worth noting that most of the close ups I saw of Iranians during the funeral showed boomer Iranians.
The biggest Iran black pill is that the young in Iran are actually supportive of globohomo.
A lot are yes, especially upper middle class women. They absolutely want globohomo. Doesn’t mean we should give it to em tho, obviously
The Iran debacle has highlighted how sick and retarded Nick Fuentes is. A 21 year old manlet playing first person shooter video games fed posting “ironically” about killing Iranians and destroying their holy sights. That really what we need to revitalize the WN movement.
fuuuck he did that? yeah, he’s kinda dense, he’s catholic and just trusts authority too much. its more than just strategy, its his sensibility, and its NOT what we need right now. he does some things well but if hes apathetic about something he should just not comment on it instead of flippantly talking about killing anything etc
I’m disappointed in him if he’s really jingoist posting.
Nick is just another grifter who used a few edgy alt right neo nazi memes and TRS style humor in order to gain popularity. The moment he got into the hot seat, he disavowed everything we stand for. Even says that “hes not white” and that he dosnt want an ethnostate. He is the epitome of PEAK bad optics. His nonstop Israel rhetoric has been a carpet bomb to get to this moment and make sure his base is on board with protecting Israel for this act
my buddy is on board with us but says hes not a WN, and he says this is cuz people think it means zero nonwhites in the country, but Im like you know thats not what it means, it means that OR a super majority, I so tire of people self censoring as if it fucking matters, acclimating people slowly is one thing, but saying im not a WN because I dont want to kick blacks out is fucking retarded. especially because they wouldnt complain one bit if blacks all left tomorrow.
538? Hate Silver might have something to say about this.
And now back to your regularly scheduled racism
Alex has the Joe Pesci from Home Alone style going for him
Someone tell me who this stacked azn is.
John Legend’s wife?
I don’t get it
Nah, that one’s more fridge-shaped.
She’s a paki from Canada, Natasha Fatah.
Ey them tits are fatmah
Oben bobs do milk
Anyone find a fix for the video on brave mobile?
turn off the brave protection stuff
No it’s a new problem since the update last week. It’s no big deal, works fine on chrome.
i have it on brave rn it’s fine
Same here, not working on Brave Android, even with shields down. Also turned off VPN to test, didn’t resolve it either.
Hoping that Sven says “Jocker” at some point.
What’s what the beanie, Alex Pool?
Video not available…
Someone isn’t a member of F5 Gang in good standing…