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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
The opposition to jignats might be dil-jews.
All this Trek and Matrix and other scifi/pop cult discussion is becoming stale as fuck. There’s relevance to be taken from some discussion of these topics on occasion, but it’s way overdone now.
1. Doesn’t the first Matrix movie begin with Neo at some kind of rave or da club? Is this significant to the mud orgy in the sequel? Maybe not.
2. My prediction is the new “Picard” show will be Resist Orange Man: The Space Allegory
Kind of off topic, but another great falsetto song is Welcome Home by King Diamond. That’s some shower tile shattering business right there.
I immediately thought of xerxes in southpark when Mike started talking about Iranian guidos
Did the Iraqis even understand the concept of non bonding when they agreed. To let zog build this democracy
Alex is spot on with the forced interpersonal struggles in TV shows. 90% of the time its noticeable how contrived they are.
You could heat a decent sized home for close to free by breaking even with a few crypto mining rigs. Just have to build a sound proof fan box.
Watch this. Guy on Tucker straight up calls out israel and saudis
You can tell Tucker is worried, the guy names the Jew. It’s clear tucker agrees but he does need a paycheck
Love the Trek Posting. It gives older White guys a view about how we have been manipulated throughout the years. A good episode to cover would be a discussion about Kahn (A genetically superior human) and the overriding fear they represent to libs. Libs, say that race is a “social construct”, but loath those who realize that eugenics (ie. healthy children) is a viable societal goal.
You know I have to say that I don’t mind the Star Dreck stuff. Because they subject it to a White Nationalist critique. It’s not my preferred subject matter. But it’s not bad.
I knew it, TDS was just an elaborate plot to get people to purchase Star Trek box sets using the allure of white supremacy. 4D chess indeed.
That segment around 1hr 17m with the abrupt silence and following dialogue is the most aqua teen thing I’ve ever heard happen naturally
Another thing that gets me about Boomers is when I show them video evidence exposing the holocaust, documentaries like Europa the last battle and all the ridiculous tales on video. They will agree that its a lie, but 6 months later when I see them again they bring up the evils of Hitler and the camps in WW2. Its amazing how this generation can’t understand basic common sense.
I got my account back and the video issue is fixed (Brave browser fucked up the update). Ohhh yeaaah *Spins underpants around*
milkies gibs now
So… what’s that broad’s name? Anyone got her IG? Thanks in advance, comrades.
Natasha Fatah
Bless you, sir. You’re a good man.
Yes mike I’m genuinely mad about trek posting. Its the worst
And awaaaay we GO!
One airborne infantry brigade isn’t an invasion force, they’re a soft target (literally, being light infantry) being sent off as bait so ZOG can have a bloody shirt to wave.
That’s my point.
hey TRS what’s your thoughts on the Islamic Republic’s anti-white views/remarks? for the record I don’t support ZOG’s imperialism. here are also my replies to the Khamenei’s anti-white/pro-BLM remarks.
I wonder how much anti-Whitism they’d be dishing out if America wasn’t a stooge for Israel always trying to undermine Iran’s independence. Just a question.
There is a homeless guy that I sometimes see hanging around at a busstop close to where I live.
He apparently has Tourette’s, so he cusses all the time.
Him and Khamenei running their mouths affects my life in exactly the same way.
Wtf I love Israel now
Kinda gotta have the mind set that it’s us against the world. Ally shilling with non-Whites will just back fire.
Another fantastic show, but…
Is it strange that this felt almost like a throwback to The War Room? Half expected to hear “HEY THIS IS PSYCHO SACCO” after the mid-show break. Those were some damn fine shitfaced rants.
FYI Alex, the electric radiator style are very effective and don’t use much electricity, they’re like $60 at Walmart. They’re much better than the kind that blow air over an element.
A good idea for a flyer is ” Not supporting the war against Iran is anti semitism “.