Jazz and James cut through the highly choreographed political posturing at week's end to reveal the impeachment process itself as a sword of Damocles that has, as of Friday night, already delivered at least 3 instances crypto-amnesty buried in both the NDAA and year end $1.4 trillion spending package with more on the way. No fight. No veto. 100% checkmate. In the second half, it's an inside look at all the Blooms and Roses of Bloomberg's ascendant candidacy, DOJ working hand in hand with big tech, the latest CIS report on Chinese and Indian immigration trends, and Allsup's top notch Christmas cocktail recipe. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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h/t to Kyle for this week's cover art:
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Strike the Nation
00:10:00 - Kosher Choreography
00:40:00 - Crypto Amnesty
00:55:00 - Section 230 Pilpul
01:05:00 - Lay of the Meta Political Landscape
01:28:00 - Hotstuff
01:30:00 - Blooms and Roses
02:05:00 - DOJ and Silicon Valley Team Up
02:30:00 - CIS Report on Asiatic Termites
02:42:00 - Allsup Christmas Cocktail Recipe
I do not think removing the safe harbor act is done so they can sue facebook and google, Even if they might get sued for minor things. The more likely reason would be to shut down company’s like GAB and Bitchute.
Great program.
McKlaus & St. Allsup are really hitting a comfy stride.
First wave of Chinese, et al. are now boomers rapidly approaching their last leg.
Scott Horton did a good mini-ndeep-nnndive on Trump’s Zionist puppeteers. Ofc, he’s totally not an anti-Semite about it. ?
If any of you can help stop the disarming of law abiding white people in Virginia, please help to preserve our right to self-defense. If you can’t, please share this link from Virginia Citizens Defense League. They’re sponsoring a rally on Jan. 20 which is MLK day by the way. If Virginia falls they’ll try to bulldoze our right to self-defense everywhere. Thanks for letting me post, TRS and FTN.
Post that link on the forum too.
CT, I don’t know where the forum is. Would you please do it?
If you’re doing this on your phone, that little 3 line thing at the top, push that, the options fall down, and it’s at the bottom. Idk if that helps. I’ll post it though.
Thanks CT
As long as Wayne La Pierre is the head of the NRA, I think it’s still a good organization and people should contribute to it if/when they can, but the VCDL is respectable in its own right and in many ways stakes out positions further to the right than that of the NRA. So if you can, support them too.
It’s really important for people to help financially support our organizations. That’s a realistic way of building and preserving power.
Nice Avatar btw. I almost didn’t recognize you.
A great movie https://russia-insider.com/en/culture/watch-nazi-germanys-most-famous-anti-semitic-film-actually-great-movie-jew-suss/ri27927
Get with the pogrom
You wanna know another good one? Star Media’s (Russian media company) Romanovs Series. It’s on YouTube. 8 parts. Best documentary series I’ve ever seen!
Cool, I’ll check these out.
So glad to dust off the White Hot Takes songs. But wow. Fifty years and our country’s gone. How bluepilled! It was right from the beginning guys.
I believe the US died when Trump signed that original omnibus bill
It was inflicted with terminal cancer when the Articles of Confederation were illegally cast aside and replaced with the Constitution (see FTN Focus: American Coup D’Etat) and saddled with a debt-financed economic model. The Civil War was really a second revolution where those opposed to federalism, and by extension, American Imperialism were genocided by Lincoln for simply wanting to be done with the whole experiment. What remained of those feelings were consumed first by a reconstructed Democratic Party and later the Republican Party after the polarity switch. In parallel, the doctrine of emancipation as a vehicle for societal destruction came… Read more »
“The Civil War was really a second revolution….”
I’m a Good Old Rebel
I pay 1.4 trillion shekels a month for an FTN with no time stamps? Outrageous!!! Number 1 show, I think NOT
Literally just dug the notes out of the trash and put em up. Wasn’t sure if people really wanted them, but it’s easy enough for me to do and I certainly don’t want to tarnish our coveted and critically acclaimed #1 status.
1.4 trillion shekels? Why am I paying 1.400000001 shekels!???!!??? I’m going to my Rabbi. This is an outrage! Antisemitism!!!
How did you get a discount?
Good interview from a former neocon with under W.
A couple of quips I heard today:
1) From Zero Hedge: The US Empire is a corpse being eaten by maggots. The liberals are rooting for the maggots, and the conservatives are rooting for the corpse.
2) From social media via a friend (Swamp Creature is too old for social media): Two thirds of the presidents who have been impeached have been impeached for humiliating Hillary Clinton.
Merry Christmas to all you young whipper snappers, and also to my fellow old and decaying Boomers!
>The US Empire is a corpse being eaten by maggots. The liberals are rooting for the maggots, and the conservatives are rooting for the corpse.
that’s breddy gud
Really good metaphor.
And we are trying to bury the corpse and the maggots and plant a beautiful new tree on top.
Boom. Amen. And repeated Merry Christmas!
The accounting fuckery used to pay no tax and fuck over the people is crazy. I should have just learned to be a plumber or something
Many times my late uncle wanted to teach me how to fix cars when I was a teenager. I should’ve taken advantage.
What I don’t understand on your impeachment take is: could the senate actually remove him without Trump’s base going absolutely bullshit? I realize WE know Trump is a fake, but I don’t know anyone else IRL, or really even online, who supported Trump and is now off the train. Lots of people would be very pissed. I guess I’m just skeptical that the senate is complicit in holding this over Trump’s head. They have a lot to lose if they remove him. Kind of seems to me that the dems are just happy with what he’s doing, and specifically NOT… Read more »
The intended purpose of leaving impeachment in limbo between the House and Senate is to obtain leverage. Dems and GOP in both legislative bodies now have a great deal of power to flex on Trump in that regard, from judicial appointments to contents of legislation to rhetoric – more so than they have had before. They have enough safe Senate seats, i.e. not up for re-election this year, to pull off this threat to get a lot of what they want and could potentially pull off an actual conviction on impeachment too if they succeed in eroding even more of… Read more »
A defeated Trump facing a ruinous litigious post presidency ahead of him…with access to the bully pulpit for another two months. May prove to be interesting.
Makes sense, and I think you’re probably right. But if you’ll allow me to don my foil hat for a moment… Your take assumes Trump wants to be reelected, that he’s not compromised completely, which doesn’t seem out of the question. They have something BAD on him and his family and will ruin him and his genetic line if he doesn’t do what they want, in which case none of these impeachment shenanigans would even be necessary. Maybe something Epstein related? Curious timing for the whole Epstein thing and Trump’s full cuckery. “You’re gonna suck our dicks for four more… Read more »
That is properly a large enough serving of hot take to feed an entire state full of our guys. I have yet to listen to the episode and this declares that you have put a lot of quality thought into the motive behind this gay op. If I may bequeath my potentially stale and lukewarm take here for your consumption… With the sophistication and obvious control the joosh have exemplified they have over the seat of the presidency throughout Trumps lackluster reign, don’t you think it is very likely that all of these “deep state” gay ops are done to… Read more »
I think it’s unlikely that he was bought from the beginning. It makes more sense that he was compromised after taking the presidency, and that they did not want him to win, nor did they think he had any chance of winning. Just look at how far he has shifted the window in our direction, albeit perhaps unwittingly – that is NOT something they would ever, ever have wanted. They’re in trouble right now because the white giant is slowly awakening. They had fixed the election for Hillary, but not quite enough because they underestimated whites.
Neutron star supernova exploding head take: he was compromised from the beginning and they let the window shift right in order for the nationalists to reveal themselves to make it easier to pull a Pol Pot on us when they finally put their foot down.
That’s a joke though. No way he was supposed to win in 2016.
I don’t agree with all of this but appreciate the explanation. Nice Santa avatar btw.
Thanks mang
I just don’t buy in to the Damocles narrative.
The Damocles Option! The terrifying political thriller by best selling author David Baldacci.
Soon to be a major three night television event!
[insert artwork here]
I was partial to the sequel, ‘Damocles and Son’.
So what narrative do you believe on it?
That Trump was a scam from the beginning and this is all just a dog and pony show.
Trump: Those demonrats have tied my hands! Vote Republican!!!
This is the problem-solving principle known as “Grug’s Butterknife”.
No it’s not. This is just me watching what the administration was doing even before the Sword of Damocles was raised. The Republican leadership want this impeachment as a excuse for their inaction and the Democratic leadership is doing this to try a quiet their uppity colored members.
“This is just me watching what the administration was doing even before the Sword of Damocles was raised.”
You too are conflating Grug’s Butterknife renditions of “us not getting what we want” with “them getting what they want”. It’s like looking at everything through the reverse end of a telescope and clinging to that as “your perspective”.
“The Republican leadership want this impeachment as a excuse for their inaction and the Democratic leadership is doing this to try a quiet their uppity colored members.”
Neither of those two objectives are being met.
” “You too are conflating Grug’s Butterknife renditions of “us not getting what we want” with “them getting what they want”. ”
OK tell me what we’re getting and what the establishment isn’t.
“Neither of those two objectives are being met.”
But that’s not for lack of trying on their part. What alternatives do they have short of just turning off the internet and letting the tanks roll? Just because their choices are shitty doesn’t mean these scumbags won’t make them.
“OK tell me what we’re getting and what the establishment isn’t.” They wanted and were expecting a literal metropolis of new policies, institutional and judicial appointments (and precedents!), new foreign aid, new amnesties, exponential levels of new refugees, regime changes, Middle East and perhaps Russian war objectives, above all else ZERO explicit rhetorical appeals to white interests, and what they got instead was a few burned down houses and a few cheap high rises with Trump’s name emblazoned all over them. They’re not going to settle for hamstringing. They wanted it all and they wanted it in 2016, not 2024.… Read more »
“superficial half measures”
OK I don’t count them getting what they want MORE SLOWLY as them not getting what they want.
“tfw when the cope hits”
Well maybe THEY are coping but I’M certainly not. These are shitty people and what they want is shitty so that tends to make their choices shitty.
Only a boomer could be this hard-headed ??
Nope only a REDNECK could! 😉
Listen, Jazz, I’m not trying to bust your balls. I agree with you and Moike 99% of the time. I just don’t believe that Trump was ever sincere or that the establishment ever thought he was. That whatever disagreements the two sides of the kosher sandwich are having are only a matter of degree and/or timing. NOT the end goal.
By the way I love your Christmas avatar.
Thanks, Frontierland is an unparalled artisan
Cheers fam
Lol, very fitting.
Damocles’ sword.
Occam’s razor.
Boomer’s butterknife.
“Occam’s razor.”
That Nancy Pelosi didn’t have to do anything to stop Trump because he was a scam from the beginning.
OK maybe deleting my comments might.
LOL! Who am kidding?
Like calling me a pussy is gonna keep me from voting down your comments when I think they’re grug 🙂
I didn’t call you a pussy. Funny how you owned it though.
I absoultely own voting you down when you’re grug.
Except I’m not grug which is what makes that down vote so pussified.
The establishment had plenty of dogs and ponies for their show in Hillary, Bush, Cruz, Rubio etc. Nobody wanted or needed Trump to fool anybody. The utter panic in the main stream media when he got elected was real. Their unvarnished (and persistent) hatred towards him is absolutely real. There are reasons for this. I understand he’s doing hardly any of the things that he promised as a candidate and it’s frustrating for people who had put any degree of hope in him, BUT he absolutetly did do a couple of things that the establishment DIDN’T WANT. Besides some judicial… Read more »
“Nobody wanted or needed Trump to fool anybody.” Sure they did. Lots of people in the deep state were well aware that White nationalism was bubbling to the surface and needed to be exposed and taken down. This is one of the major reasons for the Trump campaign. To drive White nationalists from cover. “The utter panic in the main stream media when he got elected was real” Only in the grug brains of the little servants who don’t know what’s really going on. “BUT he absolutetly did do a couple of things that the establishment DIDN’T WANT” That depends… Read more »
Dude, maybe you should call a medical emergency center. I think you overdosed on blackpills.
LOL! I’ve never swallowed a blackpill in my entire life! But just because I believe deep in my soul that this Brutalist anti-White edifice will crumble into dust doesn’t mean I should underestimate our enemies and think they aren’t highly intelligent and incredibly dangerous. As a matter of fact the more this globo-homo-shlomo edifice deteriorates the more dangerous our enemies become! It also doesn’t mean that I should ignore our own failures and defeats. Brought on by our too high hopes and a singular lack of experience. So you go ahead and keep praying for pie in the sky but… Read more »
You really are a take no prisoners kinda of guy, aren’t ya? I respect that. I too believe that our enemies are extremely intelligent, sophisticated and incredibly dangerous. I actually consider them the manifestation of spiritual evil. Even if they aren’t literally, they might as well be, so what’s the difference? All I’m saying is that nobody has the level of control that you seem to ascribe to them, and if they did they wouldn’t wait so long or go about things in such roundabout ways. If they really were this powerful, why would they even allow us this discussion?… Read more »
“nobody has the level of control” Yes they do and the current state of affairs proves that. ” why would they even allow us this discussion? ” Because they don’t want to stampede the herd. I’m sure you’ve noticed the ratcheting down they’ve been engaging in even here on TRS. “Why even bother fighting back?” Because this is going the same way the Soviet Union went and by us fighting back we hasten the day of our liberation. “I believe we shouldn’t go overboard with our hard nosed attitude and alienate people” Anyone who is alienated by me is too… Read more »
Now you’re just trying to be an asshole, I’m not buying your shtick.
Excuse me now, I have the new episode of TDS to watch/ listen to.
You grumpy old boomer, you!
“Now you’re just trying to be an asshole….”
No. I’m just being realistic.
Now excuuuuuuuse ME! I’m going to finish off last weeks Mike and the Mad Wop!
I’m sippin on the nog with the gingerbread rum and a little ice.
Why do Indians like living in apartment complexes so much?
The close quarters allows them never to be without a fresh breath of curry infused air.
Most cities in the world, outside of Europe and the US are just crappy apartment buildings crammed together. It’s how they are used to living
With the 1000’s of pages in length these legal documents become, I seriously doubt any politician actually sits down to read and understand it.
Couldn’t do it out in open, that’s the mistake they made with Reagan.
Qualcomm is also the number one manufacturer of electronic log keeping equipment for trucking. I’ve driven probably ten different trucks in my short career so far with two different companies and they’ve all had Qualcomm Omnitracs ELD equipment, hell it’s so prevalent that it’s hit the Xerox effect level
Was that you who was saying they’re instituting the electronic logging because of non-white truckers lying about miles/time?
I’ve experienced this ^
“Eggnog” — lol! Please do call him Eggnog all through the show. I have an unhealthy arrangement with eggnog, and maybe hearing that word over and over for a couple of hours will take the place of drinking gallons of it before the season is over.
Damn, ocoleez nutz!
based and Fred Durst pilled
“Explicit anti-whiteness will be postponed until moral improves. “
HVR isn’t kosher, please eat hat.
This is one hat I’m looking forward to eating
“DOJ working hand in hand with big tech”
Coincidentally I just received my copy of the new printing of Siege.
“No fight. No veto.”
Exactly what was expected of Trump all along.
“100% checkmate.”
And they’ve kindly provided the excuse for his non-action.
Funny how it always works out this way.
I’ve just read the list of topics and am about to listen. I keep reaching new levels of embarrassment for having been a long-time patriotard and new levels of derisive contempt for those who still are because they enable the people ostensibly on their side to fool them with military flyovers at sportsball events and hollow rhetoric and one-liners from Chump-in-Chief.
This is some straight fuckin fire laddies
FTN artwork alone will earn a spot in the early life section of the Museum of the Fourth Reich.
Thanks nnguys, this is uh hot stuff.
Is the Voortrekker report coming back or did you nnnguyz necklace it for good?
Oh Thank You! Thought I was gonna have to go to bed without the freshest takes! Who needs sleep anyways?
Would love to see Striker as a guest on FTN!
And he has been. It’s in the archives. And Jazz and Striker have a lost episode as well. That didn’t record properly. 2+ hours of gold lost into the void. But after hearing Friday’s show I think it’s well over due for another team up!
Ha! What are the odds…?
They were talking about Paul Singer a couple years ago too! It’s come back full circle! ?
“Would love to see Striker as a guest on FTN!”
Striker today! Striker Tomorrow!! Striker FOREVER!!!
Cacao Gang, whoop , whoop!
So Eggnog is picking the deep dive topic for Christmas. Any guesses? I doubt it’s the Abraham Lincoln deep dive (considering the holiday timing), and I’m not aware of any specific deep dives in the queue…
They’re going to cuck Moike on the Alexander Hamilton deep dive.
Maybes it is finally that Lincoln DD! Or probably holiday related. Sounds comfy! Like perfect to listen in a log cabin either way.
No shaking the present before Christmas!
Thank boys my thumb was getting sore from refreshing the page. This is all I have going in my life.
Now I can stop catastrophizing about what happened to my boys.
You’re not alone