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The fisting J'naii tend to stay in this quadrant over here.
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- The Merchant Minute
- The In-Before Guide to Antisemitism
- Sven Letter Media; Jocker and Star TERF
- Alex Blows the Wad Again
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Star Trek talk is the wrong stuff
It’s not just that pornography is graphic and obscene. It is often violent. Shit that shouldn’t be allowed regardless of consent
Even if a Jew is not observing the Jewish religion they are STILL biologically Jewish.
Does the hook in the nose dissapear when they stop going to temple
I’m not inclined to be too concerned about the biological bit, were it detached. I’m not speaking for myself of course, but if I found out Ram Z Paul was say, 15% Jewish or whatever, I would not be too concerned. Judaism is an ethnic strategy. The Semites are an ethnicity. But it’s the same with anything else. The bottom line is there are inevitably going to be trace amounts of Semite in a lot of good Aryans. And I’m not into being autistic about that, especially while we’ve got our back up against the wall. At the end of… Read more »
I’m not talking about racial absolutism. I’d say if you’re 75% White then that’s fine. You have to have a line somewhere.
“Judaism is an ethnic strategy.”
And it was biological Jews who created that strategy.
“The Semites are an ethnicity.”
Semites are a racial division. Jews and Arabs are separate ethnicities. The Kurds are more closely related to Jews genetically than Arabs are.
Yeah, there needs to be a line. I’ve found mixed people can be the most degenerate, disloyal, and just detestable people of all sometimes. On AmRen recently i found a NUMBER of mixed people in the comments, just saying the most absolutely sadistic things. It’s a total shit show over there because of them.
There are people with 25% or less Jewish DNA who will side with the Jews over gentiles.
I know a guy who is like 12% Jewish who seems to identify with that side predominantly. That said, I don’t think someone whose 23andMe comes up as 0.5% Jewish would be likely to identify strongly with that.
“The president signing an executive order defining Jewishness as a “nationality” makes me fucking ill.”
Can you determine who is a Jew by a DNA test?
“This is why they lose”
Ackshually the reason they lose is because that’s what they’re paid to do.
Mike kinda looks like The Edge with the rasta hat thingy.I mean, except the dreads.
U Talkin’ U2 To Me?
Brian Stelter started a joke
and btw BLOOD MERIDIAN 2 WHEN?!?!?!
Mary Poppins has some intense anti-banker stuff at the end too, but it might just be inter-Anglo hate speech…?
what movie are they talking about at 55?
It’s Gaslight made in 1944
I, for one, love sven-letter media
Best song for easy falsetto is See You In Hell by Grim Reaper.
i fucking love that song so much
Love the new look Mike. Can’t wait to see you at the next Jewish conference!
Yeah mike, we get your point but watch the fucking movie. What’s weird about it is that we all expected what you are saying and we got 100% support for the “villain”.
The question to Dinesh should be: “What do you think about people who consider themselves to be blood ancestors of Abraham controlling the media?”
Sounds like a good episode but I keep having to restart at the 3:30 mark. Hope this doesn’t fuck your bandwidth, goys.
The jew that Moike was talking about that has Tourette’s syndrome is Morty Klein, not Morty Zuckerman, a jewish media propietor. Just thought I’d clear that up before anyone accuses Moike of lying to us 😉
Here’s a funny clip of Morty Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America. https://youtu.be/hXGqJ3OR9hc
Waman for Merchant.
should have titled “Vindman Saga”
Sven is right about the Joker. The intent of the film was to have the audience turn on Arthur as a final twist, but the anti-capitalist and pro forgotten man nature of the revolution made that impossible. Joker becomes the arbiter of a higher order of justice and through his breaking down of the system liberates the masses. He becomes a symbol to rally around because he is the only one willing to accept violence directed at the elite is a needed part of fixing society. By becoming Joker, Arthur abandons all the liberal restrictions which bar people from engaging… Read more »
Well, they’d get what they f*ckin deserve
In Fallout: New Vegas
I think it’s even more insidious than that, but you’ve made an excellent point
anime posters, when will they learn
Looking forward to you getting to that episode in the second season of TNG where it’s revealed that Data is not only a race realist when it comes to the Klingon propensity for violence but a full blown genetic determinist.
Hey your vocals didn’t sound half bad, when you gonna get some growls going?
Has anyone heard the story about the Israeli lottery putting out the same numbers twice in a few weeks? It happened back in 2010 and 3 people won $666,000 the magic number!
“The allegations were denied by officials from Mifal HaPayis, the national lottery company. “We are in the business of luck, and when it comes to chances and probabilities anything is possible, even the rare and infrequent, like in this case,” said Dr Chaim Melamed, the statistics expert for Mifal HaPayis”
Enjoyed the Star Trek posting. Sven Letter Media is ok.
I guess “All These Christmas Songs Are By Jews” would’ve been too easy.
“Santa Baby too…”
And how! Written by the niece of Senator Jacob Javits, who was a, ahem, “Liberal Republican who represented New York.”
When is the Death Panel moving to Nigeria?
“All the colonialism going on around the world was White people looking for spices.”
Oh gawd.
I like Ketchup
I just got David Ickes 9/11 book from 2002/3 I never thought I would be reading something by him but flicking through it looks like it may actually be on ok read. Not the greatest but a pop-lit version of a more scholarly work.
I think some of his later work gets a bit dodgy by going into Illuminati bloodlines and lizard people. However, it sounds like his most recent work The Trigger is a return to form away from more crazy stuff and focused on Zionism and Israel.
Anyone read them?
Here’s a documentary from 20 years ago recommended by Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice:
Is that the one where he is attacked by the ADL? They are convinced the lizards really mean (((them))) Ickes like “J3ws? Eh? I don’t know why anyone is bringing them up. I barely know what a J3w is. I’m going after the lizard people!” *20 years of people convinced he is talking about J3ws* “Huh. You know… maybe there’s something to this j3w thing. I better check it out” *1 month later* “THESE ZIONISTS MUST BE CRUSHED! ZOG IS IN CONTROL OF THE BANKS THE ROTHSCHILDS OWN THE BANKS AND CREATED ISRAEL. AIPAC HAS OUR POLITICIANS BY THE BALLS.… Read more »
What’s the deal for commenting btw? Have we to avoid mentioning ((())) at all or is it ok as long as we keep it sensible? Obviously no calls for violence or fed posts but where is the line?
why does mike wear a traditional jamaican head dress in the first hour.
See the parody Twitter account of him and the posts from a day or so ago – keep going back you’ll eventually get it
Basically, that chick journalist who knew Ramzpaul, Ashley Goldenberg(?) Posted a picture of a fancy dress dinner she was at. In the background was a guy dressed like a Rastafarian who looked a bit like Mike. SPLC staff were going crazy asking Ashley if it really was Mike or not.
“traditional jamaican head dress”
I love it when a Liberal attacks anti-semitic Christians “Jesus was a Jew!” Then they attack pictures of Jesus “Jesus came from the Middle East ya know the place where those brown Muslims come from? :D” then, when I agree with that and say Hebrews aren’t white cause they are POC from the Middle East they screetch at me “What do you mean!? Hebrews are so white!”
Then I say “So, if they are white, does that mean the Hol o’ cost is white g3nocide?”
This is the most annoying thing with arguing with the Bluecheka style sh*tlib. One minute Jesus is brown, then he is Jewish, which means he is white cause Jews are white oh but wait now they are brown so he is brown…
Reminds me of Ghosts meme “Heh, I don’t believe in your backwards religion so non of these points would work on me”
“Heh, I don’t believe in your backwards religion so non of these points would work on me”
Ah no edit button! I meant Ghoul not ghost lol
I’m not a Christian because of that shit.
Tbf the Catholic church is the universal church and Protestant churches went on to found national churches – The Church of Scotland
Yeah too bad Protestants believe in the univeralist ideology of the bible.
Good stuff
Thanks, J’Naiii
dude i need a link to just that song that’s hilarious
Sventa Claus delivered that goods early.
Talk about the Final Frontier, think about the will it takes to drive across Nevada just to eat crab, gamble, and take stupid pictures with all our modern conveniences. Then, consider the audacity of our Euro-American ancestors to not only traverse deserts, mountains, and hostile savages to make it to the Pacific Coast and establish a new coast-to-coast continental-nation. We built the strongest nation of the Western and Northern hemispheres, if not the entire planet, only to let retards, faggots, niggers, and jews to consume everything beautiful and right with the world to the point where normal people yearn for… Read more »
wow sven is wrong, wayne wasnt a bad guy. he says he never met the guys joker murders, which implies he wouldnt like them, he wanted to fix the city with order and opportunities for the forgotten people, put your thumbs in my kids mouth and i will punch you too, sven is just wrongo
He was made to look like an out of touch chump tea party republican who wanted to fix things with free markets. When he was gunned down there was a feel that he got what he deserved.
Your a fucking ugly BITCH! I wanna stab you to death, then play around with your blood, in Fallout New Vegas.
In Fallout New Vegas though.
Gotta agree w Sven and Alex. Logan was a great movie. Could be a Dad thing though, hitting ya in the feels
The recent God of War was a great game
Monday’s show sells the “Muslim ban” a bit short. The banned countries were taken from a preexisting state department list of highest threat countries, where they defined highest threat as “countries where rebels or terrorists or criminals can print actual authentic passports, plus Iran because we hate Iran.”
Certainly deserves to be criticized as a badly bureaucrat-compromised half measure rather than going all Promises Made Promises Kept about it, but it was neither totally fake and gay nor just a new way to fuck over Iran.
I don’t remember them talking about it last show… oh wait Mondays show? Do you have a rough timestamp or at least which hour?
Don’t recall time stamps, Mike brought it up twice before the guest bailed, so second hour?
Mike insulting my name, make me sad
This Jew on jew violence is getting out of hand. They have now killed one cop, wounded two other cops and put the entire peace loving community in danger.
Something must be done about this!
“This Jew on jew violence is getting out of hand.”
LOL! Does this mean the shooter was a self-hating Jew???
I’m glad that Moike didn’t see the Jocker but I’m a bit upset that McNabb hadn’t seen it…I enjoy his takes and Moike would have just ruined it.
Work on your Sven Letter Media…Half in the Bang should be at least a weekly segment and I like it. Just don’t let Moike ruin it and get McNabb on board for bad takes. This has massive potential.
I want to know what they’re reviewing though first, so I can make sure not to watch it.
That’s fair. I just thought it was funny that Mike kept disagreeing with anything Sven said about the movie despite not fucking watching it. “Here’s my correct take on something I have a rough idea about, also I don’t watch TV or movies and I don’t even like ranch”
Moike is right in this case though. Arthur Fleck was intended to be a sympathetic protagonist
Regarding the Joker: I’ve read that the story originally wasn’t supposed to be based on DC comics, it was supposed to be just a self-contained anti hero story akin to Taxi Driver. They just made the decision eventually to turn it into a Joker origin story to make sure people would go and see it
Can’t believe you guys didn’t jump on “J’naii Brith”
Last night some people that run Ole Miss decided to get rid of the expression and name “Ole Miss.” No vote, no announcement. It was said that a “historian” decided to do this. Now only U of Mississippi will be sold or allowed to be sold as merch. I remember back in late 90’s when they tried to change that mascot to a black bear but there was such an uproar they didn’t. They just took away Colonel Reb as the mascot and called them the Rebels. Now you can’t even call it “Ole Miss.” What kind of talmudic chicanery… Read more »
The South is in the middle of a second Reconstruction. Notice that controversial things like tranny bathrooms and drag queen story hour have been aimed primarily at the south. The gays are moving to Atlanta and Charlotte in droves. Plus, our “conservative” politicians are zionist puppets like Miss Lindsey or Nikki Streetshitter.
Looks like a perfect opportunity to start selling your own Ole Miss merch as a protest!
Something about that cross with 13 stars really triggers them. Jim Crow was only established after a long paramilitary struggle that signified the end of (((reconstruction)))
Sven, if you slide that big amp behind you about a foot or so to the right, it will like Alex is literally sitting behind it, kind of like he’s sitting at the kids’ table at a holiday dinner.
There is no space to spare on the back wall.
Sven, what’s a good amp? I need a good amp, mine sucks.
I wen’t through a few amps in the 250 dollar or less range for a practice amp. The best one was the Peavey Vypyr 30 for 200 bucks by far. It has 12 built in amps, including the EVH, Joe Satriani, Pantera XXX, Plexi, Twin etc.. It also has 22 built in effects like Tubescreamer, X boost, Flanger, Phaser, Rotary spike etc.. You don’t need any pedals except the Sanpera to save and switch presets. Its really loud too.
Sounds very interesting, unfortunately I don’t live in the US, so what I can get is kind of limited, and everything’s fucking expensive here.
Is Boss KatanaMK1 any good? Doesn’t have to be some insanely good amp.
I’m just here by myself in my bedroom band lol, have had this fender practice amp my dad got me with a starter pack from than a decade ago
200 bucks should not be a lot. If money is tight they have a 15 watt to 20 watt for 100 to 150. I never tried the Boss one.
Yeah unfortunately I lost my wagecuck job and I’m just not comfortable with spending too much money right now.
Fuck it I’m just gonna save up for a nice Marshall amp.
For what, big high gain metal? Twangy stuff? Normie stuff?
ohgawd, uhh, a bit of everything really, kind of bluesy twangy normie stuff
but I like metal too
Your guitars pickups are also important. What kind of guitar do you have ? Also I think for 150 this is the best bang for your buck. https://www.amazon.com/Peavey-Vypyr-VIP-Instrument-Amplifier/dp/B00B5OY84Y/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=peavey+vypyr&qid=1576186384&s=musical-instruments&sr=1-1 The 15 watt and 30 watt Vypyr’s are discontinued. Which is too bad because the 15 was 100 bucks. If you are desperate for a good tone for very cheap. Just buy the cheapest Chorus pedal for now, even if its 20 bucks. It will make your sound juicy. Then you can spend your money on something better. This is the cheapest Chorus pedal I could find at around 15 bucks and… Read more »
19:42 *sips
There’s also another episode where Crusher falls in love with a Trill but the first host dies so it gets passed to Riker and then eventually to a woman. The final scene is really funny because the new host for the symbiote is totally up for it with Crusher but she rejects her advances and gives some stupid ‘I can’t but maybe one day humans will overcome their limitations when it comes to sexuality and gender’ speech.
That was pretty gay.
(Keep ST:TNG posting BTW. Good content.)