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The fisting J'naii tend to stay in this quadrant over here.
- Epstein Didn't Kill Himself
- Joe Rogan Style
- Don't Identify Me Goy
- Salient Solution
- Alex Blows the Wad
- Untactful Judaism
- The Merchant Minute
- The In-Before Guide to Antisemitism
- Sven Letter Media; Jocker and Star TERF
- Alex Blows the Wad Again
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
If the Kazars can be Jewish why not Black Hebrew Israelites?
They can. But just like the Khazars only in fiction.
The Hebrew Israelites are the real Jews, and it is both racist against blacks and anti-semitic to claim otherwise.
Khazar theory is 100% fiction. The Black Israelites actually use the fake Khazar theory to claim that they are the real Jews. They also believe they are the real Jews because they think only Blacks have been through slavery. They are embarrassed of their real mud hut identity so they Larp.
I need a deep dive on all that Khazarian/Ashkenazi thing. Who the fuck are ‘the jews’ anyhow?
Dr Kevin MacDonald Destroys the Khazar Theory!
Who cares? They, like the Klingons, do the job whitey won’t (making Jews and other assorted faggots cry with their bellicosity).
Mike’s takes on content like Logan and Joker would be better if he had actually consumed content.
The story of the Riker maneuver is that Frakes had a back problem from a car accident or something and bending down to sit normally hurt. I don’t know how that even makes sense but that’s what they say.
When does Sven Letter Media start?
Rich Evans laughtrack on TDS when?
Speaking of the Simpsons, anyone see this one?
Umm… based??
I remember when this clip got big on Twitter then they removed the Tweet of the guy who posted it.
So nuts. It’s such a flex from the tribal writers of that show
The Darkness was awesome
I believe in a thing called ZOG
Just listen to my Islamophobia!
Wow, a perfect syllable match!
There’s literally no other line you could use
I dare Sven to try and cover that double-guitar outro solo.
Darkness be all…
How can we get you goys hooked on painkillers if you boycott Israel?
I hate that generic OTC Prilosec is all made in Jizzrael. Oh, G_d, the gas!
Sven, I got some formula 109 for you:
I love the song.
I saw the thumbnail to this video and saw Mike in the hat and I’m like ‘damn first the beanies for Shane now they’re going nuts with hats.”
Then I listened to Strike and Mike and now it makes sense. Striker’s laugh at the end is so contagious, I’m dying. Can’t wait to hear you guys riff on the situation.
Would buy Svenpai instrumental Christmas album.
But also a collection of his Christmas parodies!!!
Soundtrack of today’s Merchant Minute
One of the best songs you have done, Sven!
Is this a cover parody or an original? It almost sounds like an 80’s/early 90’s Christmas song.
oh, shit-I was right! Lol, who thinks of reworking Epstein suicide conspiracy lyrics into Mariah Carey music.
Oh, it is the original. Mariah Carey did a cover for it once, but Sven was the guy who originally recorded it.
Great song borther. I thought at first that mike was wearing those dreads to identify as black Israelite. Lol.
Technically the Washington Post is guilty of subourning destruction of government property by telling beaners to cut through the fence
nice ATG the gates ref Sven. Your christmassy guitar reminds me of some of their acoustic songs.
What was the At The Gates reference? Did Sven mention a song of theirs or was the ref in the lyrics/solo to the parody song?
The Mike Enog twitter account has become reality. Can’t wait to see Rashawd Spencer materialize.
Charlie Manson spent his life in prison for telling somebody to go kill someone. No financial transaction. No exchange of favors. No threats Nothing but a suggestion
He also wrote some really bad songs.
I think it’s catchy
Y’all niggas need to get Mongoose Kikimora on to set you straight on the 40K Question. In any case the Sven Letter Media bits are both fun and actually about the product in question.
Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 17: “A contract is a contract is a contract. But only between Ferengi.” Sound familiar?
There was a YouTube account named “Space Jew” that had picture of a Ferengi as its’ profile pic.
Ha! I know the guy you are on about I used to see him in the comments when I first started going on Youtube. I mind a user Snakespliskin even mentioned him in a video
Hey mon, who dis rasta impasta?
Saw the thumbnail and my sides left
The only reason I found TRS a couple of years ago is from seeing people call Mike a jew, so there’s that lol.
The psyop backfired
Rastavich reveals himself.
Mike shoulda done blackface with that hat
I think he tucks his tit’s into his pants http://www.efreenews.com/storage/posts/July2019/a67bd98e18cf89059e9387ac7d7666b1.jpg
The BHIs have been providing entertainment for years.
Here come Gad!
Lol, perfect.
Hatless show starts at 42:29
Oh wow lolll I’ve never been here for a drop this early….have an ice day from working on towers. Sure Mike loves me saying this ahaha. Wind towers, to be precise haahh
Mike actually pulls that look off really well. 420 everyday
Paychads gather
*Sees Mike* SHIEET
I have not watched the episode yet, but I can already tell that today is a good day to be a Paychad.
nice high notes, Sven.what is that chord that resolves (for two bars) that sounds like a minor seventh? very pretty chord.
You’re probably referring to the change from C to Cm. The bass plays D# under it.
The bass plays Eb under the C power chord (C,G) to show the minor IV chord (Cm, C Eb G) of the key (presumably G).
Enharmonic lives matter. Play a C melodic minor scale (C, D, Eb, F, G, A, B) over that section to hear how minor IV chords function in a major key. It’s a pretty sound.
Breitbart has an article headlined: Trump Accused of Antisemitism for Executive Order Protecting Jews. This is what you get for your efforts Trump. Way to go.
His grandkids are kayaks. So he will push the jew agenda without end
He did it! He wore it!
When di rastafarai coom
This is an opportunity for all members of the NJ community to come together and affirm our shared values. We must not react impetuously. Instead we must recommit ourselves to our common value of tolerance. I call on all synagogues and temples to hold services that show solidarity with the various diverse members of our wonderfully diverse American mosaic. We must not allow dark forces to change the way we live. Let us carry on bravely in exactly the same way as before. Love, not anger. We will defeat the cowards who committed this horrible act with more tolerance and… Read more »
“This is an opportunity for all members of the NJ community to…”
Yeah, fuck that shit!
And yes I’m aware the above post is sarcasm but still!
Synagogues should welcome Hebrew Israelites and other marginalized groups in solidarity and have a public discourse.
Diversity for ISRAEL! Hell, diversty for Beverly Hills!
Muse was another band that tried to be queen. Their song ‘Supremacy’ is alright.
Knights of Cydonia was pretty good.
After I heard the shooters were black israelites, I just had to be part of f5 gang.
and just like the the story disappeared
Holy Dinky Dough, Batman
the new Sventune kicks AS* AAA+++
Fun song! Great work as usual Svenpai.
Does Mike identify as Black Israelite now?
It’s his right if he chooses to do so. Bigot.
Moike rockin tha braids I see
Rastafari gang gang.
Buffalo Soldier
Dreadlock Rasta
There was a Buffalo Soldier
in the heart of America
Stolen from Africa
brought to America
Fighting on arrival
fighting for survival
More like Buffalo Ranch dressing, amirite?