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The fisting J'naii tend to stay in this quadrant over here.
- Epstein Didn't Kill Himself
- Joe Rogan Style
- Don't Identify Me Goy
- Salient Solution
- Alex Blows the Wad
- Untactful Judaism
- The Merchant Minute
- The In-Before Guide to Antisemitism
- Sven Letter Media; Jocker and Star TERF
- Alex Blows the Wad Again
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Look at them deadlocks..who said Mike had a dry sense of humor..!
Herschel didn’t refer to us as Goyim. Fake Jew confirmed.
diana muldaur has the phenotype that resembles that of lauren southern, but more physically/mentally healthy, dr edward dutton confirms our faces are becoming less symmetrical with time. (due to bad phenotypes breeding)
This fucking college campus antisemitism executive order, soon-to-be law bullshit is infuriating. How are Whites not at war with jews at this point? This is essentially open warfare against Whites by jews at this point, it seems to me. How can America exist under such an assault to free speech, basic liberties and common sense?
I posted a link to a youtube video in another comment with Trump on Fox signing this bill. There are comments still saying he is the greatest president ever. This motherfucker just took away our constitutional rights to favor these people and these Conservacucks are still cheering him.
Go on youtube and any comment you see with Trump 2020, respond to them with facts while we still have comments.
go ahead and talk to them, i am convinced that they are mostly fake accounts; weird ass names, no profile pictures, they hardly engage, they might be indians and chinese and jewish being paid to gaslight online.
Half in the Bang clip 10/10! Worth your struggles and angery reaccs.
around 18 minutes in, on the second hour, that bit about antisemitism, that was a big red pill for me.
Moike, don’t make me dig through the archives. You know you were all about Fashy Goys four years ago. Remember Ghoul’s meme page? It wasn’t cringe until it was. Stop pretending you were never cringe.
I’m so glad I had the exact same take on the big reveal of Joker’s delusions in the movie: that the directors have to painstakingly tell the audience that Joker didn’t actually have a GF. That was so annoying to watch in the theater and then to have my friends be totally surprised by the big reveal.
I hate Star Treck.
Looking forward to the discussion on “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s the most Aryan (actually kind of natsoc) popular movie I can think of… coming from a guy who watches maybe three movies per year.
Star Wars kid was the first mass scale internet humiliation
Nice pull! That really was a turning point
Joker getting onto the late-night show and then murdering the guy happens in the Joker movie because that’s what happened in Frank Miller’s TDKR comic, it’s that simple.
In the comic he was brought on as a model rehabbed criminal ala that latest stabby guy in London though, not a viral cringe meme or revolutionary icon.
Agree with a lot of what you say except for Yahweh being evil. He was actually trying to rid the world of the “Ashkenazi” So-called Jews now because they were a hybrid race of fallen angels and human women. He ordered the Israelites to exterminate them all, men, women, and children. The Israelites disobeyed Yahweh and didn’t kill them all. We now are paying the price of the Israelites’ disobedience to Yahweh, and now those fake Jews of today have caused untold bloodshed and suffering for the human race. Yahweh, who was Jesus in the flesh, was actually trying to… Read more »
“Damn she was hot”
You better believe it. Diana Muldaur in the old Star Trek mini-dress? Hell yeah!
My pops was always a BIG fan of 7 of 9 in her tight black sweaters…not sure which Star Track series she was on
“All Husnock everywhere”
Star trek encountering an omnipotent being….
Prima Fascist.
Like I’ve said many times the proper definition of racism is just anything in the best interests of White people.
Sven Letter Media was the worst idea ever and now it consumes most of the show.
Here’s the real definition of anti-Semitism:
Any thought, word or deed that some jew just doesn’t like.
In regards to the “Untactful Judaism”..
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” —Not Voltaire
I like ZMan, and I cut him slack for not counter-signaling us, but he does that “Oh, the Jews are just liberals because they’ve assimilated into the WASP elite, which was leftist.” Basically WASPs made the Jews Cultural Marxists. There were plenty of problems with the WASP elite, but no one had to teach these Jews to be subversive. They learned it from their father, the Devil. ?
The jews taught the WASPs how to be subversive.