Chef, NotisAlarik, and myself have started translating the videos of Finnish deep ecologist, Pentti Linkola. Due to the Linkola's lack of sympathy for migrants and Third World suffering, and his belief that for the earth to survive there would need to be a massive reduction in the Earth's population, Linkola is frequently called an "ecofascist". There is more to Linkola than this, and I encourage anyone with an interest in ecology and nature to look into Linkola. This is the first video in our project.
Cry, Beloved (Land)
A portrayal of Finnish deep ecologist Pentti Linkola’s lost childhood surroundings on the shores of Lake Vanajavesi
Sadly beautiful
Awww, I was desperately hoping your we’re doing the dubs. Great job nonetheless. Keep doing the Lord’s work lads.
thanks this is great!
Well done, men.
Those trees that were felled and left to rot for no reason. F
Thank you
I just got his book actually.
So this guy is basically a more pagan Kaczynski?
If that’s eco fascism then count me in.
“Plant trees and be racially aware”
– Me