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The Death Panel settle in for the Christmas season with some Tucker content.
- "I Hate Doing Squats"
- Lightning Fast White Mail Repair
- Hedge Funds Are Destroy
- Smash Dat Early Education And Early Career Button
- Elliot, Foreclose Home
- Money Isn't God
- The Merchant Minute
- Singer Revisited
- A Hard R on "Gangster"
- A Lizard Eat Dog World
- Hooded Social Justice
- Beware The Cylops
- Captain Yiannopoulos
- White Humiliation Fantasies
- Miss Soypig Face
- Naked Time
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Anyone have the source on the generic comfy Christmas music used?
Source: my guitar, non generic, thank you
I can’t believe you are all hung up on ST:TNG. That show came out 25 years ago, it was limp then and it is limp now. You are making me feel old, I’m usually the last person to get clued in on things, but I’ve followed RLM for at least 7 years. As to Watchfags, where is E;R when we need him most? He’d roast those Gems. Great segment from Morrakiu.
I’m gonna glass you now.
I’m sad brothers, I listen to all the shows and I try to remain positive, but I get the feeling we are just spinning our wheels. Another thought that irks me is we are just leaving all these tips and exhausting our energy so the Asians have a fair warning when they move on from us to them…. like what’s the point if we aren’t organizing for ourselves?
I’m meeting people IRL without making first contact through the internet. All happening because a friend of mine wore a “Make Rome Great Again” shirt to the gym. Fellow goy saw it and started chatting him up. Now we’re all hanging out this weekend and meeting more people from the new friend’s group with people from my pool party. A lot of people don’t want to hear this but wearing a TRS shirt or an AF shirt or any nationalist signaling clothing in public is a great way to find people. Sure in more liberal areas it might be dangerous… Read more »
Morrakiu don’t despair. I live in the Bay area where it’s all liberal women. Once their in love with you, you can start letting the fash slip. Women don really care about politics, it’s all an act.
I dunno. Once they get a bit older, I don’t think they can change — they are all Christine Blasey-Ford.
Sure at a certain point, once their ovaries are gone, all hope is lost. Once they have babies on their mind in a relationship, and you’ve shown you’re a good guy and provider and make them happy things change. My old lady was a mess in the past. Tons of faggot friends and other degenerate garbage. She doesn’t see her friends anymore. You won’t turn them fascist, but they’ll love you even if you’re one.
I wish I had had that experience. Even my brother who is fitter, better looking, and more successful can only get damaged crazies, living in a shitlib area.
Like I said don’t despair. You’ll find one eventually.
Regarding the hipster F@G$ breakdown of the Watchn!gg€r$ episode, fuck you Mike, I wasting a half hour of my lyfe listening to the soy goy cold takes.
That song was /fit/ and /pol/ combined.
Why is Sven f*cking squats if he hates it so much?
Because it’s the most essential and benefital lift there is (along with deadlifts)?
Thanks for everything you guys do. A huge service. First info service I’ve ever payed for at 33. Love from Florida.
Hey Sven, cant you just jot down your thoughts in a text editor or something while mike is ranting so that you don’t miss your points? those condenser mics shouldn’t pick up your keyboard
Does the Golden Rule provide a meaningful path towards a more peaceful coethnic struggle out of the downward spiral of vulture consumerism?
That’s BAIT
Just started watching red letter media, it’s actually good as hell. Mike and Jay kind of remind me of you guys from an alternate dimension. I dunno if it’s just me, but RLM mike looks like he could be related to you moike, he’s got those big brained caveman slav genes too.
How good is hell?
Undoubtedly better than this dimension.
Roughly as good as shit. Two things that are good: hell, and shit.
Reporting from Sydney is Richard Spencer…
When Sven does “tattoos” bits is/might be my favorite thing
I’m assuming that one way to buy a controlling stake in a public company is simply email the hundreds/thousands of the very smallest shareholders who only have a few shares each and just ask to buy it off them. Probably giving them a very good price that you will recoup once you complete the whole takeover/collapse cycle
I’m not an investments fag so I don’t really know if that’s the case or not
Yeah, it’s not. Most public companies that are listed are owned 95% plus by a few institutional investment companies. No on gives a fuck about grandma having 6 shares of Apple when Apollo owns 6,000,000.
Boomer: “America is a country built upon judeo-christian values”
Me: “Yeah, I know. Look how fucked up everything is”
The term ‘Judeo-Christian’ is mutually exclusive. When the shabbos goy Cyrus I. Scofield first published his perverted version of the Bible in 1909, he couldn’t have known how just how successful he’d turn out to be at converting generations of believers of Christ into Zionist shills like himself.
“it’s the Jews, man”
Still Canadian… still no AIDS….
I love the wood paneling. super-comfy
Next up for the Death panel will be tweed coats with suede elbow patches and pipes!
Ultra Comfy!
12 hours of seasonal music:
That is the best song you’ve ever done, I’m going to be singing it all month.
Mah sides are split!
That song had me rolling Sven.
Cape Cod, more like Cape Cocktaker
Look out for used needles.
Great show. I am thoroughly pissed.
We have to make Strike and Bike happen.
All I want for Christmas is Strike & Bike
Mike, Mormans aren’t gentiles, not really.
How are White Mormons not White? Because they don’t follow your approved religion?
Absolutely right eric.
You added 2 and 2 and got 5. I didn’t say “white.” You did. I said “not gentiles, not really.” (Blacks are gentiles, Asians are gentiles, etc.) Mormons exhibit many traits of the non-gentile tribe, including insularity, collectivism, in-marriage, etc., and their origin story begins with members of the Israelite diaspora in 600 BC sailing to America. I wasn’t hating on Mormons, just commenting on their “otherness.”
“just commenting on their “otherness.” ”
Except the Mormon’s “otherness” is based on fiction not biology the way the Jew’s is.
From the “Encyclopia of Mormonism” curated at BYU:
‘For Latter-day Saints, “Gentile” generally means “not Latter-day Saint,”…’
I get the difference between a Jew and a Mormon. I was simply pointing out that Mormons don’t see themselves as interchangeable with generic Americans, etc. If a group of people tells you they’re not one of you, it’s worth considering. Feel free to down vote me again.
It’s not about their self-perception. It’s about the immutability of biology. The only thing that’s worth considering is millions of years of evolution that makes these Mormons White. Whether they like it or not!
“Feel free to down vote me again.”
I don’t YOUR permission to down vote a stupid remark.
It’s funny because Marina Sirtis (Councilor Troi) literally did the opposite where TNG got her out of soft core roles.
Are you the green jacket from twitter, the spiritual leader of the boojahideen?
Mike attempts to take a 4th position…
Tucker is going through with the studio build in Maine.
He’s going to need it.
Sven this white phenotype you’re talking about is a common phenotype among peasants. Short and stocky, with ugly short hair and a weak frog chin. This explains their generally shitty attitude, they’re peasants whose only role in life was to be a peasant. Anyway the phenotype is common among people of peasant descent all through Northern Europe.
^^^he’s right ya know
Coom-servatives or Coon-servatives?
Coom Coons
I’m actually going to escalate my argument further. Most small equity investors will make their buying and selling decisions two ways which are especially susceptible to this subversion: 1) They employ a portfolio manager who either entirely or mostly directs their portfolio or 2) If they hand pick their stocks, they take advice from trusted publications that give “buy, hold, sell” type recommendations The idea of autistic investors calculating the CAPEs of individual companies after pouring over their annual reports is mostly a myth. Capitalism is an extreme form of democracy and works the same way. Hans Hoppe was dead… Read more »
Why has Sven yet to post in BANG? This is an outrage!
Svenpai posts there all the time what are you talking about?
I post on two accounts in there in so prolific
Have yet to see any of his posts in there…
That’s a you problem
He’s also “sven listener.”
“The anime about the psychic kid who blows up the universe”
Well Mike’s seen the script to season three of Mob Psycho.
You should see the Fate series, there’s an aryan who has a sword that rends space time.
Great episode, the singer segment was on point will def be sharing with normie friends
Needed the “I’m so Angry” drop.
Got my blood pressure up.
Yeah, I’m clipping the Tucker bit and sending it to a a couple mmmbuds.
Sal- In honor of your avatar:
Damn I’d f*ck the shit outta that fat lil blond frog bitch.
Same here, Ive got a thing for chubby nerd girls with glayses. They’re annoying but a fun lay.
I am king of the frog women.
Fun fact: the Star Trek: TNG torrent for the full bluray rip is 1.21 pedabytes. Great scott!
The Outer Banks are designed to keep the DC, etc., folks away from the best NC beaches, which are farther south…
Unfortunately it’s not working.
Guilty as charged.
80% of the license plates from Corolla to Salvo are from Va.
LOL, great song, Sven.. Mike, LAUGH
He is embarrassed about his missing toof. I hope we get the full-belly Mike laugh back when his dental work is done.
Black Pilled did a good video about the history of the Rothschilds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjPC-tnw7Ik
He does top notch content IMO.
I can’t believe that movie was supposed to be pro-jewish! Talk about being delusionally disconnected from reality…
This is a really good episode illustrating the JQ.
And Sven is right….there is really only one solution to be honest fam…
But that’s none of my business.
Cabela’s was a publicly traded company. Very few avenues to just “stop” him from acquiring a significant position.
110 avenues at least
It still is publicly traded. The ticker symbol is CAB. Anybody can buy it. The only limiting factor to how much you can purchase is others willing to sell it. And there are always shares trading.
No I’m wrong. They delisted in 2017. BassPro shops is privately held.
The Cabela story reminds me of when Mike told the story about his Jewish childhood friend that underpaid for one of his baseball cards and the parents had to talk. What did the kid’s dad say? “well…he sold it”
Boy, that Singer fella is bad news.
You could do “Everybody bantz now”. Or “Let’s pick on Marantz now”.
Whom’st is Doctor Manhattan? The blue guy is supposed to be called Globutron.
Turn on TDS Hour 1 while getting ready to do squats….. FML
Re: empty suburbs that Alex has never seen… He needs to come down from the mountains every once in a while. Down in the foothills they’re so prevalent we call them PVC farms, due to the sewer line taps sticking up into the air, waiting for a house to be placed.
“He needs to come down from the mountains…”
only RIGHT before you said squatemalan I realized the double meaning of hating fucking squats
Milo is sharing Striker’s articles now. Haha.
Eventually we all come around to Striker.
Uncle is smiling in Valhalla.
Cabelas went public on the NYSE in 2004 and were delisted in 2017. Singer sold his stake in October 2016.