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The Death Panel settle in for the Christmas season with some Tucker content.
- "I Hate Doing Squats"
- Lightning Fast White Mail Repair
- Hedge Funds Are Destroy
- Smash Dat Early Education And Early Career Button
- Elliot, Foreclose Home
- Money Isn't God
- The Merchant Minute
- Singer Revisited
- A Hard R on "Gangster"
- A Lizard Eat Dog World
- Hooded Social Justice
- Beware The Cylops
- Captain Yiannopoulos
- White Humiliation Fantasies
- Miss Soypig Face
- Naked Time
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Strike and Bike: I’m excited for this product.
It needs to happen.
I hope McNabb brings his kid on as well, and we can have Strike and Bike and Tyke.
How many mispronunciations can the two of them fit into one show? 😉
Elliot management has been causing hell for the goys on the AT&T executive board for some months now. I should have known… Basically they’re saying AT&T made a big mistake by buying DirecTV (ok, true) and Warner Media (not as true) and are pressuring them to divest for pennies on the dollar. “Goys can’t own media!” I know people who work for AT&T and their board has basically been floating along on M&A for a while. Now the only really profitable side of the house, the wireless and business communications side, is being asked to carry the entirety of the… Read more »
That Paul Singer story also reminded me of Other People’s Money, which portrayed Danny DeVito’s jew-stand-in character as sympathetic. Of course the movie was written by (((Alvin Sargent))).
Gregory Peck epically destroys vulture capitalist Danny DeVito:
Cape May NJ Best Beach ever.
Deer park gangang
Theres at least 5 better beaches in nj AND they have claw machines and cheesesteaks
i wish this song came out this early morning when i was doing backday! FUCK DEADLIFTS
The first hour was very good, methinks Moik’s points about the looting of a nation by jewish plutocrats warrants an edited Bitchute video segment for dissemination.
Sven needs to know how epic that song was. 10/10 Christmas music, I was crying laughing the whole time.
The snow event was a beautiful one footer. Wintergang reporting in.
The solution is when the Jews buy a big share crash the company until they sell
Or take it private which is the best and final solution to the singer problem
Hahah hell YEAH
Part of the reason you can’t just tell Singer you don’t want to sell him a controlling stake in a company is that managers of publicly traded companies are regulated. The management of a publicly traded company can be sued for what is essentially malpractice by stock holders if they don’t take a “good” deal. So if Singer offers 60 dollars a share for a company that’s trading at 50, management has to provide reason why agreeing to the sale would not benefit investors, and nobody gives a fuck about the workers or the communities impacted by these deals.
LOL someone send the new song to Ethan Ralph for an intro segment.
I hope the second hour is more shitpoasty. My jimmies are headed to the asteroid belt.
We’re going into monocultural mode
Capitalism is Jewish. Read it, goyim cattle: https : // ia800205.us.archive.org/3/items/jewsandmodernca00sombgoog/jewsandmodernca00sombgoog.pdf
So is Communism. Hence the Kosher Sangwich.
Except The Trouble with Tribbles episode.
Thanks. Just needed the negative reinforcement.
As a fellow powerlifter, I couldn’t get enough of that intro song.
You don’t look like a power-lifer HAH GOT EEEEM
Mike has a great point about the Nebraskan farmer not being a capitalist but still a businessman. That feels like another jewish lie, that if you are pro free-market in any capacity then you must abandon all other principles and become a staunch capitalist. America and white men have always been more or less ethical with their monies. The word ‘capitalist’ was created as a pejorative and pro-market white men would never label themselves that because they understood money doesn’t come before country. Jews don’t have that compunction and they’ll rip off their own grandmother if they have to. Another… Read more »
My grandfather was a farmer in communist Poland, and he was a businessman
I’m convinced posting stickers of certain passages from the talmud would be a nice flex with alot of bang for your buck.
its fuckn true squats are fake and gay if youre over 30, unless youre into hurting your back . find some good machines to activate those quads and hammys.
Sven’s obsession and eternal struggle with squats and physical fitness in general always reminds me of these words of wisdom from a certain philosopher from South Jersey:
Alex’s comment about the rat maze was very poignant.
Can’t wait for Sven’s new metal song:
Hedge funds are destroy
That’s a show title, Jaime write that down
Hedge funds are destroy and China is asshoooooe!
Ken Bone, icon of the left, also a degenerate, shock cannot be imagined
I’m just saying, a ni$$er with a giant fro is the most triggering, send it back to Africa thing you can encounter
Nebraska is Great plains? I never really saw it but I guess maybe the north chunk is? Heartland great plains nibbas rise up!
The entire state of Nebraska is considered part of the 10 Great Plains States.
ya know what, as long as we don’t start counting denver I’m fine with whateva
This is gonna be one long hour 2
People hate squats because they don’t wanna get the form right.
Just do leg presses on arm day, nobody has to know
I just can’t seem to get it right, my back bends before my stiff legs do ?
Go use some machines instead. Squatting is an awful meme, you’re just going to get hurt.
My fren has my do machine and normal squats, there’s no winning ?
I feel like I’ve been issued a challenge
Allan Thrall and Mark Rippetoe have good tutorials for that shit, just pirate Rip’s book from a library somewhere
you can’t learn these movements from books
Not necessarily for you, but:
There are a few more videos of Rip teaching squats on YouTube, but that’s enough links.
I gather that Amish theology is partly derived from Calvinism, so that might explain why the Amish accumulate money but don’t spend it on personal hedonism.
Check out the recent edit history on Paul Singer, (((they))) have been fighting to remove his (((heritage))) all day.
The NY beach is a fucking nightmare
I wanna buy stock in TRS I gotta feeling the demographics are such that a lot of people, mostly high testosterone males are gunna catch on to the acts of these Jewish folks.
Gonna make the gym weebs mad with that one, fam.
The men who built western civilization and empire never spent a day in the gym. Just remember that lads.
The new song was lit! I see what you did there.
I was driving back towards the city from upstate during snow event and I’m not surprised a bunch of people got killed, it was really fuckin bad driving.
Gosh darn it to heck, I genuinely spit my drink all over the screen upon seeing the mailbag segment.
Just came out from the gym. I feel you Sven.
I like the opening song better when I hear, “I hate doughy squats!”
That pop in your ankle was a warning shot.
Lol I was just doing dead lifts (which I normally don’t mind) and half way through I was thinking of getting off the squats and dead lifting thing and getting on the Nick Fuentes Big Mac and Coke thing TBH.
Squats are made for doing
Dsadlifting is my kryptonite.
After hernia surgery I was out for six weeks and haven’t been the same since.
Fuck deadlifting.
I got this lump on the front of my belly that some times hurt when I do squats and deadlifts.
At first I thought it was cancer or something, but it’s been over 3 years and I’m still alive, so I think it might be hernia.
Can it be fixed, or do I have a good excuse to never squat again?
Get it fixed and no deadlifts is what I did.
That bump is probably your intestine.
It was in my case.
They can fix it with mesh
Mesh hernia repair is typical of the shitty American system. There is a better way to do this involving basically sewing all the tissues back into the right spot.
They did mine twice and it’s absolute shit.
This song speaks to me on a deep spiritual level. I laughed too much from it.
I don’t drink milk or do squats, I didn’t understand any of it.
Bruh do you like uh even lift bruh?
No Jamie? I guess everything will be spelled correctly? Fuck this gay shit…
get yourself to kroger get a gallon of milk
Pressed F5.
Get excited to keep pressing F5 for next Hour
We press F5, so others don’t have to.
F5 gang gang
Let’s go!
Heh’d IRL.