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The Death Panel settle in for the Christmas season with some Tucker content.
- "I Hate Doing Squats"
- Lightning Fast White Mail Repair
- Hedge Funds Are Destroy
- Smash Dat Early Education And Early Career Button
- Elliot, Foreclose Home
- Money Isn't God
- The Merchant Minute
- Singer Revisited
- A Hard R on "Gangster"
- A Lizard Eat Dog World
- Hooded Social Justice
- Beware The Cylops
- Captain Yiannopoulos
- White Humiliation Fantasies
- Miss Soypig Face
- Naked Time
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. Fuck bugmen hipster faggots who think they are so original. Just because christmas happens in a movie does not make it a X-mas movie.
Ford vs. Jew
I not anti vaccine but it’s a fact that Vaccines aren’t nearly as effective or safe as the Jews that make them proclaim they are. Visit any peer reviewed medical database for proof of this.
I can’t believe the cruel nazi’s provided hot water for showers in the 30’s
Assuming the securities and exchange commission isnt all jews
Should have called the show Kosher Capitalism
I have a woman for you Mr. Merchant
How come you never come on the show? Do you have your own show?
Mike is an empathetic genius.
What are some good books to get red pilled (or whatever) on economics, finance, labor, capital, etc.?
The comments weren’t showing up there for awhile. I thought I’d screwed the system up somehow!
Or pissed off the panel! (NOT an unlikely scenario!)
I’ve now listened to “No Quiero Todos Squats” six million times.
Merry Christmas.
This is some incredible sven content. Really made my day.
The Jennifer Lawrence butthole pic was never confirmed to be her. Only trust the leaked pics that actually have the face in the pic. There were some fakes mixed in with actual pics of her. The blowjob vid was confirmed not her.
Hi Alex
It’s not just Singer (who Tucker last night clarified as a top Republican donor) Tucker was officially coming out pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine and not just a prank bro. He also talked about the (((radical prosecutors))) and their jew donors like Muskovitz, Steyer, Soros, Brinn etc.
“I don’t think Tucker Carlson actually listens to Strike and Mike…”
But he SHOULD!
Henry Ford:
Henry Ford?
THIS Henry Ford:
Receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from the Third Reich
The Nazis were saving Jewish skeletons? But I thought the Nazis were trying to keep the Final Solution a secret and that’s why you can’t find Hitler’s order to exterminate the Jews? Why would you save the evidence??? BTW where are these saved skeletons now? For that matter where are the remains of the other 6 million allegedly murdered Jews???
Maybe they were going to make Jello from the bones.
“It never happened.” “Not this time.”
Squats are the big gay, it’s all about arm day.
If I draw a stick figure with blue ink pen is it Jewish?
Does the figure have a big nose?
It’s true: they are demons, and zero tolerance is the only option.
I remember watching the movie Rosewood on Hebrew Box Office. I wonder if the situation is similar to the Tulsa chimpout:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre#
If Singer couldn’t get control of Cabellas. He wouldn’t leave it at that. He would sabotage it with no other motive than puishing them for saying no to a jew
Red Shoe Diaries?
Every Single Time!
It’s amazing to think that, if Jews had looked like jet black Somalis, they would never have infiltrated any facet of white civilisation. They were only able to pull it off because they have light skin. That’s why “fellow white people” is so redpilling because none of this degeneracy would take hold of Jews could not Masquerade as white to convince actual whites to accept it
Do a cover of ‘encased in concrete’ but use hedge funds are destroy
I have old X’er coworkers who view the new “Watchmen” series, one black and one white. The black one lacks the intelligence to say anything unique about the episodes other than, “it was awesome,” “it was trippy,” or “dude, it’s gonna mess with you.” The white one says it’s interesting and “wild,” but looks a little uncomfortable to talk about it. They haven’t talked about it much after the third episode, thank God.
re Hr 2 50m Damon Lindelhof also wrote the dire Alien: Prometheus where the ultra aryan looking Charlize Theron sexually propositions the Captain of the Space-ship – OFCOURSE a bleg ( Idirs Elba with a shit American accent ( altho he prob does Michael Caine better than Sven ))
That one scene ruined the movie for me. It was totally unnecessary. At least they didn’t show anything. ?
I don’t get it. So Paul Singer bought a roughly 10% stake in a publicly traded company. The company merged with another similar company. The stock price went up, and he sold his shares at a profit. I don’t see anything evil about that. I understand the people of sidney are miffed because their headquarters closed or relocated or whatever and it was a major employer for the small town. But so what? There are lots of small towns that don’t have the headquarters of a giant multi-billion dollar retailer headquartered in them.
People want to have their cake and eat it too. So the people in Sidney want all the benefits of a giant retail empire being in their small town but don’t want any of the downside of having their town entirely reliant on a fortune 500 company they don’t own or control.
You got it Bigjohn. People want benefits out of Capitalism not detriments. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Why is it so hard to understand capitalism comes with benefits AND detriments. Cabelas is a good example. They are a huge retail empire that offers a wide variety of sporting goods and camping supplies at over 80 convenient locations. Any business of that magnitude is necessarily going to be run from the top down. Whatever decisions the business makes is going to inconvenience somebody, somewhere. If tucker or the death panel have a problem with capitalism, fine. Fuck Cabelas. But this shit where Bob the builder gets mad because the board of directors didn’t ask his opinion before they… Read more »
Why is it so hard to understand we don’t want your fucking detriments? Why is it so hard to understand that normal White gentiles are opposed to a system that heaps detriments on us against our will and gives benefits only to our racial enemies???? “But this shit where Bob the builder gets mad because the board of directors didn’t ask his opinion before they merged 2 billion dollar companies is retarded” It’s only retarded to someone who surrenders to plutocracy. There’s absolutely NO reason that the board of directors can’t be more concerned with Bob the builder than some… Read more »
“Fuck Cabelas”
Bigjohn—coldest takes in the comment section. ?
coldest takes in the comment section = libertarianism.
I’m sure I’m not the only one of us that has this fantasy. I imagine Tucker’s last show dropping mild but directed red pills on the JQ and then in the closing segment “listen up all well meaning gentiles, they are all jews, this is a problem and it is THE problem facing the western word historically and today. I will be fired from FOX immediately and will continue tomorrow on my own platform. Thank you and good night America” Or maybe just come out as a hard hitting intro. I’m sure he could come up with better wording and… Read more »
Sven: “Who sold Cabela’s to Paul Singer’s hedge fund?”
Its a publicly traded company dude… Do you not know how this works?
Grug miss point
The bulk of many companies stocks are held by institutional investors (pension funds, mutual funds) and individuals, and they will sell to whomever will pay their price. The identity of the buyer is usually not known. So a schemer like Singer can quietly buy up 10% over the course of a few months, and then go, here I am, let me in.
In other words a system set up to benefit scheming parasites. Wow! How could I NOT support a system like that???
Next stop:
I don’t know how it works although I used to think I did. Wasn’t the stock market meant to be a way for companies to raise funds to invest in their business ? Now companies go to the stock market to spend their funds buying their own shares back.
Companies issue stock to raise money. They can issue it privately or publicly. If they go public it’s called an initial public offering, or ipo. If a company has gone public their shares can usually be bought and sold on an exchange like they nyse. Buying shares of a stock effectively makes the purchaser a part owner of the company and as a result they gain certain privileges and benefits. They can vote for the board of directors and someties for certain events like mergers or acquisitions. They are also entitled to any cash dividends the company pays out. Companies… Read more »
You mean like the New York Times who arranged their stock so that the Suzlberger family’s controlling stock was kept off the market and unavailable to outside investors?
Trains are the best. They’re supposed to be building a new high speed link in australia. Looking forward to it.
Any public transportation in the US just gets ruined by loud, violent minorities. Terrible investment.
So true. Ever been on MARTA in Atlanta? It’s a fucking zoo. Don’t know what MARTA officially stands for but most people say Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta.
they also have to give up enforcing payment of fares when the demographics of the passengers reaches a certain point
lmao at the TightRope merch.
When I was redpilled, those kind of bad optics sites were pretty much the only nationalist content online. I ordered a flag once and I’m pretty sure the free stickers that came with it are still floating around in a drawer somewhere. They are “WARNING:” stickers with STD n\facts on them lol.
It’s weird how Morrakiu’s bits perfectly echo my inner monologue.
Those are just your genotypes. Since this community is organized by genotype, we all have a lot of the same instincts. All we’re trying to do is turn the genomoenon into a phenomenon. LEGALLY. Of COURSE!
I Dindu Nothin
The Face of Crime
Just call him a π×99€®
Not even seven minutes in and Irene is already at it with, “I heard a conversation between my father and another man and he was telling my father what the Nazis are doing in Poland. And one thing that I’ll never forget that I heard…and he said, “The Nazis our taking our young Jewish infants and they’re tearing them in half by their legs and they’re throwing them in the Dniester.” The Dniester is a river in the Ukraine.” There’s one oh gawd….
Sitting down to watch James Moll’s “The Last Days” documentary on Mike’s recommendation from awhile back. Looking forward to Irene’s brown diamonds. Let’s see how many “Oh gawd’s” come outta my mouth…