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In this episode we are joined by Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) to discuss David Foster Wallace, Jacques Ellul, and Irish politics.
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The Unites States has universal healthcare for specific groups. The tens of millions of illegal immigrants here get as much free emergency room care as they need. It’s ironic, because part of the reason we don’t have universal care is because of ethnic and racial disunity. It’s a pretty safe bet that if we were 95% European that we would have universal healthcare by now.
Senate immigration subcommittee chairman Edward Kennedy (D-MA.) was wheeled out as a shabbos front-man when they were trying to get the 1965 act passed
Peter Casey got 21% from absolutely nowhere in the 2018 Irish Presidential election on a populist/Trumpian ticket
Read Infinite Jest twice back in the day. Both times before having been redpilled. Now you’ve got me considering cracking it open a third time to see what new meaning I could glean from it.