Jazz and James invoke the Carlin Rule on some backroom dealing on USMCA and unearth some accidental white pills from VDARE, before pivoting to a closer examination of the various tactics of post-Trump conservatism, including - as you may have guessed by this weekend's cover art - CPAC in Prison. Then it's a mini deep-dive into the Sandy Hook gun suit, some smart local political maneuvering in Boise, and some choice bottom of the stack pieces. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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h/t to Kyle for this week's cover art:
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - More Spirited Debates
00:12:00 - Daily Forward Goes All In
00:19:00 - Invoking the Carlin Rule
00:25:00 - VDARE White Pills
00:52:00 - Shitting Street Standard Bearer
01:00:00 - Post-Trump Soap Suds
01:15:00 - Prison CPAC
01:26:00 - BREAK
01:28:00 - Sandy Hook Gun Suit Nnndeep-Nnndive
02:14:00 - Boise Under Seige
02:28:00 - Bottom of the Stack
02:45:00 - Outro
can you guys go a bit deeper into something that you were talking about in the Vlad deep dive- the economic situation in Eastern Europe? Average IQ of Romania is 94, Poland is 99, Russia is 97. With this human capital, why are they not able to develop manufacturing and raise their standards of living? Without the drain of the migrants, it seems that they should be doing better than Western Europe. What exactly is the EU offering them to raise their wages (in return for liberalizing their society)? Loans? Is there some reason that they cant get loans from… Read more »
The Firearm Owners’ Protection Act is supposed to protect you from prosecution if you are passing through a state where your firearm(s) and/or magazines are illegal. E.g. you live in New Hampshire but want to go shooting with your mmbuds in PA. Unfortunately MA and NY are notorious for ignoring the FOPA and getting away with it, so you’re taking a risk just driving through. I think you even need a pistol license just to drive through MA or NY, and forget your standard capacity 17rd magazines. Somehow the shitlibs get away with ignoring the federal laws they don’t like,… Read more »
You dweebs. We have to be absolutely 100% sure of what we are saying. Roger stone is not Jewish. He is Hungarian and Italian and raised Catholic according to what I have read. The Antiwhites will be all over us for making errors like this. Please make the correction. We have plenty of anti-white Jews out there without making any errors about which of them we call out.
That Theodore Olson was the same butt goy who argued on behalf of the queers in the gay marriage decision
What an execrable buttgoi.
A high-profile client in the 1980s was Jonathan Pollard, who had been convicted of selling government secrets to Israel. Olson handled the appeal to United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Olson argued the life sentence Pollard received was in violation of the plea bargain agreement, which had specifically excluded a life sentence. Olson also argued that the violation of the plea bargain was grounds for a mistrial. The Court of Appeals ruled (2‑1) that no grounds for mistrial existed.
Fun fact: his wife supposedly died in the 9/11 attacks.
Thank you for not making this a download. – Android user
Doing some Israel research for a paper. This looks like it could be good fyi:
“Ten ways the Israel lobby ‘moves’ America” Grant F. Smith
John Mearsheimer – Changes in the Israel Lobby
Iraq, the Neocons and the Israel Lobby – John Mearsheimer
John Mearsheimer
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
If it’s appropriate to editorialize make sure to link Zionism to Baruch Goldstein like the media does with alt-right and Charlottesville
Zionism—the hateful ideology that inspired Baruch Goldstein’s ruthless massacre
Good point
Good work, guys.
They can’t have it stand that a jew was responsible for Sandy Hook so they have to spread the blame on anything and everything they can from Alex Jones or Remington
Was Adam Lanza Jewish? I’ve only watched or listened to a handful of Sandy Hook conspiracy docs or interviews, as well as keeping tabs on the story as it was developing on conspiracy forums. I doubt the official narrative on this one, but I don’t have the best knowledge background on this particular topic. This Sofia Smallstorm presentation was pretty convincing for me, tho: Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook (I think it got shoah’d from jewtube) I know there was a later documentary called We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook (also shoah’d from jewtube…that should tell you something), and… Read more »
The foreign jobs drop thing is probably about the trade war with China. If the people who grow soy beans get screwed then the bean grower workforce gets screwed. Who do you think is the farm hands on those soy farms, even small ones? You aren’t paying back your payday immigration loans off your loot from some church food pantry. And if nobody is providing that trailer to live in… well you can be better off back at your casa
One good thing Trump did that I think will help in the long-run is that he made the GOP unable to (honestly) deny that immigration restriction is popular, and that free markets and wars in the Middle-East are unpopular. Our real war isn’t in the Middle-East, it’s in our own damn countries.
White people got sucked into libertarianism and neoconservatism because that was the best we thought we could get, now we’ve had a taste of something better, and the GOP can’t tell us the best food is the scraps they were serving us before.
I just wan to throw in my 2 cents that gun companies SHOULD be able to market a “weapon of war” to me because the 2nd amendment is about war.
You guys – I really have to disagree with you on your speculations concerning Boise ID and similar places. I didn’t hear any stats so, you certainly do seem to be speculating. Many Californians are leaving the state bc of the degeneration of this state into a liberal sinkhole where conservative ppl have no voice or pull anymore, and the laws here are getting more hostile by the day. Many that I know of are older ppl who can retire wherever they want but they are or will be on fixed incomes. Californians are moving to all parts of the… Read more »
Very, very soon, EVERY state will be Majority Brown with Whites disarmed by the Gub’mint. And there will still be no White Uprising. Formerly White Rhodesia and SA are an excellent example of “Accelerationism” being played out in real life.
Yeah I don’t want any Californians of any type in my state, if I as a local can’t realistically afford to live here I don’t want ANYONE to come in and drive the prices up more.
Noel Ignatiev is dead…press S to spit
I pressed U to urinate.
“things Trump has done”
But has he done them? Or have they been done in spite of him? Especially in the case of Sessions.
“The Jews at the centre of the impeachment inquiry aren’t there because of ties to major Jewish organisations” They are by default, because the Jewish race is a major Jewish organisation
Lol def not what we said
No no I know, it’s just what you were reading from The Forward
Phew okay you had me there for a second
Hey dude, can you link to that story from Idaho? About that property tax initiative.
Thank you.
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid…
Really disgusted with this Disney Plus consumerist neoliberalism. Worse than the impeachment.
Hey so off topic but don’t care. Has Jayoh moved on from TRS?
I’m a gun guy and thought I’d weigh in. A semi auto ar15 is really not very different from what’s issued in the us military. There are a few differences and the main one being an m4/m16 is select fire where a civilian ar15 is semi auto. That being said, anyone who knows anything will tell you most guys downrange will use semi auto the vast majority of the time. Using automatic fire from an infantry rifle is for suppressive fire. All of that being said, I don’t care how similar they are. I want no more regulations on the… Read more »
Tell Chump that. He won’t listen to me, only his son-in-law, Pres. Kushner.
Trump is a traitor and unironically the reason we have a 2nd amendment.
James: “Could the Family Research Council use these same arguments against the SPLC?”
No. Why? Jews.
“abolitionist Stephen Douglas” THANK GOD you corrected that!!! Here’s a couple of good books if you’re interested… Stephen A. Douglas:His Life, Public Services, Patriotism and Speeches by Clark E. Carr published in 1909 when Carr was 73. As a young man in Illinois he’d actually seen one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Carr was actually a Lincoln supporter but 45 years after the Civil War he thought that Douglas was being unfairly neglected/disparaged by historians and decided to set the record straight. The Eve of Conflict: Stephen A. Douglas and the Needless War by George Fort Milton. It tells the story… Read more »
When I was growing up in Ventura County Ca in the 70’s this was a very popular bumper sticker:
Having grown up near this area as well, I remember this was a popular slogan with my siblings and me.
Listening to my older brother recount what the beach at Oxnard was like in 1959 when the family first arrived in Cali would absolutely break your heart! Paradise!
I have left three areas of the country that became overcrowded. The red state I am in now has the highest per capita growth rate. Some people here say, “Californians go home,” but more people say, “There’s nothing we can do about it.”
There should be a legal means to prevent population growth of an area. If the place I live now would have told me that I couldn’t move there because it is full, I would have been sad, but I would have understood.
“There’s nothing we can do about it.” Pres. Pence’s and the RNC-approved campaign slogan, 2020…
October 2015?
I’m pretty sure I was listening to all those interviews of revisionists and nationalists on Red Ice. It’s possible I’d already heard the interview with Jazzhands and Johnny Menoxide. Which means I wasn’t too far away from hearing old episodes of FTN and TeDiouS. Talk about the slippery slope! You listen to one Donald Trump speech and suddenly this makes sense:
All of Red Ice’s content got shoah’d from JewTube. I still have not watched more than 5 minutes of Greatest Story (I should try and watch at least an hour…).
Hour 1 interview still available on Red Ice’s non-paywall site, and I’m sure one can find both hours on the members site.
I’m sure they’re on Bitchute.
Jazz, your instinct was correct. Jamie Dimon IS a gentile. However, he’s married to a Jewish woman so I guess he’s more than just spiritually Jewish.
” CPAC in Prison.”
Sounds good to me.
“CPAC in a Concentration Camp” sounds better.
The one and only.
You guys ever listened to Aimee Terese’s podcast What’s Left? It’s hilarious they talk about cargo cult thinking and atomization. You guys basically have the same talking points.
Isn’t Roger Stone a goy?
The Bahtroom
OMG, that artwork. Kyle is killing it.
This’ll be good listening while I’m in the shop today.
“The administration should be very concerned…”
I’ve been hearing pronunciamentos out of the Cato Institute for probably FORTY YEARS
and it’s ALWAYS the same money-grubbing race-treason BULLSHIT!!!
I vaguely remember being surprised that Roger Stone is, in fact, jewish per wikipedia..
“Stone was born on August 27, 1952,[14] in Norwalk, Connecticut,[35] to Gloria Rose (Corbo) and Roger J. Stone.[36] He grew up in Lewisboro, New York, in a family of Hungarian and Italian descent. His mother was a small-town reporter, his father a well driller[37] and business owner. He has described his family as middle-class, blue-collar Catholics.[35]”
I’m highly suspicious that Stone’s paternal line are conversos.
My guess on USMCA and Pelosi is my standard one: The answer to all your questions money. The donors are telling the Dems, “if you want our money, you have to pass USMCA.”
What is alex’s twitter?
I don’t think he’s on it.
Re: Boise Idaho’s property tax policy to own the libs, this is an area of my expertise so here’s an effort post on real estate tax policies and other RE benefits for legacy Americans in Florida. Other states, even California with Prop. 13, offer one or more of these benefits, so research these topics in where you live or want to live. Many people know that homesteaded property in Florida cannot be taken except for non-payment of tax, mortgage, or HOA fees. See: OJ Simpson, NY Jews in Palm Beach County, etc. Essentially one can be sued and get saddled… Read more »
“VDARE White Pills”
Ah, VDARE. When I first jumped off the White Sucker train that’s where I landed. Excellent website and Pistol Pete Brimelow is both hard-nosed and a real gentleman.
(((Roger Stone))) is going to die in prison of old age if he does get sentenced to the max
He won’t. Chump’ll pardon him just before he walks out to Marine One…
? Let this Kosher gun backfire on them !
If ”advertising, marketing and media” is found responsible and liable for the wrong doings of the public’s actions…. well it’s feeding time my friends 😉
Ohhhhhhh goooooooood!!!!!
New type of humanoid discovered. All I need is the drop from Sven.
~15 mins in, I was just thinking that the Mayor of New York is basically the President of Jews
I get the joke in the title. James must have wrote it.
Heh, actually, Tupac is before my time
A bolt action Remington 700 is a weapon of war, a Mossman 590 pump shotgun is a weapon of war. Not that it matters, nobody cares and everything is fake and gay.
Yep used the Mossberg 500 for breaching and clearing in Iraq back in the early 2000’s.
“weapon of war”
A knife is a weapon of war.
The only weapons of war I care about getting rid of are the biological ones.
So is a showerhead, goy.
Nice Cope, but the ‘Mossman’, (Mossberg), 590 is on The Tribe’s Turn In Or Die Shit-List, too. Because of it’s 9-rnd magazine tube.
Hows about you just don’t turn it in??
Shovels have been used in war. The entire point of the 2nd amendment is war. I HATE the argument that civilians don’t or cannot own weapons of war.
I appreciate that the intro remains the same as it was the day I got redpilled. I wouldn’t begrudge an update but it’s nice to have a sense of stability in these insane times. “Often imitated… never duplicated.” 🙂
Agree wholeheartedly! Traditions are important.
“Traditions are important.”
Like anti-Semitism:
Maybe just to piss off Sven, FTN could use the intro to Earth, Wind and Fire’s Shining Star (an unironically tight intro).
Also, has Jazzhands ever co-hosted a show with Moike?
If it’s Sunday morning, it’s Fash the Nation!
I legit had to look up CPAC. I guess I remember FTN discussing the event last year, but it was pozzed and gay even then, I guess. How fucked it is that the alt-right is this persecuted ideology and can’t organize or even ‘grill’ without Antifa and Federal intervention and subversion, and next-wave conservatism, a la Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and Don Trump Jr., ‘reigns supreme’.
I need a Z-Pak for this CPAC.
Btw, nice art, Kyle (thumbs up).
I got a good screen grab of DJT for any future FTN show graphics artist who needs a likeness of Trump to work from:
Going into the Orange faggot file.
Roger Stone is Jewish? Not finding anything on the early life tab but the word Stone in German is Stein. Never thought about that before. It would explain a few things.
Never mind just heard the correction
Stone is an odd specimen. That simian-neanderthal skull and that beak.
Oh Gawd, shut it down!
Not sure why I ever thought he wasn’t Jewish now.
With these phenotypical traits, t’s easy to think he is a fellow hwhite.
I mean, look at that can-opener!
Glad to hear the correction on Dimon tho, I had believed him to be jewish.
No it definitely not e Jewish beak, and remember ppls noses often get larger with age. I bet if you saw a pic of him 30 yrs younger it would look a little smaller or less beak-ish.
But your forhead doesn’t get more sloped and your ears don’t slide down your jawline as you age.
Be fun to gangsterize a shot of the chosen inmates at jewjail.
f5 gang gang
When is SPLC going to ad F5 Gang to list of hate symbols? It’s funny but ADL/J-Alphabet soup agencies are an integral part of F5 gang. They are earnestly waiting for the show to drop.
Imagine getting paid to listen to FTN on a Sunday.
Tom-Don’t TEASE me!
Imagine not falling asleep to FTN on Saturday night.