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The Death Panel can't think of a good pun for Los Angeles, Catabolic, or anything else funny.
- Surrendering At Guitar Center
- LA Steeoorries
- California Brownouts, Also Electricity Problems
- The Merchant Minute
- Kansas City M L K
- Sben's IRL Activism!
- Noel Jignatiev
- SPLC Union Segue
- Urethra!
- Stephen Miller Band
- Ice Cold Cerno Takes
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Morakiu’s speech about “the most beautiful, nicest, most altruistic race on the planet” is epic.
Sven cover don cherry please .. This chick ” Jessica Allen ” maybe a member of God’s chosen people made some anti white comments people in Canada want her fired .. But she hasnt got fired & apologized but never mentioned anything about apologizing to whites .. Boys this is a great way to bring in more Canadians.. A lot of folk up here the working class are getting sick & tired of what’s going on .. Help red pill normie Canadians with this … please boys … Cover the don …. He’s 100% a nationalist even if he’s an… Read more »
I love the live shows and love the stories
As a Californian myself I have to agree with the death panel. This state should be quarantined and burned
Even Legoland?
One of my sons is named Ender.
His three other sons are already named Orson, Scott and Card.
$20 one time. Take the Kolbel pill, superior German engineering.
If one could construct a means to surveil a municipality with the goal of documenting the collusion between antifa and the municipality protest can happen again. Approach the situation with the foresight that the local government its police and court system and antifa are all one entity and plan accordingly.
Sven, your take on making money by exploiting beaners is ice cold. Mike was trying to help you out. There is no money to be made dealing with brown people. They are a black hole. They suck resources and produce nothing but shit. Money only goes one way with them.
Forever War is kino but speaking of sci-fi I finally read Dune because the Death Panel and Pewdiepie are big fans but sorry its gay af fedora cringe.
Ribbing Spencer is all well and good but Morrakiu doing the exaggerated gay voice was too far. Spencer is one of the most consistently honest and insightful people in the movement, he doesn’t deserve that level of disrespect from people who should be his firm allies.
I disagree
TUCker carlSON
JHS sees massive spike in sales as Double barrel overdrive becomes favored pedal of white nationalists
Ackshually I decided to order a clone of the Jext Telez White pedal instead.
> runs to YouTube for pedal demo
> hits Reverb to look at pricing
> consumes next pedal
Big oil companies have given up on finding new fields:
We have Tesla charging stations at our rest areas in NH
I just want to signal in favor of the Radish magazine. It was one of the baby steps I took on the way from shitlib to race realist.
War On The White Working Class: The Judicial Lynching Of Michael Drejka
Guessing that Mai Tai place was Tony’s.
lol miller is literally the scheming jew meme
Does this start the race war?
Fox link
No it won’t. Because too many people like tacos. Including Mollie’s own father.
Those sound clips were hilarious. This is one of the few shows that still makes me laugh.
The Forever War is pretty good but I couldn’t stand the Boomer free love sex fantasy of everyone being with a different person each night.
Hello, Norcal native here (I mean NORcal, not fucking San Francisco) and can I just say, put the power lines under the fucking ground.
did you guys try in-and-out?
Dude, Svyen, the rapture occured during the summer of ’01
have jamie on for a nice lady guest, and for me to judge solely on looks from 1-10
haha, hour 2 was alex’s
We should have the same healthcare system as Israel
But for Whites ONLY!
geez man, racism much?
Shit…racism to the MAX!!!
That is absolutely un-uncalled for!
It’s the MOST called for thing in the history of the UNIVERSE!!!!!
i said it’s UN-UNCALLED for!
“i said it’s UN-UNCALLED for!”
1. That “word” has no meaning except to you.
2. I thought it was just a typo. Put (sic) next to it next time.
We already give ISIS fighters full medical care though
The premise containing itself is called “begging the question”, i believe
Cover don cherry boys … there is a great anti white agenda to be dismantled by the death panel
Don Cherry is a nationalist… no doot aboot it.
Don cherry was even on Tucker Carlson.. Great way to red pill normie Canadians… plz death panel do a little segment on the rock um sock up greatest Canadian icon don cherry
Alex went into EMT mode and rescued the episode with the 5 Guys derailment
Were you at 5 Guys or TGIF? or what?
Oh you were at the one without horse radish…
Much love gang, another banger of an episode. I’d love to be able to join in the irl stuff not sure how one shows that they have good intentions.
Next time a Boomer tells me “Thank you for your service”, I’m gonna tell him “Fuck you for sending me to Iraq”
Sven the reason you can’t do that gym for 20 bucks for a day could be liability, if your frugal grug ass drops a weight on your foot during that Shlomo Painansufferingberg might suddenly see a grift opportunity.
I’ve seen 3 variations of this comment. Any gym would have me sign the same waiver I’d sign as a new monthly client, I don’t get why you guys keep saying this.
Same with the skinny redheads Morrikau, same.
Radish and horseradish are the same thing now nationalism
This is the worst time I ever lied.
F’kin urbanites
Why do they both taste the same
Bruh what kind of radish have you been eating. Horse radish is very much like a horse, it kicks pretty hard. Radish is just a potentially mildly spicy and crunchy veg.
It’s just radishes and Wasabi, change my mind
The Stephen Miller is a white supremacist (Jew) pulling strings to use immigration policy to make the US all white again story comes out just as anti Israel / jewish and pro white sentiment is surfacing at the TP USA events seems like too much of a coincidence. Some jews are just like you goy.
Maybe I’m wrong and just seeing jewish tricks everywhere I look. Not that that would be a totally unreasonable thing to do.
You ain’t wrong.
The power company does a really good job around here. We hardly ever have outages and it is normally from a storm or something where a line is down, and they usually get it back up in a couple hours. It’s hardly worth running the extension chord from the generator to the fridge. And it’s cheap too. I can run a jacuzzi outside all winter long for maybe $20/mo. Fuck nationalizing or socializing it or whatever. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. It’s working great around here.
Your power company is a purely private company? It’s not a government regulated utility?
Do we know what percentage of people who voted in the Kansas City vote were white? I think Kansas City is like 50% white. So I’m guessing it got 70% against the MLK rename because white people vote more, are more likely to be of voting age and more likely to actually be in the country legally.
Are you implying that white people just need to get their shit together?
No, just want to know what percentage of each race voted to not rename the street or whatever it was to MLK
You guys should watch Morgoth’s video on Ed Sheeran.
Lennon and Harrison: 2 of the greatest modern decomposers.
This was some great shitposting.
That joker song is the worst song ever
Man why do we have to live in such a gay and boring dystopia? Look at any dystopic society in fiction and they’re all infinitely cooler than the crap we’re dealing with. There’s no aliens, there’s no nuclear fallout, there’s no harsh weather conditions, no cyborgs, no monsters or robots. No we’re dealing with Trans hour. That’s our fucking dystopia. It’s a monster but we can’t even shoot it. What the fuck, man. Even the dystopic element of living in a “virtual world” through porn, videogames and other entertainment media is fucking boring too. If this were a book of… Read more »
We live in someone’s contrarian take on dystopian fiction.
“You think dystopias can be cool, alright imma make a world so blandly evil that before you finish reading you’ll wanna [REDACTED] yourself”
Revolt against the contrarian author!
They basically chose one of the worst angles to hit this from. Giving my son a cybernetic arm might make me squint in skepticism but cutting his dick off and calling him Sunshine Anal Blossom is sure to do much more. If it were a book I’d just go “I can’t even get immersed in this gross shit” before yeeting it out the window. I’ll take cyborgs over trannies any day, week or month of the year.
Fuck. This. Gay. Earth.
Sunshine Anal Blossom is objectively the worst flavor of Bang.
It’s the slow, bland, boring part that makes this shit so intolerable. It’s why so many people don’t even realize how much of a dystopia this is and why it feels like a chore to even fight it.
And that’s why it’s so effective. It’s only dystopic once you notice it. Until then it’s sunshine and gay af rainbows.
Bang? I thought it was those Jews Ben and Jerry’s newest flavor of ice cream made in honor of San Fagsicko…
Mgtow are the male equivalent of a cool wine aunt.
Finna breed me an army of supreme gentlemen https://www.instagram.com/haneame_cos/?hl=en
Hold the next mania in Kansas City and visit UMKC, the home of MMT scholars.
Mania show was great and so was this. Not sure why the shade for Radish mag though. They’ve got some old but good stuff.
I’m on board with the “electric car subsidies are subsidies for the very rich”, but please be less grug-brained. There are lots of electric cars available, and no, they don’t need gas.
Correct. The problem is electric cars have crap for range, so they came up with the hybrids. Turns out gas engines are more efficient at highway speeds.
No, they’re just so inefficient in every other scenario that they look efficient at cruise.
Battery electric range is up to 300 miles now.
Sven caught moments before recording, supplementing to get over DOMS and jet lag and put on a great show.
Creepy memes are oddly good