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The Death Panel can't think of a good pun for Los Angeles, Catabolic, or anything else funny.
- Surrendering At Guitar Center
- LA Steeoorries
- California Brownouts, Also Electricity Problems
- The Merchant Minute
- Kansas City M L K
- Sben's IRL Activism!
- Noel Jignatiev
- SPLC Union Segue
- Urethra!
- Stephen Miller Band
- Ice Cold Cerno Takes
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
L’Chaimstream media always make sure to add “deadly” as a descriptor to the UTR rally. “The deadly Unite the Right rally where a White supremacist murdered…” blah blah blah.
Maybe we should start calling the Zionist entity “the deadly Jewish occupation of Palestine, where Jewish supremacists murder peaceful counter protestors.” Who’s got the bigger body count there?
James Fields did nothing wrong.
Unrelated to this episode but is there a backup archive of all the episodes of The Poz Button? I can’t find one anywhere
It’s all here, nnguy.
Some of them are missing due to dead links. For examplke Lords of Chaos, American Psycho, and Videodrome dont work. I was mostly interested in hearing American Psycho since I had just rewatched it after a very long time
They’re all still up on the zencast site.
I know that tired feel. Drove 6 hours to MD, worked overnight and drove back. Still fucking burnt. I’m a 35 year old Boomer so I’m cutting back on caffeine, which means no bang for the trip. No popular music either, it’s all garbage. Except meshuggah, I’ve stuck with them. Good for working out or staying awake. I was relieved when I found out they’re not actually Jewish, they just have a stupid name.
We should start referring to our south-of-the-border compadres as lagoomers.
Someone point me in the pool party direction.
Comfy show today goys.
The gym mad Sven pay the jigger tax. They can’t take his money because you have to sign a contract to stand in the corner and lift heavy stuff.
Pajeets are the new segregationists:
I forget, what’s the trick for getting behind the Jew York Times paywall without paying?
go to archive.is and plop that url da fvck in dere, like this…
Also the Kansas part of Kansas City is a lot nicer
That MM really resonated with me
Horseradish & radish are two separate things entirely.
Thanks guys.
I like to post criticisms of Sven’s singing and musical ability because I know he’ll rage and delete my posts.
Contempt is a two way street my friend!
I heard a new “muh poor Jews” narrative today. When the Red Army took Berlin they raped as many women as they could get their hands on. However, the only victims worth mentioning were Jews, apparently no goyim were harmed in the making up of this film. No matter where you go there is the eternal Jew.
I like to say that our valiant Red Army allies heroically raped their way across Germany. Still hoping to use that line on a normie.
Don’t forget in Elie Wiesel’s totally not fiction book “Night” he says the liberated Jews raped German girls—that’s in the original Yiddish version, not the one you have to read en escuela. They “slept” with them in the cleaned up version.
Bro, don’t even. How my people got hijacked, massacred and enslaved by kayaks still makes my blood boil. Using our hands to push their filthy desires onto our world. A slav has no right to NOT be an anti-kayak. There’s actually a popular sentiment among Russian skinheads that we should’ve gotten cozy with the Austrian painter and taken on Capitalism. I wonder what the world would’ve looked like if that were the case. It might’ve been over by this point but hell I’d take that over transhour.
“There’s actually a popular sentiment among Russian skinheads that we should’ve gotten cozy with the Austrian painter and taken on Capitalism.”
I read an article once that quoted Mussolini as saying that if he had to chose between the Soviets or the (((Anglo-Americans))) he’d take the Soviets.
Judeo-Bolshevism is NO ally of the White European Male.
“Judeo-Bolshevism is NO ally of the White European Male.”
And Capitalism is?
” the only victims worth mentioning were Jews”
Wait, what? I thought all the Jews were rounded up to be gassed in camps? Not hangin’ around Berlin waitin’ to get raped by rampaging Slavic hoards. These (((people))) need to get their story straight!
The earth exploded today, Jews most affected.
They survived only to be raped by Slavic Hordes, goy. Of course, we all know how Gen. Ike’s ‘murican Groidtruppen were allowed to “amuse themselves” with blonde German girls, now don’t we…
“They survived only to be raped by Slavic Hordes, goy.”
(((They))) were probably part of the “Slavic” rape gangs.
Whaaaaaaa??? Mania shows are always lit, and Monday’s was great.
Pretty ice cold takes from Mike on Miller. The closest thing to a white nationalist in power and he can’t drop Striker-vision.
Miller is a subversive jew kept in the administration to encourage plan trusting for immigration folks.
Change my mind
You just made all that up, though.
The only things we know for sure about Miller is that he’s Jewish and has behaved in every way consistent with someone who is pro-white.
Well you have two options
Hes pro white and an utter failure at getting trump to enact policy.
Hes a subversive jew.
Im going to go with the second.
Why would some random Jewish man be able to single-handedly alter the course of the Trump administration?
“Why would some random Jewish man be able to single-handedly alter the course of the Trump administration?”
LOL!!! Like he’s the only Jewish man working to alter the course of the Trump administration. Or that he’s “random”! HILARIOUS!
Low IQ.
“Low IQ.”
Cope take meet pattern recognition. SPAM ftw
“Low IQ.”
You certainly are adam. Thanks for admitting it.
Clint Eastwood has a message for you:
Miller may or may not be an extremely rare example of a Tribal Self-Hater. If he is, it doesn’t matter because President Kushner’s told his Father-In-Law not to listen to him…
“Miller may or may not be an extremely rare example of a Tribal Self-Hater”
He’s definitely NOT.
Idk ask kushner
I’m in Long Beach, but I had a cold and probably wouldn’t have come to your Trestlemania even if I could or was invited. Thanks for the heads up, tho.
North San Diego county has Trestles beach -why don’t you have Trestlemania there?
Glad to hear ya’ll got your double-double fix on, regardless.
P.S.: you don’t have to work out when you’re on vacation, Sven. That’s why it’s called a vacation.
Probably should have hiked around Griffith Park if you wanted to work oit legs, anyhow.
Ah yes, boomer moments: The quality content I’m spending $10 a month for.
Your only paying ten bucks a month?
I’m a zoomer, so no money.
California can only be solved by dictatorship who is going to tell all these people with personal and corporate interest to fuck off
Instead, San Francisco’s new District Attorney was raised by murdering Leftist scumbags who went to jail, and then (((Ayers))) and his “wife.” The new weather underground DA should provide lots of laughs, but I’m from the “watch it all burn” crowd these days.
OSC is Mormon. Ender did nothing wrong, and should not have been made to feel guilty for wiping out the species that was trying to destroy humanity. Nor should anyone else.
“Publicity princess Lizzie Grubman wept in handcuffs yesterday as cops slapped her with nine felony charges for mowing down 16 people at a Hamptons nightclub with a Mercedes-Benz SUV and fleeing the scene.
She faces up to 151 years in prison if convicted on all counts.”
>if convicted
>implying a jewess will cop a conviction in Weimerica
Thanks for the white pill borther
“In 2002, Grubman served 38 days in jail for an incident where she backed a Mercedes SUV into a crowd, injuring 16 people.”
When you guys were talking about rock stations playing the same thing for 25 years, I checked both local ones. One was playing Franz Ferdinand, and the other was playing Black Hole Sun. Yup.
Rock is dead.
Rock has been dead for a couple decades now. But let’s be real. It’s an inferior form of metal. Objectively. Don’t @ me. And the further back you go it’s just a craftier version of pop. The Beetles were the One Direction of their time.
“Rock is dead.”
My 500 song catalogue of explicitly huwite, pure Rockabilly classics ain’t dead. You shut your mouth young’n. Also, the fvck is Franz Ferdinand? Wait, I don’t care…still.
one day i ll join the Beach Goys dont want to be vetted by JO ..lol>> would of liked to see you guys…you of came up north a bit where the White people are>>
Jayoh has never vetted a single soul
“Jayoh never vetted a single soul”
Oy vey proof trs is lax on security oy gevalt better chuck everyone under the bus amirite?
– t. A certain retard with a news website
dorian, stop insulting retards that way.
What GC location westside SO or Hollywood?
Sven doesn’t like the Beatles? I’m sure he was excited about RLM’s quick review on “Yesterday,” A movie about a pajeet lusting after a white woman while being the only man with a guitar sent to a universe without the Beatles.
It did give ne an idea for a butterfly effect bit about if sven never did parody songs
Mike, the non driver
Holy Shit, I joined the military even though I was pretty redpilled and brown and gay is what I thought the instant I stepped off the bus. While the people going to infantry were a little whiter it still wasn’t looking good. One of my first roommates was a literal bisexual manlet who was e-dating an obese thot. He even said hes happy that his gay uncles were able to adopt two boys and my heart just sank. There was one black who had multiple NJPS and still wasn’t sep’d. One thing was that there were quite a lot of… Read more »
Yeah I’m thankful I got out when I did. Last wore a uniform in 2012 right around when the gay shit was about to get going. No one I knew wanted anything to do with it, fortunately. Even though it really is a fake and gay “Boomer day”, happy vet’s day man.
Honestly going into ANY white military nowadays must be pretty “Yeah no I’ll pass” sort of thing. “Oh boy do I wanna protect these fags and trannies, fight for a foreign tribe and come back home to a slab of gang raped meat that was once my wife?” Just fuck that. What kind of retard would fly overseas to get shot for that?
The Rows state… I understand
That’s my local guitar center… I don’t go there any more.
Electro Harmonix Tone Tattoo, Matchless Clubman 35
Neither audio player is working for me. Send help.
NVM it seems to be working now. Feel free to call me a dumb boomer.
dumb boomer
Ok boomer
is this the most Jewish thing ever published ?
No, the Talmud is. But this is close!
lol at the file name. yoink
Jesse: I’m looking to get rid of my EVH MXR Phaser and an MXR Carbon Copy Delay… if you want these I could send em to your PO box free of charge.
Also if you didn’t know, Gibson sold the brand name a while ago and former employees created Heritage Guitars which are basically what Gibsons used to be. Kinda like Fender and G&L.
I would appreciate that and I’d make videos of me jerking around with them
Wait is this the real Sven…
Yes, this is the non-admin account I use to test the site with on my phone.
Hell yeah, I’ll send em over shortly. Lookin forward to seeing you dick around with em.
Nuclear is rejected because they want to ward off automation and the consistent power needed along with natural gas. Solar and wind will save the beaner/brown labor force.
A deep dive on energy policy might be good.
can you address whether the email [email protected] user RadCap was giving out is legit for getting vetted or some antifa trying to doxx people?
I’m going to put the word “address” in the banned word filter
ha, point taken
It is legit.
thanks svenpai, sucks for us europoors though
Fucking Sven, you just walk in, don’t make eye contact, don’t sign in, work out.
It’s not that hard.
(((adam stein)))
Crunch fitness seems to love taking day pass holders; more often than not they won’t even charge if it is your first time at that particular one. (((Golds))) works too, if a tad pricey.
Thank you fam.
The gym thing is probably a liability issue. If you deadlift your back in half on their property without being bound into some contract first then a jew lawyer would just ruin them. The beauty of modern America, literally everyone is on a CYA policy at all times.
As a zoomer I’m not a fan of today’s music but I feel like I’m a bit of an aberration on account of being into the WN scene. Most of the normies my age are all in on this shit
Same here börther.
If we do a go fund me to make Alex’s earlobes normal again will he do it
I will Fudge you city boys to shit,my county,suffolk county is the least Jewish in all of southern new york,also Mount Sinai is in the hamptons!,Mount fucking Sinai!
Also least hewish and whitest south of Putnam and dutchess
sven should of yelled “MY NAME IS ALEX MCNABB” on the way out. gotta divert the blame
Was curious about the term caucasian. So I looked it up. And as predictable as the sun setting some jew wrote an essay kvetching about white supremacy http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2011/01/stop-using-the-word-caucasian-to-mean-white/#.XcxMH7dOmdM
Well I agree we SHOULD stop using the word Caucasian to mean White!
Vijay Amritraj
Fareed Zakaria
Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman
are ALL Caucasians!
I got pulled over on Sunday for doing like 63 in a 40 zone by a guy who looked JUST like James Allsup and he gave me a pass. It was 4 in the morning. I was getting change to do laundry.
Sven: *Touchin’ guitar stories*
Mike: I sleep
White Claw > bang
Where is the merch?!
we do not have merch
All true TRS merch is artisanally crafted by TRS fans.
YES! I have been missing the show being up by 1 (Central.) Thanks guys!
F5 gang!
I’ve never been this close to first.
First faggots
like poopoo.
In a Porta-John.