James and Ethnarch chart the return of Jeff Sessions, Bloomberg's sudden intervention, the struggles of Elizabeth Warren and Slippery Pete, the latest news on the immigration and refugee fronts, the rise of the Based Resistance, and the Sudanese Space Program. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:57 - Sessions Resurgent
00:14:09 - Bloomberg’s Mission Inevitable
00:28:04 - Warren’s Morality Play
00:38:57 - Slippery Pete’s Woes on the Down-Low
00:54:27 - Vaya Con Dios, Florida
01:01:10 - No Habla Ingles
01:02:48 - Based Politico
01:11:36 - The Kids Aren’t Alright
01:16:28 - Maryland Grey Pill
01:19:48 - Black the Vote
01:22:11 - Southern DMZ
01:32:12 - Based Resistance
01:39:26 - Refugees Repelled
01:57:17 - Non-White Mischief
02:01:47 - White Girl Had It Comin’, Yo
02:06:04 - Black the Nation
02:27:35 - Cyrus the Fake & Gay
02:35:32 - No War for Goys
02:46:57 - Sudanese Space Spectacular
h/t to Kyle for this weekend's cover art:
Wow this Ethnarc is active in this comment section! I feel like so honored. As I listen to these shows, this content is so uniquely keen and compelling, I actually think that with slight modifications in phrasing and attitude this stuff could be palpable to a huge percentage of the population. For myself I have been going through the red pill journey since Unite the Right, and it has cost me my son, my wife, economic hardship, friends and community, and I feel lucky- hey I’m not in jail! I came from hippy activist boomers and so I have a… Read more »
Listen to these deep-dives; they’re explicitly normie-friendly:
Also, try to resist the impulse to lecture us on what we ought to be doing, yes? Your wife isn’t our program director. ;>
Ethnarch your nuclear winter bit reminded me of a book I had recently read “Comrade J.: The Untold Secrets of Russia’s Master Spy in America after the End of the Cold War”. The title is garbage but the book is quite good, giving an insight into the KGB and SVR.
The author was a high ranking Soviet and Russian Intel officer who claimed that the Soviets invented the nuclear winter theory to stop the US from developing and building Pershing II missiles in the 80s.
That is 100% correct. It was coordinated with the CND fellow travelers. ;>
Hey, uh, why should white people worry about demographics affecting election results? Brown people have cartels establishing illegal terrorist military presence in our country. This is already a banana republic. White folk may as well act like it and organize the election as such so that we win regardless of the demographics.
Great show. If I could make one small complain though, please say to ethnarch to try and speak a bit louder so we can hear him better, as he speaks a bit to quietly. Much respect.
New SF DA was raised by weather underground commie terrorists.
King Cyrus the Great was defeated, killed and beheaded by Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae Aryans from Central Asia who were related to the Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed Mummies found in Central Asia.
That’s what Herodotus tells us. Xenophon relates a different story, and there are other accounts, as well.
The empire Cyrus founded persisted through multiple dynasties from the 6th Century BC to the 1920s, & his mausoleum at Persepolis may be visited to this day. Alexander himself once gazed upon it when he made a special pilgrimage to pay his respects.
All in all, I think he did pretty well, don’t you?
I appreciate James Allsup’s tourist recommendation to go to Nagasaki.
We need to have a domestic and international WN travel guide highlighting various cities, sites or points of interest to our movement. A sort of “Negro Motorist Green Book” for WNs if you will.
TFW I have no rock and I must Ethnarc
@ Ethnarch
Not to distract from the precarious demographic situation in Florida but you forgot to dispense a small white pill for your listeners about Florida: the never ending stream of white boomers moving to Florida every year from the Midwest. This flow of white retirees will continue to keep Florida competitive electorally. Southwest FL (Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee Counties) and the Panhandle (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton Counties) have virtually doubled in population since 2000. Interesting that the aforementioned parts of Florida experiencing the most explosive growth were also the biggest hotbeds of Trump support in 2016.
I didn’t forget it; I just think they’re a fraction of the non-white inflow, who’re younger & will reproduce there.
Would like to get your take on DeSantis’s approval numbers in FL. This poll follows a bunch of others showing DeSantis a popular governor. This is big considering he is trying to push E-verify through the Florida legislature.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) Job Approval:
Approve 72%
Disapprove 17%
University of North Florida 10/14-20
Great show gentlemen.
Hearing from you twice this week was great Ethnark.
James and Ethnarch, great show. Re: Bloomberg, I was guessing the point of his announcement was to dissuade Hilary from entering the race as the ‘Centrist’ candidate. Thoughts? I don’t take much stock in my political opinions. I’m just, as I said, guessing. Just thought I’d throw it out there as a talking point…
Thanks for the kind words!
I understand your logic in re Bloomberg, but don’t think this is a consideration. If HRC is nutso enough to try and jump back in, nothing and no one will deter her.
how old is ethnarch anyways? i thought i heard him mention the Iran hostage crisis and watching it
Old enough.
Now eat your vegetables, and wash behind your ears!
thank you uncle ethnarch, will do. good show by the way!
great show fellas. welcome back, ethnarch.
Always, thank you!
It’s all so tiresome.
I’m sure glad they hooked us up with *astrology*!
But where exactly in Africa is Wakanda located???
The movie makes it out to be sorta underground. Hey wait a minute…
Flat hollow earth confirmed
I’m struck by the contradiction between black homophobia and the massive amount of black homosexuality; they go to jail and get initiated into it there, when they get out they go back to their GFs but also have a secret “other brother” on the side. What do you geniuses think about this.
Keeping an ‘other brother’ on the side after prison isn’t a massive phenomenon; quite the opposite. Where did you get that idea?
Blacks give one another a pass for homosexual behavior in prison, same as Italians.
Italians do that too?
The Mafia, you know?
Ay Tone whatchu know ’bout the “prison pass” 2:40
A powerful program, great job fellas.
We’re glad you enjoyed it!
The Trump family is your enemy
Then when the people booed, TPUSA called them dateless virgins.
They didn’t call them racists??? Somebody fucked up!
This is such a bad look for them. They’re like SJWs.
“They’re like SJWs.”
That’s what conservatism is for! To conserve the J-left.
Someone should have told that roastie to stfu.
Is everybody-including TRS-going to be talking about Misfud this week?…
This is all Q-tier garbage. Who cares?
It may be hitting the mainstream media, however. If it does, and if it develops into a big story, I could see TRS covering it (TDS & FTN cover mainstream political stories and developments). If it doesn’t, and it remains Q-tier, obviously TRS won’t.
Yeah, I think I’m pretty-well versed on what TRS in general — and FTN specifically — tend to cover, you know?
That red heifer was born at the temple in Israel in 2018:
And since TDS has been discussing Pope Francis of late
My understanding is that it’s a ‘candidate’ they’re ‘examining’ to see if it’s ‘pure’ enough, by their lights.
They had another one born in 2014, but apparently it wasn’t up to snuff.
Deval Patrick was governor of Massachusetts in case you guys missed it.
Didn’t miss it, figured everyone knew that — whereas not everyone knows he ran the so-called ‘Civil Rights Division’ at DoJ.
I knew he was gubnuh because I live near there, but I’ll bet most people didn’t know. He was New England’s Barack Obama. I didn’t know he ran the Swindle Whites Division though.
“Michael Bennett”
Here’s a take from my more lolberg/gun rights days: if felons have paid their debt to society and deserve to have the vote back, why shouldn’t they get their 2A rights back? If Republicans weren’t paid to lose they’d propose a bill like that.
Watch the “Demonrats” squirm on that one. Ofc they’ll never make that argument since they’re the Washington Generals to the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters. ?
They wouldn’t squirm. They’d just say those people shouldn’tve had guns, or they wouldn’tve ended up as felons in the first place.
When they voted against it, the Republicans could say “we offered a voting rights restoration act, but the Democrats voted against it.” When the Democrats protest, you call them anti-2A.
Ofc the left will make excuses. It’s being aggressive on the issue as opposed to the Republicans constant defensive position.
I understand what you’re saying, but it won’t make any difference at all. It won’t sway any votes, one way or another.
Remember when A$AP Blacky refused to thank Blormph for getting him out of a prison sentence in Sweden? Now there’s a based Black guy. Orange faggot can expect just as much gratitude from the rest of the Negroes he lets out of prison.
But the First Step act is making our communities safer. Kushner and Trump said so. How letting criminals out of prison does that, they didn’t explain.
I’d like to hear Chump explain EXACTLY how ramming Prison-Reform through so damned quickly instead of any semblance of Immigration-Reform makes Bleks and Beanbags vote Repugnantcuck.
Another red flag for speech
Thanks for that my dude. Something to send off to my boomercon brother.
Beginning of the end frens
Yeah, but beginning of the end of what? Our “freedom”. Or Peace?
The mask is slipping for the totalitarian systrm we live under
Remember, despair is a sin.
It’s taken a considerable amount of time to get to this state of affairs, and it’s going to take some time to rectify matters, that’s all.
Thanks for the optimism. After listening to FTN for over a year, I feel pretty black pilled. Having said that, if you and Allsup are still optimistic, then I will try to be too.
As predicted.
The DMX quote was priceless
Christ Deval Patrick? The Massachusetts Barack Obama? I’m one state to the north and I remember the Patrick years as governor and that duo is a nightmare for white men.
Yes, that’s the one.
i am pleased about there being an actual player for the episode
I don’t know why you nnguys don’t just subscribe to an RSS feed and get the shows downloaded to a podcast app.
Same. It isn’t that hard, fam.
When I’ve been in the county/city jail unsentenced and awaiting trial, I’ve seen an NGO come around to each cell and distribute ballot forms to each inmate who is not yet convicted of their charges.
Capeshit was the final poison pill that got us to believe in anything. Raised on Dinosaurs and we are all monkeys from Africa that went to the moon. Well played. Now lets talk about those polls.
Black people and other PoC being more socially conservative than white people is a huge reason why I support giving one of the major news networks to PoC, so they can have representation in a powerful media organisation where they’re the majority at the network, and they don’t have to navigate (((whiteness)))
I think part of Whites social liberalism is just a result of browbeating by the media. Most Whites were against sodomite marriage just a few years ago. Whites are more susceptible to the desire for social approval than non-Whites. Tyrone doesn’t care what CIA news tells him to think like Becky and Biff do.
Well, the mere fact that Anti-Globo-Homo has had exactly NO support from ANY political party on ANY ballot, might have a bit to do with Wypipo’s meek acceptance of it.
I heard the voice of MH on the Gordon Ramsey at Auschwitz bit and felt very nostalgic.
Oy vey, 3 Jew billionaires in a race where they say they want money out of politics.
I’m still disoriented from missing Third Rail this morning.
Found a bunch of audiobooks narrated by Alex Linder here:
Most are under the “Completed Audiobooks” tab.
Protocols, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, Merchants of Sin, Libido Dominandi…
Good resource for audio material you’ve always wanted, but haven’t gotten around to.
Love TRS. This is not meant as competition, but supplemental material.
Now for Ethnarch telling me what to think… 3… 2… 1… Ahh…
We don’t view useful knowledge as competition – quite the contrary.
And we don’t want to tell anyone what to think; rather, we believe that knowing the true story behind what’s peddled as ‘news’ & ‘history’ empowers everyone.
Thanks for posting this link!
LINK?! Did somebody post a LINK?!
And slowly I turned…..
Ok…. 2 more on subject of links –
RadioAlbion.com. (was Radio Aryan
Has great history & Geo political content)
Site of Dr. Matthew Rafael Johnson
Ethnarch is such a gentleman. But we know he’s smashed more Asian gash than Fatman and Little Boy.
Me red pill you long time.
Holy shit Jay.
28:20 Bane?
Bain, heh.
Remember Limbaugh’s take back in 2012, that the bad guy in the Batman movie was named “Bane” as a dig against Romney and Bain Capital?
“the bad guy in the Batman movie was named “Bane” as a dig against Romney and Bain Capital?”
Archie invented Cringe-Face.
There’s nothing like Rush’s astute brand of “hardcore” conservatism. We’re fortunate that he’s been on our side for 35 years, pounding his edgy and brave “illegal bad/legal good” take on immigration.
Great legacy, Rush. 600 million in the bank, no kids, a couple of pretty blondes that you’ve paid to be your wife (who cheated on him according to some stuff I’ve read), trips to DR and Brazil to bang hookers, a ton of golf at the best courses, prime tickets to NFL games, and the latest, greatest computers and iPhones. What a pathetic cuck.
Damn straight Lee!
We’re going to make it, gentlemen.
Yeah, to Valhalla!
Hearing James read an ad for a vpn is like running into a friend I thought was dead, also great to have ethnarc back on FTN.
Can FTN advertise the portable recharger that James used to? I want to buy one but want someone on our side to benefit from the sale.
what portable recharger?
james and ethnarc two o’ my faves thx gentlemen!!!