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The death panel are touched by a sordid history.
- Fat Vegans Voting
- We're Not Salty About the Blue Wave
- Dan Crenshaw Keeps his Eye on the Prize
- Now This: Erica Striker
- Media Smears White Victims
- The Settlement Question
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Whenever they bring up the “muh brown natural conservatives based Catholics” narrative:
Nah son they litterally out here pulling child sacrifices out and worshiping the Devil with “oh Gawd” Hexagrams at satanic Altars and shieeet!
Here’s a concise rundown with added details on the Dead Mormon Propaganda Op.
Absolutely sickening. The massacre and the coverage.
That is some weird, wild wacky stuff. I did not know that…
I did see the NXVIM connection on /pol/. The Q & Patriot crowd are spinning their own narrative on this one (Epstein-tier intrigue, plus CIA human trafficking rings, etc.).
Good points made in the FTN article, tho. This story certainly deserves some closer and ongoing examinations/analysis…
Why does Dana Carvey look more like Jeff Sessions in this pic than Johnny Carson, btw?…
“If your community is unsuccessfully targeted by Jewish sex traffickers and then your family is butchered by bloodthirsty Mexican gangsters, YOU get smeared as a ‘member of a depraved sex cult with a violent history'”
was listening to an old episode today where Sven referred to “that Italian director who did all the gore movies” , thats Lucio Fulci. i had to comment this it triggered the fuck out of my autism.
Or Lamberto Bava ; )
2/3 of my brothers have joined paychad nation. The fire rises
Politics is being dictated within the US Public Schools and Universities, NOT by Voting for Republicans or Democrats.
This just in:
Judge in Purdue Pharma bankruptcy case extends lawsuit protection to Sacklers
DotR, amirite?
Yes, yes you are.
Conservatives and the Republican Party are on a mission to Conserve Liberalism. Liberalism is by nature Progressive.
Amazon Prime is coming out with a new series next year starring Al Pacino. It’s called “Hunters” and it’s about over developer nazi hunters in the 70s. The teaser trailer is Al Pacino saying “This is not murder. It’s mitzvah”
“This is not murder. It’s mitzvah”
Directed By: Anti-White Jordan Peele of course. Probanly his wife’s idea. Memeber of the tribe.
Most Americans gave only their foreskin for greater Israel. Dan Crenshaw went above and beyond by giving his eye.
I’m sure he believes that serving Israel is worth his eye.
Well I’m sure the conservative establishment is making sure he benefits (monetarily more than anything else) from his service.
I ackshully know a guy that was born without eyelids. His family’s J’ish Plastic Surgeon used his foreskin to make replacements for them. He looks fine now, he’s just a little cock-eyed.
Crowd groan sound effect:
Please see Mike’s twitter for many eye-patching, I mean catching, puns.
Nietzsche + Whisky = Apollo
I’d respect Dan Cringeshaw if he went AWOL. I am so sick of Israel’s janissaries being promoted as heroes. The US military is a jobs program for POC and a meat grinder for deluded White boys who think they’re “fightin’ for Murica!” Fuck the US military. Gay disco, indeed.
Another reason ZOG is OK with cartels: Jew bankers make beaucoup bucks laundering their money. They actually got caught a few years ago.
We show all push this story about the American family murdered in mexico. It is the perfect story to bring normies into our thinking about the border at least. The first thing we should do is push it on FB and T_D get boomerwafen involved but also think about pushing this via mainstream outlets. This should be the lead story on Tucker and every other show on fox. Either we get the President to send troops there or we get to out even more cucks in the GOPe. For normies, we get them to take the cartels side and that… Read more »
Because the Kurds are both Marxist and support Jizzrael.
Mormons in Mexico are either feds or criminals, likey both. Narcos are either feds or criminals, likely both. This is a gang fight either way.
I don’t trust guys like Romney any more than I trust a J_w, and you can’t get people woke on immigration using murders that happened in Mexico because they don’t have the magic dirt down there. Useless as propaganda but entertaining to watch.
Sure but can we take a break from bashing mormons. Children were murdered for being white in a brown country. (Driving while white) I know. Mormons are baaaad, but come on.
We could also use this to redpill the Mormons. If we want to. Idk how much we want the mormons on our side but it’s a golden opportunity.
Saw some young normie white women sharing the story around today, types who drive down to Mexico to party or are starting to have kids. That might be a good audience to frame this to as well. These people are dangerous and hate you for being white, be careful going to strange places with strange people, they are child killing animals.
I hope Im not going to have to swim through a river of shit to get away from these fucking people
Hope springs eternal.
The Eternal Jew.
Spending even an hour on bestgore tells you everything you need to know about Mexico and Latin America
Jeff Beauregard Sessions shall rise again! I never believed in Trump. Truly never did. Jeff Sessions is the only politician in America I have any faith in. He represents something real. He spoke today at Northwestern University but rioters forced him to leave at the end of his speech with very heavy security. Apparently they were doing all kinds of things to try and disrupt the speech. Jeff Sessions said more should be done about that kind of “trash” as he called them.
Then why didn’t he “do something” about it when he was A.G?
If you tuned in to FTN you would know he actually did and Kusher Inc. got him fired for it.
Yes, I know. But President Kushjew’s Father-In-Law was powerless to do anything about that, huh?
Last I checked, and this is perhaps only true from where I am from, is that the humane society, the “dog catchers,” were actually hired by the county. They operate sort of like the sheriff, but if the sheriff was also hired by the county. They did all sorts of things. I come from a place where the county is around 500-600 square miles, yet the county seat had only 13,000 people living in it. To be fair a college town is just down the interstate, but it only has 60,000 people living there. That’s Iowa for you. My mom… Read more »
So happy the street shitter is out there begging for work, I left long ago but I hate what became of that town. Lots of good founding stock still in the hills and suburbs
You guys used to get wasted on the show. Shit was hilarious.
This is a message fir Alex. Alex! When reading tweets or articles do not do baby voice. You are better than this!
Just run your inside load side on the line side of the GFCI
I got an inside load for ya. Hah-HOH
i liked svens proselytizing joke. then again i do shit like this https://soundcloud.com/user-737845493/dr-weird-skit
Sven: “LAY ON THE SPIKES!!” …Some guy nobody cares about: “Can you make him stop…” Mike: “He’s been drinking absinthe, I can’t do nothing” Sven: “LAY ON THE SPIKES!!” LMAO! …Heel Turn days were great.
Here are some examples of Alphonse Mucha an Art Nouveau painter who did work similar to the above:
Absinthe looks tasty
What is a swiffle?
SWPL stands for stuff white people like. In the context they use it, it usually is meant to describe an affluent white liberal hipster type, or things and behavior they indulge in.
Stuff White People Like used to be the name of a blog and the author would (who was probably a SWPL) wrote pretty funny articles making fun of artisinal doughnut shops and covering the back of your Subaru Outback in bumper stickers that say things like “arms are for hugging”.
Why, just why, Ann? You still don’t get it?
Ah fucking hell
Surprised? I’m not. Angry and disgusted, yes. Then again, what do you expect from a dried-up Coal Burner…
She doesn’t care about anti-semitism. She’s using it as a pretext to oppose Muslim immigration.
I prefer using semitism as a pretext for being anti immigration.
give it a few more years, and they will wish they only had Uncle A to worry about.
If immigration is spreading antisemitism, that’s the only good thing about it.
So much for Aunt A right?
I think this comes down to holding our noses and ignoring these things and supporting the things we like. Ann is great but she’s not perfect. She’s still on our side overall.
Same with Tucker.
Same with Chump too, right?
She must know. What I find odd is that once you know… you can never go back the way it was. Be the aryan queen you were meant to be.
“Why, just why, Ann? You still don’t get it?”
Oh, I think she gets it. I just don’t think she’s willing to risk being isolated, being physically attacked or being denied a living.
As if Cucking to the Tribe EVER stopped that from happening to ANY goyim…
Well it hasn’t happened to her. Not yet anyway.
No one twisted her arm to pull the “immigration is bad for Jews because anti-Semitism.” That’s weak sauce. That tack has been tried and it’s a dead-end. Jews love non-White immigration. Full stop.
She should know that. If she doesn’t want to go full 1488 she can just ignore the JQ. These attempts to curry favor with the Jews never work in the long run.
Chuck-Of course it’s a dead-end. But she’s benefitted greatly over the decades ass-kissing the conservative establishment. And she’s still making money off that. Just wait until that falls through. Then she’ll be on TeDiouS. Hell I sent her an email about a week ago suggesting she do that. But she’s still gettin’ those benefits so I’m sure she quickly deleted it.
Just ask Chump..Oh, never mind.
It’s like watching my parents bicker. I don’t like it.
i worked as a subcontracted tech support bro for Comcast for a few years over the phone doing tier 2 and tier 3 network support for Residential and Pajeets are THE MOST DEMANDING fucks ever. They are bugmen on steroids. I swear to god they come to America just so they can cuddle up to their electronics and bathe in the cancerous waves and if anything gets in the way of their connection they are “LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER WHY CANT YOU FIX THIS DO ITTT NOOWOOWOWOWWO” on steroids.
Ask any car salesman what race is the WORST to deal with and 100% will say it’s the streetshitters.
That’s funny. I just started dating this woman who is your prototypical cat lady except hot (35, no kids, two cats, social worker). She used to sell cars and even SHE said she would cringe when Indians walked into the store.
The Chinese owned businesses next to mine complain about pajeets constantly, second only to the blacks.
Sven, pls do Christmas songs
Carlos Slim a Mexican who is one of the top ten wealthiest people in the world ($60 billion) is the largest single shareholder of The New York Times
The New York Times has 2 types of stock. One public and one private. Carlos Slim is the largest shareholder of the public stock which has no executive voting privileges. All executive decisions are made by the Jewish Sulzberger family, and it’s been that way for decades.
This is an important distinction. When I was a normie conservative I brought out the Carlos slim thing all the time. The truth is that the NYT is thoroughly jsh.
He is not Mexican.
Pretty sure he’s a converso as well.
No, he comes from a influential Lebanese Christian family.
HighlightHate is still alive on YouTube
Only two counties in Utah went for Hillary Clinton and those were Salt Lake County and Summit County. All the rest were either light Red or deep Red in 2016
That was then. This is now.
Thunderstruck? More like THUNBERG-SUCKS, amirite?
Columbus, IN is full of pajeets. There’s a huge Cummins logistical building there, and they hire Indians almost exclusively.
Curry restaurants and Hindi dvd rental shops help to M A G A
Governor Bevin was not liked by anyone, he was pretty much destined to lose. Also, Republicans swept the state otherwise. I’m still betting that Trump will win the electoral college in 2020
Neo-Puritanism is so boring. Having a drink once in a while isn’t “degeneracy.”
As my uncle would say: Happy Days!
“Jsmie was going to film me for prep in the junction box” Mike interupts, we’ll never know the rest.
I hope youre all conserving your coom lads.
I failed NNN, but I support the kings out there staying strong.
Dont quit. Today is day one for you.
I’m gonna make it a policy to only coom every few days or so.
Be careful with the *splat pack*!
The Nazis under Hitler burned some books, but they never tell you which books they burned. The only things they actually burned were 1) Communist recruitment propaganda 2) Transgenderism glorification propaganda 3) Pornography Once you start digging into what the Nazis actually did you start to realize Hitler really was right and that the world has only gone in this terrible direction BECAUSE he lost. You may say what you are now, but in just a few short years you’re going to come to the same soul-rending revelation that the Nazis were the good guys and we made a terrible… Read more »
I LOVE a parade!
Look at that peak optics.
Dan Crenshaw is henceforth known as Dan Cringeshaw. Spread the word. Support for Israel is lame.
I hate that kite shill pirate.
Dan did you just post cringe? Dan you know that costs you your other eye.
On day 6 the one with the glasses looks good to me.
That’s a nerd-race 8.5/10. Also that submissive posture is fucking sexy.
Hippity Hoppity, women should be property.
Don’t worry, White wahmen already are. Too damned bad it’s of every Race except their own…
Chick on the left is fkn sexy. Would bang for sure.
That is Richard Spencer, right?
Yep. He’s been possessed by The Spirit of Heather Heyer.
Looks just like him.
“Do you know how the Orcs first came into being? They were elves once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life.” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c72233b96021fad595ca800b471f392195ce1c5290bc9034f73dbc62dd621bdc.png
When I was in high school there was this girl she was vegan she would eat pizza with no cheese just pizza sauce and veggie toppings
“Orthodox” Vegans don’t consume anything made with an Animal Product, like cheese.
I just vote for anyone running against names that echo
great meme
The refreshing icon on puppers Alex…
I know moike hates that cat pic but it kills me every fuckin time
Henlo frens
I just wish when there is a reason for not having a show when it happens they post it on this site instead of twitter because I’m banned from twitter
You can still see twitter
I thought we traded TDS for TFTT for a minute there.
The Daily Tales From The Trough
No-prep in the car…
“I have content here”.
“Save it for the show, though”.
LMAO!!! It’s funny because it’s probably true
Completely disorienting.
White is a valid identity. Blood runs thicker than holy water.
When these tradcaths and civnats alike say this, I just respond with: why is it acceptable that I’m attacked based on my identity, but it’s not justifiable that I defend myself with that Identity? It seems futile to me to just allow yourself to be attacked on a front only to just concede and turn away from the basis on which you’re being attacked. We have to embrace our Identity as a valid one, otherwise we’re just essentially admitting that our enemies are right just by avoiding it all together.
outside of e michael jones’ group, alt-right tradcaths are white identitarian
I personally know one, an identitarian tradcath.
First for F5 Gang