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The death panel are touched by a sordid history.
- Fat Vegans Voting
- We're Not Salty About the Blue Wave
- Dan Crenshaw Keeps his Eye on the Prize
- Now This: Erica Striker
- Media Smears White Victims
- The Settlement Question
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
You guys missed a good opportunity to feature the Who in this episode.
Where’s my TDS?
Does anyone have a link to the lay on the spikes video? I’ve heard it referred to a lot before and now I really want to see.
When you reach the level of OT III, they’ll bring you into a secured room and reveal such sacred texts to you.
If seen before you’re ready, the information can break your brain and Xenu will inhabit your soul.
Is anyone still watching this shitty show? Might be good, still, to keep abreast of the ongoing propaganda.
This looks like a solid analysis: Don’t Watch;men
Everything E;R does is solid.
$10 an hour is too much for my budget. $240 A DAY!! I don’t have that kind of money!
youtube mormon cartoon and learn what their texts reveal. but dont sperg out cuz so many of them dont know about it and are great people, i love learning about mormonism and its history because it reveals so much hidden truth about american history,
I don’t know anything about the people killed in Mexico, except the headlines. After the church gave up polygamy so Utah could become a state, a lot of the people who thought that was an abandonment of the faith headed south. Some went to southern Utah, some further than that.
The theme song of the TRS comments section.
link to gamer sven shirt plz
Italians? Irish people?
There is a precedent for America going into Mexico as a result of Mexican criminality on the border:
I’m just waiting for the Indian wars to start up again, that’s essentially the problem we have on our hands.
Mike, the only people who are getting mad at you on this issue are just
grug-brained idiots.
“Why do I need to be nice to you?”
LOL! Just like a MARRIED couple!!!
Ho-lee SHIT! That Sawant bitch’s Apu accent REALLY annoys me!
wart tar you tarlking abourt
thats bobby hill doing a pajeet accent
You guys gotta stop fighting lol
Huey Long on the difference between Democrats and Republicans:
My father was born in Harlan County.
Not everything has been deleted hehe Seriously one of my favourite moments.
Lol I think this was before my time on trs
I realized today that I have been listening since around episode 90. Holy shit that’s a long time.
LMAO! That was fanTAStic!
DEFINITELY before my time on TeDiouS!
From the bottom of my heart, thanks for posting. Epic rant Sven.
I’ve got a GOP story to share. Back when Beto was running against Cruz for the senate; Beto’s campaign had people on my university campus whipping votes and getting people registered to vote. The Republicans had nothing, so I called the local Republican party office to inquire. My call was not answered, but the massage machine informed me the Cruz bumper stickers would arrive on Wednesday, thank god for those election winning bumper stickers. Unsatisfied, I contacted the local YAF chapter, who informed me they were aware of the situation. This is why they lose and need to go away.
Dude, Sven shut the fuck up. The interruptions are not funny, let Mike talk. Jesus… you’re like amber alerts in Houston.
I think they’re funny and they keep Mike in check.
fuck off boomer
In spite of the fact that I want to hear Mikes point derailing is STILL hilarious!
It’s actually all scripted. These are actors playing the rolls OF THE REAL Mike and Sven.
Sven can interrupt AND Mike will eventually make his point and you will like it.
Obviously it is more Moral and Virtuous to have a Brothels of Sex Workers than it is to have more than one Wife! In fact having One Wife is an act of Patriarchal Abuse whereas Sex Work is Liberating Women! Support the Cartel!
Goddamn it I’ve been walking around since Halloween humming to myself ? “I don’t play at the parties much as I tend to get sick / Bill says it’s not from barebacking / I can’t agree with him!” ?
Posobiec deserves credit for nothing other than being a stain on right-wingers.
I love Sventeruptions, Mike getting all grumpy over it is the best.
ive been a paychad for close to a year now and i have never regretted it best 10 dollars i ever spent you cant get content this good anywhere else!
I love your show, I look forward to every TDS and strike and mike are teh high lihgts of my day!
Travel Tip For Americans: It is kinda known in Mexico that it isnt wise to travel in big body cars in certain areas. It sort of like the same issue with wearing certain colors in specific gang neighborhoods. Trucks and SUVs are the vehicle of choice for sicarios. Lot of them fit in one ride at a time and the trucks can carry weapons cartel memebers in the back for quick jump outs. And especially vehicles WITH TINTED WINDOWS. If they cant see you they are going to assume that you dont want to be seen by them, for sinister… Read more »
The Sinaloa Cartel that shot the Mormons, is also the one that had a huge hours long shooout/siege with the Federal Police last month. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2019/10/18/el-chapo-son-mexico-police-cartel-shootout-ovidio-guzman-lopez-vpx.cnn AMLO has no idea what to do with these cartels they are well beyond any Mexican president’s control. And the rumor is that at any given time one of the cartels are in political power anyway. So really this could have been a set up from rival cartels. Killing americans in cold blood is bad for buisness. And honestly the fact they found some members alive wandering around might be proof it was a mistaken… Read more »