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Jazz and James deliver inside sandwich takes on the political landscape, bootstrapping vs. socialism, what regime cleavage really means, a trip out to Michael's Vineyard, and more! If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Inside Sandwich
00:25:00 - Bootstrapping vs. Socialism
01:22:00 - Regime Cleavage
02:05:00 - Wolf in Wolf's Clothing
02:14:00 - Bama Baby Killer Ban
02:19:00 - UAW Takedown
02:27:00 - Michael's Vineyard
02:45:00 - Outro
We’ve been fighting them for 2000 years. Their goal is to wipe out Christ ‘s existence in the memory of men . Every thing they do is to that end
The way Michael Obama does an uncomfortable laugh after each slanderous comment is incredibly cringe. Chuckles don’t cover up hypocrisy.
Ethnarc reminds me of Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes.
The discussion on happiness was spot on, at least in my experience. A lot of the black and brown hordes (and many poor whites) believe that money really would solve most, if not all of their problems. The thing is, even if you’re rich, you still have to live in most of the same world/community as everyone else. Unless everything you need is located in your gated Elysium, you have to drive on the same streets, see the same landscape, patronize the same dominant chain stores that play the same modern music. You now have Doordash Uber-type delivery drivers who… Read more »
Great show gentlemen.
Thank you.
The Katie Hill pics are hilarious. The hair brushing pic is amazing.
All the media need to do to discredit/destroy Boynie is to constantly and consistently place seeds of doubt into the voters heads. You see the media headlines already on Trump, Omar, Kavanagh, Russia, etc. etc. They know how to focus fire and do a slow burn on any particular individual who is causing them trouble. Wait for Boynie to gaff? Why wait? Just print a salvo of articles littered with the words COULD and MIGHT, and MAYBE, etc. The economy doing well? Trump economy booming, but experts and analysts say that a huge crash could be coming in the future.… Read more »
James did the best impression of Kabbalah Haaretz I’ve heard yet. Just after the 9 minute mark.
Kosher sandwich is an impossible burger. Hot take, Jazz
Your commentary about globohomo lowering the fertility rate – even in the third world – is interesting.
How then do you explain the low birthrate in countries completely shielded from globohomo like North Korea (1.91), Cuba (1.72) and Iran (1.66)?
There could be another cause for low birthrates in those countries.
Might be due to food shortage from sanctions
Hey guys, don’t shit on the Tyler Perry content. It ain’t bad. It’s black stuff for black people.
His stuff looks pretty bad, but to me it doesn’t really matter because as you said – it’s content for black people. Maybe I’m wrong because I’ve never actually watched it but it seems to come across as stupid/goofy modern blaxploitation rather than most modern media for blacks which is now particularly Marxist, subversive, or anti-white.
That episode during the mid-week? I listened to it on repeat for a 12-hour gaming session. Top-5 GOAT, boys. Loved it.
What were you playing?
Doing a weird, stipulated run of two different games. Giving myself a time-warp treatment. Made a character that looks exactly the same (didn’t make myself) in two different games, give myself five lives. Playing Fallout: New Vegas and Dragon Age: Origins both on hardest difficulty. If I die five times on one, I force myself to swap games and play the other, until I die five times there. It may seem stupid to some folks, or w/e , but it keeps me from getting too frustrated with either game, no matter how BS a particular fight or portion of the… Read more »
Origins was a great game, shame they filled inquisition with groids though
How can 18% of GOP voters support impeachment when Trump has a 95% approval rating among GOP voters?
I think you guys give these Jewish polls too much credence.
The average approval (of all polls) of Trump amongst registered Republicans is 86%. The low watermark of that average is 79%, which supports our analysis.
The most Jewish polling result of all is the outlier that shows near unanimous GOP support of Trump, .i.e. 95%.
I would almost relish a Trump loss to own the boomers. Seeing the look on their stupid faces when Texas and Georgia turn blue will be priceless. On the other hand I am curious to see how disruptive Trump could be to the system in a lame duck term.
>I am curious to see how disruptive Trump could be to the system in a lame duck term
look at the last 3 years bro
(((The Intonational Committee of the Red Jew))) eh I mean cross…
Another good deep dive idea is the Renaissance Moscow is currently experiencing. It is Europe’s largest city now by population. The transformation of Moscow has been Putin’s solution to the brain drain problem Russia had majorly in the late 90s and early 2000s. But it seems to have slowed. This as cities like London are much less appealing to young professionals.
Is this process working? Is Moscow the Great White Hope?
“This as cities like London are much less appealing to young professionals.”
I can’t imagine why….
Nice graphic. The UK has fallen.
Jazzhands this is how I see things play out tell me your thoughts. Warren is the dem candidate, Trump’s strategy is to declare victory over the deep state/the swamp, Trump wrecks Warren in debates, and says now that he has beaten the deep state his second term is when he fulfills his promises/“completes” the wall. He goes full nationalist in rhetoric, barely wins and sells out his base again for Jewish interests.
I don’t know what Jazzhands will think of this but it sounds about right to me.
The return to nationalist rhetoric will be an even greater act of desperation after socialism fear mongering proves out to be an utter failure. If/when he wins it’ll be war with Iran and escalated war on whites.
Chump’s NOT going to: “go full nationalist in rhetoric”. Except for “muh’ Jizzrael”, of course. He’s far more likely to begin going Full-Retard against “White Supreemacy” and “H8 Speech” in 2020, which’ll guarantee his loss next November.
The Big Mike segment made me think about the 08 election when they were trying to compare her to Jackie Kennedy.
Lordstown IS in Rio Rhinelander.
Can confirm.
If you like watching good documentaries, Jazzhands, check out Star Media’s 8 part Romanov series. It’s the best documentary I’ve ever seen! Hands down!!
I’ve got a good deep dive idea. Dmitry Donskoy.
I expect pushback from some people here. I will never vote for a democrat. I despise Republicans as well, don’t get me wrong. The truth is you’re going to get much of the same from whoever is in office. There’s a couple differences that are important to me. The democrats are openly anti white and anti gun. Also, while the republicans aren’t great on immigration at all, the democrats are downright terrible.
Jesus, FTN Is getting even better. How is this possible?
Allsup’s power level is increasing.
I think Buttigieg is not widening his audience, but he is definitely widening butt… forget it, I can’t even go there.
After Pedo-Joe’s Self-destruction, it’s natural for Butt-Plug to sense an opening that he needs to fill.
H1B’s more like HIV’s, cause those things are fucking AIDS.
Democrats: gay butt stuff, infinity immigrants, Medicare for all
Republicans: gay butt stuff, infinity immigrants, muh bootstraps
Why am I voting Republican again? I’m back in 2014 “burn it all down” mode. Remember when Blormph promised to make the Republican party into the workers’ party? ?
but muh guns
It’s hard to do a Kabbalah impression because her accent changes so much depending on who she is talking to.
Kinda like Oprah Winfrey. When her audience was really White she presented White but when it was brown she became a real Soul Sister.
The Vlad deep dive was fuckin’ great. You guys should keep doing these on historic figures as much as possible. Loved it!
That’s the plan, my dude
The only places in the world reproducing is Africa and the Middle East.
It wouldn’t be a problem if our our Self-Chosen Master’s didn’t demand they do it in White countries…
I heard that the “gun violence” in Ca on Halloween has now ruined Airbnb. Well, you can’t rent one for parties anymore. And I say ruined, because you know what group of people that goes along with that right? Oshiana Tompkins Javlin County Omar Taylor Ramon Hill Jr Tiyon Farley A quiet Halloween night erupted in gunfire just before 11 p.m. in an Orinda neighborhood high in the hills on Lucille Way, where a shooting at a house party left four people dead, and at least four others injured. “When the officers arrived, the encountered at least 100 people running… Read more »
Nothing says “Lock and Load” like a herd of Blegs running…
They are usually slow and lazy, when you see them running, particularly toward you, shts about to get real.
Another way to see that black violence is about to “erupt” is when they start using advanced words and repeating their sentences over and over. They are charging themselves up for a beat down that will be totally warranted if they are in the right mindset- if they are mad enough, in their mind violence is not only justified, but totally legal.
I miss Jazz Hand’s Kjirsten Nielsen impression
Kristijen Nielsen, you mean.
It’s Kirjijsstrjn
The problem with socialism is that it was designed by Jews to take money out of the pockets of White people and give it to colored people in order to buy their political loyalty. With Jews taking their cut of course.
Populism on the other hand is about providing a social safety-net for productive White workers against the piratical business practices of Judeo-Capitalism. So that White people can form a humane, civilized and cohesive community. In line with their higher instincts.
White people are able to create a form of socialism which benefits white people. Capitalism was perfected in order to extract money and blood from white people. Profits are best when some whites are slaving at home and others are getting killed abroad.
“White people are able to create a form of socialism which benefits white people.”
That “form” of socialism that you’re talking about is populism. Since it’s a different thing than the socialism we are used to I used a different name for it. Socialism properly defined is Jewish and has “we are the world” aspects woven into it. That movement/philosophy can never be truly beneficial to White people.
Marxism, Bolshevism,Leninism are destructive, brutal and jewish. Fascism is a form of socialism. Populism could be an effective transition to a “form” of socialism. It can also be a way of describing a particular kind of socialism. Capitalism is as bad as marxism and every bit as Jewish.
Fascism, National Socialism, National Syndicalism, Rexism are all just populism. They are just a non-Jewish way of organizing White societies politically, culturally and economically.
The problem with any existing political system besides National Socialism in a predominantly White country is that Jews are guaranteed to pervert and co-opt it for their own Tribe’s supremacy.
“The problem with any existing political system….”
It can’t be populism if it doesn’t exclude Jews. From power at least and from your country at best.
Words like your first paragraph are what I scour message boards for. I save stuff like that and run it through a text reader once in a while to refresh/strengthen my memory/mastery of the material. You’ve been a goldmine for my knowledge base on several subjects. Keep up the good work, it’s appreciated.
Immigrants are attracted to globohomo western countries the same way that people find it hard to resist corn syrup product when fruit is available.
lol is virtual shield sponsoring FTN now?
Fash the internet.
They were an Allsup sponsor before he got shoah’d off the JewTubes.
It’s awesome that they still are. Avow big time.
I got a three-year with them.
Almost about to make a new account, get another ‘scrip and just give it to one of our boys.
Hey Jazzhands and James here is an update from Worthington Minnesota below.
Where’s the update?
You can tell by the bong photo that Katie Hill had her tubes tied. Absolute degenerate.
Isnt she jewish? Jewish women sterilizing themselves is the highest virtue in my book.
poast sauce on regime cleavage
F5 in the Hizouse!
Cool-ya’ll got a new sponsor, it looks like. Way to go, Virtual Shield…
James got some kind of hookup.
If it’s suffering from a brutal hangover on sunday morning, it’s FTN
it’s so awesome being drunk! You’re cool!!
Hmm. The sandwhich better be kosher, goy.
Don’t worry, it’s ingredients are 99% the same as dog food!
Nah I’ll pass. More of a ham or BLT guy myself.
Yikes, good thing I did’t make the mistake of ordering one of those “Beyond” burgers at Del Taco. Really dodged a bullet there.
Sorry, Gentlemen. I was trying to get the hang of posting images on my phone. Please disregard my above shitpost.