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The Death Panel go on a deep dive of the Tulsa Black Riots whilst wading through failed verifications.
- Watchmen Replaced by Black Wahmen
- The True Conservative
- We Wuz Wall Street Kangz
- Tulsa Riot Revisionism
- Shove in an Elevator
- Diamond Dick Going Up
- Dirty Black Summer
- McCullough Told Them Not to Come
- Accounts of the Aftermath
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Allow me to speculate:
If a building remains open on a holiday for whatever reason it makes sense that the elevator attendant would work that day.
Shoe shiners only get paid when there are shoes to shine. So if it was a holiday there would have been no reason for him to go to work, unless of course it was a case of Attempted Bixin’ and Aggravated Nudin.’
Can you guys always put out prep in the car as mp3
Airstriking black wall street is the new “whites touching blacks hair” myth that blegs will be telling for years to come
Mike’s first book should be on the Tulsi Uprising.
The DM heard ’round the world
Hail Britannica.
Stardust Crusaders was the best arc.
Nice Sopranos-style ending. Loved it
Does it cut to black? Guess I’ll find out.
It only happens on the video. The audio player worked fine. I tried the video but so far as I could figure out you can’t jump back and forth on it. So it was just easier to use the audio player.
Hell of a show.
The perfect combination of anger, adrenaline, and intelligence.
Mike, do you know if Striker is planning to have an article on this on National-Justice?
Also it would be great if Ron Unz wrote an article on it.
I need some stuff to send to my Okie friends on this, but it would have to be from a website that isn’t obviously Supreeeemist.
Re airstrikes: Bear in mind that planes were made of wood and canvass in 1920. The idea that someone would be starting a fire in one with rags and a jug of kerosene in just insanity
Wooden doors nibba
Great oldschool episode, thank you.
Man! All these people saying they couldn’t find the second hour are really irritating the living shit out of me! I’m a technologically ignorant raggedy-assed boomer and even I could figure it out!!! COME ON people!!!!
They were probably wicked smart too before Sven smashed em with rock for being nerds. “How bout them apples?” Rock to the head.
Can someone give me Striker’s email? I know it used to be public, I just cant find it now.
Maybe there is a contact us link on National-Justice.com
[email protected]
Thanks, bud.
“Regina king says David Lindelof is the only white person she trusts to write the watchmen show.” -the independent UK
He’s as white as Smollett is black. Damn gene thieves
and the Muslim grooming gangs shows they are still blaming young white female victims of non-white male rapists
there is no “menu in the upper right corner of the player” where the fuck is hour 2?
click on the video itself & it pops up as Channels
Aw man, I actually believed that veteran pilots went to a local air field and strafed black families with machine gun fire as they fled the city. I’m embarrassed! I think my willingness to believe those stories was due in part to my desire to disprove the idea that whites are inherently more altruistic toward out groups.
Well, there’s still the Rock Springs Massacre! Can you guys debunk that one?
Debunk the Rape of Nanking
Watchmen (2009) trailer. Sick trailer & movie!
Get excited for past product
Truly a great first hour. Mike you told this story about the Tulsa Kangs perfectly. Perfection. Couldn’t find second hour but I’m ok with that.
The scene TRS talks about when mentioning burning of degenerate books. Scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Jones meets the Fuhrer.
The show should have been called “Holocaust by proxy”
The nicknames from that Wikipedia article remind me of Snot Boogie.
“You got to…This is America.”
Could somebody make a three sentence takedown of the Tulsa riots using the strongest points/arguments?
I continue to be amazed at how this fifth column has lived amongst us for so long and have now done so much damage. We could not see them even though they were right out in the open.
Your remarks remind me of my normiecon relatives who dislike feminism, pornography, white kids acting black, Hollywood, the gay agenda, “civil rights” agitation, etc. and attribute it all to “liberals”.
You’re right I don’t like any of that but I don’t attribute it just to liberals.
dont shit on OP… it is a genuine question for someone who is tired of being beaten up the powers that be and the media, and simply wants a bit of help from HER FRIENDS (ie friends dont mock each other and try and take each other down… this snarky 4Chan nonsense needs to stop) to find a bit more information…….. Elizabeth, I must admit I know nothing about this event, but have found that with a bit of digging and analytic honesty, you will find your answers in the web
Women, Queers and Jews, Oy Vey!
If you’re talking to blacks, a good move is to flex. Black Wall Street was WALL STREET like your WELFARE QUEENS are ACTUAL ROYALTY! NOT AT ALL! And blacks couldn’t even maintain that! You people are FAILURES! What happened is blacks BURNED IT ALL DOWN during a fucking race riot that got started after a fucking SHINE tried to rape a 17 year old white girl the FIRST TIME he was alone with her. You can rape your fat ugly “women” all you want. No one cares! But you assault OUR WOMEN and we’ll put you in the ground n?.… Read more »
Don’t sugarcoat it Cornelius. Give it to her straight!
To be clear that was my shpeal FOR the wonderful, I’m sure, Elizabeth! She’s Hopkins now. In retrospect it may have been too much of a flex. I don’t imagine Elizabeth will be putting that debating style into practice. Oosh, you know, it actually comes off like I have a real problem with black people and not just ironically. This is tds, a comedy show done seriously. I forgot to turn my latent total and utter dislike of blacks into a funny meme. I’ve got it! For the Monday show I can be the guy (the one guy) who might… Read more »
Listened to most of this while driving in the dark. Very enjoyable. It’s amazing how every mainstream narrative about race relations history falsely paints us as the villains.
You know, it’s almost as if there’s an anti-White agenda!
Can we get the Tulsi race riots?
Knew I wasn’t the only one who caught that.
Hey disinfectant, I have an idea for your avatar:
Hey, some times you feel like a nut!
Nice to see you folks read the comments… I never post and am comparatively moderate, but after seeing that first Watchmen on HBO, my mouth was so agape at how hard the veneer has fallen and how much they were “going for it” (ie white western culture) I felt a comment on here would perhaps result in a comment of some semblance of synergy (it did not). I dont think your grasp of Rorshach and Moore is particularly erudite, but good job guys none the less, thank you for looking into it. ALSO, I mentioned how the new Terminator killed… Read more »
I meant “IT DID”, not what I wrote “IT DID NOT” as per you dedicated a whole episode to the comment. Sorry, I am tired and this system doesnt allow edits after ten minutes. But again, really appreciative you suffered through it as did I,so others would not.
You can also watch Peter Jackson’s two film trilogies that are adaptations of Tolkien’s work if you want. Though I would suggest you watch the LOTR trilogy of films. The Hobbit trilogy is a product through and through, though I personally find it entertaining.
EXCELLENT FILMS…. Jackson really did love the source material and respected Tolkien. I must admit it is the first time I saw a movie from a book I had read and felt, “Wow that is exactly how I imagined it”. Usually it is more like when I read Clancy’s “Patriot Games” and see the movie, then think, “wow, the book is so much better” (although Patriot Games is a decent film as well). From the extended cuts, with cut scenes like The Mouth of Sauron, you just know if Jackson had an extra ten hours of film time, it would… Read more »
Worried about the new NETFLIX “LOTR” series they are filming. I know amongst the media class, and elites, the fact that LOTR was all white causes quite a few hard feelings. Tolkien was so explicit with his races, yet you KNOW Netflix is going to introduce Haitian and Dominican Gondorians and African Elves
They used some of those same French machine guns to defend against that bandit invasion in 1919 by Mexicans in Texas.
Sven gets it. Rorschach was not intended by Moore to be a hero, he was a mockery of what Moore considered to be the right wing sperg, inspired by the Steve Ditko (polish) Question, which was influenced heavily by the individualist writings of Ayn Rand, which was a default viewpoint for many people against globohomo because it was the only outlet they were begrudgingly allowed to have. Moore unintentionally made many arguments in favor of such a worldview through Rorschach’s mouth in the series, and the high minded liberal intellectual who praised MAUS (a holocaust story about mice) and hated… Read more »
this is a misnomer. Moore is a weird fellow, classifying himself as an “anarcho tyrant” who realizes the world is already out of whack, why not address the true state of it. He didnt “hate” Rorshach, albeit he was surprised how much people gravitated towards him. All the characters are exagerrations and critical takes on extreme pathology. Rorshachs “black and white” lack of nuance in deference to “Right and Wrong” just hit home with alot of people who see a world of pornography, murder, and extortion, and find him an avenging angel of sorts
Nice take, justiceleaguer.
I listened to this a while ago, for whomever is interested (Moore on the occult).
I liked the casting of the movie, and the sex scenes.
Can’t fullscreen the video. When I fullscreen it, I only see the bottom right corner of the video in the upper left corner of my screen. Then when I leave fullscreen I can only see bottom half of the video..
There is in fact no game called “Nazi Zombies”. Mike LIED again.
Call of Duty World at War has a game mode called nazi zombies, they dropped the nazi part in subsequent titles
” they dropped the nazi part in subsequent titles”
Yeah, because nobody actually believed it would be the NAZIS that were the zombies!
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army.
Don’t know if it was me or got fixed yet but earlier the second hour cut off at 1:30:00 exact.
Legend has it that the original “OK” hand gesture was used by Tulsans to signify that, “Its OK to come outside now, the nagrers have calmed down and stopped burning their own neighborhood down.”
Damn I really really hate to be this guy…. is any one else having a problem getting hour 2 ? I have an iPhone and I’m not getting any menu on the top right of the player. I’m perpetually stuck on hour 1 video.
Yeah I just checked and you can’t pull up hour 2 on iPhone
Sven has total contempt for apple cucks, he did this on purpose just to spite us (sarcasm)
Damn. Well I atleast feel a lil better that It wasn’t me. Will just have to watch hour 2 on big screen TV. Thanks dude.
Not a chance. We made it up.
calm down, guy who plays riker
its an urban legend, it never happened.
I had never heard of this montage before TDS/Sven’s impersonations. Thanks for expanding my humor worldview, ya’ll.
Svens impression is spot on, I laugh everytime.
I suspect strongly that the Tulsa Race Riot wiki page will be under lock & key from here on out
A white vigilante is white supremacy because they veto the kritarchy by existing
“believe survivors” wahmen meme is evolving into full-on anti-white historical poison
Believing Wahman only applied when the perpetrator was White. When it they are a PoC, they lying whores who cannot deal with their racist families for sleeping with the superior Black.
archive all these wikis and the cited articles cause the JIDF will edit them ahead of the media blitz
The new video player ain’t half bad. I can dig it.
Lose access to product, get angry about next loss of access to product
You gave me a Content High! It feels so good!
lol whats with this new video player?
It’s nice. Sharper than the old one.
In this article they claim that 100-300 died in the Tulsa riot. If course the article came from a commission that was formed in 2001 and it looks, from my brief read, that it sides with blacks.
Welp, I’ll ask the same question that I ask hauloco$t promoters. Where. Are. The. REMAINS???
Clearly the evil white men shipped the bodies off to Germany for fast acting cremation!
In which case…WHERE ARE THE ASHES?????
I gotta ask. Is there any group more obsessed with black dick than jewish men? Seems to me like a genetic fantasy to watch a pale woman get fucked by a negro. The truest of cucks.
jewish women are obsessed as well!
Let them keep the BBC. I don’t mind AT ALL. I’m sure we can start some kind of movement to redirect all the blacks to Israel. The jewish cuck jerking it on the couch while the Khazar milkers get smashed by the negroid. Perfect. I think that’s the perfect dynamic for them. We’ll use their strats against them. No jewlatto is gonna be able to subvert any of our shit.
But first we gotta get the BWC in performance mode cause as of now the fuck is in power saving.
Jewish women exist to be gene thieves
That’s actually an interesting thought cause of the whole “You’re a jew if you have a female jew ancestor or blood relative.”(To jews anyway) Whenever you hear of someone who is half jew the man is usually a goy. Which just shows further that jewish men are fucking CUCKOLDS. We’ll put a pin in “Operation Blacked Israel” and keep it on the board cause sooner or later retribution will be delivered and direct genocide is just kinda boring at this point. Put a big ass dome on Israel, put the entirety of the J tribe in there and then flood… Read more »
It’s just the Yiddish impulse to defile and destroy
Tier Fascist Content:
Hearing the word Tulsa is reminding me of Tulsi. I’ve been thinking, Tulsi looks kind of like a Native American to me. Is it possible that she and other Pacific Islanders are genetically related to Native Americans somewhere down the line? Could Tulsi be more genetically similar to Native Americans than Elizabeth Warren?
Actually the Siberian Injuns massacred whole populations of Polynesians like Tulsi who were settled on the West Coast. Interesting. Supposedly the Polynesians were here long before the Injuns.
I like the Central American pyramids.
Tulsa is a slut spelled backwards.
This is not a coincidence.
Maybe. I’m all messed up on white man’s devil water so there’s that.
Also spell Tulsi backwards.
In reference to air strikes on US civilians from the US government, it has happened. I don’t think it happened in Tulsa 1921.
But during the “Battle of Blair Mountain” the US government certainly did send in airplanes with bombs and guns to attack the white miners on strike in WV.
Very few negro solders in ww1 saw combat most were supply troops
I have no doubt they’re 10x overrepped in photos of soldiers that are shown now though.
I wonder if Roland Martin was named after Diamond Dick
how the fuck do I turn the volume down on the video?
You can’t adjust the video sound via the player, it only has mute or unmute. Just use your device’s audio settings.
The virgin player window volume slider
The chad physical device
Sven made such a fantastic big brain point about the narrative about noglins not being able to buy property and it flew super mach speed over Mike’s head…. Sven, hand Mike a Bang please.
But they could. Just in the Nogler ‘hood. In fact it was not until The National Housing Act of 1934 that explicit racial lines were drawn for house purchases.