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The Death Panel go on a deep dive of the Tulsa Black Riots whilst wading through failed verifications.
- Watchmen Replaced by Black Wahmen
- The True Conservative
- We Wuz Wall Street Kangz
- Tulsa Riot Revisionism
- Shove in an Elevator
- Diamond Dick Going Up
- Dirty Black Summer
- McCullough Told Them Not to Come
- Accounts of the Aftermath
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Just FYI Hour 2 video stops at 1:30:00 flat, some part got cut off.
Ya Boy Zack has some reviews of the new Watchmen on JuTube.
Vidya! Thanks bros. Non-boomer status confirmed.
In Call of Duty: World at War, if you were playing as the Wehrmacht and won the match, the Koniggratzer Marsch would play with a Hitler speech in the background. That shit got me pumped.
Fond fucking memories.
This was 2008/2009. Imagine this now.
That was my first dive into online fps. I loved that game. Too bad hackers ruined it.
I totally remember that one black guy that followed her for like 15 blocks or something. It WAS NOT just 2 or 3! I’m not exaggerating. This black guy just followed this perfect stranger for blocks and blocks and RIGHT next to her too. Anyone who hasn’t seen the video should see it.
oh yea I remember.. they messed up bad releasing that video. They wanted to show misogyny so badly they forgot about the racial narrative.
member the Sopranos?
Dude, Steam Games, Day of Defeat, generally its the Whermact against Brits and Yanks.
Obviously the Whermact has the coolest weapons. You even get to make commands in German. Los Los!!
DoD is a classic for sure, developed way before all of this moral panic.
Zman recently had a podcast episode titled “A Century Ago” where he goes over some of the boogaloo back then. It seems like most of these early 20th century “White riots” were almost entirely new immigrants not having “adjusted” to living around Africans, with some exceptions. Kind of like today with mestizos breaking up black neighborhoods.
It’d be much, much cooler if the airstrike was real
Many blacks saw the Ju-87s used in the raid.
Aaaah, good times!
I cannot believe Sven lied about the lack of video.
Another LIE to my list…
The reason we watch you, mike, is to learn how to hold frame in the presence of an autist with ADD who unironically enjoys partially digested and regurgitated cake flavored bang. The Jew stuff is just icing on the cake.
>Jewish hand
Mike, you mean hands plural, it takes two hands to rub, get it right guy
That’s when you’ll know Shlomo finally engulfed Japan: one hand rubbing
Why? Did the Yakuza cut off the other one?
Ironically the symbol of money is one hand rubbing.
OT: White woman and her dog murdered in Asia.
Tulsa is still segregated to this day.
North Tulsa is for n
East Tulsa = Little Mexico
South Tulsa = Yuppies and rich folk
West Tulsa = ruralites and regular white folks.
Obviously it’s not a forced segregation so you will have a mix, but it’s kinda overwhelmingly understood by the people there. If you ask people to go to North Tulsa, they will wince and say no thanks.
My travel guide:
North Tulsa: The white man’s fault
Downtown and Midtown: Bugmen & Homos
East Tulsa: Enriched and diverse
South Tulsa: Boomers
West Tulsa: Huwhite
Broken Arrow: Also huwhite
Suburbs & Exurbs: James Lankford / Kevin Stitt voting base
I grew up in broken arrow and I would wager that Tulsa ape men are as violent and subhuman as any big city n*****.
This is true, in some parts of the south, coloreds still remember the white man’s wrath
Sand Springs is mostly white, industrial, with beggars, away from the city.
“James Lankford”
What an asshole.
Job well done fellas. Great job!
Didnt the last call of duty deliberately avoid any swastikas in the environment
No Nazi Germany emblematics of any kind at all I think. And of course black men+women soldiers owning the natzhees.
Probably 90% laziness to not have to create a separate German version of the game.
Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:
Alex McNabb: “We just need a big tit Skeksis”
Ben’s sister is looking better and better!
ah-doigh (sp?)
How do you post images?
upload to imgur, right click copy image url, paste link in chat.
suddenly I don’t like breasts anymore.
Skeksi Milkers..
Inb4 Rule 34.
I hope they are talking about Watchmen because I mentioned it in the comments. That would be dope
Dude, in High School I had to read the book “Native Son.” It’s all about a young black working as a servant in a rich families house, when the daughter comes onto him. He says “no nonono,” then ACCIDENTALLY KILLS HER! He realizes that no one would believe him because racism, and so cut up her body and burned her body in the furnace.
The rest of the book is him on the run.
I wonder, did they teach about unreliable narrators at the time? ???
I can’t believe White people didn’t chimp out over these lies that were going on for 50 years at least. The Jews just blamed all their crimes on to us or even made up stories like that book that claims Whites slaughtered 10 million nogs in the Congo. The Nogs are too dumb to realize that these lies are coming from the Jewish anti White establishment, the same establishment that enslaved them and blamed us. They are stealing White inventions and the orange faggot Trump just made the ” We wuz kangz ” meme into reality by saying America was… Read more »
“Dude, in High School I had to read the book “Native Son.” ”
Man, I sure am glad I missed that bullshit! School was bad enough without politically correct sewage like that being fire-hosed down my gullet!
Mike, why do you keep saying “they don’t let you play as Nazis in video games anymore”? You are just flat wrong. You’ve been saying this for years with no evidence and its just wrong.
COH2 Gang rise up
In some games they don’t show swastikas or use the word “nazi” but that is simply so they can sell the game in Europe so it won’t be banned. Other than that, you can play as the “Wehrmacht” in almost every WW2 game.
And lets be serious literally every RTS modding community is 50% our guys and 50% gender-delusional communist sodomites.
Just Germany bro. CoD, DoD, Wolfenstein all have the nazi imagery in most European countries.
They have been pushing to stop it tho, at least if game exchange or whatever the hell it’s called is a sign.
Extra credits was the name.
I’m having trouble picturing an executive building with an elevator in 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma
Tulsa was quite wealthy in the 1920’s due to oil money. The Mid-Continent Tower was built in 1918.
just more proof we can’t have nice things. we haven’t learned yet.
Can upload the second hour to the site?
Never mind
Looting and burning huh? Got a pretty good idea of what really happened to Black Wall St after another 100 years of examples of black behavior in the US
Too bad they didn’t have Youtube and live Facebook streaming back then. Then we would see tons of kangs and amateur rappers breaking windows and setting shit on fire. Like Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. Also, why would whites destroy all that property by burning down 1200 houses, a hospital, and businesses? Instead of just kicking the blacks out and taking it over? Seems like a dumb idea for white people.
new format is gr8 tbh m8s. no longer have to fuck around with youtube-dl like with vimeo. for anyone interested, just right click on the video, inspect element, type .mp4 in the search bar, then just open/copy the url for the .mp4 file. then do the same for hour 2. only problem is i don’t know how to download the files in a low resolution, so unlike with youtube-dl you’re stuck with two videos that are each over 1 gigabyte. i guess just convert it in vlc, but if anyone knows how to download a low res format directly let… Read more »
I’m ready to consume the video content.
Wishing Kent St was in modern times so I could watch the live feed with a sheboon in the background yelling “ oh lawd dey shooin “
The average cost of a house in 1920 was about $3,800 in 1920 dollars, or $48,784.21 in today’s dollars.
What do you think (((happened)))?
I think you have to careful converting old prices to modern day, too many things are different.
Which would partially explain the low value of the property damage. Buildings just weren’t as expensive back then.
You could probably build a standard 1920’s house for 50k…or maybe not. The lumber at least was superior. Many houses only had 1 bathroom. It was built in the 50s in the deep south but my grandparents house had 3 bedrooms and 1 one bathroom, and you had to walk through one of the kid’s bedroom to get to the next (later it was converted to a dining room when the kids moved out) There was no dining room, only a kitchen with enough room for a 5ish person oval table, a living room and a laundry room. No central… Read more »
Buffering on the new video player is a problem. Video pauses every few seconds to buffer.
I love The Watchmen movie. My favorite scene is at the very beginning when the Kent State protestors get shot. What’s yours?
Wow Sven and I like the same bit. Based.
I liked Ozymandias as a character. I liked the sex scene.
LOL. I fast forward the sex scene, so cringe.
The actress is sexy
When Dr Manhattan was just popping commies like balloons. That felt pretty good.
If wasn’t reading the comments I would have listened to the whole show before realizing there is video.
Thanks TRS H1Bajeets
Mike! I feel your pain bro; i’m also a deliberate thinker… was tested INTP. people cut me off when i’m telling a story. hell, my own wife, lol. I’ve considered just speaking in quotes from films like 98% of normies do.
Lol Myers Briggs is fake & gay astrology for incel nerds
uh OK
Hey Sven. I was wondering what kind of Amp settings and or pedal settings you have on your guitar gear ?
I currently hate my tone so this question is moot.
I use a Hughes & Kettner Triamp MkII on channel 6, Highs: 9 Mids: 4 Bass: 4, Gain 45%, Channel Volume 50%, Master Volume 30%, Presence ALL THE WAY THE FUCK UP
I boost with a Fulltone OCD Drive, Volume 10, Drive 0, Tone 7, switch on HP.
Mic’d up with an SM57 at a 45 degree angle on the dust cap edge, SE VR1 ribbon mic straight on the center of the dustcap.
Yea I love cranking up the highs too, then I just switch between bass and mids for higher or lower. I keep presence at 50% to 75% depending on amp model, slight reverb and low delay. For effects I just stick with Chorus or Flanger. Thanks for responding.
Imagine mids not at 0
Rorschach is awesome.
Wasn’t Black Wall street just some tiny shitty bank ? And the dindus blame Whitey for removing competition against ((( Wall Street ))). Shieet muhfucka we had ours own Wall Street ya heard and yall stoled it from us cracka.
Good afternoon Borthers! High Energy Monday is here!
I did not see a single movie critic pointing out that “Midsommar” was a Jewish made demonization of White culture.
were you expecting anything different? only guys I know who did mention this were our guys.
Spencer did a long review of it on his show a while back. I was kind of looking forward to it until I heard that show tbh, I really liked the last film the director made, ‘Hereditary’. Probably the best horror film I’ve seen since Under the Skin or The Witch (no bugman). (reminder that I don’t watch teevee or movies, just like mike). (btw i havent watched TV since like the 90s man).
Apparently the new Jewish fad is to portray European peasants as monstrously cruel, sexually depraved cultists at literally all points in civilization.
If only Whtie People were as cool as Jewish Media makes us out to be. I want to join that Midsommar religion and own the people who dislike it.
They changed the name from Tulsa Race Riots to Tulsa Massacre?
I’ve never been prouder to be an Okie. We done massacred them.
It was seriously awesome. Trucks of white men from Arkansas and other surrounding states came in to join the fun.
Yea I was there too…
I take pride in the accomplishments of my people and ancestors.
Do you white man?
Really like this videoplayer, if it wont be too big of a problem to host it i think its great! (:
Thanks for putting not-Prep in the Car on the RSS, it is a lot easier to listen to it.
I meant not-Car.
We need a final solution to the video problem
we might actually have one
Mirin mike’s hair genetics
I like this player better. My internet stinks so I have to watch in SD.
So weird how we all arrive at the same talking points independently. I was just talking about Watchmen this weekend. I used to see memes and think “I came up with that” but I realized that actually others were independently arriving at the same conclusions and making the same memes.
It’s a sort of historical force, a zeitgeist, an idea whose time has come and there is simply no repressing it. A Hydra. Individuals are simply vehicles for it.
Pretty strong white pill if you ask me.
It’s the collective Aryan soul.
Looks interesting, thanks dude.
Video is here, praise jebus.
Still too long to record on one cassette… Have to use 11″ open reel tape at 3 3/4 ips.
Not working,well not on my tv. Get to listen on phone or use bluetooth. I’m willing to pay for video
Video now. Srry all is forgiven
Well I guess I can listen earlier now.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the incel
F5 gang gang
Now all I need is a strong cuppa.