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The Death Panel go on a deep dive of the Tulsa Black Riots whilst wading through failed verifications.
- Watchmen Replaced by Black Wahmen
- The True Conservative
- We Wuz Wall Street Kangz
- Tulsa Riot Revisionism
- Shove in an Elevator
- Diamond Dick Going Up
- Dirty Black Summer
- McCullough Told Them Not to Come
- Accounts of the Aftermath
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Out of the $32 million, if you allow $12 million for both the hospital and the school, which would be extremely low, you are left with 1200 houses worth a total of $20 million. That means each negro house in negro wall street was worth on average $16,667 in today’s dollars…. and this is what the poor whites were so jealous about.
Goaltenders didn’t wear goalie masks into the 1960s? Why would they do that?
The Jason Voorhees reference/joke was spot on, I can’t believe Mike wasn’t versed in the basic culture on him. Jason Voorhees was born in the small town of Crystal Lake on June 13, 1946 to Elias Voorhees and Pamela Voorhees. Jason was afflicted with severe facial deformities, Hydrocephalus, an abnormally large head, and mental disabilities. Raising Jason on her own, Pamela kept her son isolated from the community, not letting him attend school and educating him in their home on the outskirts of Crystal Lake. This would eventually lead Jason to respect his mother. He would follow through on all… Read more »
How much is an entire block of real estate in NYC worth? “It really depends on a number of factors including among others… location the zoning split the total amount of actual floor space quality of the block’s existing housing stock… Smoothing this out across the city, I get to an estimated market value of $600 to $800 million dollars per city block.” I chose Manhattan, New York City just to rub the contrast in all the more. And this is not counting the stock market which would make the contrast even more exponential. It sure it good that blacks… Read more »
Lot of kirk material happening tonight
It’s fucking tragic how many well-meaning young, white men join the military to fight the jew’s wars. There really does seem to be something about certain war movies and video games that heightens the otherwise healthy desire to see combat. Fortunately I’m no worse for the wear but I fell into it, went to Iraq and afghan as a paratrooper. Saving Private Ryan taught me that it was the grand and noble thing to do. I can only imagine what it must have felt like for those Tulsans to be members of a community that could recognize a true threat… Read more »
It is tragic. The military serves exclusively as a foreign policy tool of the federal government which is run by unelected beauracrats and politicians who are beholden to special interest groups, corporations, and (((foreign))) entities. Why anybody would knowingly sign up for that is beyond me. It’ll be interesting to what extent young White men wake up to this in the coming years.
War is a racket
Thnx 4 ur service, tuna (unironically)
I usually avoid pop culture as I consider most of it to be poison, which it is, but after listening to this I read up on Watchmen and realized what a vicious attack it is. As you guys have said, we need to develop our own culture of critique regarding the jew-driven “culture.”
I have dirty black summer in my head now
Rachel Dolezal endorses TRS
updated link
LOL! WTF? Has she converted?
Did momma Sven drop you on your head? This is from one of those sites where you can pay “celebrities to say whatever you want”
Sven what’s your son’s gamertag for COD? I want to play it with an up and coming aryan supersoldier
How did they know they were turpentine. How could they have told the difference between turpentine and gasoline? Or kerosene or alcohol?
What happened to “The People’s Square”?
Was Borzoi sent for “resettlement in the east”?
Did he receive “special treatment”?
Was his ghetto liquidated?
No, Striker just got knee-deep in the National Hyphen.
Borzoi is defiling Khazar milkers with his Chinese seed as we speak. We’ll have plenty of little chews to meet later.
Imagine my shock
Thanks guys great show.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman
I’d fuck that bish shitless
Jew, dude, Jew.
“To Kill a Mockingbird”
“a Black shoe-shiner”
You should call into the show!
Since you’ve done a deep dive on the Great Tulsa Chimp-out of Nineteen and Twenty-one you might as well go ahead and do a deep dive on the “Rosewood Massacre”:
Hey, John Singleton made a movie about it after all!
“This is already starting to sound like the Mengele story”
And it just so happens that this morning while surfing the net I discovered a Tumblr page dedicated to the good doctor!
“What are you lookin’ at…”
LOL! Some times Mike and Sven are like an old married couple!
“Look I’m not necessarily judging here. I just think it’s retarded…”
OK so if you’re using the new vidya how do you skip ahead?
I just feel like blackpilling black people by telling them that shlomo is really mocking you people with shows like this
Asians also have some unsung histories in the US as well. Remember the “Asian NBA”? Of course not. A little known fact was that a lot of the Chinese laborers who came over to work on the railroads, open laundromats and Chinese restaurants were actually very tall. They were suited perfectly for basketball, and excelled when given the chance. There were two “leagues” in the US alone, where determined players would make noodles during the day to pay for basketball clothing and equipment, and the like. They became successful, and as we all know, whites couldn’t stand to see that… Read more »
I dont understand why all these companies want to break into the chinese market implying there are enough people with enough money to consume product making it worth it
There’s people with money in China. Go to any national park in the US and it’ll be crawling with them. Theres a huge market there.
I remember some boomer telling me how Oklahoma people who moved to Los angelos where called okies and dominated the LAPD and where infamous for night sticking blacks
And now their great grandchild move back to America and fuck it up with their SWPL California horseshit. Ironic, right?
Stuff White People Like. It’s a reference to White liberals who are constantly going on about poor oppressed colored folks but then do everything they can to avoid them.
Doesn’t this Tulsa anti-black meme continue into okies who took over the LAPD just to beat blacks
All interracial sex is, in the end, rape because we are living in Rahowa, have been since the beginning of time and we will be until one Race is left and in the end that Race will be the White Race. Not calling for anything or advocating for anything, I’m just saying
*please complete pop-out menu mini-game to view hour 2*
“intellectuals like me”