Jazz and James mock Bannon's new War Room podcast, the state of Trump, and pan the impeachment porcess as the epitome of kosher sandwich sustainability. Most of the second half is devoted to the latest pwning of Charlie Kirk, hot takes on Tulsi's mooch meeting and third party plans, Syria reversals, Chicago teachers strike, and Adam Neumann's $6M swindle. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
h/t to Kyle for this week's art:
Direct Download: HERE
RSS: http://fash-the-nation.libsyn.com/rss
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Impeachment Porcess
00:12:00 - Full Spectrum Misrepresentation
00:55:00 - Live from Bannon's Basement
01:05:00 - 4D Checkmate
01:25:00 - Telavivevangelism
01:31:00 - No Limit Weimerica. BOOM.
02:18:00 - Tulsi Takes
02:16:00 - Saudi Oil
02:20:00 - Chicago
02:30:00 - "We"? That'll be $6M
02:47:00 - Outro
Based Stella the Umbrella name drop
Groyp squad we out here
The other day someone said alex mcnabb had been writing some good stuff on FTN. What does that mean? Are there articles to read somewhere? Or did he just submit something they read on the show, or was he just shit posting in the comments?
Jesus fucking Christ:
I know FTN, TDS discuss a lot about the Jews and black, Hispanic/latino, pajeets and other non-white problems and issues a lot. I would like to hear, though, FTN & TDS’ take at a more extended and isolated length (I know the wahman issues get brought up in sort of an ancillary and secondary ways on FTN-at least in my recollection listening to a limited amount of FTN audio) of the role of women-and in particular liberal women (your SJW’s)-in the absolute state of society and Western culture presently. Maybe this kind of cultural demise ranting is slightly better suited… Read more »
On a whim I looked to see when the last gentile federal reserve chairman was and its 1913. The federal reserve has been primarily Jewish for 107 uninterrupted years
Link? Writing an anti-Semitic paper atm…
Those H2B, EB5 & H1BI1takes by FTN during the Kirk tour audio…fuck. Not sure I got all those Visa acronyms correct that were brought up by Jazz and James. It is pretty depressing living in Southern California/L.A. county and seeing how non-white the population is around me, even in my relatively limited frames reference. And it’s trending to only get much worse. I’m sure experiences and demographic shifts vary from county to county, state to state in the U.S., but this phenomenon isn’t just relegated to Commifornia, I’m sure. Hopefully it is ‘darkest before the dawn’, as they say. This… Read more »
Steve bannon is a Zionist. Right after Trump was elected he spoke at the ZOA.
Great show ?
Thanks for the shoutout to the F5 gang!
Easy question for Charlie. “if you’re against identity politics, what the deal with the latino/womens/ jewish/ black leadership summits? if these summits are acceptable, why not White leadership summits?”
Kirk is about getting minoriteeeee votes for Trump.
Angry Jazzhands is best Jazzhands.
Is it true that Charlie Kirk’s father is the architect for Trump Tower New York?
Charlie Kirk was born into a wealthy Illinois family. His father, Robert W. Kirk, was the project architect manager for Trump Tower in New York.
Charlie Kirk: “Some of my best friends are gay.”
Notice how he stumbled and fumbled before he figured out how to say that in 5X as many words so it didn’t sound as lame as “some of my best friends are Black?” Culture War my ass. He’s adopted every position the paleocon culture warriors were against.
And who’s so passionate about EB5’s? Yes, build a wall, but just let everyone in leeegallly! Anything else is dangerous!
Cicero (before it became Mexican) was mostly Czech and Polish, it was never predominantly Italian. What may confuse some is that Cicero was run until recently by a mobbed-up Republican machine that was founded by Al Capone. For about 75 years Cicero was totally controlled by “The Outfit.”
Pat Robertson’s take is dumb.
I checked out Might White Soap. It’s actually pretty cool soap! It’s definitely a good Christmas or birthday add on idea!
*Mighty Whitey
My gf is addicted to the stuff. They were overstocked with some kind of sugar scrub things and sent her the whole batch for free. Definitely good people.
White Power with Steven Crowder
Knocking over opium dealers. Cooking up crystal meth. Gotta watch out for this guy. He’s kind of an extremist!
Great show lads, really feels like the Jazzhands + Allsup lineup is hitting its stride now.
Have you guys seen the new Watchmen series on HBO? It’s pretty hilarious, superhero black cop goes to war against White Supremacist ISIS types.
There’s zero subtlety.
Just shows how far the slippery slope has come. Could you imagine something like this coming out 30 years ago? It wouldn’t fly. Now we’re closer to everything being like this garbage.
The question is, does this stuff work to hammer into people the narrative, or does it help white people wake up.
Mike’s doing a twitter thread on it
Here’s the Unz take on it:
It seems to focus on whites as bad people and appropriate targets of government suppression.
One guess on the ethnicity of its creator.
Why are we not bringing pressure down on white actors who take on cuck roles for the Jews?
I was looking at some tables and I found it interesting that Ukraine has the lowest median wealth per adult in the world. Now the degree to which wealth in places like Africa and the Pacific Islands can be measured is questionable at best but on paper Ukraine takes the cake
Is there footage of the Kirk stuff
Lots. Did you look on YouTube?
Yeah. Couldn’t find the “Stella ” one
Guys, you can’t short the stock of a pre-IPO company. You can swindle late round investors though, and then dilute them into the poorhouse. See Theranos.
They filed their S-1 back in August, I guess I assumed they’d gone public by now. Somebody’s definitely taking a bath on this one, but it ain’t Neumann.
Agreed. You should read the WSJ piece about his involvement with the Kabbalah Center.
You guys should do a deep dive on cuckservative butt goy Joe Walsh.
If you try to do a deep dive on a guy like Walsh you’d break your nose.
Trump’s best course of action to stay out of jail would be to gas the jews and nuke Israel.