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The Death Panel experience the 5th level of hell.
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
How did you guys miss OBi-GYN Kenobi?
Sturm Abteilung. The Storm Detachment.
On the “nootropics is stupid” subject- that is not 100% correct, the death panel apparently probably never heard of a special white crystalline powder developed in the 70s for Russian astronauts, something called Phenibut, which enabled the astronauts to keep a clear mind but stay completely relaxed under the most stressful situations. Its totally legal and sold as a supplement….comes in the HCL form as well as FAA. Phenibut is golden for that first date, big presentation, going out and using it as a safe substitute as alcohol. It is the most amazing social lubricant and as long as you… Read more »
Hardy kek
I read the normie news here and there for content, and it’s more than apparent that people are becoming woke af. The audience is just about primed for you guys, people are becoming receptive to your/our message. I was thinking that the best way to take on the cosmopolitan peddlers was to invoke their own tactics against them, but I’m realizing that I don’t have a stomach for it- plus they have much bigger guns, with the government backing them and the referee in their corner. When you feel shame, guilt, and remorse as part of your empathy-connected existence, you… Read more »
Based Mike’s body language palm theory on trust, Hitler was then the ultimate saint
LOL! True.
haha he def was regardless, but his hand gesture is just more proof of that!
you can also look at the fact that the “Heil Hitler” salute was facing your palm towards your fellow kinsman and women. The Third Reich itself was all about trust.
Remember the old justice league? There was a team of white super heroes that had to work together, no juden individualism, just aryan strength. Yea that’s a little cringe, sue me.
I think the flash was always a jew
The Flash aka Barry Allen was a white irish gentile cop scientist with a blonde crewcut and blue eyes who got married in a christian church…definitely not a jew.
He’s only a jew in the shitty Zack Snyder Justice League film because he is played by the androgynous bisexual gay pot smoking jewish actor Ezra Miller, who was allowed to turn the character into himself.
The Flash was voiced by the jew Michael Rosenbaum in the wonderful Bruce Timm Justice League cartoon series though (it was always “Justice League of America” in comics, by the way, until the Super Friends show started to do the PC stuff in the hippie 70s)..Rosenbaum also played Lex Luthor in Smallville, the worst version of Superman outside the recent films, but the best version of Lex Luthor in live action: a jewy, nepotistic bastard with a god complex (re: “the jewish people are their own messiah!”). Also, The Flash was created/co created by a gentile artist, the italian Carmine… Read more »
Good show, fellas. Real warm and fuzzy
McNabb’s Netanyahu costume for some reason makes me want to listen to Motograter again.
Hey guys, I am trying to catch up on episodes I missed, but on episodes 501 to 504 (and maybe more) at least one of the videos says “Private Video” and to log in to view it. Are you guys aware of the problem and is there a fix coming? Thank you.
Yes they’re aware and they’re working on it.
alex’s costume makes me very uncomfortable
Ramesh Ponnuru
Re: censorship. If you dont love infinity n’s, infinity poop-dick, and infinity chop-dick you are no longer entitled to free-speech. That’s their play right now. We have to find a way to flip it.
Morgan Desjardins. Day-um. Lesbos get *all* the women…. EDIT: She’s hapa. I wonder if Avalokiteshvara would approve of cunt-munching.