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The Death Panel do not recommend the Yellowcake Bang flavor.
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Being a boomer when I heard Sven talk about the brrrrrrrrrrrrt plane I thought of this:
Douglas AC-47D Spooky aka “Puff, the Magic Dragon”
You can really hear the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt in this video:
Good show!
Title for next episode, 506: Return of the yihdi
Return of the Rabbi.
Return of the Haredi
What the fuck happened to the war room dude?
Stuff. Mainly the Vandal Bros having things to do. Thought about bringing it back with myself as lead, but I doubt it would be as good. Without the Vandals, it just won’t be the same and I doubt I’d be a worthy successor. There’s also the matter of publisher. TRS can’t host it. I can easily get it published on Stormer, but with all the drama, I decided to stay away from podcasting for a while. Lastly, if the Vandals were to come back, I’d think they’d want to start enhancing their site and their brand instead. They sell books.… Read more »
Honestly looks like they just cropped and covered the cellphones with the title graphic.
have jamie on and show her. is she pretty.
What does she smell like? How big are her feet?
These are things that the audience needs to know.
McFeel’s rant could be part of a Selfhelp How To Get Rich audiobook
Boi you guys dont know a whole lot about the military guns, do ya?
Still love you guys tho
So the “far-right provocateur” Milo’s social media de-platforming reaches the end game
“It’s just not a good use of my time to be here,” he wrote. “Talking to the same 1,000 people, none of whom buy books, tickets to anything or donate.”
Anybody have a clip of the Fake media Syria bit?
You’re the man thanks!
I think you fellas might need some help with the Micheal Caine impressions. Here are some tips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFIQIpC5_wY
Mike Isaacson just got fired from his job.
Who’s that?
Name does sound familiar.
The giraffe neck antifa creature.
They’re making the mistake of thinking it’s like actual rational people that actually execute red flag laws instead of runaway institutions. We live in a liberal democracy, we’re run by irrational institutions, not strategic-minded people.
Wow, 6 survivors. It all seems like so much pilpul after browsing /pol/ for 30 seconds….
Another tête-à-tête/propaganda and counter-narrative juxtaposition:
Proving The Truth Behind The Holocaust
David Irving
“Proving the truth behind the Hauloco$t”
I guess that’s why they turned the comments off.
Ha! I know, I noticed that. I didn’t recognize the irony inherent in the title of the video and with that fact of comment disabling, though…
McNabb’s Megele article
I’m sure this image can relate to the good professor Robert Jan van Pelt’s foolproof Auschwitz crematorium argument:
You can really do a fractal deep-dive into just the crematorium debate (or the viability of the (((alleged))) 6,000,000 bodies disposals), for example… There’s so much to WWII revisionism-I’ve barely scratched the surface, I’m sure.
The knob creek shoot is like burning man for machinegun owners. This clip in particular is very well known too which is why they got caught so easily. I kinda wonder if someone at ABC was fucking with them when they gave them that clip because they know they are noguns f*ggots.
I haven’t seen Bluegeoisie before, that’s a fucking great one
The first guy in the meme is peter Fonda
The YPG changed their names to the SDF for optics reasons. They and the PKK are connected by both ideology and enemies.
That Haaretz article doesnt make much sense considering Kurds arent semites
Mike nails it at the hour mark. It’s not our responsibility to figure out what they need to do. That needs to be spread far and beyond.
The 16-year-old girl’s once-beautiful face was grotesque.
She had been disfigured beyond all recognition in the 18 months she had been held captive by the Comanche Indians.
Now, she was being offered back to the Texan authorities by Indian chiefs as part of a peace negotiation.
Return of the Borzoi.
The guy at the very beginning of the meme video is Mitch McConnell.
Thank you Sven for the subtle Club Dread reference
Sven looks like Raul Julia with an Anglo nose. He should get the stache :b
haha yes, I made the avatar 😉
A brrrrrt plane is an A-10 Warthog. The Su-25 Frogfoot is better, because it’s Russian, but it’s essentially the exact same thing. Idlib rebels once shot one down and the pilot was surrounded, got into a shooting fight, then killed himself with a grenade on video to avoid capture.
If they kept the clip going they do start shooting miniguns.
10min into the first hour. Hell of an observation that everyone is brainwashed.
Lol i just read that poster.
whoa, the intro was actually in stereo…
The retail vs wholesale thing on solar panel systems is bullshit. Your dial spins forward when you pull power from the grid (at night) and backward when you put power to the grid during the day. The power company charges you based on the net amount of energy you use for the month. If you put more in than you use they credit your account at the same rate they charge, less any fixed fees which you pay anyway. There aren’t different rates for night and day, and they can’t and don’t differentiate between retail and wholesale when your system… Read more »
I did a phone survey on medical care and when the woman asked what is the most important factor in choosing a doctor. I totally caught her off guard when I answered ethnicity
fuck yea
Ann Coulter killed it the other day in case ya’ll didn’t see it!
A RAM member in tampa was red flagged, arrested, put in jail and denied bail over racist and anti-semetic views.
Great zoomer cartoon
Normal people have cats as pets?
Nope. I have cats and I’m here so…
Eh ok.
“the war on drugs”
Here’s an example of this I read about many years ago:
I used to work for a very large electric company. Alex can eat a dick, put all the cables underground.
They need to leave the deep tech dives to Ethnarc. Also, Hampton Court was built by Cardinal Wolsey.
I, Maya Angelou, shall pen a commemorative poem for this most illustrative occasion, episode five hundred plus five.
You leap from the loadstone of truth
Know your justice for
Justice knows all
You who gave us dawns light
Give us now pills of scarlett
Let the wind carry your voice
She will
Where’s the hate whitey part?
Is Eichenwald a concentration camp?
Holy fucking shit. I was going to shitpost some Wallyworld clip from National Lampoon’s Vacation or something. That is goddamn terrifying. Is this where they’re going to work out the kinks of the animatronics of the Abomination of Desolation before it gets its roll out a the Temple? The pure cringe alone is bad enough, but the implication of the religious cultiness and ‘diaspora-draw’ of such a place…how can anyone not see all this insanity in the context of eschatology?
The TDS guys should really watch this ‘theme park’ video Spam posted, even for sans End Times takes.
Eat the booty like groceries, and the pussy like cervical cancer.
For the duration of this meme i will refer to Mike as Mike Ewok and Sven as Sven Solo.
And Alex McLobot
That’s why you put old Thanksgiving turkey on a sandwich with the gravy and stuffing. To cover up the flaws of leftover Thanksgiving turkey. The leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches is a time honored White tradition which I for one will keep alive.
“That’s why you put old Thanksgiving turkey on a sandwich with the gravy and stuffing”
Leftover Thanksgiving turkey with MUSTARD!
The problem with sandwiches and burgers is a lot of people go cheap on the bread. I don’t get sliced bread. I don’t even get bakery bread. Now i get all my bread from Panera.
The Gelflings know.
Content like in the kingsman could be responsible for creating the Sutherland Springs, TX church shooting.
Using (((their))) logic, that is exactly right.
I know in the old Addams’ family TV show Gomez’s family were Castilian nobility.
Yeah Gomez was retconned into being a Spaniard somewhere down the line. Originally he wasn’t even named Gomez, he was just the nameless Dad.
I really don’t want to look into the early history of any of the cast members, because I really liked the Addams’ Family TV show, and there has to be a Jew or two among them.
Did you guys see Mister Metokur’s new video on trannies? It makes The Adolf in the Room look like a nice Sunday outing. I’m not going to link it because it’s absolutely horrifying, but it can be found on Bitchute if anyone really wants to see it.
“I’m not going to link it because it’s absolutely horrifying”
Thank you. That TDS episode was angering and revolting enough.
Thanks I’ll check it out
Here’s something you might be interested in that’s less explicit:
The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children- The Heritage Foundation
It seems my comment with the link was deleted, I didn’t mean to break any rules or anything.
But the video is on bitchute, and it’s bad. Everybody go see it.
Solar is more efficient than you guys suggest. There may be issues with the implementation when it comes to putting panels on your roof, setting things up with the grid/power company, etc. However, the efficiency of the panels themselves is not bad these days. I just got back from a backpacking trip where I used a tiny 5w solar panel to charge a battery bank (which I later used to charge my phone, mp3 player, gps tracker, etc). The little panel cost me $10 and there was a 10w version available for $20.
Battery technology is what’s way behind.
Speaking of batteries:
I have a friend who installed panels on his house in michigan and he didn’t have to pay an electric bill; most months they paid him. He had a 5000 sq foot house and hottub. It was pretty cool. He had an app on his phone that showed the output of the panels. It was almost perfectly sinusoidal on sunny days and you could see interruptions from clouds, etc. I think the system was maybe $20k. He may have gotten some subsidies. I don’t know the breakeven from a cost standpoint. It wasnt that long maybe 10 years. They were… Read more »
And I think it is pretty straightforward once it is set up. If you draw power from the grid the dial on the meter spins one way (like normal) and then if the grid draws power from you the dial literally spins backwards.
Yeah it’s true, the dial goes backwards with excess solar. That was pretty funny to see. Jesse’s right that you are still dependent on the power company though (for now). Of course, never get into some kind of lease construction or something like, always buy your own panels.
Sounds like youre agreeing that solar is great for roadside signs and charging of small electronics, which is what the death panel said.
You cannot power industrial civilization on solar or wind. You cant even manufacture those products without fossil fuels.
The only Democrat who was genuinely antiwar in the Bush era was Dennis Kucinich, and we saw what the Democrats did to him.
The media loved Obama, were ok with W, but hate Trump with a passion. George W. basically stole the 2000 election and then ran far neocon right on everything, and if anyone tried to stop him he’d just ignore it while Cheney went around threatening everybody. Every single move that Bush made had some secret motive to help corporate America and the plutocrats, and he didn’t ever flinch and try to be more reasonable. I was living in the Bay Area at the time, and fit the shitlib demographic so I was listening to stuff like Democracy Now! One thing… Read more »
Neocons aren’t right wing. In America, interventionism has as always been a left wing position and isolationism a right wing position. The neocon movement was the GOP and conservatism taking a hard left turn.
Also, capitalism is left wing, it’s economic liberalism.
“Neocons aren’t right wing”
I’ve heard Linder say that today’s neocons were yesterday’s Trotskyites. This kosher sangwich has been around a long, long time.
If you read Christopher Lasch–an open communist in the 1980s and 90s. You find Tucker doing his talking points. Literally Intellectual National Conservatism is slightly right of Communism in 1990s
I mean, was it TDS or Strike and Mike where they discussed the fact that Constitutional Patriotism, which is basically what we can call Buckleyite movement cuckservatism, was a creation of the Frankfurt school?
You can charge a smartphone with something like this:
You guys are too down on solar power. It has shortcomings, but the technology has advanced a lot in the past few years. Might have to call conservative priors on that segment.
I should also point out that the links above are high-end products meant for backpacking etc. As someone else mentioned, you can get small portable solar panels for much cheaper.
You will never power industrial civilization on solar or wind, that is the point.
I think the guy at the beginning of the Trump video is Peter Fonda
What is the show Mike was on he talked about that was 3 hours long?