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TDS is a non-topical podcast about Geopolitical think tank personnel.
- Say.ng
- Joshua Beckford, Black Autist Genius
- Fatal Wahman Oopsie
- Blacks are Not Starvin'
- Talking About the Obese Elephant in the Room
- Kurds the Cowardly ZOG
- Lackin' Registration Challenge
- The Merchant Minute
- Kosher Holocaust Revisionism
- Trusted Secondary Sources
- Auschwitz Health Plan
- Balanced and Zionist
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Did they make Mengele a meme to Americans because he was a Dr and the name sounds like mangle or mangler
The hammer head tapper, brain basher, electric floors and jack off machines are all very Rube Goldberg like. It’s mechanical Talmudism.
NEVER forget the pedal-powered skull-bashing machines, goy!
Dimitri Donskoi is one of the single greatest heroes of European history. His victory over the Tatars marked the end of Mongol dominance over Slavs. But it wouldn’t be until Ivan IV that Russians would conquer and largely cleanse the south and east in 3 separate military campaigns. Ivan personally introduced gunpowder to his army and worked with others on making Musvovy a gunpowder empire. His victory at Kazan was celebrated with the construction of St. Basil’s cathedral. Ivan is considered “terrible” much in the way Vladimir the Impaler and Arkan are. Some might even add Vladimir Vladimirovich to that… Read more »
I have a pass to get mad at the body positive fat stuff. I had a family member have a stroke from blood pressure from not eating well or get moving. It was ominous timing too because we were at lunch and she was thinking of going on a better diet like another family member. I was considering it too because I like not eating trash and it’s easier to keep nice meals together when you do it with someone else. I’m not fat either, but an ounce of prevention is worth 400 pounds of cure. Fat shaming would be… Read more »
Meet Joshua Bedford, the exception to the rule. You will not find Joshua Bedford living in a primary black neighborhood. He doesn’t want to live there and his “genius” (acting white) would be quickly snuffed out if he was living in the hood. I wonder how much he’s going to be able to create when he’s constantly being congratulated and having the red carpet rolled out for him. Nothing needs to be proven, he’s already in. He’s going to be rich, influential, and have all the white women/men he wants but he is not going to make any changes outside… Read more »
The Japanese atrocity stories are total horsecrap too. They literally claim that Nanking had 600,000 casualties even though thats the entire city population. How can you just blindly believe these bs stories after knowing about the Holohoax?
Asians are just nuts dude. They raped and murdered a bunch of Canadian nuns in Hong Kong, they gave no fucks.
On the “Monsanto posting”, as a former Libertarian and analyst, I would agree with your logic that what was being filtered in your direction via confirmation based programming…. EXCEPT i remember an endless barrage of anti-Monsanto virtue signaling at the time, and the VAST majority (iveoild guesstimate of 5000 friends, 500 were talking about Monsanto at some poiint) of those posting, well in the upper 80th percentile if not 90% and above were women… Of those women posting, it really seemed to be a phenomenon of crunchy virtue signaling cat ladies/dog mom’s but even more late 20s to early 40s… Read more »
Shit, I’ll white night for that Guyger girl, she didn’t commit murder she wasn’t just wanting to kill someone, she’s just a scared girl who shouldn’t have been a cop. Imagine a 14 year old doing this, i mean how agent is this woman really. She should have gotten manslaughter and lost her badge, perfectly solve the problem.
Apologies if someone already posted it or they find it later (haven’t finished the show), the video about black women and obesity is from @ProfessorCrunk, Brittney Cooper. The title is “Black Women OWN the Conversation.”
Damn, you right. LMAO. I confused Stacey Abrams and Brittney Cooper. Easy mistake to make.
Alternate show titles:
Nobody Beats the Icewhiz
A Certain Set of Sources
The Dawning of the Age of Jacquerious. (Save this one. I’m sure you can use it later.)
Damn it! Beat.
basically, everything that was done at U731 was ported over to the Germans. It’s actually Germaine to the convo.
The goddamn Germans got nothing to do with it!
Damnit! I miss good tv. Dukes of Hazzard, Kight Rider, The A-Team. There was some show about a helicopter pilot. Also, McNabb had a good point, as usual. Maybe veering off into Japanese history was too big a derailment? I dunno. But, I learned what U731 is, kinda.
Yeah, the Japanese did all these horrific human experiments which are 100% proven beyond a shadow of a doubt because the Soviets and Chinese tell me so.
I’m sorry Americans want to cope about how fighting the Japanese was justified somehow, but it wasn’t. If you don’t accept the Soviets telling you that all these death camps were gassing people coincidently on their side of the Iron Curtain, why would you believe them telling you the Japanese did this to Chinese.
Payday Monsanto complains about Monsanto. Based!
It’s a regular slice and you’re a faggot for calling it a cheese slice.
Jesus Christ, get a load of the schnozz silhouette at jewish wiki school
It’s a self-justificatory story.
Honestly, the wahmen cop didn’t look white to me. Looked Hispanic all day to me, but w/e.
She was fukin her Hispanic partner so F her?
Seriously, did you see her face, though?
“Can’t load link” … was this taken down already?
Apparently the interviewer is terrible and didn’t let the dindu “shine”. Which fair enough, sit the kid down with, I don’t know, an actual genius and see how it shakes out.
If you want to watch well fed blacks fight over food then YouTube: blacks, popeyes
This has to be my favorite black gun post.
Alternative show title: Haaretz Syndrome
I’m glad you guys did Holohoax shit today, I’m in a WW2 class at my university and my professor trots out all the shitty chew narratives you can imagine and all I can do is sit at the back and take it because I need the credit to graduate.
Good little goy
Don’t be a pussy
I had a guest Jewish Lesbian history professor who vacations at the Death Camps give us multiple two-hour lectures. People began crying when they saw the shoes behind glass, I raise my hand to add if that is making you cry just imagine having to eat and pass diamonds for years or being a boy who had to suck on a stone to survive dehydration for weeks at a time. The professor could not comment or debunk my claims (because that would invalidate the rest of the bizarre sob stories she told with no more evidence) and could only amplify… Read more »
Ask him why Churchill didn’t even bother mention the holocaust in his lengthy war memoirs.
This. Concern troll the whole class by taking the position that you occasionally find yourself in arguments with skeptics. Then you can push out some of the inconsistencies of the holocaust narrative while remaining safely on the side of a “believer”. Just be cautious not to use any of the common vernacular of deniers and you should be good.
Agree and Amplify is an hilarious strategy. Only adepts of the thing should try it, but, yeah. It works. Worked on mein own bruder.
“But, bruh, we only give so many Billions to Israel, why not everything. We should sell our houses tomorrow and donate them to the cause of the Chosen pepo.” You could see his Libertarian brain snap. There is a line, make them cross it.
“Ask him why Churchill didn’t even bother mention the holocaust in his lengthy war memoirs.”
Does Churchill mention why Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland but not the Soviet Union for doing the exact same thing?
Sale of bet to a white supremacist group results in to change to programming. My favorite onion clip
TRS should start a new show which is all about Holocaust revisionism! It would be an instant success!
We need a FTN nnnnndeep dive that concisely covers all the best arguments. This we could then send to our normie friends. Once you realize the ‘cost is a giant lie, the rest of the redpilling process comes naturally as easily.
Be the change you wanna see in the world. Just do holohoax show
German history shows that when a wooden door is around, no _ _ _ _ are harmed.
Uh… Mice! Mice! It’s definitely mice!
“Uh… Mice! Mice! It’s definitely mice!”
No, it’s clearly RATS!
I sincerely thought the speakers name was a typo at first blush. The ooga booga is quite strong with this one.
I am sufficiently excited for this product.
The vast majority of States and municipalities don’t require gun registration, it’s mostly a Hollywood meme.
Michigan law requires a ZOGTruppen-issued Permit and Registration Card with an included Thumbprint, for ALL (legal) handgun purchases. Including antiques and Blackpowder Reproductions.
What if…
504: A New 504rum
The issue shift that Jesse describes, where the media the Left stopped caring about certain issues like obesity or population growth, is a result of Obama as Radlib Messiah neutering the more Anti Global Gayplex and radical elements within the Amerian Left. Trump did much the same for a nascent White opposition to the system. Obama finished what Bill Clinton started and turned the Democrats into the party of Capitalism but with social justice characteristics. The revolution was televised and its forms were (((Rachel Maddow))) and the SportsCenter host turned radlib Keith Olbermann.
I know the video Mike tried to find. It was NOT Stacey Abrams, but she sure did look like her.
Abram’s gap tooth notwithstanding, the only thing different about their fat faces, is the difference in the epicanthal folds of their eyes.
We are in the Age of Jacquarius.
Fridays show should be A New Cope
Beat me to it
A N Rope
you son of a bitch you couldnt’ leave well enough alone
Honestly, it’s what you get for catering content to high time preference autists.
this show title is literally the only reason i’m doing this garbage meme
This is the Dawning of the Age of Jaquarius
The Age of Jaquarius!
FUUUUUCK you beat me to it
Either people hate this reference or they don’t know what we’re talking about.
When I’m tired, I’ve accidentally driven to my old house. Your body goes on autopilot and relies on muscle memory. Lack of sleep is a big deal.
why do blacks always have “community leaders” when they are talked about in the news? whens the last time a white guy did a dui and a community leader spoke for him in the press?
When you live in a White country, you don’t need a special advocate; the System is supposed to be yours. How do you have a White country without a System that works for us? (((Well)))…
Because they get money from government or NGOs and don’t have to work while telling white ppl what they want to hear
Oootabooga kill whitey |TEDex|
I’m gonna tell my husband Mike’s “you’re about to get fucked” pick up line and keep my fingers crossed he’ll use some ballsy shit like that on me.
I know I read more Hitler than Harry Potter
The corrector we need but don’t deserve.
I bet Amber Guyger got sick as hell of smelling weed EVERYWHERE when she walked outside. Probably did get a contact high and shot dude. I’m sure sick as hell of telling my 11 year old that smell is a damn SKUNK.
Boyz n tha Hood is hilarious, but John Singleton’s OTHER movie about da hood, BABY BOY, is fucking hilarious. Snoop Dogg’s lines in it are amazing, “FUCK yo fort, lil nigga! i aint yo daddy!”
are you trying to be the new Microsoft paperclip guy? “hey there i see you misrepresented the tenants of Hjalmar Schacht’s economic theories mind if i but in?”
Aw, man-I can’t download the mp3 and I can’t watch the video right now. Now I have to watch and/or listen to TDS with all the non-(paywall) chads…like a chump!
Oh, well: see you lads in the funny papers, I mean, comment section, later…
P.S.: Episode 504 should be something along the lines of Return of Mike’s Twitter Account, in keeping with recent Star Wars film title parodies.
Episode 504: “Return of the Forum”
Sven, blease.
Join the rest of us 504um refugees at forumDOTnobodyhastheDOTbiz.
Getting newscucked by a possible false flag German shooting
2 Legit 2 Nig
I post… therefore I am.
Here before hour one
How can you post if the post isn’t posted?
Posting pre-post post haste