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TDS is a non-topical podcast about Geopolitical think tank personnel.
- Say.ng
- Joshua Beckford, Black Autist Genius
- Fatal Wahman Oopsie
- Blacks are Not Starvin'
- Talking About the Obese Elephant in the Room
- Kurds the Cowardly ZOG
- Lackin' Registration Challenge
- The Merchant Minute
- Kosher Holocaust Revisionism
- Trusted Secondary Sources
- Auschwitz Health Plan
- Balanced and Zionist
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Yahoo commenters are based
Some people say that debunking these lies are boring, but it’s important. I really enjoyed it and would love a really detailed and thorough debunking of their lies, also you never know when it’s someone’s first show.
some more tragically unsung geniuses of color here
An examination spectacularly failed by all would-be professional surgeons from five universities in South Africa two weeks ago will now be written in an easier multiple-choice format to improve the pass rate:
“PeePee PooPoo in my BooBoo” (((in Woody Allen’s voice)))… could not stop laughing for ten minutes.
The Black with the open door who got shot was drunk at the time.
“Watcha doin’, Rabbi?” was one of the first comments posted, and it has been well received:
>not mentioning the spic-nig cycle
501 The Kvetching Jewess
502 Attack of the Cohens
503 Revenge of Gefilte Fish
503.9 RougeOven
504 A Nudda Hoax
505 The Empire Subs Blacked.
506 The Fern of the Rabbi
507 The Foreskin’s Taken
508 The Gassed Bibi
509 The Rise of RichWagner
I will keep posting this.
In what world would you let a black do brain surgery on you?! In what world??? I’d rather a literal monkey. A trained monkey. At least it wouldn’t have the racial animus. If some nappy headed dindu tried to draw my blood or something I’d be like, “Don’t fucking touch me n?.”
As for that white cop, I’d have pardoned her, but 10 years isn’t that bad. Accidents happen. Get over it.
My 4 year old has been disobedient lately. I was thinking we could purchase a baby lamb from a local farm, then let the kids play with it for a couple weeks and become attached to it, then torture it to death in front of them as a substitutionary atonement for their sins. It would be a strong reinforcement of good Christian morality.
“balanced and zionist in nature”
somewhat rarer private footage for anyone interested
Unfortunately since it’s in German I can’t understand what lies those ZOG approved “historians” are telling.
nice collection
LOL! That’s just the photo on Codoh advertising the set.
Good show. I always enjoy TDS. I want you guys to know that my girlfriend went from liberal when I met her, to 88 in 6 months. With that being said women should not be cops. We all know it but for now seeing as we have weak female cops, let us laugh at clown world. Hahahaha, destruction of my society hahahahaha, marginalization of my people hahahaha. Perversion pushed in pop-culture hahahaha. Hahahahahaha. …. its all fun games untill it is not. I just want to let my white brothers know, I love you all. We will get through this… Read more »
Please review “Jojo Rabbit” trailers.
Not the movie, just the trailer (like Joker).
I’m a bit late listening to Wednesday’s show, but that riff about the Poles acting like jews by editing wikipedia, that would’ve been a great place to drop the “Am I an extra crispy boy?” sound clip.
Edit to add: I won’t stop commenting until “Am I am extra crispy boy?” makes its glorious return.
Starts at 1:03 but the whole thing is Extra Crispy.
Greedy _ Landlords is the drop after the Jewish Wikipedia Editing Force gets their hands on it.
more like Benevolent Home-sharers
Josef Mengele was never actually convicted of anything so his family should sue for libel
Suggestion for a drop that may seem a bit on the nose. You should find the clip from Seinfeld when jerry finds out Elaine was faking her orgasms. At one point she goes “fake, fake, fake.” As Xers, I’m sure you instantly know what scene I’m talking about. Just a suggestion
Here ya go…
Return Of The Jihadi
The Empire Smells Black
The Phantom Nebbish
>>> Attack Of The Cohens <<<<
The Foreskin Awakens
Tony Hayer's Festive TV Guide 2015 ,
Morgoth's Review
Would you guys stop getting hung up on “repeating content”? Repeat it if it’s worthy. you never know who is new or who missed a show.
I tried to edit Wikipedia recently for the first time ever and something popped up (before I typed a word) saying my editing privileges were suspended for 2 years for abuse.
There was this Wikipedia article for this quack jew doctor – can’t remember his name but he had something to do with bullshit magnetic cure-all boxes or something like that. In the opening sentence of his Wikipedia entry it described him as a jewish doctor so I would edit the page and add the word ‘covetous’. My first edit stayed up from almost 2 weeks. Soon it was reverted so I again added the covetous jew part. After a few back and forths the wiki admins locked the page. I don’t see what the big deal was. He was practicing… Read more »
I called my buddy who knew Botham …he didn’t smoke weed …..he was basically a nerdy accountant….way religious…read his bible every day….As for Amber…His brother said he wouldn’t want her to go to jail…
TDS 504 – A New Cope
Moving stuff
“Be alt-right”
In my defence I did this before I read the comments.
A Jew Cope*
I can’t get enough revisionism. These are ALWAYS the best episodes.
That’s amazing. So according to these black women, stress has a bigger role on metabolism than caloric intake or exercise. The thing that I’m finding is the left will use “studies” to back up their allegations- the thing is, these “studies” are nothing more than surveys of loaded questions graded on a Likert scale. If you ask blacks about how much oppression they face, they’re going to go balls to the wall on every answer and it will be stated as fact. Same if you ask them how much they pray, go to church, engage with neighbors regularly, etc. They… Read more »
Is this the fat black woman Mike is talking about?
TDS504:Episode Not Found
That would be 404, 504 is a gateway timeout error.
I feel ashamed for not having realized that sooner..
“He should be with his own people getting shot by them”—Sven. That was a good line right there:D
Interesting how she asks him to count to 10 in Japanese and he barely makes it through. She asks him why he likes to study and he says, “It’s fun, you learn stuff, its really fun, it helps you experience your journey”. His Philosophy “test” was him being asked to write his opinion on philosophy, on which he received 5/5 marks. Wow! If it weren’t for the system of oppressive whiteness he surely would have received 6/5 or even 7/5! Every retard in the comments is scolding the interviewer for talking to him like a child, but come on, you… Read more »
I cant wait to see this new show on the CW!!
I would have asked her if the souls of her feet were also white, and can we see them, without listening to a single word she said. DANG is she black. That B is oil black.
No one makes chink slop better than Benny Won Ton’s!
Chink Slop would be a Superb Asian crustcore band name.
I hope y’all had a nice Yom Kippur. Just a reminder that the Jews just recited the Kol Nidre, which gives them a free pass to lie (like Mike) for the next year. Kol Nidrei, the prayer which ushers in the holy day of Yom Kippur, is perhaps the most famous one in our liturgy. Ironically, it is not really a prayer at all, but rather a statement. A statement that deals with promises, vows and other sorts of verbal commitments commonly made in the course of the year. The Torah places strict demands on keeping one’s word, and not… Read more »
Imagine Christians or Vikings just straight up telling you they are gonna lie and that their God lets them. Nahgunnahappen.
More evidence that the “Judeo” bullshit needs to be removed from Christian ethics. It’s not divine and holy to parasite and feed off victims that you make willing, just because you can. If you steal from someone because you consider them a fool, it still makes you an underhanded thief. The somersaults they go through to deceive their own God is telling. If they’re willing to lie and be unfaithful to an omnipotent God, where do you think that puts you and me?
why can t I log on my account from my iPhone ??? most days i listen in my truck But many times cant log in ?? So i end up on Nickers Youtube>>
The keyboard irregular characters are in different places on most phone “keyboards.” That might be it? Just guessing, I just go with “Password” or something clever like “Runner4567”
use Brave if you’re not already
I finally switched after someone advised to on a podcast recently. I had zero problems downloading and installing it, it even added all my bookmarks and any excuses I had for staying with the old spyware. I haven’t missed a single thing since I switched, my only regret is not doing it sooner.
“Japanese were the bad guys in WW2”
Okay, Mike, you crossed the line for not only me but my IJN Aircraft Carrier waifu body pillow.
Kaga and I expect a full apology.
Holy sh+t part 2 starting @ about 1:40.00, haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Thanks lads.
I have some friends that were friends with Botham that live in Dallas; he was a real good guy. His brother is awesome; is a legit wholesome person. I meet Botham once at a church retreat a long time ago.
Of course his racial group wants to make hay out of this!
Anyway…this whole situation sucks! Glad the brother shot down …but blacks are terrible as a group
Bernie Mac’s cop scene from “Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the hood” still cracks me up. “I hate your black skin, I hate your black pants, I HATE BLACK PEPPA!”
Racist Black Cop
I first learned about CIA gay ops and all that shit from /leftypol/. How far they have fallen.
I have a Webster’s Dictionary from 1964 and for Holocaust it says a burnt offering and something else about fire but nothing about ever important 6 mil
It didn’t become real in their minds until the early-mid ’70’s…
I found one from 1995 and it said the same as 64 but if you Google Webster Dictionary Holocaust it has the Jewish Genocide by the Nazis as a definition
Not sure what’s in the newest print version.
One of the RAF bombers that reluctantly followed orders in the bombing of innocent women, elderly, war-refugees and children in Dresden used the word Holocaust to describe it in the 40’s. Imagine the nose-tribe seeing that and getting some ideas….?
Holocaust, doesn’t that mean burnt offering? So, yeah, what the “Allies” did to a population of 2.5 million civilians. Literally bombing the sh+t out of residences until the pavement melted and leaving most of the so-called targets (i.e. train stations and communication hubs) much less damaged, if at all.
Dresden was an actual holocaust, no Hollywood movies come to mind.
I’ve heard old definitions used to be along the lines of:
antisemitism: someone who hates jews more than is the usual amount.
This implies that it was usual for the average person to dislike jews to some degree. It was understood that they were dishonest and scheming characters with hidden agendas.
“An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.” ~Joe Sobran