Ethnarch & Jesse will be live for your Afternoon Drive at Five Mountain Time tonight at 7pm Eastern. Call in at (((936)))666-1488.
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Iron Maiden: Phantom of the Opera (Live) (Women in Uniform B Side)
Ne Obliviscaris: Pyrrhic
Siousxie & The Banshees: Spellbound (live)
The Cult: She Sells Sanctuary
New Order: Bizarre Love Triangle
“we are the advanced research department of the human species”
I think that’s was Ben Klassen’s point. I highly recommend this book. I’m not sure you’d call it a religion
exactly but it has a LOT of good stuff!
Imagine ironically watching Star Wars while calling the new Joker capeshit. Svenpai pls 🙁
I was homeschooled until highschool age. Shit was cash but my mom micromanaged the shit out of me unlike most every other homeschoolers I knew. Please don’t do that to your kids
How do you move the time forward on this thing??
Download the file.
21:00 I think the word he was looking for was procrastinate.
how do you even skip to a specific time
Mother fucker downloads and comes back to post, classic TRS audience tbhf
Almost called in but then realized I had no prep either.
Well, here is my research list:
Sabbatean Frankists
Sabbatai Zevi, Redemption through Sin
Judge Brandeis
Jehovah’s Witnesses- NWO
Erasing all memory of the past
Chabad Lubavich
Kalergi Plan
Marrano jews
If any of that gets you going feel free to use it.
Also, loved the She Sells Sanctuary before the show. Never knew the name of that song.
The problem isnt peak oil it is peak africans.
Ha, Sven said the same thing just after I typed this. Seriously, all the gloom and doom about climate change is predicated on Africa adding 5+ Bn in the next 40 years. If this did not happen for some reason, there would not be a problem. I’m hoping the Chinese will deal with it.
The Chinese will deal with it by sending it to us.
Do a kampfy stream with Jim.
Sven, you should go on the Killstream, just make sure Randbot2020 is co-hosting if you do.
THAT would be fucking great
I believe Ralph has said he’d love to get you on, you should contact him about it.
I agree with you guys on the homeschooling stuff, I am from a religion that has that infrastructure and it works when you have families working together. I just think it sucks we constantly have to run away, rebuild our civilisations, then we have created a town, territory, civilisation worth having these rootless f***ers rock up throw all the virtues and vices in the air and we have to run off and do it again. I would rather we could just access the intergenerational institutions our ancestors left us.
An Amish? That uses a computer? You must be a community elder
Little Feat?
Dude IS a boomer!
New order is the last stand of emotional white identity
We need to go back
Boinie could have won in 2016, but he cucked to Hillary immediately. “Nobody cares about your rampant corruption (emails)” comment was epically stupid. Trump pulled no punches. That’s the way you win. When those BLM sheboons forced him off the stage I knew he didn’t have what it takes.
It takes SA with Sam Browne belts
White Girl X
Bizarre Love Hexagram
Rise above
Love the cult
Gun Club go get Ivy! Tex and the Horseheads
she sells sanctuary down by the sea shore
Rime of the ancient meatball marinara
Thanks for the Siouxsie
Public school is child abuse. Say that to young white couples. Mantras are useful if they are short and biting. We need to appeal to people emotionally, present them a moral right and wrong.
Not gonna attempt the calling lottery tonight, but I’d love to hear talk on making more of our own media, possible medium being some kinda comic series or something of that sort. Anorher thing to discuss its how to put in the message without running off the uninitiated.
Sven, listen to cryptopsy-none so vile,…it’s imperative
I’ve tried.
I will try again.
Lol it’s either love it or hate I guess, anyway how bout Bathory?
Lord Worm 4ever
Cattle Decapitation is the only grind band I like, they do it tastefully. It’s also maximum blackpill ecodoom-posting. Recommended.
\m/ Ethnarc!
PredictIt (the largest prediction market – real people risk real $ there) gives Trump a 68% chance of being impeached by the House. But only a 21% chance of being impeached by the Senate.
That said, the bettors seem to lean center-left (think: 538 readers who “fucking love” statistics) and I’d downgrade each of those by a few % points. Still a very real possibility and not a gay op
The State are the ones pointing rifles at people protesting trannies.
It’s actually pretty nice not caring how impeachment turns out anymore, if this was a year ago I’d be getting into shoutfests with friends and family over it
TradLyf sounding remarkably coherent tonight, good on you mmbud
Facade by Mossad™️
Some help here: What is the name of the white guy who the FBI or CIA recently tried to coax into committing a violent act? The guy’s parents found the agent hanging around the house and told him to stop bugging their son?
FTN was super bleak on impeachment.
The Bleak Pill.
it is unironically my drive time.
Your original music is awesome too, Svenpai. If you’re tired of doing parodies, do more stuff like #2 Diamond.
Spooked is still my fave of svenpai’s originals
Sven suffers for his art. It’s worth it.
Hi goys, can you comment on the widespread movement to eliminate cash bail?
Anyday the show will start
It’s figh o clock and the lifts are happening, please don’t kill me like ya almost did last show with the “I have no father” joke
Don’t sell yourself short, goy. Change it to Knowbody and Dr. No-body.
Sven might think his songs are cringe but to me they’re the best satirical songs of the current year. It’s the Clown World Century soundtrack.
I was singing “Jews Subvert” to myself the other day. So it’s not just his old stuff. Keep pumping out the parodies Jesse!
Clown World Exhibit A: Epstein Egg-Shaped Penile Abnormality Police Interview
We lose the moment we stop being funny.
White nationalism is a ship, let’s say the U-1488, and half the torpedo tubes are loaded with subversive humor.
this is absolutely correct
I can’t get the lyrics of “Some Kayaks” out of my head. Also Summer of 88 and Dual Citizen. Also Ursury Dance is hilarious. he’ll they’re all good.
C.A.R is super underrated and bops.
Don’t forget The Asians and OOSHTBHFAM
In addition to them being funny, I really appreciate the attention to detail in replicating the instrumentals and mix. I often end up liking the sound of the parody song more than the original.
If only Bauhaus knew!????
I wish there was a way to get the TRS radio as a plug in, i fucking love the parodys
There are a lot of tracks on Soundcloud.
I fucking love When’s covers ! Never stop. Seriously, I was feeling down, and then “Everybody Wants An N Word Pass” came on, and I instantly felt better.
Ok, this is epic.
The firsting guys tend to stay around this area
So *that’s* what the F in F5 stands for
Fist Force Fi