My funny effortpost for the year: The govt tried to force me to give up my newborn’s dna recently (for testing,) but they also sell it and keep it on file forever. So, bc I didn’t want to do that I found out there’s a religious exemption for it. The health department negress came to the door w her claws out, ready to refute my claim that Christianity wouldn’t allow it. So the little devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear and I said “well, ma’am, I am Juuuish. My rabbi and my husband would be very upset.” She… Read more »
I tried to read a bit to see what’s so bugman about it, so I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled, and holy shit this fag is still going on about a movie. I didn’t read anything, just kept scrolling. The skin on my thumb started to rub raw before I finally reached the end.
October 2, 2019 12:18 pm
The comment system didn’t appreciate my episode 14 joke.
Yarvin’s back. Not taking his Queer Pill. GloboHomo isn’t a 4-stroke engine. It’s a hundred strokes and then a poz load in your ass engine. I’m sure his future essays will wreak of *I’m too smart to take a side” and “here’s why all your political systems suck, but Urbit instead.”
Bandwagon White Boy
October 2, 2019 11:59 am
F500 Gang
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
October 2, 2019 11:54 am
500! Boom!
Biff McUltra
October 2, 2019 11:35 am
Excited for TeDiouS 500. Also, “Oktoberfist” would make a great band name, especially if you add an umlaut or two.
Get excited for episode 111110100 0x1F4.
Black Messiah:
My funny effortpost for the year: The govt tried to force me to give up my newborn’s dna recently (for testing,) but they also sell it and keep it on file forever. So, bc I didn’t want to do that I found out there’s a religious exemption for it. The health department negress came to the door w her claws out, ready to refute my claim that Christianity wouldn’t allow it. So the little devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear and I said “well, ma’am, I am Juuuish. My rabbi and my husband would be very upset.” She… Read more »
Episode 500!!!
Fuck yeeesssss
If your still interested in bugman stuff:
Holy shit.
I tried to read a bit to see what’s so bugman about it, so I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled, and holy shit this fag is still going on about a movie. I didn’t read anything, just kept scrolling. The skin on my thumb started to rub raw before I finally reached the end.
The comment system didn’t appreciate my episode 14 joke.
No religious schools for you goyim but of course the Jews can have them
No Richard Spencer special guest?
It’s episode 500, not episode 50…
Yarvin’s back. Not taking his Queer Pill. GloboHomo isn’t a 4-stroke engine. It’s a hundred strokes and then a poz load in your ass engine. I’m sure his future essays will wreak of *I’m too smart to take a side” and “here’s why all your political systems suck, but Urbit instead.”
F500 Gang
500! Boom!
Excited for TeDiouS 500. Also, “Oktoberfist” would make a great band name, especially if you add an umlaut or two.
Bernie Sanders crab rave
We need a betting pool of who goes first Bernie or Ginsberg
Bernie hospitalized for heart surgery. Needs stents to keep his heart from clogging up and exploding
That’s probably some excuse to get him out of the Dem primaries w/o looking like ass hats like they did in 2016.
That old bitch is already looong gone.
3DPrinterGuy-Don’t leave out Uncle Joe Biden. He’s got one foot in the grave as well!