McFeels & ethnarch discuss the Kristolization of Mooch, Why Now?, Economy Down the Tubes, Xi's Waiting Game, Killing GE, Epstein Update, & Israel vs. the Squad.
If it's Sunday, it's Fash the Nation!
h/t to Frontierland for this weekend's lovingly rendered cover art:
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Kristolization of Mooch
00:34:00 - Motive and Opportunity
00:50:00 - NRA Woes
01:06:00 - End of First Half
01:07:00 - Schadenfreude Suppository
01:18:00 - Down the Tubes
01:25:00 - Xi's Waiting Game
01:53:00 - Killing GE
02:09:00 - Epstein Update
02:22:00 - Israel vs. Squad
02:21:00 - End of Second Half