In the first Sunday FTN of 2019, McFeels and Halberstram take a moment to review the progress made in 2018 before issuing a call to action for the fight that began in 2018 and has carried over into the current year. After succeeding at closing down the government a few days before Christmas, it is a fight that we must all see through to fruition - as long as it takes. Then it's on to the Democratic House's first big day out on Friday, single-payer showdown, H.R. 1 teaser, and bobbing for donors in the 2020 Democratic primary fight. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
h/t to Apache for this week's cover art:
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White House:
Phone: (202)-456-1111
Email: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
Mitch McConnell:
DC: (202)-224-2541
Lexington: (606)-864-2026
Additional phone numbers: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/officelocations
Kevin McCarthy:
DC: (202) 225-2915
Additional phone numbers: https://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/contact/offices
Lindsay Graham:
DC: (202) 224-5972
Additional phone numbers: https://www.lgraham.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/office-locations
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Intro/Announcements
00:05:00 - 2018 White Pill Suppository
00:55:00 - Call to Action
01:20:00 - Europa Report
01:26:00 - Yellow Vest Reprisal
01:30:00 - Free Traders on Suicide Watch
01:32:00 - Dem Fireworks
01:47:00 - Single-Payer Showdown
01:57:00 - Chosen Congress
02:04:00 - H.R. 1
02:10:00 - Bobbing for Donors
02:25:00 - Outro