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John Q Publius fills in for an absent Striker as he and Borzoi discuss the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty with Dave Gahary and Phil Tourney, the latter of whom survived the attack
Erasing the Liberty (The Book): http://www.erasingtheliberty.com/
USS Liberty Movie: http://usslibertymovie.com/
Donations: https://streamlabs.com/borzoiboskovic
Borzoi Twitter: http://twitter.com/Borzoopers
Striker Gab: https://gab.com/Eric_Striker
John Q Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnatomicallyOK
People's Square RSS Feed: https://media.zencast.fm/the-people-s-square/rss
Art credit to ComfyTV: https://www.youtube.com/user/KindlersThrift?fbclid=IwAR11Zyz3t04GlDb0KaHvmwUi6aCC-2cnph4xErRvj--msbZdCAGsJ4mDwMg